Syllabus ITAL 1010fall2021 PDF

Title Syllabus ITAL 1010fall2021
Course Beginning Italian
Institution University of Colorado Boulder
Pages 6
File Size 175.3 KB
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Ital 1010 syllabus 2021...



FRENCH AND ITALIAN DEPARTMENT Fall Semester 2021 Monday, August 23 – Thursday, December 9 Final exam is Wednesday, December 15, 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

ITALIAN 1010: Beginning Italian 1 (4 credit hours) This is a high energy and dynamic class in which students will learn to understand, speak, read, and write Italian at a beginning level. The cultural focus is the personal world of the student. Topics included in New Italian Project include friends, family, school, food, holidays, and free time. Grammatical concepts include nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and the present, past tense, and future of verbs. Class time is utilized to practice speaking and to employ all new grammatical concepts and vocabulary. Outside of class students will study the text, do on-line exercises, and listen to/watch audio and video clips. Meets Daily: 001 002 003 004 005

10:20-11:10 1:50-2:40 11:30-12:20 12:40-1:30 9:10-10:00


Vasile CHEM 131 Craven (all remote)** DiMaggio HLMS 145 CASE E224 Saurini (hybrid)** Torriani CHEM 131

**Remote and hybrid sections require a strong and consistent internet signal, and that both a webcam and microphone are turned on for the duration of the class period. Instructors:

Craven DiMaggio Saurini Torriani Vasile

WDBY 300 WDBY 303 WDBY 403 WDBY 404 WDBY 401

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Office hours for CHIARA TORRIANI: Monday & Wednesday 2:00-3:00 pm or by appointment Textbook: On-line activities:

New Italian Project 1a, Edilingua 2019, Marin, Magnelli The text comes with an on-line component which you must also register for.

Students are required to purchase a hard copy of New Italian Project 1a and bring it to class every day. Students must also bring a computer to class every day, including exam days. Program:

Chapters Preliminare - 5


The Final Exam will be given Wednesday, December 15 from 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Information regarding the ORAL component of the Final Exam and the location of the written exam will be announced in class at a later date. Attendance for both the oral and the written final exam is mandatory, without exception. ***Students who miss the oral part of the final will receive a zero for that portion.***

Please note the following policy: No student will be exempted from the final. Please note that Friday, October 29 is the deadline for students who have another exam at the same time to make arrangements to change their final exam schedule. No changes or exceptions to the dates for the oral or written final will be made after October 29. Grading:

The semester grade will be determined as follows: 25% Homework, activities and participation (15% on-line homework; 5% other homework; 5% participation) 60% Chapter tests (5) 15% Final exam The grading scale is: A 93 -100 A- 90 - 92 B+ 88 - 89 B 83 - 87

BC+ C C-

80 - 82 78 - 79 73 - 77 70 - 72


68 - 69 66 - 67 65 64 & below

Please note the departmental policy that any students receiving a grade lower than C- in a language course may not proceed to the next level. The student must repeat the course for a better grade before proceeding to the next course. This rule applies also to NC or P/F students. Make-ups:

There will be no make-ups of chapter tests. The five chapter tests will be given on the following dates: Sep 16, Oct 5, Oct 20, Nov 9, Dec 2 Mark your calendars!


Daily attendance is an essential part of this class. Your instructor and your classmates look forward to and expect to see you in every class since attendance is an important element in the language-learning process. However, we are aware that difficulties do arise and therefore allow for instances of illness or emergency by permitting each student a maximum of 4 absences per semester. After 4 absences, points are deducted from your final grade. How many? For every two absences after the 4 permitted, your final grade is lowered 1%. (Ex: A final grade of 81% with 4 unexcused absences in addition to the 4 permitted absences = 79%.) ***Every two times you are ten minutes late to class or leave ten minutes early from class also constitutes as one absence.*** ***Cell phone use during class constitutes an absence--please see Class Courtesy for more information** NOTE: The absences that will be excused in this course are the following: a. Students’ participation in an activity organized by a Department or Program of the University of Colorado. Students must present a letter from that Department

or Program explaining the absence; this letter must be submitted to the Italian instructor at least one week prior to the date of the absence. b. Religious obligations. Campus policy regarding religious observances requires that faculty make every effort to deal reasonably and fairly with all students who, because of religious obligations, have conflicts with scheduled exams, assignments or required attendance. In this class, Students must notify the instructor in writing of anticipated conflicts during the first two weeks of the semester. See the campus policy regarding religious observances for full details. c. A medical condition which prohibits you from attending class. Homework, participation and activities: This will determine 25% of the final grade. Each day students are required to do a variety of on-line activities in New Italian Project, Each day’s homework is due by the start of the class period that day. You have two opportunities to complete the on-line homework correctly, so you should be prepared and study the material carefully before you start. In addition, students are expected to participate daily during both the remote and in-person classes, and to complete any additional assignments given during the semester (writings, projects, etc...). Students should also arrive on time to class, answer in Italian when called on, listen closely to other students, participate actively in all activities, and keep a positive attitude in class. Please note that being prepared for class is the key factor which determines success in this course. Students MUST do the homework before coming to class and be prepared to speak Italian at all times, and in small groups or Zoom breakout rooms with other students. E-mail: course:

Please note the following policies regarding the use of e-mail in this

a. Students should check their CU e-mail account every day and MUST use that account to contact the instructor. E-mails written from a personal account may be ignored or filtered as SPAM. b. Instructors will answer e-mails from students within 24 hours of receiving them M-F and within 48 hours on weekends. E-mails sent after 5:00 p.m. will be answered the following weekday. ALTEC:

The Anderson Language Technology Center (ALTEC) is open for the semester. They have many valuable resources for on-line language learning as well as workshops, so please visit their website at or walk into Hellems 156. Fall and spring hours: Monday to Thursday, 8:30am8:00pm; Fridays, 8:30am-4:00pm


Like us on Facebook! Events, announcements, photos, and interactive activities are frequently posted on our Facebook page.


Follow us on Instagram! italianatcuboulder Events, announcements, photos, and interactive activities are frequently posted on our Instagram page.


Please pay close attention to all deadlines. a. Wednesday, September 8, is the deadline to drop a course and not receive a W on your transcript. b. Friday, October 29, is the deadline to drop a course on MyCUinfo and receive a W on your transcript. It is also the deadline to change your grade to pass/fail. c. Unexplained disappearance from the class will result in the grade of F.


A list of department approved tutors is on our website. Dorm residents may arrange for free tutors for small groups through their RA. Students working with a tutor may not submit, for a grade, work that has been checked, corrected, or written by a tutor. Use tutors for help with exercises and test preparation and to understand errors and corrections on compositions and tests. Failure to use tutor help correctly will result in the dismissal of the tutor from the list approved by the Department of French and Italian.

Computer help: Outside assignments done by a computer translator are immediately obvious to the instructor and will not be considered for a grade. Please use technology resources appropriately. Use of computer translation or copying sentences from Italian websites is a violation of the honor code. Honor Code: All students enrolled in a University of Colorado Boulder course are responsible for knowing and adhering to the Honor Code. Violations of the policy may include: plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, lying, bribery, threat, unauthorized access to academic materials, clicker fraud, submitting the same or similar work in more than one course without permission from all course instructors involved, and aiding academic dishonesty. All incidents of academic misconduct will be reported to the Honor Code ([email protected]); 303-492-5550). Students who are found responsible for violating the academic integrity policy will be subject to nonacademic sanctions from the Honor Code as well as academic sanctions from the faculty member. Additional information regarding the Honor Code academic integrity policy can be found at the Honor Code Office website. Major or Minor: If students would like information about the Italian Major or Minor, they should consult the Department website To meet with the Italian Advisor, Allison Frey, schedule an appointment on Class courtesy: It is quite obvious to the instructor if you are on your cellphone or another device, both during an in-person class and a Zoom class. Laptops, iPads and phones are permitted in class for class use only. Use of these devices for anything other than the class will be considered an absence. Keep your eyes and attention on a Zoom call, including while other students are talking. If you use devices for reasons other than this class, you will be

counted as absent for that day. The use of cellphones in class has been pedagogically proven to take away from your language learning experience. Students should not plan to EAT in class unless they have a medical reason to do so. In this case, they will submit a letter of documentation to the instructor. There will also be no GUM chewing in class. It hinders one’s ability to speak and is a distraction to other students. Classroom behavior: Students and faculty each have responsibility for maintaining an appropriate learning environment, whether you are in class, remote, or on-line. Those who fail to adhere to such behavioral standards may be subject to discipline. Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation or political philosophy. For more information, see the policies on classroom behavior and the Student Code of Conduct. Preferred Student Names and Pronouns: CU Boulder recognizes that students' legal information doesn't always align with how they identify. Students may update their preferred names and pronouns via the student portal; those preferred names and pronouns are listed on instructors' class rosters. In the absence of such updates, the name that appears on the class roster is the student's legal name. Accommodations: If you qualify for accommodations because of a disability, please submit to your professor a letter from Disability Services in a timely manner so that your needs can be addressed. Disability Services determines accommodations based on documented disabilities. Contact Disability Services at 303-492-8671 or by email at [email protected] . If you have a temporary medical condition or injury, see Temporary Injuries guidelines under the Quick Links at the Disability Services website and discuss your needs with your professor. No accommodations, including absences, can be considered retroactively. You must provide documentation of special needs at the beginning of the semester. Disabilities services mandates that letters for exam accommodations are provided at least one week prior to the exam. A student who is repeating the course for any reason is asked to notify the instructor. Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination, Harassment and/or Related Retaliation: The University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) is committed to fostering a positive and welcoming learning, working, and living environment. CU Boulder will not tolerate acts of sexual misconduct (including sexual assault, exploitation, harassment, dating or domestic violence, and stalking), discrimination, and harassment by members of our community. Individuals who believe they have been subject to misconduct or retaliatory actions for reporting a concern should contact the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) at 303-492-2127 or [email protected]. Information about the OIEC, university policies, anonymous reporting, and the campus resources can be found on the OIEC website.

Please know that faculty and instructors have a responsibility to inform OIEC when made aware of incidents of sexual misconduct, discrimination, harassment and/or related retaliation, to ensure that individuals impacted receive information about options for reporting and support resources. Requirements for COVID-19: As a matter of public health and safety due to the pandemic, all members of the CU Boulder community and all visitors to campus must follow university, department and building requirements and all public health orders in place to reduce the risk of spreading infectious disease. Students who fail to adhere to these requirements will be asked to leave class, and students who do not leave class when asked or who refuse to comply with these requirements will be referred to Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution. For more information, see the policy on classroom behavior and the Student Code of Conduct. If you require accommodation because a disability prevents you from fulfilling these safety measures, please follow the steps in the “Accommodation for Disabilities” statement on this syllabus. As of Aug. 13, 2021, CU Boulder has returned to requiring masks in classrooms and laboratories regardless of vaccination status. This requirement is a temporary precaution during the delta surge to supplement CU Boulder’s COVID-19 vaccine requirement. Exemptions include individuals who cannot medically tolerate a face covering, as well as those who are hearing-impaired or otherwise disabled or who are communicating with someone who is hearing-impaired or otherwise disabled and where the ability to see the mouth is essential to communication. If you qualify for a mask-related accommodation, please follow the steps in the “Accommodation for Disabilities” statement on this syllabus. In addition, vaccinated instructional faculty who are engaged in an indoor instructional activity and are separated by at least 6 feet from the nearest person are exempt from wearing masks if they so choose....

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