AUM-Syllabus-ENGR ME200- Fall19 PDF

Title AUM-Syllabus-ENGR ME200- Fall19
Author Jawad Badri
Course Thermodynamics
Institution American University of Middle East
Pages 14
File Size 953 KB
File Type PDF
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Download AUM-Syllabus-ENGR ME200- Fall19 PDF



Thermodynamics I ENGR/ME 200 Fall 22019 019

ENGR/ME200 Syllabus

Table of Contents 1

General Course Information .................................................................................................... 3


Course Description ................................................................................................................... 6


Course Objectives .................................................................................................................... 6


Learning Outcomes .................................................................................................................. 6


Course Evaluation .................................................................................................................... 7 5.1

Overall Course Grading Scale............................................................................................ 8


Turnit-in ................................................................................................................................... 8


Use of textbook and other course material ............................................................................. 8


APA Style .................................................................................................................................. 8


Lab Reports .............................................................................................................................. 8


Attendance Policy................................................................................................................. 8


Makeup of missing assessment ............................................................................................ 9


Academic Honesty and Integrity Assurance ......................................................................... 9


Copyrights .......................................................................................................................... 10


Disruption of the Learning Process and Use of Cell Phones and Smart Devices ................ 10


The need to study! ............................................................................................................. 11


Teaching Methodology ....................................................................................................... 11


The Project and team based work ...................................................................................... 11


Activities, in class assignments, cases, and participation ................................................... 12


Exams and Quizzes ............................................................................................................. 12


Surveys ............................................................................................................................... 12


Specific Notes ..................................................................................................................... 12


Course Weekly Calendar .................................................................................................... 13

Page 2 of 14

American University of the Middle East (AUM) COURSE SYLLABUS 1

Gen Genera era erall Cou Course rse Infor Informa ma mation tion

Titl Titlee and Cod Codee ooff the ccour our ourse: se: Thermodynamics I (ENGR/ME 200) Instr Instructo ucto uctor’s r’s nnam am amee an and d titl titlee: Dr. Youssef Mazloum – Assistant professor Me Meeting eting Tim Times: es: Section M4/M4M F4/F4M

Sunday 13:00 – 14:20 E1 - F08 15:00 – 16:20 B2 – F11




15:00 – 16:20 B2 – F11

F3/F3M U1/U1M

Tuesday 13:00 – 14:20 E1 - F08

18:00 – 19:20 B2 – S15 9:30 – 10:50 E2 – S01

18:00 – 19:20 B2 – S15 9:30 – 10:50 E2 – S01

Offic Officee Ho Hours urs urs:: By appointment or on the following: Sunday 11:00 – 12:00



8:00 – 12:00

10:00 – 11:00

Thursday 10:00 – 11:00 14:30 – 15:30

Nu Number mber of cr credits edits edits:: 3 credits Prer Prerequis equis equisites ites ites:: MA 165 (C -), CHM 115 Con Contact tact Hour Hours: s: 3 hrs Lecture Offic Officee num number: ber: Room: 82, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2nd Floor, Engineering Building. Ema Email: il: [email protected] Instr Instructo ucto uctor’s r’s nam amee an and d titl title: e: Dr. Alexandre Ghanem – Assistant professor Me Meeting eting Tim Times: es: Section F8/F8M

Sunday 16:30 – 17:50 B2 – S09




Thursday 16:30 – 17:50 B2 – S09 Page 3 of 14

Offic Officee Ho Hours urs urs:: By appointment or on the following: Sunday 15:00 – 16:30

Tuesday 13:00 – 16:00

Thursday 13:00 – 16:30

Nu Number mber of cr credits edits edits:: 3 credits Prer Prerequis equis equisites ites ites:: MA 165 (C -), CHM 115 Con Contact tact Hour Hours: s: 3 hrs Lecture Offic Officee nu numb mb mber: er: A-79, Department of Mechanical Engineering Offic Officee Ph Phon on onee Nu Numbe mbe mber: 222 51 400 – Ext: 2648 Ema Email: il: [email protected]

Instr Instructo ucto uctor’s r’s nnam am amee an and d titl titlee: Dr. Javad Farrokhi– Assistant Professor Me Meeting eting Tim Times: es: Section F5/F5M F6/F6M F7/F7M

Sunday 9:00-10:20



Wednesday 9:00-10:20

18:00-19:20 13:00-14:20

Thursday 18:00-19:20 13:00-14:20

Offic Officee Ho Hours urs urs:: By appointment or on the following: Sun 2:00-5:00


Tue 3:30-6:00


Thu 3:30-6:00

Nu Number mber of cr credits edits edits:: 3 credits Prer Prerequis equis equisites ites ites:: MA 165 (C -), CHM 115 Con Contact tact Hour Hours: s: 3 hrs Lecture Offic Officee nu numb mb mber: er: A-95, Department of Mechanical Engineering Ema Email: il: [email protected] Instr Instructo ucto uctor’s r’s nnam am amee an and d titl titlee: Dr. Ali Dinc – Assistant professor Me Meeting eting Tim Times: es: Page 4 of 14

Section F9 M1 M2 M3



Tuesday 09:30-10:50 08:00-09:20 14:30-15:50



Thursday 09:30-10:50 08:00-09:20 14:30-15:50


Offic Officee Ho Hours urs urs:: By appointment or on the following: Sun 16:00-18:00

Mon 09:00-11:30

Tue ---

Wed 16:00-18:00

Thu 13:00-14:30

Nu Number mber of cr credits edits edits:: 3 credits Prer Prerequis equis equisites ites ites:: MA 165 (C -), CHM 115 Con Contact tact Hour Hours: s: 3 hrs Lecture Offic Officee num number: ber: Room: 87, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2nd Floor, Engineering Building. Ema Email: il: [email protected] Instr Instructo ucto uctor’s r’s nnam am amee an and d titl titlee: Dr. Osama Al-Habahbeh– Associate Professor Me Meeting eting Tim Times: es: Section F1/F1M F2/F2M M5/M5M

Sunday 16:30-17:50



Wednesday 16:30-17:50

8:00-9:20 14:30-15:50

Thursday 8:00-9:20


Offic Officee Ho Hours urs urs:: By appointment or on the following: Sun








Thu 10:00-11:00 15:00-17:00

Nu Number mber of cr credits edits edits:: 3 credits Prer Prerequis equis equisites ites ites:: MA 165 (C -), CHM 115 Con Contact tact Hour Hours: s: 3 hrs Lecture Offic Officee nu numb mb mber: er: A102, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2nd Floor, Engineering Building. Ema Email: il: [email protected] Page 5 of 14

Tex Textboo tboo tbook/ma k/ma k/materia teria teriall req required uired uired:: Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics, 8th Edition, Moran, Shapiro, Boettner, and Bailley, Wiley, 2012. Ref Referenc erenc erencee boo book: k: Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 7th Edition, Yunus A. Cengel, Michael A. Boles, McGraw-Hill, 2011. 2

Cou Course rse Desc Descripti ripti ription on

The course will cover the basic concepts of thermodynamics as applied to technology problems: property evaluation of ideal gases and compressible substances, theory and application of the first and second laws of thermodynamics, carnot cycles and entropy. Catalog D Catalog Descr escr escriptio iptio iption: n: First and second laws of thermodynamics, entropy, reversible and irreversible processes, properties of pure substances, application to engineering problems. 3

Cou Course rse Obje Objecti cti ctives ves 1. Understand the nature and role of the following thermodynamic properties of matter: internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, temperature, pressure and specific volume; 2. To apply the basic concepts of classical thermodynamics to the solution of practical problems; 3. Understand the methods to measure thermodynamic properties and estimate values for properties using property tables and relations; 4. Understand to analyze energy transfer and transformation in systems using fundamental concepts of properties of materials, work, heat, internal energy, entropy, equilibrium, and relations derived from the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics; 5. Understand to carry out thermodynamic analysis of engineering devices and systems such as piston-cylinders, compressors, turbines, pumps, heat exchangers, heat engine cycles, and refrigeration cycles using energy, materials, and entropy relations. 6. To develop the skills necessary for a systematic approach to problem solving; 7. To cultivate a strong work ethic in students.


Lear Learnin nin ningg Ou Outco tco tcomes mes

Students who successfully complete the course will be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of the different terminology used in thermodynamics; [1*] 2. Apply the first law and basic concepts of thermodynamics; [1] 3. Define & Use the thermodynamic properties and equations of state [1, 7*] 4. Apply the basic concepts of thermodynamics to the solution of practical problems; [1]

Page 6 of 14

5. Develop a systematic approach to problem-solving skills; [1] 6. Apply the laws of thermodynamics to steady state open systems; [1] 7. Demonstrate an understanding of entropy and the second law of thermodynamics; [1] 8. Apply the second law of thermodynamics to real systems; [1] 9. Analyze reversible and irreversible systems; [1] 10. Analyze one or more thermal applications such as thermal power systems, refrigeration, heat pumps, etc. [1, 3*, 5*]

* (1) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics. * (3) An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences. * (5) An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives. * (7) An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies. 5

Cou Course rse Eva Evaluation luation

Assessment type

Number of assessment







5% (2.5% each)



20% (10% each)

D1 Projects


30% (5; 15; 10 %)

D3 Midterm



Final Exam


20% Total


Lett Letter er Gr Gradin adin ading g Sy System stem stem:: Plea Please se rrefer efer to th thee Stu Studen den dentt Han Handbo dbo dbook ok for m more ore info informati rmati rmation. on. Not Notes es aabout bout writ written ten aassig ssig ssignmen nmen nments: ts: Page 7 of 14

 All assignments, activities, reports, are due as hardcopies in class unless otherwise advised.  Softcopies are required to be uploaded into Turnit-in. No assignment will be accepted if not uploaded to Turnit-in. 5.1

Overall Course Grading Scale

Please refer to the Academic Manual and Student Handbook. 6

Tur Turnitnitnit-in in

Turnitin is a web-based solution that lets AUM faculty and AUM students check written work for improper citation or misappropriated content. You may be assigned a username and a password to be able to upload your assignments online, when and if requested. If you face any technical problem, please contact IT at AUM. 7

Use of textb textbook ook and oth other er cou cours rs rse e mat materia eria eriall

It is the responsibility of the student to refer to the textbook and other course material. The use of the textbook is mandatory.


AP APA A Sty Style le

AUM adopts the APA writing style for all its academic programs. AUM students need to use this style for their assignments. The following web site is of value for students: . Students are also encouraged to visit the AUM Writing Lab to receive help and guidance on all APA-related questions. 9

Lab Rep Reports orts

It is expected of students to follow and abide with lab procedures and guidelines. Lab report format must be strictly followed by the student. 10 Att Attend end endance ance PPolic olic olicyy Our educational philosophy is based on two criteria; developing a professional graduate who understands and respects discipline and a graduate who masters the course material given in class. On that we believe, missing more than maximum allowed sessions of the course total sessions means the student could not cover completely the curriculum and missed the needed amount of information related to succeeding the course and the student is declared “Dismissed” accordingly. Regular quality attendance is a clear indication of the student’s commitment, dedication, and respect for the course and the class. Page 8 of 14

Students must attend regularly every class they register for. In case of absence, the student is responsible for making up missing class work. Much of the learning will take place in class, so it is important that students be there. The skills which are central to the course are best developed through practice. Most of the classes follow a discussion rather than a lecture format. Each student is expected to participate and may be called upon at any time to provide an analysis of the topic or case for discussion, or a critique of others' comments. Also, missing a class may well mean missing a pop quiz or an assessment. Students’ active participation in class discussions will contribute to making the class sessions enjoyable and enhance the learning. In the context of class discussions, students have the opportunity to develop their analytical, listening, and communication skills. Plea Please se ccheck heck the atten attenda da dance nce ppolicy olicy of AUM in th thee Stu Studen den dentt Ha Handbo ndbo ndbook ok aand nd A AUM UM Attend Attendanc anc ancee Pol Policy icy doc documen umen ument. t. 11 Ma Makeup keup of m missin issin issingg as assess sess sessmen men mentt AUM policy is applied for any missing assessment, assignment, or activity of any type and weight, the makeup (if approved) will be administered as per the policy. Missing Assessments, assignments or activities may be scheduled on different days and time than the regular class meeting times, including on Saturdays. For more details, please check the makeup policy as mentioned in the attendance policy document. Academ em emic ic H Hones ones onesty ty an and d In Integr tegr tegrity ity Assur Assurance ance 12 Acad One of the signs that the course material has been properly understood is honesty when accomplishing the assignments. Lack of academic integrity (e.g. plagiarism, copying another person’s work, the use of unauthorized aids on examinations, cheating, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others) will not be tolerated. Therefore, if students include ideas, sentences, or other material that are not theirs in their work, they must properly quote the source(s). Students are encouraged to consult with the instructor if they have any questions on the issues of academic integrity or technical formatting of the references. Upon sus suspicio picio picion n and dou doubt bt of the auth authentic entic enticity ity of the work sub submitt mitt mitted, ed, the Instru Instructor ctor has the right to ask the stude tudent nt to verif verifyy her her/his /his work. This can be done thro through, ugh, but not lim limited ited to, repea epeating ting the wor work, k, oral exami examinatio natio nation n or disc discussi ussi ussion, on, al alterna terna ternative tive or similar on spo spott class assig assignm nm nment, ent, po pop p quiz, or any oth other er action deem eemed ed necess necessary. ary. If the stud student ent fails to pr prov ov ovee th thee auth uthentic entic enticity ity of the work, th then en the Instr Instructor uctor will apply the acad academic emic m misco isco iscondu ndu nduct ct rules aass mentio mentioned ned in the AU AUM M Stud Student ent Hand Handboo boo bookk whic which h ma mayy inclu include de aaward ward warding ing the wor workk a zzero ero grad grade. e.

Page 9 of 14

Students are expected and encouraged to be honest and to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity in their academic work and assignments at the University. Any act of Academic Dishonesty may result in severe consequences for violations range from zero grades given for the assignments, failing the course, and suspension from the University. Students will refrain from any academic dishonesty or misconduct including, but not limited to:

Plagiarism: the presentation of someone else’s ideas, words, or artistic, scientific, or technical work as one’s own creation. In addition, paraphrasing, summarizing, direct quotations are considered as plagiarism, if the original source is not properly cited. Cheating: is an act of lying, deception, trickery, imposture, or imposition. Cheating characteristically is employed to create an unfair advantage, usually in one’s own interest, and often at the expense of others. The person who is sending or receiving assistance is considered cheating.

 

Assisting in cheating Substituting for another student in the taking of an examination

   

Substituting examination booklets/papers Submitting the same work for more than one course Submitting papers and other work written by others Receiving or providing unauthorized help or assistance in any academic work or assignment

Intentional violation of program and degree requirements and regulations as established by the University Dishonest reporting of computational, statistical, experimental, and research results, or the like Using any format of smart or electronic devices as a tool of cheating

 

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