SWK 105 Adulthood and Old Age Development Tutorial Quiz Answers PDF

Title SWK 105 Adulthood and Old Age Development Tutorial Quiz Answers
Course Adulthood and Old Age Development
Institution Singapore University of Social Sciences
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Adulthood and Old Age Development Tutorial Quiz Answers for reference....


SWK 105 PCQ01



The development of homosexuality is a complex process. It probably involves all of these except: _________.

parental sexual orientation factors

For most individuals, physical status not only reaches its peak in early adulthood (under the age of 30, between 19 and 26), it also begins to ________ during this period.


One recent review did find a higher prevalence of _______ disorder in lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals than heterosexuals and concluded that the difference was due to the stress associated with minority status involving stigma, prejudice, and discrimination (Meyer, 2003).


Now in her mid-twenties, Meily exercises rarely, skips breakfast to get to work early, and parties hard on weekends to compensate for the long hours of hard work she must put in to support her ambitious career plans. Late in life, when she has achieved success and retired, Meily will be:

Relatively less healthy and dissatisfied with her life, because of her poor lifestyle choices early in life.

Individual who chronically restrict their food intake to control their weight is known as "____________ eaters." They are often on diets, are very conscious of what they eat, and tend to feel guilty after splurging on sweets.


All the characteristics of the following work settings are linked with employee stress and health problems (Moos, 1986) except: ________

Adequate opportunities to participate in decisionmaking.

Early adulthood is a time where individuals are the healthiest. Few young adults have chronic health problems, and they have fewer colds and respiratory problems than when they were children


Correct or wrong?

Research found that children of smokers are at special risk for _________ and middle-ear diseases (Goodwin & Cowles, 2008).


When an individual reaches age 30, he or she for the first time may experience _________.

sagging chin and protruding abdomen

Sexual harassment is: ________

a manifestation of power and domination of one person over another.

With respect to adult cognitive processes, psychologist K. Warmer Schaie (1977) concluded that: ______________

Adults do not go beyond formal operational thought, but they do progress in how they use their intecllect.

Nicotine, the active drug in cigarettes, is addictive because it serves as a tranquiliser, which allows people to relax and better deal with stress.


Some developmentalists believe that young adults may begin to plan and hypothesise about intellectual problems during adolescence, but they become more systematic and ___________ as young adults.


John Holland's research found that the person with a conventional personality is most likely to be _______________.

a bank teller

Which of the following is not one of the key features characterised the emerging adulthood (Arnett, 2006)?


Which of the following does not play a role in people developing obesity?


In the life process model of addiction, addiction is seen as a disease that develops when a person processes the details of his or her life and realises that he or she has not accomplished enough.


More recently, researchers have found that creativity does peak in adulthood and then decline, but that the peak often


occurs in the __________ (age). At age 30, you find you are a successful, hardworking executive, but you are also slightly overweight and have increasing difficulty coping with the tension in your life. "Experts" recommend that to ensure good health, you should: ________

Walk or jog at a brisk pace for 30 minutes every day.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi discovered that creative people regularly experience a state he calls _______; which is a heightened state of pleasure we experience when we are engaged in mental and physical challenges that absorb us.


Which development period is a time of evaluation, assessment, and reflection in terms of what they do and want to do in the future?


Not sure

Following the loss of a spouse, what factors are related to the psychological well-being of older adults?

Social and cognitive factors

Not sure



Correct or wrong?

During the middle years: _____________

affectionate or companionate love increases.

In the _________ grandparenting style, the grandparent performed what was considered to be proper and prescribed role (i.e., showed strong interest in their grandchildren, but were careful not to give child-rearing advice).


Middle adulthood is the developmental period that begins at approximately 35 to 40 years of age, and extends to about 60 to 65 of age.



Which one of the following correctly describes what research seems to indicate in the relationship between religion and happiness?

People who are involved in religion tend to be happy.

Daniel Levinson's research found that a major conflict for a middle-aged man is: _______.

being young versus being old

The contemporary life-events approach emphasises that how life events influence the individual's development depends not only on the life event but also on all of the following factors except: ____________.

the individual's cohort membership

Memory decline is more likely to occur when individuals: _______.

do not use effective memory strategies

In terms of cognition in middle adulthood, John Horn argues that ___________ intelligence continues to increase in middle adulthood, while fluid intelligence begins to decline.


The empty nest syndrome predicts that parents experience decreased marital satisfaction when the children leave home. Research has found that: __________

marital satisfaction actually increases.

Climacteric is a term that is used to describe the midlife transition in which fertility declines.


Neugarten's (1986) "social clock" is a: _____________

timetable people construct for accomplishing life's tasks.

Studies show that individuals who have found a sense of "_________ in life" are more physically healthy and happier, compares to their counterparts who report that they have not discovered it.


The factor of the Type A personality most related to coronary heart disease is _________.


In the Ni-Hon-San Study of Japanese

San Francisco

men, the highest rate of coronary heart disease was found in the men living in _____________. Leisure is particularly important during middle adulthood because it: ____________

eases the transition from work to retirement.

All but which one of the following are visible signs of aging?

Fingernails and toenails become thinner.

A meta-analysis of studies indicated that stable everyday problem-solving and decisionmaking effectiveness remained ________ in early and middle adulthood, then declined in late adulthood (Thornton & Dumke, 2005). A consistent finding is that, as adults become older, their age identity is younger than their _____________ age (e.g., Westerhof, 2009). For instant, almost half of individuals 65 to 69 years of age considered themselves middleaged.


A person between 40 to 59 years is going to have most difficulty in: _______

Reading a newspaper.

Mary experiences great satisfaction through nurturing, guiding, and teaching skills to her children. Erikson's studies indicate that Mary is dealing successfully with the psychological conflict of ____________________.

generativity vs. stagnation

Dual-career couples have lesser problems finding a balance between work and the rest of life. Is this true or false?


Psychoanalytic theory describes development as primarily _______>


According to William Perry, the “absolute,

Reflective and relativistic

dualistic thinking” of adolescence gives way to ________.


Majority of sibling relationships in adulthood are close. Is this true or false?


To some, being a grandparent is a source of _______>

All of the above

Successful aging is linked with 3 main factors. Which of the following is not one of the factors?


_______ is a key factor in whether individuals adjust well to retirement


Unemployment is directly related to ______.

All of the above

There are a few factors that may contribute to obesity. Which of the following is not one of them?

Socioeconomic Status

John Holland has proposed 6 basic Mathematical career-related personality types. Which of the following is not included in the 6?

According to Joseph Pleck’s (1995) role strain view, male roles are viewed as ______

Contradictory and Inconsistent

According to John Horn, ______ intelligence continues to increase in

Crystallized; Fluid

middle adulthood, while ______ intelligence begins to decline.

Midlife is a time of change. Which of the following are not one of these changes?

Less conscious of the young-old polarity

“Prejudice against others because of heir age, especially against older adults.” What is this phenomenon called?


“People age because inside their cells normal metabolism produces unstable oxygen molecules.” Of the 5 biological theories explaining why we age, which does this correspond to?

Free-Radical Theory

Reductions in certain types of memory is a result of changes in the brain. Which of the following is not one of these reasons?

Drying up of the brain

PCQ03 Question


Older adults are most likely to forget: __________

What items they wanted to buy at a grocery store.

According to the textbook, elderly maltreatment is primarily perpetrated by ______________.

family members

As one proceed into late adulthood, one can normally expect the least amount of decline in _________ memory


Cognitive decline is a normal part of aging, and research indicated that


Correct or wrong?

cognitive training has been shown to be ineffective in improving the mental functioning of older adults. Paul Baltes' research states that the culture-based software programmes of the mind are the cognitive _____________.


Older adults are ______ sensitive to pain less and suffer from it less than younger adults (Harkins, Price, & Martinelli, 1986). However, it can be harmful if it masks injury and illness that need to be treated. Arnold is 80 years old and finds that when he has Sunday dinner with his extended family of 15 people, he cannot focus on one person's voice in all of the noise. This is a fairly typical decline in __________ memory.


Elderly men are more likely to have ___________ than elderly women are.

hearing problems

With improvements in medicine, nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle, our life expectancy has increased.


According the textbook, the leading cause of death among the elderly is: _______

heart disease

People age because inside their cells, normal metabolism produces unstable oxygen molecules that ricochet around the cells, thus damaging DNA and other cellular structures. This is the: ___________

free radical theory of aging

Wisdom is required in which of the following?

Helping a son keep his marriage from falling apart.

Which is true regarding changes in the brains of aging adults?

The prefrontal cortex of the brain actually shrinks with age.

Baltes (2003) argues that the ________ face a number of problems, including a sizable losses in cognitive potential and ability to learn; an increase in chronic


stress; a sizable prevalence of physical and mental disabilities; high levels of frailty; increased loneliness; and the difficulty of dying at older ages with dignity. Three diseases that can impair the vision of older adults are _________, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.


A disorder of old age that is associated with calcium and vitamin D deficiencies, estrogen depletion, and lack of exercise is _____________.


Robert J. Sternberg argues that wisdom is linked to both practical and academic intelligence.


Elderly adult accident victims are likely to spend more time in the hospital than younger accident victims do because: __________

healing rates are slower in older adults.

Wisdom is _________ knowledge about practical aspects of life that permits excellent judgement about important matters.


Explicit memory, also known as __________ memory, is the memory of facts and experiences that individuals consciously know and can state; e.g., recounting the events of a movie that one has seen. This is usually affected as one proceeds to late adulthood.


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