Syllabus for 3722 - FALL19 PDF

Title Syllabus for 3722 - FALL19
Author Lorena Gonzalez
Course Microbiology Laboratory
Institution The University of Texas at San Antonio
Pages 5
File Size 160.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 90
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Download Syllabus for 3722 - FALL19 PDF


COURSE SYLLABUS BIO 3722 MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY Fall 2019 This course requires significant time outside of the normal lab session for making observations of bacterial cultures 18-48 hours after each lab session (time varies per experiment). These times will be provided to you for each experiment so that you may plan accordingly. MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY





7:30-9:55 AM



10:00 AM- 12:25



10:30 AM-12:55 PM




1:30-3:55 PM



12:00-2:25 PM



4:30-6:55 PM



4:00-6:25 PM


10:00-12:25 PM



7:30-9:55 PM



Bio 3722.011

9:00-11:25 AM






7:30-9:55 AM



7:30-9:55 AM



10:30 AM-12:55 PM



10:30 AM-12:55



1:30-3:55 PM



1:30-3:55 PM


4:30-6:55 PM



4:30-6:55 PM

Christian Patrick

INSTRUCTOR / SECTION: __________________________________ OFFICE HOURS: LAB COORDINATOR: [email protected] office: FLN 3.02.16 rd


Microbiology: Laboratory Theory and Application, Brief 3 edition by Leboffe and Pierce. (Custom edition for UTSA)


See separate schedule. Schedule subject to change. Each student is required to obtain the following supplies for use in the lab by day 2: 1)Sharpie pen with black ink 2)Knee-length white cotton lab coat with long sleeves

Note: These items (lab coat and sharpie) must stay in the micro lab for the semester and CANNOT be taken home or to other labs during the semester. GRADING SCHEME: Quizzes: Midterm Exam: Final Exam: Single unknown ID: Double unknown ID: Data Sheets: Participation:


15% (lowest 2 quizzes dropped) 20% 20% 10% 15% 15% (lowest 2 data sheets dropped) 5%

B=79.5-89.4% C=69.5-79.4% D=59.5-69.4% F=0-59.4% 1

ATTENDANCE POLICY: According to the UTSA Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP), graded work can only be made up or submitted late if the student’s absence is due to documented: 1) military or government service; 2) observance of a religious holiday; or 3) required participation in an official UTSA-sponsored event. The absence must occur during (or directly affect) the specific lab session in which the work was missed or due. Absences due to medical situations or family emergencies are not covered by the HOP and are handled at the lab coordinator’s discretion. More information regarding making up missed lab exercises is presented in paragraphs #4 and 6 below. 1. SCOPE OF THE LAB: The microbiology lab will emphasize basic microbiology techniques with emphasis on microscopy; cell staining and characterization; species isolation techniques; bacterial cultivation, nutrition, and physical requirements; and the physical and chemical control of microbes. 2. OUTSIDE OBSERVATIONS: Frequently, the observation of experimental results in microbiology must be done during times other than your scheduled lab periods. You are expected to find the time to observe the results of your exercises during the days and times announced by your instructor (typically 18-48 hours after your lab session). You may observe your results during other lab sessions in room 40 or 42, except during the first part of each class when the instructor is lecturing or giving a quiz. For your planning, the days, times, and room numbers where other sections meet are listed at the top of Page 1 of this syllabus and are posted on the lab doors. Students who are loud or disruptive during another instructor’s lab session may be asked to leave. You will have card access to both 40 and 42 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. every day except holidays. The card reader records your Banner ID and time of entry. On weekends, you must be accompanied by your partner (preferably) or another current Microbiology lab student while you are in the lab. Each student must swipe his/her card to record entry. There must always be at least 2 authorized people in the lab for safety purposes. 3. LAB PREPARATION: Before you are approved to perform experiments in this lab, you must pass the safety evaluation with an 80% or more. This can be found on your section’s Blackboard page. No student will be allowed in lab after day 1 without this completed. Content can be found on the lab safety information sheet. You are expected to read and understand the lab exercises for each day’s class before attending class. Being ignorant of the day’s activities is unfair to you, your partner, and your instructor. You must bring your UTSA ID to class every day to access the lab, as knocking on the lab doors is a disruption and can result in loss of participation points or denial of entry. 4. MISSED LAB SESSIONS: Your attendance at each lab session is expected and necessary for your success in the class. Exercises can be made up regardless of the reason for the absence, although quizzes cannot be made up nor data sheets submitted (see below) unless the absence is due to one of the three HOP approved reasons mentioned above or documented serious illness (these situations are on a case by case basis. After 3 absences without extenuating circumstances, exercises cannot be made up. Students approved to make up quizzes will be taking an alternate quiz.) If you must miss a session, coordinate with your instructor, preferably for attendance during another section's lab period or at another time agreeable to you and your instructor. You may not attend a different lab section without making prior arrangements with the lab coordinator or your instructor, or if that lab section is already full. You may not be permitted to perform some procedures if you missed the class when those procedures were covered due to specific safety concerns. You will lose 3 points from your final course 2

percentage grade for every lab period that you miss and do not make up within 1 calendar week from the day of the missed lab. This is based on the availability of necessary cultures, media, and equipment. Serious extenuating circumstances may be allowed an extension. This will NOT happen without communication and approval by your instructor and the lab coordinator. If you miss a lab, your instructor may place your media in the student refrigerator in a labeled rack. Cultures needed must be requested. Lab staff can assist with supplies, but they are not required to work with you one-on one as a replacement for your own instructor. They have other duties and other students to assist. It is your responsibility to inoculate the media correctly per the instructor’s/lab manual’s directions (the procedures we use are NOT always the same as the manual.) It is YOUR responsibility to get notes relevant to background info and procedural info from a classmate. It is YOUR responsibility to sign the make-up lab record sheet and get it initialed by a lab staff member. If four or more sessions are missed and are not made up by 5:00 p.m. the last class day before the final exam, you will receive an "F" for the course because of inadequate attendance. Falsification of make-up lab completion will result in the student being reported to the Office of Scholastic Dishonesty and could affect your course grade and possibly status at UTSA. 5. QUIZZES: Quizzes will be given during the first 15 minutes of most lab periods. If you are late to class, you will not get more time to complete the quiz. Quizzes cannot be made up unless your absence is due to one of the HOP-approved reasons mentioned above. Quizzes may cover material from all lab periods and experimental observations made since the last quiz plus general information from the material for that day’s experiment(s), usually 1-2 questions. Your lowest 2 quiz scores will be dropped, except for the score on the first quiz, which includes lab safety and other material presented the first period. This quiz will not be dropped and will be weighted twice due to its importance. YOU CANNOT CONTINUE IN THIS COURSE WITHOUT TAKING AND PASSING THE SAFETY QUIZ with an 80% or better. 6. EXAMS: The midterm and final exams are practical exams that will consist of approx. ~20 stations that will test your knowledge of lectures presented by your lab instructor, written material in handouts and the lab manual, lab procedures, techniques, experimental results, observations, and conclusions. The final exam is cumulative. More information, including “mock stations,” will be presented in class as the exams approach. Review periods for the exams will also be announced. Due to the nature of the exam style, making up a missed exam is impossible. If it is determined that the absence is due to dire extenuating circumstance, an Incomplete MAY be awarded. There are specific rules and guidelines for this and it WILL NOT occur without communication and approval from the lab coordinator. 7. UNKNOWN ID’s OF ORGANISMS: Your grade on the identifications of unknown organisms will be based on your ability to plan, organize, and conduct a series of experiments individually. You are expected to make appropriate observations and draw reasonable conclusions from the exercise data produced and prepare written reports describing your findings and conclusions. A template/rubric for these reports will be provided. While you may receive guidance from other instructors when completing these ID’s, you are not to collaborate with other students at any point in the ID process. Sharing your results for unknown experiments is considered collusion and a violation of the student handbook. Late reports for your unknown identifications will not be accepted unless the absence is due to one of the HOP-approved reasons described above. A report is late if it is not submitted by the start of your class on the due date as shown on your course schedule. Reports may be submitted earlier or sent electronically if a student knows he or she will be absent on the due date. (A hard copy must still be submitted but will not be counted late.) Otherwise, a hard copy is required on the due date. It is the students’ responsibility to communicate with his or her instructor as soon as they know they will miss a lab or immediately after their absence. If a student is absent the day that unknown ID’s begin, they are 3

responsible for obtaining their unknown culture from a Microbiology staff member and starting the ID as soon as they return. Due dates for unknown ID reports will NOT be adjusted because of student absences earlier in the term. 8. DATA SHEETS: Unless otherwise announced, all work that is handed in for grading must be your own work. You cannot copy and paste answers from the internet, past lab notebooks (even your own) or ANY other source. This is considered academic dishonesty and will be reported. Basic discussion regarding your results and conclusions with your lab partner or other students is expected and encouraged. However, at no time should students share answers on data sheets, especially if one of the students did not complete the experiments and is relying on another student’s data for their grade. Data sheets will be collected at the beginning of many lab periods; late data sheets due to tardiness are not accepted. Due dates for data sheets from a lab period that a student missed will be adjusted accordingly, provided the student has made up the lab exercises as described in Paragraph #4 above. The lowest data sheet grade of the semester will be dropped. Collection dates for data sheets ARE NOT ANNOUNCED. Students should keep all completed data sheets in their lab notebook and have them in class throughout the semester, even if they have not been submitted for grading. BRING THEM EVERY DAY. 9. GRADES: Retain all graded work in the event a question arises regarding your grade. Extra credit work will not be assigned. Grades will not be shared or discussed over email. Students should make an appointment with their instructor or the lab coordinator to discuss grades in person. 10. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: The integrity of a university degree depends on the integrity of the work done for that degree by each student. The University expects a student to maintain a high standard of individual honor in all scholastic activities, which is emphasized in the Roadrunner’s Creed. If a student is suspected of committing academic dishonesty, he or she will meet with the instructor and lab coordinator immediately to discuss the situation. Disciplinary action may be requested by the instructor through the Student Conduct Board, who will review the situation and recommend an appropriate sanction (if necessary). Unless otherwise noted, all assignments in this lab (data sheets, exams, quizzes, unknown ID’s) should be completed individually and without supplemental sources such as Quizlet, Chegg etc. Copying course work published on the web is considered CHEATING. Examples of academic dishonesty in this course include, but are not limited to: sharing quiz or data sheet answers, turning in a previously graded assignment for another grade, using outside sources without citing them appropriately, using another student’s work or guidance to complete the unknown IDs, or lying to your instructor about late work, absences or make-up labs. Reporting results on a data sheet for a lab that you yourself did not complete is a form of Academic Dishonesty and will be reported.

11. BEING A GOOD “LAB CITIZEN”: Microbiological lab work requires strict focus and attention to detail. Many errors do not become obvious until observations are made or when harm has occurred. Activities that are distracting or unsafe are not tolerated in the lab. Moreover, we are all sharing a fairly small space and must respect each other’s work area. Students who do not clean up after themselves (e.g., dirty microscopes, trash on the bench, etc.), engage in inappropriate lab behavior, or violate safety rules may be asked to leave the lab immediately, and their grade may be negatively affected. Keep in mind that 5% of your grade depends on your attendance, attitude, and cooperation – not just with your classmates, but your instructor and with all Microbiology faculty and staff. A large portion of this grade is dependent on following safety protocol.


12. IMMUNOCOMPROMISED STUDENTS: If you are, think you are, or become pregnant during this semester or are immunocompromised, please notify your instructor. We will provide you with a list of organisms that will be used throughout the semester, which you should provide to your doctor. Your doctor can then advise you about additional precautions, if any, that you should take. YOU CANNOT PERFORM ANY EXPERIMENTS until the disclosure has been signed and your doctor has reviewed the organism list and e-mailed the coordinator a release. 13. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: Students must request accommodations through the Office of Student Disability Services (MS 3.01.16), who will then contact your instructor regarding any approved accommodations. We cannot provide accommodations until we receive the formal approval letter from the SDS office. Accommodations are not retroactive. Once documentation is provided, you and your instructor will coordinate your accommodations. If you are requesting a specific (approved) accommodation, such as an isolated testing environment or extended time for an exam, you must notify your instructor immediately so we can honor your request. 14. ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Cell phones and other electronic devices brought into the lab must be turned off or set on silent mode during class AND be kept in your backpack at all times to prevent possible contamination. Electronic devices are not permitted at the lab bench for any reason AT ANY TIME. USING YOUR PHONE IN THE LAB FOR ANY REASON WILL RESULT IN HEAVY LOSS OF PARTICIPATION POINTS!!! 15. FIREARMS POLICY: Because of flammable materials in our labs, FLN 3.01.38, 40, and 42 are tentative “exclusion zones” with respect to the Texas state law that allows the concealed carry of handguns by licensed individuals on public university campuses. Signage designating our labs as exclusion zones, and thus the prohibition of handguns, will be present outside of these labs. 16. You have received a list of lab and safety rules. KNOW AND OBSERVE THESE RULES AT ALL TIMES WHEN YOU ARE IN THE LAB, EVEN DURING OUTSIDE OBSERVATION TIMES. Students who violate any of these safety rules may be asked to leave the lab immediately by any Microbiology staff member, including TAs, technicians, teaching aides, and faculty. SAFETY IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS. Safety violations may affect your grade in this course.


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