Supporting Change- Module 8 NEW PDF

Title Supporting Change- Module 8 NEW
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course work on supporting, driving and executing change within an organisation...


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ALL BAR ONE is a restaurant and pub, I worked with the branch located at Canary Wharf, London. They provide impeccable services to well over 500 customers daily across residents and workers in the area and city at large, Shortly before I left them, they encountered an economic downturn that affected sales and profit which was as a result of the Internal and external forces.

Management carried out some ENVIROMENTAL SCANNING, which is the monitoring of organization's internal and external environments for early signs that a change may most likely be needed. The SWOT ANALYSIS approach was used to detect the inefficiencies while the PESTLE approach was used to analyze the external factors.

S W O T A N A L Y S I S:

* S E R V I C E D E L V E R Y: Management introduced a new way of prompt service delivery , which was installing self checkout machines in strategic places in the restaurant to take orders directly from customers and to notify them when it is ready as a way of implementing and supporting change in the organization.

* N E W M A N A G E M E N T/ S T R U C T U R E: Management realized it was imperative to refurbish their leadership style by introducing a fast track process whereby staff can approach management directly with their ideas by passing longwinded procedures, also creating suggestion boxes for all staff members to bring forward ideas without fear of reprisal to contribute towards growth.

* C U L T U R E: is about the way things are done & brand perception. therefore a number of changes were introduced like a more smart casual staff uniform to promote a relaxed & social environment, Latin details and embroidery were used for decorations and background music changed from just latin music to a more

diverse playlist to reflect a more dynamic environment thereby rebranding the business. PESTLE APPROACH Customer competition: Management had to revamp their business by developing a plan that portrayed them as the best in

the industry. They introduced happy hour times from Wednesdays through Fridays, 2 for 1 sales, free meals for kids in a family that come in to eat during holidays. This innovation made them stand out leading to increased customer base.

Market Changes: this tends to affect businesses , factors such as the £ currency is a major concern as fluctuations in the volatility of the currency can affect the profit growth in an organization as it will also affect demand.

Technology: New technology and equipment were introduced, like the use of Ipads and earphones to portray and aid a well organized environment on smooth delivery on products and services to boost productivity.

QUESTION 2 Improved Employee Attitudes & Morale: Some employees were excited and looking forward to the activities involved and also anticipating to learn new trends. The change impacted on working practices as some employees were given part time, shorter and temporary contracts to allow the organization to respond quicker to execute changes in the environment.

Increased Business Efficiency. The food buzzer was introduced whereby upon an order being made, customers receive a buzzer. it buzzes when their order is ready for collection and also to alert dinning in customers that their menu is about to be served, making services more organized and efficient, which leads to less disgruntled customers.

Encouraging Business Innovation: Employees were encouraged to be creative and managers were advised to not be too hard and critical on them when they go wrong, as this would hold them back on making suggestions that could potentially contribute to the growth of the organization. Management doors were also open to welcome feedbacks from employee and to let them know their ideas are always valued.


The main factors involved in the change process are as follows:

* Effective communication: it is imperative for management to communicate effectively with employees, customers, suppliers and other key stake holders in order to achieve change within the organization. Management had a few general

meetings with employees to discuss the change process, as well as sending emails and Memos as reminders to notify customers (internal & external) of the proposed change. This propagated a hitch free process as everyone was carried along.

* Management Leadership: Strong and devoted leadership is paramount as well as assembling a team of leaders to ensure the process goes successful. An external consultant together with management were fully involved in the planning, supervision and group performance of the change process. They focused more on tasks, attempting to meet material and psychological needs of employees in exchange for desired services or behavior.

* Having a Transformational Leadership Style: Management had to exhibit appropriate leadership styles that influenced and ultimately changed the behaviors of employees, and the organization at large through inspirational motivation, instilling confidence in them and attending to their psychological and emotional needs to convince them on the need to change the statusquo.

* Employee Engagement and Participation: Employees were hands on with passing across the decision about change to customers that walk in without the knowledge of what is happening, tasks like re-arranging floor furniture as well as back of house equipments were designated amongst employees. Employees also assisted in decorations. If employees are not active or willing participants in the process, the change project will not succeed.

QUESTION 4 We have the: Kurt Lewin(1951) Approach, Kotter's 8 steps (1996) approach and Harris's 5phases.

The Kurt Lewin approach focuses more on the psychological aspects of behaviour modification breaking it down to 3 stages.

The Kotter's 8 steps approach:basically developed 8 steps plan that an organisation must follow to amplify its ability to effectively execute any change policy.

The Harris 5 phase Approach: Harris's approach maintains that the 5 stages come in chronological order.

All three approaches focus on the application of knowledge of behavioral science, involving members of the organization in the process of change to varying degrees. In all three models it starts to identify the problem at the beginning and starts to rectify and implement the change.

In comparing and contrasting, Lewin’s model is rational, goal and plan oriented. It makes rational sense because it takes into account both external and internal environmental conditions.

Harris’s model is a simple model that can be used to guide the principles that underlie effective interventions for change in the individual levels and groups.

I think that kotters Model is the best choice because it fully prepares the employees of the organization before the vision is even created, which means that the actual transition (change process) will be much easier in the long run.


Change and Resistance are globally perceived as negative or sometimes positive forces. Having stated this, there were certain behavioral responses that employees demonstrated during the change process, some were positive, some negative and some neutral. Some demonstrated immediate Acceptance basking in the excitement of new ideas coming into place and also looked forward to the activities involved in the change process which is a positive response.

On the other hand some had negative emotions and responses like: doubt, rejection, fear, mistrust and scepticism because they didn't know what the outcome of the change will be for them. However I am going to list3 different behavioural responses that were obvious from employees.

A) Acceptance (Positive)

This response is a bit of mixed emotions (positive/negative) as its mostly common with employees who are used to change, they can't be bothered to react, they just accept the fate that change is happening.

B)Fear (Negative)

This response was obvious, some of them thought that was the end for them because of the fear of the unknown, and also they not being able to cope with new trends (Change) been introduced as well as the fear of job security.

C) Cynicism: Some employees also thought the change would never happen but showed concern by listening to the brief down just for the records, but never believed the change would make a positive impact. However, these emotions and concerns displayed at the individual level were also demonstrated at the team level, department level and at Organisation level, as a change in an organisation can often mean a restructuring, which can result in a composition of teams being changed. Same goes to the department level as there will be concerns about working Relationships if restructured. It is a much bigger issue at the organisational level because the changes are big and evident.


Three ways in which HR supported individuals during the organisational change are as follows:

Understanding the Reasons For Change:

It is inevitable that employees would need further clarification about the change process, hence the HR Practitioner must be informed and also understand the end goal so that the right answers and advice can be given. The HR practitioner could also direct queries he/she cannot answer to the right person.

Complying with the Law:

There are usually employment legislations in the process of change. It is the responsibility of the HR practitioners to advise and guide senior management about this change, they must ensure that the law is followed.

Being Positive About change:

It is important for the HR practitioner to be aware that people look up to them, people look to see how HR department reacts, therefore it is imperative to ROLE MODEL a positive attitude to other employees, staying positive while conversing with

employees about the change, and to emphasise the positive outcome of the change and need for the organisation to progress forward.


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