Module-8-CNA - Read PDF

Title Module-8-CNA - Read
Course Financial Accounting
Institution Cavite State University
Pages 11
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Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1.define the community needs assessment; 2.identify the importance of community needs assessment; 3.discuss the methods in collecting data for community needs assessments; and 4.explain the steps in conducting needs assessment.






Attendance Survey activity

40% 60% 100%



Definition of community needs assessments Importance of community needs assessments Methods in collecting data for community needs assessments Steps in conducting needs assessment

Time Allotment


3 hours

Concept of Community Needs Assessment Needs assessment, social analysis or community diagnosis as others refer to, is a concrete base for the formulation of programs. It reflects the sentiments, needs, aspirations and recommendations of the community people. When it is done properly, it will reflect also the trainees’ feeling of oneness with the community. They begin to see that the people’s problems also reflect their own. Needs assessment becomes significant when it is conducted through integration with the people. Our analysis and assessment should be done with the people. Hence, it does be genuinely pro-people. Analysis of social situation becomes meaningful if it is used as an instrument for conscientization. Those immersing in the community must not just make the people realize their issues but also make them to act on it. Their realization of the problems should help make the community realize the relation between their local condition and situation of other communities around them. It is important that the people realize that they can do something to change their situation for the better. Assessing the needs of the community is a prelude to effective program offered to clients. This will ensure solutions to problems, issues and concerns of the people in the locality. Community Needs Assessment Defined It is the process wherein problems, issues and concerns of the community are identified through the use of several tools for assessment. It encourages the participation of the community, as they are the stakeholders, to the findings in the assessment. Importance of Needs Assessment 1. Gather information about citizens’ attitudes and options in order of importance. 2. Determine how citizens rank issues, problems and opportunities in order of importance or urgency. 3. Give citizens a voice in determining policies, goals and priorities. 4. Evaluate current programs and policies. 5. Provide speculations about what people are thinking. 6. Provide speculations about what people really want. Information to be included in Assessing Community Needs 1. Historical Development Refers to data on how the community became what it is today and provides insights into the kind of resources to collect and weed. 2. Geographical and Transportation Information It includes information on the community’s patterns and population contributions. 3. Political and Legal Functions It includes strategies for community-based selection [or this may include strategies that community uses for selecting players in the political sphere]. 4. Demographic Data It includes data on age characteristics, size, race, and transience of population.

5. Economic Data It refers to the economic base, social, cultural, educational, recreational organizations. This includes the values and social pattern. Methods in Collecting Data for Community Needs Assessment 1. Focused Group Discussion (FGD) with Key informants The key informants of the community are people who hold socially responsible positions such as educators, public officials, clergy and business representatives or those who are active in community events. These are people who can provide good information that will guide and give you better understanding on historical issues needed by the community. 2. Community Forum/Assembly This involves holding of group events that may include the entire community. It gives visibility to the leaders and raises the status of the community but it requires lots of planning and publicity. This meeting can be a venue where people can express their needs and be immediately validated by the rest of the attendees. Participatory action research effectively uses this method. 3. Public Records Public records like national census will provide data for social and demographic indicators of the community. Data include are age, gender, educational level, locality, etc. that tend to contribute to library use. 4. Survey Survey and questionnaires involve asking individuals in the community about their everyday needs. This can be implemented through the following: a. Mailing questionnaires to randomly selected members of the community; b. Performing telephone survey; c. Handing out surveys while people are in an assembly; and d. Posting questionnaires on your public access computer catalog “An example of this is the Minimum Basic Needs (MBN) Form of the DSWD”. Steps in Conducting Needs Assessment 1. Establish a working committee to solicit citizen and community involvement and develop a plan of action. 2. List important aspects that are needed to be looked upon. This may also mean identifying the surveyors’ own capability and strength. 3. Identify the population to be surveyed. This also includes making communications with community leaders and authorities of the identified population to facilitate other procedures. 4. Determine the information that is needed. It may be existing information which must be collected or it may be information gathered using a survey. Information like demographic profile may be readily gathered from the barangay, municipal or city records office.

5. Select a random sample of person to survey. A good number of representative populations to be surveyed will contribute to the validity of the information. 6. Develop and pretest a questionnaire. Afterwards, if the questionnaire was found to be a valid tool for measurement of data, proceed to distributing the questionnaire for community use. 7. Collate the information. 8. Analyze the data. This may be done together with the core group members of the community. Community participation in analyzing gathered data is also important so that they can feel the ownership of the issues and concerns in their community. 9. Go back to the community for validation of information. This may be done through a community assembly or simple community group discussion. 10. Finalize the document. Make sure that there are corresponding recommendations for the issues and concerns found. Community Assistance in Assessing Needs 1. Help identify community groups and citizens to be involved in the working committee. 2. Facilitate a group discussion to identify important issues and set priorities. 3. Help select the sample to be surveyed and design a system to identify respondents. 4. Provide tested questions from which the working committees choose questions that address the issues and concerns. 5. Help design a process to distribute and collect survey questionnaires, code, enter and analyze the resulting data. 6. Provide summary reports of data. 7. Suggest programs to report the results and strategies to solicit community involvement. 8. Work with citizens to identify courses of action based on the information.

Sample of Community Needs Assessment Framework/ Design for Urban and Rural Setting I. INTRODUCTION A. Statement B. Objectives C. Importance II. METHODOLOGY A. Time and Place B. Sampling Procedure C. Method of Analysis D. Scope and Limitations III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Geographical Profile (Data source may come from barangay or city/municipal hall) 1. Physical a. Location/Boundaries (North, East, West, South) b. Terrain c. Facilities (like clinic/hospital, schools, recreation hall, etc. d. Climate e. Basic Food 2. Cultural a. History of Place and People b. Languages being used c. Peace and Order Situation d. (usual community conflict and/or crime rate) e. Clothing (most applicable to rural setting) B. Social (Data comes from survey) 1. Total Population 2. Total Number of Household 3. Population distribution by Gender (and Age) 4. Population distribution by Educational Attainment 5. Health and common illnesses 6. Recreation C. Economic 1. Wage Earners in the Family 2. Employment 3. Household monthly income D. Life Skills 1. Abilities 2. Interests E. Spiritual Aspect 1. Number of people with active membership in the church

F. Socio-political Aspect 1. Known social programs or projects and other related community efforts (whether existing or planned efforts) 2. Expression of satisfaction/dissatisfaction towards current social programs 3. Perceived community leaders 4. Recognized community leaders 5. Other Agencies, GOs or NGOs that are in the area or that serve the community IV.

SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION A. Summary B. Conclusion C. Recommendation



Integrating Activity: Make a community needs assessment in the barangay where you live. The needs assessment questionnaires have different parts where you need to collect data on barangay officials and residents of the barangay by interviewing them. Barangay Data I. Geographical Profile Address of Barangay: A. Location/Boundary (Pls. check) ( ) Within City/Poblacion ( ) Coastal ( ) Inland ( ) Upland B. Topography (pls. check) ( ) Plain ( ) Rolling Terrain ( ) Hilly C. Number of Puroks or Sitios: D. Land Areas ( II. Demography A. Total population: Female: Male: B. Number of infants (0-11 mos.): Female: Male: C. Number of toodlers (1 – 2 years old): Female: Male: D. Number of Pre-schoolers: (3 -5 years old) Female: Male: E. Number of 5 -14 years old Female: Male: F. Number of Families:

G. Family Size No. of family members

No. of families corresponding with size

More than 7 5–7 2–4 Less than 4 III. Agricultural Profile A. Physical Structures (pls. Check) 1. Rice Mill Existing in the Barangay a. Cono ( ) b. Kiskisan ( ) 2. Irrigation System Existing in the Barangay a. National (Constructed by NIA): b. Communal (Constructed by farmers Ass.): c. Pumps: d. Mountain Spring 3. Existing Grain Warehouse a. Government operated b. Privately operated

( ) ( )

4. Existing Cold Storage a. Government operated b. Privately operated

( ) ( )

B. Major Food Crops Grown 1. Most Common Agri/Fish Products (pls. check) a. rice ( ) b. corn ( ) c. roots crops ( ) d. vegetables ( ) e. fish ( ) f. crabs, shrimps, etc. ( ) g. seaweeds ( ) h. others (specify) ( ) 2. Most Common Livestock/Poultry (pls. check) a. swine ( ) b. goat ( ) c. chicken ( ) d. ducks ( ) e. Others (specify) ( ) 3. Other products a. rattan ( ) b. bamboos ( ) c. charcoal/firewood ( ) d. others specify) ( )

4. Main Source of Income of the Barangay (Percentage %) a. b. c. d.

Share from State Tax Share from Development Fund Business and other Taxes Others (specify)

Household Data (Interview) Name (optional): Address: A. Source of Income of the Household’s Main Earners (Pls. Check) Level of Income (approximate) ( ) Employment in government or private sector ( ) Farming ( ) Fishing ( ) Self-employment/entrepreneurship ( ) Overseas Contract Workers B. Other source of income of the family Father Mother Brother Sister C. Most Common Typed/Kind of Dwelling units (Pls. check) ( ) concrete ( ) semi-concrete ( ) nipa/bamboo ( ) Wood ( ) Barong-barong ( ) Others (pls. specify) D. Most common source of drinking water (pls. check) ( ) open dug wells ( ) spring ( ) Artesian wells ( ) deep wells ( ) water works system E. Most common type of toilet facilities (pls. check) ( ) water sealed ( ( ) open pit (

) antipolo ) none

F. Electricity and telephone services % of total household Electricity Telephone Cellphone G. Presence of School in the barangay (pls. check) Government Day care ( ) Pre-school ( ) Elementary ( ) High School ( ) Vocational ( ) College ( )

Private ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

H. Health Facilities in the Barangay (pls. check) 1. Government ( ) Barangay Health Station ( ) Health/Nutrition Center ( ) Community Hospital Clinic 2. Private ( ) Dental Clinic ( ) Medical Clinic ( ) Hospitals I.

Infrastructure (Pls. Check)

National road/highway Provincial road Municipal road Feeder road Seaport/pier Airport

Distance from the Barangay Near Far ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Along ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

J. Most common transport facilities(pls. rank) ( ) Bus ( ) Tricycle ( ) Others (specify)

( ) Jeep ( ) Boat

K. Presence of Cooperatives, NGOs, Pos, etc. Number operating in the Barangay Cooperatives Non-Government Organizations People’s Organizations L. Number of Households with at least one member belonging to an Organization Number of Households Cooperatives Non-Government Organizations People’s Organizations M. Predominant Religion ( pls. check) ( ) Roman Catholic ( ) Born Again ( ) INC ( ) Jehova’s Witness ( ) Others (pls. Specify)

( ) Aglipay ( ) UCCP ( ) Islam ( ) Church of Latter Day Saints

N. Problems/issues encountered on living in barangay 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

None ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )...

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