syllabus and notes and everything else PDF

Title syllabus and notes and everything else
Course Math Reasoning and Proofs
Institution University of Ottawa
Pages 3
File Size 80.2 KB
File Type PDF
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syllabus and notes and everything else one needs for mat223's initial week of classes with great professors....



Wed, 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM Thu, 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM ZZ TBA Fri, 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM Ehsaan Hossain

Instructor Office Location Office Hours E-mail Address Course Web Site

TBA (see course page) [email protected]

Co-Instructor Office Hours E-mail Address

Parker Glynn-Adey TBA (see course page) [email protected]

Co-Instructor Office Hours E-mail Address

Micheal Pawliuk TBA (see course page) [email protected]

Co-Instructor Office Hours E-mail Address

Jaimal Thind TBA (see course page) [email protected]

Course Description Systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, determinants. Vector geometry in R2 and R3 . Complex numbers. Rn : subspaces, linear independence, bases, dimension, column spaces, null spaces, rank and dimension formula. Orthogonality, orthonormal sets, GramSchmidt orthogonalization process, least square approximation. Linear transformations from Rn to Rm. The determinant, classical adjoint, Cramer's rule. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, eigenspaces, diagonalization. Function spaces and applications to a system of linear differential equations. The real and complex number fields. [39L, 12T] Prerequisite: Grade 12 Advanced Functions (MHF4U) and Grade 12 Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U or MAT102H5). Exclusion: MAT223H1 or MAT188H1 or MATA23H3 or MAT240H1 or MAT240H5 (SCI) Distribution Requirement: SCI Students who lack a pre/co-requisite can be removed at any time unless they have received an explicit waiver from the department. The waiver form can be downloaded from here.

Learning Outcomes Please see the syllabus posted on the course page for detailed learning objectives for the course.

Textbooks and Other Materials Weekly readings will come from notes posted on the course website. These notes are your primary resource. The following textbook serves as an additional resource, and is completely optional.Linear Algebra with Applications, Open Edition, by Nicholson. This book is an "Open Educational Resource" available for free download at: Please note that section numbers and terminology/notation match between the notes and the book.

Assessment and Deadlines

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Due Date


Pre-Class Readiness Assessments




In-Class Polling




Homework Assignments




Writing Assignments



Term Test

Term Test (Three)





Final Exam




More Details for Assessment and Deadlines Please see the schedule for the course at the end of the syllabus posted on the course page for a detailed week-by-week schedule, including the test dates, the due dates for the assignments, and submission details. We will use Crowdmark for submitting assignments this year. The tests will take place during our Thursday 7-8pm timeslot, regardless of LEC section. By registering for this class, you agree to be available at this time on these 3 dates. (They are part of the course schedule on the official UTM Timetable.) Test #1: October 1, 2020 Test #2: November 5, 2020 Test #3: November 26, 2020

Penalties for Lateness Late assignments are not accepted.

Procedures and Rules Missed Term Work If you cannot show up for a tests because of illness or any other special reason, you should declare your absence on ACORN and contact the Assistant Coordinator (A. Paixao-Fonseca) within 24h of the test. The marking scheme will be adjusted as follows for students who have missed a test because of illness or any other (approved) legitimate reason. One missed test: Two tests at 20%, final exam at 42%. Two missed tests: One test at 25%, final exam at 57%. Three missed tests: A make up test worth 30%, final exam at 52%. (If you find yourself having missed all three tests, please contact the course coordinator (J. Thind) to find out more information about the scheduling and format of this "make up" test.)

Missed Final Exam Students who cannot complete their final examination due to illness or other serious causes must file an online petition within 72 hours of the missed examination. Late petitions will NOT be considered. Students must also record their absence on ACORN on the day of the missed exam or by the day after at the latest. Upon approval of a deferred exam request, a non-refundable fee of $70 is required for each examination approved. Academic Integrity Honesty and fairness are fundamental to the University of Toronto’s mission. Plagiarism is a form of academic fraud and is treated very seriously. The work that you submit must be your own and cannot contain anyone elses work or ideas without proper attribution. You are expected to read the handout How not to plagiarize ( and to be familiar with the Code of behaviour on academic matters, which is linked from the UTM calendar under the link Codes and policies. With regard to remote learning and online courses, UTM wishes to remind students that they are expected to adhere to theCode of Behaviour on Academic Matters regardless of the course delivery method. By offering students the opportunity to learn remotely,

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UTM expects that students will maintain the same academic honesty and integrity that they would in a classroom setting. Potential academic offences in a digital context include, but are not limited to: Accessing unauthorized resources (search engines, chat rooms, Reddit, etc.) for assessments. Using technological aids (e.g. software) beyond what is listed as permitted in an assessment. Posting test, essay, or exam questions to message boards or social media. Creating, accessing, and sharing assessment questions and answers in virtual "course groups." Working collaboratively, in-person or online, with others on assessments that are expected to be completed individually. All suspected cases of academic dishonesty will be investigated following procedures outlined in theCode of Behaviour on Academic Matters. If you have questions or concerns about what constitutes appropriate academic behaviour or appropriate research and citation methods, you are expected to seek out additional information on academic integrity from your instructor or from other institutional resources. Here are some other relevant links: (Office of the Dean: Academic Integrity) (Preventing Academic Offences) (Advice on avoiding plagiarism) (Policies for exams) (Videos about Academic Integrity)

Final Exam Information Duration: Aids Permitted:

3 hours Non-Programmable Calculators Open book (Textbook)

Additional Information Please see the course page for more details about the course. In particular, carefully read the syllabus posted there - it contains many more details about how the course will run.

Last Date to drop course from Academic Record and GPA is November 11, 2020.

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