Syllabus EDU 5413 revised 2019 PDF

Title Syllabus EDU 5413 revised 2019
Author Kelly Mizell
Course Tchng Stdnts /Modrt Lrng Prblm
Institution Mississippi College
Pages 8
File Size 276.3 KB
File Type PDF
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EDU 5413

Current Ed and Psych Testing Procedures COURSE SYLLABUS

Course Title Current Education and Psychological Testing Procedures I.

Course Credit This course is 3 semester hours


Prerequisites Admission to Graduate School


Course Professor Lead Professor Name: Tina Atkins, Ph.D. Title: Adjunct Faculty Phone: 601 506-1527 Email: [email protected] (alternate email: [email protected])


Course Description This course is specifically designed to keep the student abreast with current tests required for special class placement. This course will examine ethical practices when administering formal and informal assessments. Close contact will be maintained with the State Department of Education requirements, acceptable tests, and testing procedures.


Course Rationale It is imperative that persons administering and interpreting assessment instruments in the identification of exceptional children have knowledge and experience in using formal and informal assessments. In addition, it is crucial that teachers are knowledgeable to 2

interpret assessment data to develop Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) that meet Federal and State requirements. The purpose of this course is to ensure special education teachers are knowledgeable of the various intelligence tests, achievement tests, and adaptive behavior tests used in the state. Another purpose is to ensure teachers are able to administer the common assessments and scales.


Course Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate:

● Knowledge of descriptive statistics including scales of measurement, distributions, basic notation, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, correlation, reliability, standard error of measurement and validity. (CAEP A.1.1; CEC IGC.4.K1) ● Knowledge of relevance and use of norms in assessment. (CAEP A.1.1; CEC IGC.4.S2) ● Understanding of legal and ethical considerations in assessment. (CAEP A.1.1; CEC IGC.4.K2) ● Ability to effectively utilize test data in identifying individual differences. (CAEP A.1.1; CEC IGC.4.S3) ● Understanding of the basic considerations of testing (CAEP A.1.1; CEC IGC.4.K1, 4.K2, 4.S3) ● Ability to interpret selected norm-referenced, standardized instruments in the areas of achievement and adaptive behavior. (CAEP A.1.1; CEC IGC.4S1) ● Ability to interpret selected criterion-referenced measures of development and achievement. (CAEP A.1.1; CEC IGC.4.S1) ● Knowledge of the importance of learner characteristics to individual assessment. (CAEP A.1.1; CEC IGC.4.S2) ● Ability to use curriculum based assessment in monitoring and recording student progress. (CAEP A.1.1; CEC IGC.2.K3) ● Assess reliable methods of response of individuals who lack typical communication and performance abilities. (CAEP A.1.1; CEC IGC.4.S4) ● Monitor intragroup behavior changes across subjects and activities. (CAEP A.1.1; CEC IGC.4.S5) ● Procedures for early identification of young individuals who may be at risk for exceptionalities. (CAEP A.1.1; CEC IGC.4.K4)


Materials 3

Required Textbook: Assessment In Special and Inclusive Education, Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Witmer, Thirteenth Edition VIII.

Course Outline and Expectations Module 0 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7

Introduction to the Course Assessment, Decision-Making, and Ethics Meaning of Test Scores, Statistics, and Diversity Testing Accommodation, Teacher-Made Tests, Behavior Progress Monitoring and Classroom Management Assessing the Assessment and Assessing Academic Achievement Assessing Reading, Mathematics, and Written Language Assessing Intelligence, Social & Emotional Behavior, & Making Instructional Decision

Participation/Attendance For online courses, non-participation means the failure to login for any group assignments (i.e., chats, etc.), tests, or weekly assignments. on_Regulations

Academic Honesty Mississippi College students are expected to be honest. Dishonesty, such as cheating or plagiarism, or furnishing false information, including forgery, alteration or misuse of University documents, records or identification, will be regarded as a serious offense subject to severe penalty, including, but not limited to, loss of credit and possible dismissal. Please read MC’s University Policy 2.19 below for specific information regarding penalties associated with dishonest behavior at Mississippi College.


Special Accommodations In order for a student to receive disability accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, he or she must schedule an individual meeting with Student Counseling and Disability Services (SCDS) before each semester or upon immediate recognition of the disability. The student must provide written documentation from a medical physician and/or licensed clinician that verifies his or her disability with recommended accommodations. Documentation must be current (within 3 years). SCDS will assist the student in notifying his or her professors about the recommended academic accommodations. Please contact Student Counseling and Disability Services to schedule an appointment with an available counselor: Phone - 601.925.7790; Fax - 601.925.7793 or email them at [email protected]. For additional information, visit

Course Communication Policy All communication with faculty should be done through your Canvas course site and/or your MC email. For general questions about course items and resources, you should use the “Ask the Instructor” Discussion, located at the top of Pinned Discussions under the Discussion link in your course site. For questions regarding late assignments, grades or other personal matters, you should email your instructor through the Canvas inbox or your MC email. You may expect a response to any inquiries within twenty-four (24) hours. You may expect feedback on course assignments within seventy-two (72) hours. One (1) hour per week, your instructor will offer an optional time when you can meet “live” online to discuss course content.

Course Communication Guidelines (Netiquette) Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. Much of our communication in this course will take place in the forums and through email. Here are some guidelines for online communication in this course: ● Be sensitive to different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, as well as different political and religious beliefs. ● Use good taste when composing your responses. Swearing and profanity should be avoided. Also consider that slang terms can be misunderstood or misinterpreted. 5

● Don’t use all capital letters when composing your responses. This is considered “shouting” on the Internet and is regarded as impolite or aggressive. It can also be stressful on the eye when trying to read your message. ● Be respectful of others’ views and opinions. Avoid “flaming” (publicly attacking or insulting) others. ● Be careful when using acronyms. If you use an acronym it is best to spell out its meaning first, then put the acronym in parentheses afterward, for example: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). After that you can use the acronym freely throughout your message. ● Use proper grammar and spelling, and avoid using text messaging shortcuts. ●


In emails, always identify yourself and what class and section you are in. It is a good practice to put your course and section in the subject line. This helps your instructor identify course related emails.

Technology Requirements Computer/Technology Requirements Online students will need regular access to a personal computer that runs on a broadband Internet connection.

Tk20 Account Required: *All students must purchase a TK20 account. Please have your TK20 account set up by the 2nd week of the current class term because this process may take several days. If you wait longer you may not have access to class assignments. You can purchase the account online by going to: Below the log in box, you will see a blue line, “Click here to purchase or register your student account.” If you have any issues or questions, please contact Dr. White by email [email protected] or call 601.925.3406.

Canvas Learning Management System Canvas is the online learning management system used to host your course content. Students are provided with a Student Guide and an online ticketing service for course technical issues. To access the help desk and additional resources, access the Help option by clicking on the question mark icon in the navigation bar on the left side of your course page.



Grading and Evaluation Final Grade Calculation Assessments


Discussions Assignments Quizzes Total Percentage For Course

30% 50% 20%


Modules 1-6: Initial discussion postings are due by Wednesday at 23:59 Central Standard Time (CST) and additional discussion postings, assignments and quizzes are due by Sunday at 23:59 CST. Module 7: Initial discussion postings are due by Wednesday at 23:59 CST and additional discussion postings and the quiz are due by FRIDAY at 23:59 CST.

Late Work Policy No late work will be accepted under any circumstances.

Grading In determining the final course grade, the following scale is used: A - Reserved for work which is definitely superior in quality B+- Intermediate grade B - Work which is consistently good and which manifests sufficient interest, effort, or originality to lift it above average work C+- Intermediate grade C - Average work that shows that basic requirements in class assignments have been met(Work at this level or lower is considered unsatisfactory for graduate students.) D-Earns credit but is below the standard for graduation F - Indicates failure and carries no credit


Grading Scale: A B+ B C+ C D F

= = = = = = =

94 – 100 (93.5 – 100) 93 (92.5 – 93.4) 85 – 92 (84.5 – 92.4) 84 - 76 (83.5 – 84.4) 75 – 83 (74.5 – 83.4) 70 – 74 (69.5 – 74.4) 69.4 - (Below 69 )

Rubrics Rubrics are included in the course and will provide an understanding of how students will be assessed on the course’s assignments and discussion board.

XI. Course Evaluation At the end of this course, students are encouraged to complete a course evaluation that will be distributed to them via email and through a course link.


Additional Course Information Syllabus Subject to Change While information and assurances are provided in this course syllabus, it should be understood that content may change in keeping with new research and literature and that events beyond the control of the instructor could occur. Students will be informed of any substantive occurrences that will produce syllabus changes.


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