Superstore Returns - Tablo, connecting to the superstar data is an Excel file PDF

Title Superstore Returns - Tablo, connecting to the superstar data is an Excel file
Course Communication and Ethics in Data Analysis
Institution Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
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Tablo, connecting to the superstar data is an Excel file...


BUAN 302 Superstore Returns Hello, everyone. Today, we are going to work with Tablo, actually, I have Tablo public public, but you're supposed to have Tablo student version most possibly before here and played around with different data sets. But today we are going to work with the superstar data set, which you ordered before, and ask for some different business questions about sales. Let's say today you are the quality control manager for the business who is working for this superstore chain and reporting to the quality control manager as it as it is in sales. So first thing first the the data, connect the data and here I am connecting to the superstar data is an Excel file and I see three tables here. The orders table people table and returns table. The main table is orders. Orders has the information about the orders. That's how it has the ID numbers of orders. So let's say each of them is your receipt. As a customer, so one receipt is one row and columns are categories of products you bought when you bought where you bought, who was the manager and what was the product and profit item. So in this assignment, we are going to look for look to the returns. So let's join the return table to when I just click and drag it as the just brings it and. Asked me to join it because return table has these two columns and order table had a lot of competition just so we don't have too many chances and order ID is the right place. So this joint is the same SQL and all other languages. It's just easier how how we are going to join in over here and order ID is the right answer. So returns. If we have returns, we can bring other people think I can bring it here to join it, but what we will say is there is nothing to join between returns, the people's, people, its people and region. I think these are the managers have has the information on that and it's not the same in return. So that's why I need to join it to the table normally to make sense. So when I call it, it has regions that you can join and then the names of people let's change from. Keep region because it has the region manager's information. So here we have our data ready. Let's go jump to our sheet to see what we're going to do, how we're going to answer this question. So the first question, what are the most return products by categories of products, by categories. So return. First, we all need to return items, we are working for the quality manager, so return let's drag it to the filter because we are going to need the return products, then I would possibly need the most returned products. Or drag this, let's drag order I.D., but we need the the number or drag this, this number or drag these I like it more than the Y-axis, than X axis, so I pulled it to here, Y-axis, the counts, and it is asking me the product category, so let's who take the category and have it to our addresses. OK, let's sort of first sort it in which order. Field orders, order ID accounts. Descending, here you go, the most returned products are from office supplies and furniture and then technology. Actually, I'm curious to add also it wouldn't hurt to have the profits, so let's drag and drop the profits, some of the profits. And it's also showing us how much profit I make by those sales and the number of return products. We will analyze it later. But there are interesting information on on someone's like furniture. I have one hundred and thirty six meters and I also didn't make a lot of money. But technology, I have one hundred and

twenty three meters less, but I made a lot of money. This gives me some clue on to focus different things on office supplies. Again, I had a lot of returns, but I made a lot of money too. So I'll specifically focus on those. And as a manager, possibly a quality control manager who would understand the deeper of it to which products to focus. So next one next question is, I will just I would just take a screenshot of this one. And it is the first diagram and would explain it in a couple of words. What's going on over here? Um, the next question is, what are the most return products? By names for the product names, y count on the product, product names rather than category, any product name. Product names here. So let's take it very carefully where it is, and if I just put it on, it will replace it. So it says the field being added may contain as many as a lot of a lot of products. So it will add all the return products. That's fine. We have a lot of products by name and then you can sort it by again field and then count of categories, count of actually count of I.D. cards, right, count product I.D. is sending. OK, so I have now sorted it, OK, I adjustable high table. It is I have questions on this because I have four returns and the loss one hundred and ten out of this, the other one is stable, up with loss that much? He made some seven dollars, but there are four returns. So by the names of these, I can I can hold it. But here it's asking me the the product names by account or name. So I need the states, so I need the states here. Let me take the state. And then have it here now. Oh, wait a minute, so I need the statements, too, and it's better to have it on the map, right. Let's try to see if it's going to give us on the map. It's giving me a multiple of them because I don't need made here. I just need the. States, so I have the states it's showing me. By profits and by return numbers. Number of returns, how many how many of them has been returned and how many of them? So it can be analyzed, each can be putting them to colors by the counts or by profits, so the colors are on on the order numbers number or so. California has a lot of returns. Washington has a lot of returns. New York has a lot of returns. Texas as a lot of returns in the bigger states, that's normal. But let's also see by rather than seeing them by numbers, I want to see by profitability. So now it shows me the profits. I'm losing a lot of money at Texas, Ohio, Colorado, Oregon and Arizona. California had a lot of returns, but I see that it is also doing like I'm making good money out of there and I still if I still want the number of returns, I can. Take it to the. Tooltip and can't count them, so I have one hundred and twenty seven returns, California and I need 11 three one one. I lost four thousand dollars of my four thousand four one eight at Texas, and I have on 17 liters, maybe I can just this small operation, I can solve this because it's just 17 products returns. If it's if the profit loss is only because of the repairs, that's another business question. But here they're analyzing the returns. So I can take another screenshot over here and put it put it to the put it to the second figure in the segment. So the next one is, oh, what are the most recent products by profit? I mean, what are what are the most return products like profit, loss. So for I don't need the table anymore, so I need the name of the products, what are the name of the the product by profit loss? So profit loss. I need proper. Here on Y-axis, and then I need the product names. Then I started by profits. Profits and sending, so here we go. This is an interesting this, this tiger has interesting findings because I would speak with the manager and then manager will talk to the product

owners or categories or owners about these products and they will tell them that. So, for example, this Cisco nine nine seven one IP video to. Has with this one I am losing about. Three thousand seven hundred two, sorry, and. And it's just one product, so we can figure this out and maybe prevent that loss over the next time and the next time. So this one happened in Texas, another product. So if I take the another product, she's got nine nine seven. Oh, this one is GBC to combine. The second one is Cisco nine nine seven one. And then that the third one is thermal transfer printer, so it also shows me the categories. Let me let me have the categories of the products that were also in the toilet. That gives me some clue. Office supplies, technology, technology, furniture, furniture, technology. Richard, so on and with this chart, I can zoom in, actually, I can put the category two colors and. Group them and talk to those category managers specifically about these returns and so on. So these are all possible business questions. You can also add that for this assignment, I want to get a screenshot of these figures and explain what kind of business findings you can have. Thank you....

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