Syllabus ECN 101 Introductory Microeconomics PDF

Title Syllabus ECN 101 Introductory Microeconomics
Author XiaoYi Liu
Course  Introductory Microeconomics
Institution Syracuse University
Pages 9
File Size 390.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 65
Total Views 141


Download Syllabus ECN 101 Introductory Microeconomics PDF


ECN 101: Introductory Microeconomics Syllabus – Fall 2018 Contact Information:

Professor Ashby 110 Eggers Hall [email protected]

Giuseppe Germinario -TA 026 Eggers Hall [email protected]

Guanyu Liu- TA 124 Eggers Hall [email protected]

Jonathan Presler- TA 034 Eggers Hall [email protected]

Zhe He – TA 041 Eggers Hall [email protected]

Office Hours & Lab Sessions: OFFICE HOURS drop-in times, no appointment necessary Mondays 9:30 – 11:00 Prof. Ashby Mondays 11:00 – 12:30 Guanyu Liu

Days Mondays Mondays

LAB SESSIONS Times Locations 9:30 – 10:25 CH 017 10:35 – 11:30 Eggers 070

Tuesdays Wednesdays

3:00 – 5:00 9:30 – 11:00

Zhe He Prof. Ashby

Wednesdays Wednesdays

8 – 8:55 A.M. 5:15 – 6:10

Eggers 111 HL 111


6:30 – 8:00

Guanyu Liu


5:15 – 6:10

Eggers 113

Thursdays Thursdays

6:30 – 7:30 3:00 – 6:00

Zhe He* Jonathan P.*

Wednesdays Thursdays

6:45 – 7:40 5:00 – 5:55

Eggers 113 Eggers 070

Thursdays Fridays

7:30 – 8:30 1:00 - 3:00

Giuseppe G.* Giuseppe G.

Thursdays Thursdays

6:30 – 7:25 6:30 – 7:25

MSQ 208A Eggers 113

Office locations are under Contact Information * Denotes location change to 034 Eggers Hall (Undergraduate Study Room)

Thursdays Fridays

8 – 8:55 P.M. 10:35 – 11:30

Eggers 111 Eggers 113


11:40 – 12:35

Shaf 221D

Note: This is not a class in memorization, rather a class in understanding!!! This type of understanding comes with consistent practice, which includes working on the assigned practice problems. Lab sessions provide the best opportunity to work on these problems with the TAs and other students.

Course Materials: 1. (Required) Textbook + MyLab Economics: Robin Bade and Michael Parkin, Foundations of Microeconomics, 8th edition, Pearson, 2017, with access to MyLab Economics. There are two purchase options. Please choose one: Option #1 – Digital Only MyLab Econ with eText ISBN: 9780134518428

Option #2 – Digital plus printed textbook MyLab Econ with eText + loose-leaf printed text ISBN: 9780134518428

Please refer all technical questions and issues to Pearson’s 24/7 technical support at: .

2. (Required) Handouts/Class Notes Handouts are on Blackboard. Students must print and bring handouts to each class. 3. (Required) Calculator Students will only be allowed to use a simple four-function calculator on all exams. 4. (Optional) Color pens/pencils I use multiple colors when writing notes. Many students find it useful to bring multicolor pencils/pens or a pen that writes with four colors. 1

Course Objectives and General Learning Outcomes: As a consequence of successfully completing this course, students will be able to demonstrate proficiency on the following course objectives and general learning outcomes: o Define economics, explain the type of questions that economists look to answer, and interpret graphs and calculate the slope of a graphical relationships. o Explain and graphically demonstrate the concepts of scarcity and efficiency in production and calculate opportunity cost using the production possibilities frontier. o Determine comparative advantage and explain how people gain from specialization and trade. o Distinguish between quantity demanded and demand, quantity supplied and supply, and explain the determinants of demand and supply. o Explain how demand and supply determine price and quantity in a market and explain the effects of changing market conditions on price and quantity. o Define and calculate various elasticities (price elasticity of demand, price elasticity of supply, and other demand elasticities), and explain the factors that influence these elasticities. o Define and explain the features of an efficient allocation using concepts of total (market) surplus, consumer surplus, and producer surplus. o Explain how price controls (ceilings and floors) work and why controls create inefficiency in markets. o Explain how taxes affect price and quantity in a market, are shared among buyers and sellers of the good, and create inefficiency. o Explain why externalities (negative and positive cases) create efficiency and various methods that can be used to improve efficiency. o Explain the difference between the economic and accounting measures of a firm’s costs and profits, derive its cost curves, and distinguish between costs in the short run and long run. o Define the conditions of perfect competition and explain a perfectly-competitive firm’s profitmaximizing choice and derive its supply. o Distinguish how output, price and profit are determined in the short run and long run under the conditions of perfect competition and explain why perfect competition leads to an efficient outcome. o Explain how monopolies arise, how a monopoly determines its output and price, and compare this outcome with that of perfect competition. o Describe and identify other market structures (monopolistic competition and oligopoly) and determine how firms producing in these types of markets determine their output and price. **********************************************************************************

Grading Policy: There is a total of 340 possible points that can be earned throughout the semester. Course points will be determined from the following assessment measures: o Cumulative Final Exam: 100 possible points o In-Class Exams: 160 possible points (each out of 80 points, best 2 of 3 exams) o Online Quizzes: 80 possible points (best 8 of 10 scores)

***Grading scale on the next page***


To receive a course grade of _____ , A AB+ B B-

a student must accumulate enough of the course points to be in the top _____ percent of students across all MY ECN 101 classes. 20 25 30 55 60

C+ 65 C 85 C90 D/F 100 Students who earn at least 214 course points will automatically receive a passing grade of D or higher. Please note:

There will be no negotiations over grades! Course grades are based solely on performance in the course and assigned as indicated in the table above. Grades are NOT given out based on needs (“I need a certain grade to transfer”, “I need a certain grade to keep my scholarship”, …).


Assessments & Practice Tools: Exams There will be three in-class exams and a cumulative final exam given this semester. Exams will primarily consist of multiple-choice (note though, problems and short answer questions are still represented on the exam, they are just converted into multiple choice questions). Please note: • Of the 3 in-class exams, only the 2 best scores will count toward your course grade. • All students must take the final exam and it will count toward your course grade. • Students may NOT make up a missed exam unless the student can demonstrate an acceptable reason (as determined by me) for the absence. All such arrangements must be made PRIOR to missing the exam. It is anticipated that exams will be given in class as follows (subject to change): Wednesday, September 26th Exam #1 In-class Wednesday, October 24th Exam #2 In-class Exam #3 In-class Wednesday, November 14th Wednesday, Dec. 12th Final Exam 3:00 – 5:00 (Location: TBA) Online Quizzes There will be 10 online quizzes (syllabus + 9 content quizzes) assigned throughout the semester. Out of the 10 quizzes, only the 8 best scores will count towards your course grade. The quizzes will consist of 10 questions (multiple choice, T/F, fill-in the blank, or similar format) for which you will be given 30 minutes to submit your answers once the quiz has been started. You will be given two attempts (questions will change on second attempt) at each quiz within the time frame allowed (next page):


Online Quiz #1 – Syllabus #2 – Ch 1 #3 – Ch 3 #4 – Ch 4 #5 – Ch 5 #6 – Ch 6/7 #7 – Ch 8/10 #8 – Ch 14 #9 – Ch 15 #10 – Ch 16

Opens at 8am on the following days: Friday, 8/31 Friday, 9/7 Friday, 9/14 Friday, 9/21 Friday, 10/5 Friday, 10/12 Friday, 10/19 Friday, 11/2 Friday, 11/9 Friday, 11/30

Closes at 8pm on the following days: Sunday, 9/2 Sunday, 9/9 Sunday, 9/16 Sunday, 9/23 Sunday, 10/7 Sunday, 10/14 Sunday, 10/21 Sunday, 11/4 Sunday, 11/11 Sunday, 12/2

Quizzes are administered through MyLab Econ (must be purchased), which can be accessed through a tab on Blackboard. See Pearson’s video instructions for the textbook and MyLab Econ on Blackboard. PLEASE NOTE: NO LATE QUIZZES WILL BE ACCEPTED! NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANY REASON. Only under extreme circumstances (i.e. a legitimate situation, as determined by me, that would prevent you from completing 3 or more quizzes) will exceptions to this rule be made. When taking online quizzes:  Be sure you have either a wired connection or good Wi-Fi.  Be sure you only have one window open in your browser and do not open another window in your browser.  Be sure to click Submit Quiz when you are done.  Once you have started, you may NOT stop and resume later.  You may use your notes and books, but may NOT use the internet, your phone or receive help from another person. Please note: o As soon as you submit your quiz, you will be able to see only your quiz grade o After the due date has passed, you will be able to review your quiz and see which questions you missed.

Reading/Practice Tools 1. Textbook readings will be assigned prior to covering the chapter in class. 2. Checkpoint (practice) problems are assigned in each class handout. The TAs will review some problems during lab sessions. Checkpoint problems will NOT be graded. However, it is in your best interest to work on these problems carefully as some exam/quiz questions will be similar (not identical!) to these problems. 3. Key Terms and Dynamic Study Modules for each chapter are administered through the MyLab Econ, which can be accessed through a tab on Blackboard. Students should use these practice tools to prepare for the quizzes. Video instructions for text + MyLab Econ are available on Blackboard. Please Note: The above practice tools are intended to help you deepen your understanding of the course material. The work will not be graded. However, it is in your best interest to utilize these practice tools, as exam/quiz questions may be similar!


Study Tips and Suggestions: Here are some tips that will help you succeed in this course.  Avoid missing class! Concepts continue to build upon one another, so the knowledge obtained in one class will carry over into the next.  Read ahead! Read the assigned chapter from the text before it is covered. This will allow you to focus more on the important points when the topic is covered in class.  Review! It is best to go over your notes within a day following class and before the next lecture.  Practice! Online quizzes and practice problems are there to prepare you for the exams. Some exam questions may be similar (not identical!) to quizzes and practice problems.  Do not memorize! This is not a course in memorization, rather it is a course in understanding. Concepts covered in the online quizzes and practice problems will be on the exams, but exact questions will (generally) not be on the exams.  Don't cram! If you do all of the above, there will be no need to cram the night before an exam. You will get more rest and perform better on the exam.  Don’t give up! The economic way of thinking is not always easy to grasp at first, but it will become easier if you keep working hard and follow the tips above. Be sure to see the TAs during office hours and lab sessions if you would like some additional help! **********************************************************************************

Academic Integrity: Syracuse University’s Academic Integrity Policy reflects the high value that we, as a university community, place on honesty in academic work. The policy defines our expectations for academic honesty and holds students accountable for the integrity of all work they submit. Students should understand that it is their responsibility to learn about course-specific expectations, as well as about university-wide academic integrity expectations. The policy governs appropriate citation and use of sources, the integrity of work submitted in exams and assignments, and the veracity of signatures on attendance sheets and other verification of participation in class activities. The policy also prohibits students from submitting the same work in more than one class without receiving written authorization in advance from both instructors. Under the policy, students found in violation are subject to grade sanctions determined by the course instructor and non-grade sanctions determined by the School or College where the course is offered as described in the Violation and Sanction Classification Rubric. SU students are required to read an online summary of the University’s academic integrity expectations and provide an electronic signature agreeing to abide by them twice a year during pre -term check-in on MySlice . For more information about the policy, see

In addition to the general academic integrity policy, the following are specific to this class: Online Quizzes When taking the online quizzes, you MAY: o Use your notes from class o Look things up in the textbook o Use a simple calculator o Use pencil and paper to figure out problems When taking the online quizzes, you MAY NOT: o Receive help from another person o Give help to another person o Look things up online or use your phone for any purpose o Discuss the content of the quiz with other students who have not yet taken it



Exams During exams, all backpacks, phones, SMART WATCHES, and jackets must be left at the front side of the room. You may have only pencils/pens & a simple, non-programmable calculator at your desk. You may NOT do any of the following during an exam: o Leave the classroom and/or remove an exam from the classroom o Use any notes o Look at another student’s paper o Get things out of a bag/backpack (except with permission and supervision) o Talk (except to ask the instructor a question) o Get up from your seat (instead, raise your hand if you have a question) o Share a calculator or use a programmable calculator. Only SIMPLE, NONPROGRAMMABLE calculators are allowed for use on exams. o Use a cell phone for ANY purpose Blackboard Students are not allowed to use blackboard to email students in the course or distribute notes or other material to the entire class without prior written consent from me. Course Materials You MAY NOT distribute or sell any of the course materials!

The Violation and Sanction Classification Rubric (see above) establishes recommended guidelines for the determination of grade penalties by faculty and instructors, while also giving them discretion to select the grade penalty they believe most suitable, including course failure, regardless of violation level. Any established violation in this course may result in course failure regardless of violation level. In addition, all violations will be reported to the academic integrity office.


Be sure each of the following is TRUE: 1. I have read and understand the academic integrity policy for Syracuse University in general and ECN101 in particular. 2. I will not post/share questions or answers to exams or quizzes. 3. I will not take the quizzes or exams in place of another student or have another student take the quizzes or exams on my behalf.


Additional Policies: Communication Syracuse University has established email as a primary vehicle for official communication with students, faculty, and staff. Please be sure to regularly check your e-mail. Attendance Attendance is expected. Success is highly unlikely without regular attendance. Classroom Conduct The following are expected of you at every class:  Arrive to class on time and ready to learn.  Bring a pencil or pen, a simple calculator, a ruler, and colored pencils or pens  Bring class notes that have already been distributed.  Put away technology – this includes phones, laptops, etc.  Work diligently when given class time to work on sample problems – during this time you should only be working on problems – not checking your phone, not chatting with friends, not leaving the room, etc.  Keep the distractions to a minimum. Late arrivals should be an exception, NOT a regular occurrence. Please try to use the bathroom before class. If you must leave during class, please do so as quietly as possible. Technology: Phones, laptops and other technology should be put away prior to the start of class unless you have received permission from me to do otherwise. Please do not take pictures during class! If I see you using a device during class, I will stop class and request that you put your device away. Handouts (Class Notes) Handouts will be provided on Blackboard. You MUST print and bring a copy of the handout with you to class. These handouts are NOT designed to be typed, rather, we will be drawing graphs and working problems which will best be done with paper and pencil (multiple colors are very useful). Remember, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO PRINT THE NOTES PRIOR TO CLASS AND BRING THEM TO CLASS. NOTE: FILLED-IN VERSIONS OF THE HANDOUT WILL NOT BE PROVIDED. We will fill in the handout together in class. If you miss class, you should borrow notes from a classmate and read the textbook to catch up. Extra Credit I do not offer extra credit for any reason! 7

Incomplete A grade of (I) “Incomplete” will very rarely be given and only if a student has extenuating circumstances (medical or family-related issues, which must be verified in writing by a doctor or advisor and approved by me) that prevents the student from completing a significant portion of the coursework. To receive an Incomplete, the student must see me with the appropriate paperwork (Request for Incomplete form). Office Hours/Lab Sessions If you find yourself struggling with the material, don’t wait. Seek help! The material in this class is cumulative and the longer you wait, the harder it will be. If you need help, I recommend that you start with the lab sessions and TA office hours. I believe this is the best way to get help with the course material. There are many times available to you, so you can get your questions answered quickly when they arise. Students attending office hours should be prepared!!! You should attempt all practice problems on your own before coming to office hours. If you miss class for any reason, you should borrow notes from a classmate and read the textbook to catch up. After you have taken these steps to prepare, then we will be happy to help. Tutoring: If you find yourself struggling with the material, don’t wait. Seek help! The material in this class is cumulative and the longer you wait, the harder it will be. If you need help, I strongly recommend that you start with the TA office hours. I believe this is the single best way to get help with the material in the class. There are many office hours available to you, so you can get your questions answered quickly when they arise. If you find that our schedules do not fit, or you still want additional help, there is free small-group tutoring available for ECN 101 classes through the Center for Learning and Student Success (CLASS). Several tutoring sessions for ECN 101 will be offered each week. Visit to learn when and where sessions meet, and how to register. Disability Servi...

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