Syllabus Genetics 3301 2021: Dauwalder and Meisel PDF

Title Syllabus Genetics 3301 2021: Dauwalder and Meisel
Author Bob Hicks
Course   Genetics
Institution University of Houston
Pages 9
File Size 229.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Genetics Fall 2021 Syllabus: Course syllabus for the Fall 2021 semester. Containing what chapters are in each exams...


Last updated September 8, 2021

BIOL 3301: Genetics Fall 2021 Syllabus Expectations: This course provides an introduction to Mendelian, molecular, evolutionary, and quantitative genetics. There are two instructors (Richard Meisel and Brigitte Dauwalder) and one teaching assistant (Sarah Empie). Each instructor will teach approximately half of the course material throughout the semester. The instructors will hold live class meetings in the assigned room , and they will provide video+audio recordings of those class meetings so that you do not need to attend in person. There will also be additional recorded materials posted. The TA will hold recitation sessions online. You are expected to attend or view the class meetings (in-person or recorded), view any additional recorded content, complete homework assignments, and take the scheduled exams. You may attend other online sessions as necessary and complete optional extra credit assignments . At least one recording will be posted in Blackboard for each date in the class schedule. Homework problem sets will be posted in MasteringGenetics (see link in Blackboard). These will be graded and account for 20% of your final course grade. Midterm exams will occur during the scheduled class time in our class meeting room. The final exam will be held at the UH scheduled time in our class meeting room. Extra credit problems will be posted in Blackboard. The instructors will hold online office hours, which you can access via a link in Blackboard. You can schedule an in-person meeting via email. The TA will hold online recitations, which you can access via a link in Blackboard. You can receive extra credit for attending recitation.

• • • • • •

Instructors (face-to-face in-person meetings available by appointment) Dr. Brigitte Dauwalder, [email protected] Office Hours Mondays 1—2PM | Wednesdays 5:30—6:30PM (follow link in Blackboard) Dr. Richard Meisel, [email protected] Office Hours Mondays & Wednesdays 10—11AM (follow link in Blackboard) TA: Sarah Empie, [email protected] Recitation: Mondays & Wednesdays 3—4PM | Tuesdays 5—6PM (follow link in Blackboard) Fridays 1—2PM may be available by appointment Section 2 (11930) 3 (11931)

Day Tu,Th Tu,Th

Time 2:30PM – 4:00PM 11:30AM – 1:00PM

Room MH 150 MH 150

Optional Texts: • Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach by Sanders and Bowman (Pearson). We will refer to 3rd edition numbering, but you could also use 1st or 2nd editions

Online Open Genetics by Nickle and Barrette-Ng ( Chapters in this free online text are included in the schedule when possible.

This course is scheduled to meet in person. A move to online instruction may result in a revision of the assignment schedule and grading scale; details will be provided in a revised syllabus that will be posted to blackboard.


Last updated September 8, 2021

COVID-19 Information Students are encouraged to visit the University’s COVID-19 website for important information including on-campus testing, vaccines, diagnosis and symptom protocols, campus cleaning and safety practices, report forms, and positive cases on campus. Please check the website throughout the semester for updates. Face Covering Policy To reduce the spread of COVID-19, the University strongly encourages everyone (vaccinated or not) to wear face coverings indoors on campus including classrooms for both faculty and students. Presence in Class Your presence in class each session means that you: o o o

Are NOT exhibiting any Coronavirus Symptoms that makes you think that you may have COVID-19 Have NOT tested positive or been diagnosed for COVID-19 Have NOT knowingly been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or suspected/presumed COVID-19

If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms that are not clearly related to a pre-existing medical condition, do not come to class. Please see Student Protocols for what to do if you experience symptoms and Potential Exposure to Coronavirus for what to do if you have potentially been exposed to COVID-19. Consult the (select: Undergraduate Excused Absence Policy or Graduate Excused Absence Policy) for information regarding excused absences due to medical reasons. Excused Absence Policy Regular class attendance, participation, and engagement in coursework are important contributors to student success. Absences may be excused as provided in the University of Houston Undergraduate Excused Absence Policy and Graduate Excused Absence Policy for reasons including: medical illness of student or close relative, death of a close family member, legal or government proceeding that a student is obligated to attend, recognized professional and educational activities where the student is presenting, and University-sponsored activity or athletic competition. Under these policies, students with excused absences will be provided with an opportunity to make up any quiz, exam or other work that contributes to the course grade or a satisfactory alternative. Please read the full policy for details regarding reasons for excused absences, the approval process, and extended absences. Additional policies address absences related to military service , religious holy days, pregnancy and related conditions , and disability. Vaccinations Data suggests that vaccination remains the best intervention for reliable protection against COVID-19. Students are asked to familiarize themselves with pertinent vaccine information, consult with their health care provider. The University strongly encourages all students, faculty and staff to be vaccinated.


Last updated September 8, 2021

Schedule Chapter numbers are from the 3rd edition of Genetics Analysis: An Integrated Approach by Sanders and Bowman (published by Pearson). Alternate chapter numbers from Nickle and Barrette-Ng (Online Open Genetics) are provided for some class meetings (in blue). Date 24-Aug 26-Aug 31-Aug 31-Aug 2-Sep 2-Sep 7-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 14-Sep 16-Sep 16-Sep 21-Sep 23-Sep 23-Sep 28-Sep 30-Sep 5-Oct 7-Oct 7-Oct 12-Oct 14-Oct 14-Oct 19-Oct 21-Oct 21-Oct 26-Oct 28-Oct 2-Nov 4-Nov 4-Nov 9-Nov 11-Nov 11-Nov 16-Nov 18-Nov

Subject Course Policies & Introduction Transmission Genetics Pre-Course Assessment Due at 8:00AM Transmission Genetics (continued) Syllabus Quiz Due at 8:00AM Cell Division and Chromosomal Heredity Gene Interaction MasteringGenetics Homework Due at 8:00AM Organelle Inheritance Genetic Linkage and Mapping in Eukaryotes MasteringGenetics Homework Due at 8:00AM Genetic Linkage and Mapping in Eukaryotes (cont’d) Genetic Analysis of Quantitative Traits MasteringGenetics Homework Due at 8:00AM Exam 1 Genetic Analysis of Quantitative Traits (cont’d) Population Genetics and Evolution Population Genetics and Evolution (cont’d) MasteringGenetics Homework Due at 8:00AM DNA Structure and Replication Chromosome Structure MasteringGenetics Homework Due at 8:00AM Chromosome Aberrations Molecular Biology of Transcription and RNA Processing MasteringGenetics Homework Due at 8:00AM Exam 2 Roles of RNA The Molecular Biology of Translation Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes MasteringGenetics Homework Due at 8:00AM Bacterial Genetics and Gene Expression Mutation, DNA Repair, and Homologous Recombination MasteringGenetics Homework Due at 8:00AM Transposition and Introduction to Genomics Genomics MasteringGenetics Homework Due at 8:00AM

18-Nov 23-Nov 25-Nov 25-Nov

Exam 3 Forward & Reverse Genetics MasteringGenetics Homework Due at 8:00AM THANKSGIVING


Chapter 1 2 3.

Instructor Meisel Dauwalder



3 2. 4 6 ) 2, 3 17 5 7. 4, 17 5 7. 19 10. 5 1-5, 17 19 10. 20 5.6 20 5.6 19 7 1. 10 2. 20 10 9. 8 7,10 7,10,19,20 8 9 13 12. 8, 9 6,12 11.1-6 4. 13 11.7 and 16 16 11. 6,11,12

Dauwalder Meisel

6,8,9,11,12,13 14 11.7, 16

Meisel Meisel Meisel Meisel

Meisel Meisel Meisel Dauwalder Dauwalder Dauwalder Dauwalder

Dauwalder Dauwalder Dauwalder Meisel Meisel Meisel Meisel


Last updated September 8, 2021

Date 30-Nov 2-Dec 2-Dec 9-Dec

Subject Recombinant DNA Technology and Reverse Genetics MasteringGenetics Homework Due at 8:00AM Developmental Genetics MasteringGenetics Homework Due at 8:00AM

14-Dec 14-Dec

Section 3 Final Exam (11AM) Section 2 Final Exam (2PM)

Chapter 15 8. 14 18 15,18

Instructor Dauwalder Dauwalder

In-person and recorded content • All class meetings in the schedule above will be recorded and posted online. • You are not required to come to class in-person, except to attend the midterm and final exams. • During the first two weeks of the semester, in-person class will only be held on Tuesday, August 24 and Thursday, September 2. All content presented during those class meetings will be recorded and posted online. Additional content for those class meetings will also be recorded and posted online. Homework: • Homework problem sets will be assigned up to 14 times (subject to change) during the semester. The first two problem sets (Syllabus Quiz and Pre-Course Assessment) will be completed in Blackboard . The remaining problem sets will be completed in MasteringGenetics. • We will use the MasteringGenetics ( online companion to Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach for practice and homework questions chosen to complement lecture-based learning. • Please follow the link to MasteringGenetics from within Blackboard to sign up. • Questions will become visible to you in MasteringGenetics approximately 1 week prior to the due date and will remain visible until the end of the semester. • The homework scores will contribute toward 20% of your final grade. Your lowest homework score will be dropped, and the remaining scores will be weighted equally. • Unless previously agreed with instructors, no points will be given to work submitted after 8:00AM on the due date. The motivation for this is to encourage you to work through material covered in class soon after it is presented, leaving time for problems to be addressed. It will also give the TA a timely way to identify topics that should be reviewed before each midterm exam. • You will have multiple attempts to answer each MasteringGenetics homework question. Full credit will be awarded for answering correctly on the first attempt. A 10% penalty will be deducted for each subsequent attempt (i.e., 90% credit for a correct answer on the second attempt, 80% on the third attempt, etc.). You can use hints without penalty. MasteringGenetics Practice Problems: • Practice questions will cover the material discussed in class and will be visible on the calendar view of your MasteringGenetics home screen. They will remain available until the end of the course. No credit will be given for these questions.


Last updated September 8, 2021

Extra Credit Questions: • Multiple choice questions will be posted in Blackboard following each scheduled class meeting period. Your responses to Blackboard questions will be used to award extra credit points. To receive extra credit for a given set of questions, you must answer all questions correctly. You can attempt each question as many times as it takes you to get the correct answer. • Extra credit assignments must be completed and submitted by 8AM on Saturday (for Tuesday content) or Monday (for Thursday content) in order to receive extra credit. • Questions in Blackboard will be worth up to 2 extra credit points in your final grade (out of 100 total points). You will be awarded extra credit for up to 20 sets of questions (0.1 extra credit points for each set of questions). Recitation, Office Hours, and other Assistance: • The TA will discuss practice problems and answer student questions in recitation. You will be awarded up to 1 extra credit point (out of 100 total points) for attending at least 5 recitations (0.2 extra credit points for each recitation). A link to recitation sessions will be provided in Blackboard. • The instructors will each hold office hours twice per week. Office hours are for asking questions about course content and discussing course policies. If you cannot attend the scheduled office hours, email for an appointment at an alternate time . A link to office hours will be provided in Blackboard. • We recommend directing questions about course content to the instructor who taught the material about which you require assistance. • The UH LAUNCH Peer Tutoring center offers FREE Academic Counseling (713-743-5411), Success Workshops (, and drop in Peer Tutoring ( You can visit them in Cougar Village 1, room N109. Technological Requirements: • You will need a computer and internet connection to access office hours, recitations, and recorded course content (available via links in Blackboard). Office hours and recitations, will be held in Teams and/or Zoom (links available in Blackboard or Teams). • Access to a webcam is recommended for students participating in live sessions (including office hours and recitation). • The University of Houston is committed to student success, and provides information to optimize the online learning experience through our Power-On website. Please visit for a comprehensive set of resources, tools, and tips including: obtaining access to the internet, AccessUH, and Blackboard; requesting a laptop through the Laptop Loaner Program; using your smartphone as a webcam; and downloading Microsoft Office 365 at no cost. For questions or assistance contact [email protected].

Course communication • If you have questions about the course organization, please contact the instructors or TA via email. We should reply within 48 hours. If you do not hear from us within 48 hours, please email again. If you again do not get a reply within one more working day, it is likely that your email is not coming through, and you should come to office hours, post your question in Teams, or contact the instructors through Blackboard.


Last updated September 8, 2021

• Email is appropriate for discussing logistical aspects of the course, including scheduling meetings or requesting clarification about the syllabus. It is your responsibility to ensure that the instructor or TA is aware of issues you may have with the course; failure to effectively initiate timely communication is not a valid basis for a grade grievance and cannot be used as such. • Email is NOT suitable for discussing course content, including lectures, readings, or homework. Questions about course content will not be answered over email. Please come to office hours, recitation, or live problem-solving sessions for answers to questions about course content. • We will communicate logistical aspects of the course to you via email and by posting to Blackboard. Emails will be sent to your official UH address via Blackboard or the official course roster. All UH students receive an Exchange email account. The Exchange mail server can be accessed via Outlook, which provides a single location for organizing and managing day-to-day information, from email and calendars to contacts and task lists. Exchange email accounts can be accessed by logging into Office 365 with your Cougarnet credentials or through Acccess UH. They can also be configured on IOS and Android mobile devices. Additional assistance can be found at the Get Help page. You can set up your UH address to forward to your preferred email account: nt-email/index.php Midterm and Final Exams: • Questions on exams will primarily cover material presented in the lectures. Lectures will usually not cover all of the material outlined in the assigned text readings, and sometimes lectures will cover material that is not in the text. • Exams will typically be graded within one week after the exam was administered. Exam grades may be adjusted depending on the average score in the class. If the class average is below 72%, a fixed number of points will be added to all students’ scores to raise the class average to 72%. • Exams will be given in person at the scheduled dates and times listed on the course syllabus ONLY. You must take your exams in your registered section at the scheduled time. • No make-up midterm exams will be given unless you have a UH pre-approved conflict (see UH Excused Absence Policy below), emergency, or sudden illness (see below). Please contact the instructors as soon as possible if you believe that you qualify for a makeup exam. If you miss one exam, we will drop that score from your final grade calculation. • If you qualify for accommodations during exams, please notify the instructors as soon as possible so that we can arrange a modified testing scenario that suits your requirements. When you contact the instructors, please provide any documentation from the UH Center for Students with DisABILITIES. Course Grading Policies: Your course grade will be based on the homework problem sets ( 20%), your best two midterm exam scores (25+25=50%), the final exam (30%), and any extra credit (up to 3%) . Your lowest midterm score will be dropped, including if you miss an exam. The final exam will be comprehensive and cannot be dropped. See examples below. Example 1: A student takes all three midterm exams. Result: The highest two midterm exams will count toward the course grade. Example 2: A student misses one midterm exam for any reason. Result: This exam is dropped, and the other two midterms count toward the course grade.


Last updated September 8, 2021

Example 3: A student misses two midterm exams. Result: One missed exam will contribute to the course grade as a zero. Example 4: A student is satisfied with his/her grade after the first two midterm exams. Result: Student can skip the third midterm and receive a grade based on the first two exams. • If you miss a midterm exam because of a university approved conflict, illness, or any other unforeseen emergency, please contact the course instructors to discuss make-up options. We cannot guarantee that we can arrange a make-up, but we will consider make-up requests on a case-by-case basis. As an alternative to make-ups, you may drop an exam that you miss or take an incomplete in the course (and complete the remaining material after the semester). • Any disputes about homework or exam grades must be filed in writing (via email) to both instructors within one week of the grade posting. • If you enroll in the course after the first meeting, you are responsible for knowing all course content presented prior to your enrollment. If any assignments were due prior to enrolling, you will receive 0 points for those assignments. Grading scale: A A– B+ B B– C+

> 93 90 – 93 87 – 89 84 – 86 80 – 83 77 – 79

C C– D+ D D– F

74 – 76 70 – 73 67 – 69 64 – 66 60 – 63 < 60

The grading scale is non-negotiable, and we will not take requests to round or bump grades. You can earn up to 2 extra credit points for Blackboard quizzes and 1 point for attending recitation . We will not award any extra points beyond these. We may adjust the scale if not enough students receive an A, B, or C. This would consist of making the grading scale more generous (moving the letter grade cutoffs down). Please note that we will NOT adjust this scale upward (e.g., if your final score is 92% you are guaranteed to earn at least an A-). Academic Honesty We take cheating very seriously. Any evidence of cheating will result in sanctions at the discretion of the instructors. This may include a grade of zero for the exam or assignment in question, and we reserve the right to take further disciplinary action (see below). For additional information, please consult the Office of the Provost’s webpage on Academic Honesty ( All content fou...

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