Syllabus Career Research and Planning - Spring 2018 PDF

Title Syllabus Career Research and Planning - Spring 2018
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Career Professionalism: Career Research & Planning Spring 2018 – GEB 3003 Location: BA1, Room 107 – Friday, 11:00 am –12:00 pm Course Email: [email protected]

Instructor: Graduate Assistants:

Lonny J. Butcher, SPHR Office: BA1, Room 229 Office Hours: Mon-Thur: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm or by appointment Kelly Andrade, Sara Karuli, Valeria Vasconez Office: BA1, Room 229

Course Prerequisites Admission to the University of Central Florida and Junior standing. Classes in the College of Business “Career Professionalism” series are designed to be taken in sequence. The learning outcome of GEB 3003 is: 1. Students will be able to articulate a specific career goal, and a target position that they will obtain at graduation Assignments and Grading Points Your performance in the Career Professionalism series will be assessed with a Career Project. Details of the Career Research Project are available in the Career Project document in Webcourses. Career Projects will be assessed using a mixture of quizzes, assignments, and activity completion. How to Earn Points in GEB 3003 Activity Career Research Project Part 1 – Quiz* Career Research Project Part 1 – Assignment Career Research Project Part 2 – Quiz* Career Research Project Part 2 – Assignment Career Research Project Part 3 – Quiz* Career Research Project Part 3 – Assignment Career Research Project Part 4 – Quiz* Career Research Project Part 4 – Assignment Career “To-DO” List (Parts 1 & 2) Career Essay – What will you do with your one wild and precious life Total Possible Points How to Lose Points in GEB 3003 Action Not attending “Welcome to the Majors” (see below) Not attending one presentation in the Career Professionalism Speaker Series (see below) “No Show” Penalty (see below – points will be deducted for each occurrence)

Points 30 5 30 5 20 10 20 10 60 10 200 Points -5 -5 -5

*Career Project quizzes will be administered in the Keon Testing Center ( and testing labs at the regional campuses. Assignments, activity submissions, and essay completion will be done through Webcourses. Missed quizzes and other assignments WILL NOT be reopened. Please read the section on “Additional Grading Policies” for more information.

Letter Grades Based on - (Total Points Earned – Total Points Deducted) / 200: A = 90.0%+ C = 70.0 – 77.9% B+ = 88.0 – 89.9% D+ = 68.0 – 69.9% B = 80.0 – 87.9% D = 60.0 – 67.9% C+ = 78.0 – 79.9% F = < 60.0% To calculate your grade simply divide your total course points by 200. Seriously, that’s it. Don’t rely on Webcourses to compute your percent. If you have a question about your grade, you will need to include the points you’ve earned in the email. DO NOT just email me and say your grade is incorrect. Career Project In GEB 3003 you will complete your first Career Project, the Career Research Project. This self-directed assignment is worth 200 points and designed to help you make an informed decision about what you want to do after graduation. Please refer to the Career Research Project document available in Webcourses for details. The following materials and activities will help you complete your project: Required Website 1. “The Career Cycle” - The Career Cycle provides you with a clear roadmap to target, prepare, win, negotiate, join, and perform in your career. *Note: Readings and activities from this website will also be used in GEBs 3005, 4223, & 4004 The Career Cycle is the online home of “This is Who We Hire” by Alex Groenendyk. In order to complete your quizzes and assignments you will need to purchase access to this website. Website login and usage instructions can be found in Webcourses. To ensure the validity of class assignments, all submissions must be made using activity forms supplied by The Career Cycle that identify the student. Assignments that are not submitted using the form from The Career Cycle will be treated as copies of someone else’s work, given a grade of zero (0), and investigated according to the “Academic Honesty” guidelines below. Student information on The Career Cycle form must match the submitting student’s information. Career Professionalism Speaker Series – Fridays @ 11am, BA1 (107) Unlike most classes in the College of Business, there is no regularly scheduled lecture in this class. Instead, guest speakers and employers participate in a series of presentations covering important career topics. Students must register for and attend ONE presentation in the “Career Professionalism Speaker Series.” Students may attend ANY presentation that they feel meets their needs. However, due to room limitations, in-person attendance is limited to just one presentation per semester AND students must reserve a seat using the links in Webcourses (see below). Students who sign up for multiple lectures for any reason will have their reservations canceled. Presentations will be recorded and available in Webcourses by clicking the “Panopto Videos” button/link. The only exception to this class attendance requirement is if the student can document enrollment in a UCF class that meets at the same time (Fridays, 11am-12pm) and also mandates perfect attendance. To be excused for this reason, you need to send an email to [email protected] that includes the class you are taking, time and day of the class, instructor’s name, and instructor’s email so that your registration in that class can be verified.

Details on registering for a lecture, attendance instructions, and a schedule of events can be found in Webcourses. Additional Media: At times, students will make use of pre-recorded lectures, videos, articles, and reports either produced or sourced for this class. Please refer to the Career Research Project document or Webcourses for links to these resources. Required Events & Activities This class is also different from your other classes in that it is action oriented. As such, there are required activities that you must accomplish to be successful: 1. All students in GEB 3003 must register for and attend in person ONE lecture in the Career Professionalism Speaker Series. 2. All students must complete the Career “To-DO” List assignment (Career Research Project) by the required due dates 3. Since GEB 3003 is the first class in the Career Professionalism series, all students are required to attend Welcome to the Majors, the College of Business’s signature welcome event. This event is produced in collaboration with GEB 3006. Welcome to the Majors – Friday, Jan 19th in The Venue (adjacent to the CFE Arena), 9:00 am – 12:00 pm o Attendance at this event is REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENT ENROLLED IN GEB 3003. Attendance will be taken. Doors open at 9:00 am so please arrive at least 30 minutes early so we can get you in the room and set up! ▪ If you do not attend Welcome to the Majors you will receive a 5 point deduction in your overall grade. ▪ If you register to attend Welcome to the Majors but do not attend or are late, you will be assessed the “No Show” penalty; an additional 5 point deduction on top of the penalty for not attending. o You need to register to attend this event at: () Sign up as “GEB 3003” so your attendance can be counted! o Welcome to the Majors is a unique “kick off” event to these two classes and your introduction to the culture of UCFs College of Business Administration. Despite our size, we want you to be engaged in the college. Why? The unengaged tend to fail in their initial job search and subsequent careers. Since these classes are all about helping you succeed in those pesky tasks, you need to attend (even if you’ve already been once before!) Students who do not complete these required activities will lose points as noted above. Additional Grading Policies Due-dates & Deadlines – All quizzes, assignments, and course activities have deadlines that are established prior to the start of the semester. Please refer to the materials in Webcourses for those dates. However, they are subject to change in certain circumstances that aren’t always in our control (natural disasters, University closings or mandated schedule changes, College facility scheduling and availability, etc.) Any changes to quiz, assignment, or activity due-dates and deadlines will be communicated through class Webcourses announcements and you are responsible for monitoring them for any class updates. Grades and Statute of Limitations – The points you earn for quizzes and assignments will be posted in Webcourses. University privacy policy prohibits me from giving out grades any other way. Understand

that grades posted in Webcourses are unofficial, and are subject to change at the instructor’s discretion due to poor participation, excessive absences, or other mitigating circumstances including cheating or unprofessional behavior in class activities or at events. Unless I offer it, there is NO extra credit. Please don’t ask! Students have two weeks from the time a grade is posted in Webcourses to seek any changes to it. After that point, the grade is final and will not be changed for any reason. Written assignments that are questioned will be completely reevaluated by a different individual. Therefore, it is possible that after being reviewed, assignments can receive a lower grade rather than a higher grade. Please don’t send me notes negotiating for consideration of different answers on quizzes. Late Submission of Assignments and Make-Up Tests – Due to the large number of students in this class, assignments submitted after the due date will not be accepted, nor can missed quizzes be reopened for individual students. If you miss a quiz for any reason you may “make up” the quiz by performing one or more Career “To-DO” List activities from the career project Activity List that equal at least TWICE the point value of the missed quiz. For example, a 20 point quiz can be made up by doing 40 points worth of Activity: • Select activities in the same way that you would for the Career To-DO List assignment; • Complete Verification Forms for each activity and circle “Quiz Make Up” on each form; • Submit using the “Quiz MakeUp” assignment in Webcourses by scanning the Verification forms and any required verification material into one .pdf file. (See the Career To-DO List activity submission instructions in your career project document for full details) Make-Up Activity(ies) must be completed and submitted no later than four weeks after the quiz due date, and will be worth 90% of the original quiz’s value. Where the semester doesn’t allow four weeks to complete this action, Quiz Make-Up Verification Forms will be due no later than the second due date for the Career “To-DO” List assignment. You cannot REPLACE a grade on a quiz that you’ve taken in this or any fashion and there is no “partial make-up credit”. Deviations from the above rule will only be allowed in extreme or exceptional circumstances. Personal appointments (weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, interviews, etc.); personal failures (slept in, hung over, waited until the last minute, wrong calendar); and personal shortcomings (didn’t prepare, got lost, can’t find parking) will not constitute an acceptable reason for missing a quiz. Nor will technical difficulties such as lost internet connections, long lines at the Keon Testing Center, or simply not knowing how to submit your assignment or take a quiz in UCF Webcourses. Quizzes are open for multiple days to accommodate work and social schedules. Be prepared, be careful, and fulfil your responsibilities in a timely manner. Severe unforeseen illnesses, university-mandated events, severe weather / natural disasters, or other true emergencies will be considered (but not necessarily approved) with proper documentation and sufficient notice. A key behavior of professionals is to schedule and use time appropriately. If it Isn’t in Webcourses – All quizzes and assignments (including activity submissions for the “Career ToDO List assignment) must be submitted properly in Webcourses. Quizzes are taken in Webcourses, but administered by either the Keon Testing Center or a UCF regional campus testing lab. Assignments must be submitted following instructions in your project document. Assignments submitted in any other way WILL NOT be accepted or graded. This includes submissions that are late and/or attached as assignment comments, assignments that are emailed in, assignments that are slid under my door,

assignments that are tied to a carrier pigeon and flown in from a foreign land, and/or assignments that are late due to technical issues such as wi-fi failures, browser issues, or any other computer failure. Deviations to this rule would be handled as above and/or would have to apply to the entire class. In the case of a class-wide deviation, the new instructions will be communicated through a course Announcement. Don’t wait until the last minute; technical glitches that make you miss a deadline will NOT be considered a “true emergency” as outlined above. “No Show” Rule – You will have to register for and attend meetings with your Career Coach, small group sessions, workshops, and special events as part of this class and others in the Career Professionalism series. Additionally, the College of Business and other groups sponsor a number of events and activities that draw alumni, business leaders, employers, and our sponsoring partners. You are encouraged to attend any special event that you think will be beneficial to your career development. To that end, you will sometimes be asked to register for these events by a certain deadline and these registrations will be used for space and (when appropriate) refreshment planning. In some instances you will be allowed to reschedule your appointments. In those cases it will be on a “space permitting” basis. However, due to the size of the class, appointments and registrations for ALL activities cannot be rescheduled or cancelled less than 48 hours before the appointment. If you show a pattern of registering for events and failing to attend, you will be assessed one or more “No Show” penalties. If you are late, you WILL NOT get credit for attending the event (even if you are allowed to attend) and will be considered a “No Show.” Late is defined as ANY TIME after the posted start time. In other words, not showing up on time carries the same penalty as not doing your work. If you are assessed THREE “NO Show” point deductions in one semester you will NOT be allowed to get points for attending any College of Business or Career Professionalism class sponsored event or activity for the remainder of the semester. NOTE: This rule extends to the Career Professionalism Speaker Series, ANY scheduled appointment with your Career Coach or other members of the Office of Professional Development (even those not associated with this class), and College of Business sponsored events such as speakers in The EXCHANGE. Punctuality is a key component in how your professionalism is evaluated and job seekers who are late for their interview generally do not get a chance to participate in the interview. Class Communication – Emails and Messages Please send ALL correspondence regarding the class usin g the Course Email at the top of this syllabus. I will use the “Announcements” board in Webcourses to communicate information to the class so please make sure you are receiving class Announcements in your KnightsEmail. If you have a question about an Announcement, please send an email to the Course Email. If you reply to the Announcement I will not see it until much later and will not reply. I encourage you to take advantage of office hours for me and the Graduate Teaching Assistants. I am happy to help with class issues and the GTAs can help you with quiz or activity issues. Please don’t try to reach me directly by my email, phone, LinkedIn, Discussion Board, Vulcan mind meld, or other medium unless I ask you to do so and please don’t double or triple your outreach using different media because you’re freaking out. I try to respond to inquiries, but given the number of students in these classes, I have to manage the sources of incoming communication. In many cases, the answer to your question can be found in an Announcement, the Assignment, this syllabus, the class

videos, or by just Googling it. I won’t respond to questions where the answer has already been given. Read and learn to be resourceful! Class Protocols & Student Expectations Professionalism – The purpose of this class is to help you discover how to look, sound, and behave like a professional business graduate. You are expected to act in a professional manner in all of your interactions related to this course; with your fellow students, with employers, with people in the community you meet as you accomplish your assignments, with staff and faculty in the College of Business, and with me. Professional social behavior, in terms of what is considered acceptable or unacceptable, is extremely important. Students who are unprofessional, rude, disrespectful, or impolite to any of the parties listed will not only be asked to leave, but can lose points at the discretion of the Instructor. In the event of a disagreement or misunderstanding, students must carefully follow conflict management processes with the intent of clarifying and resolving issues instead of exhibiting anger, sarcasm, and impatience. Students who represent UCF poorly in the public eye while attending an event may also be docked points or counseled on ways to improve their impression management skills. While out in the community, be aware that you are representing yourself, the College of Business Administration, and the University of Central Florida. Conduct yourself in a polite, respectful, professional manner when you are in the public eye. Students will have to register for and attend a number of scheduled special events as part of their participation in this class. You are expected to dress appropriately for these events. This attire should be appropriate to wear at a career job interview or in a business casual setting. Academic Honesty - All students are considered to be honest and ethical until proven otherwise. Ethical behavior is extremely important for tomorrow’s managers and a critical component of professionalism. As reflected in the UCF creed, integrity and scholarship are core values that should guide our conduct and decisions as members of the UCF community. Plagiarism and cheating contradict these values, and so are very serious academic offenses. Penalties can include a failing grade on an assignment or in the course, or suspension or expulsion from the university. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with and follow the University’s Rules of Conduct (see In this course when academic misconduct is evident in a student’s or students’ actions or submitted work, the procedure is as follows: 1. The student will be confronted, in person or via email, about the suspected academic misconduct. 2. The student will be asked to provide a statement explaining the suspected incident of academic misconduct. 3. If academic misconduct is found, one of the following actions will be taken: a. The student will receive 0 points for the assignment for the first incident of academic misconduct. b. The student will receive the letter grade “F” for the course for any additional incidents of academic misconduct in the course, if there are multiple incidents of academic misconduct in the same submission, or the incident(s) is deemed to be so severe that more serious discipline is warranted.

4. For every incident of academic misconduct, a referral to Office of Student Conduct may be filed and further disciplinary action is possible. Many incidents of academic misconduct and plagiarism result from students’ lack of understanding about what constitutes these behaviors. However, you are expected to familiarize yourself with UCF’s Golden Rule, its Rules of Conduct and the section on Academic Misconduct . All work submitted for a grade must be completed faithfully and represent your own scholarly and creative efforts. – When you submit your Career Project Essay in Webcourses, will check your work for plagiarism against documents on the Internet as well...

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