Syllabus PDF

Title Syllabus
Author 是紫宸 不是咸鱼
Course Introduction to Communication
Institution University of California Davis
Pages 6
File Size 487.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Syllabus for spring quater...


What you need to know right away! Details are provided on the following pages

This is a hybrid course, meaning it has a mixture of online and in-person activities: • • • •

Online lecture videos with online quizzing An online textbook with online quizzing A weekly in-person discussion section with 30 students, led by a teaching assistant A weekly meeting of all the students, with lectures some weeks and exams other weeks

This course gets started very rapidly! • The first online assignments are due on Thursday, April 4 (11:59 pm) • The first midterm exam is on Friday, April 12

If you have added the class after the first day, see Announcements on Canvas. You will need: • A decent computer and a good Internet connection A subscription to the online textbook, which you will receive automatically when you access the Canvas site for this course and will be automatically charged to your student account (do not try to buy it separately) An iClicker2, which you should purchase and register prior to your first class meeting (do NOT purchase the REEF application)

To get started: • You will access the online materials via Canvas ( • Do NOT try to access the materials prior to the first day of classes • You will receive announcements on Canvas, which will be sent to your email account, telling you how to get started • Read ALL of this syllabus before contacting your TA or the Professor with questions

Important dates: • 5 midterms (4/12, 4/26, 5/10, 5/24, 6/10) • Final exam (6/10– mandatory) • Weekly discussion sections (varies by section)

Check the midterm and final exam dates for conflicts now! How to ask questions about course content, structure, or technical problems • If you have a technical problem, read our Troubleshooting Tips (see link on the course home page on Canvas) • If you have a question about course content or structure, read our How to Contact Us page (see link on the course home page on Canvas) • Please read these documents before emailing us!

PSC 001Y

General Psychology Spring 2019, Sections A01-A16 **Check Canvas for the most current version of the syllabus

Instructional Team Instructor: Karen H. Lara [email protected] Office Hours Tuesdays 10:30am-11:30pm Young 269 Fridays 10:30am-11:30am Young 269 Teaching Assistants Lynea Witczak [email protected] Alexia Williams [email protected] Heather Mayer [email protected] Nate Smith [email protected]

Office Hours W 1:00-2:00pm, W 5:00-6:00pm Young Hall 165A Th 9:30-11:30am Young Hall 245 Th 1:30-3:30pm Young Hall 245 M 9:00-11:00am Young Hall 174E

Discussion Sections A14 T 12:10pm Olson 207 A16 T 2:10pm Bainer 1130

Discussion Sections A01 T 3:10pm Olson 261 A02 T 4:10pm Olson 207 A05 Th 3:10pm Wellman 235 A08 Th 6:10pm Bainer 1130 A06 Th 4:10pm Olson 207 A07 Th 5:10pm Olson 223 A09 W 3:10pm Wellman 229 A10 W 4:10pm Wellman 101

A 03 T 5:10pm Olson 223 A04 T 5:10pm Olson 147 A 15 Th 8:00am Wellman 105 A 12 W 6:10pm Hart 1116 A 11 W 5:10pm Wellman 103 A 13 W 7:10pm Wellman 25

Have questions? Check the How to Contact Us page (see link on the Canvas home page)

The COURSE At a Glance This hybrid course is divided into five two-week units with online and in-person components Live Lectures: In-person meetings of the whole class covering course topics. During class you will need an iClicker2 to respond to questions. Location: Sciences Lecture Hall 123 Time: 9:00-9:50am on the following Fridays Unit 1: Apr 5 Unit 2: Apr 19 Unit 3: May 3

Unit 4: May 17 Unit 5: May 31

Exams: 5 midterms and a final exam. Location: Sciences Lecture Hall 123 Time: 9:00-9:50am on the following Fridays Unit 1: Apr 12 Unit 2: Apr 26 Unit 3: May 10

Unit 4: May 24

Unit 5 and Final Exam: Location: TBA Time: Mon, June 10 at 8:00am

Online Lectures and Readings: Each week there are several online lectures and readings in the Psychological Science e-textbook, accessed via Canvas and accompanied by quizzes.

Discussion Sections: We meet weekly for smallgroup activities and discussion of course topics. See course builder for the time and location of your section. You will need an iClicker2 during class.

Research Participation: You are required to complete 6 credits of research through the PSC department subject pool (SONA). Subject pool coordinator contact: [email protected]

Grading Discussion & Live Lecture (10%)

Textbook (10%)

Lecture Q (10%)

Midterms & Final (70%)

Research participation is required to receive a grade Some scores are dropped: v The lowest midterm; but the final exam is mandatory v Four of the textbook quiz grades v Three of the lecture quiz grades v Three of the live lecture or discussion section grades

Learning Objectives This course will provide a broad survey of the field of psychology. By the end of the course, students will be able to: • Identify the broad range of topics that fall within the domain of psychology and the central themes that tie the field together • Understand the major perspectives, theories, and findings in psychology • Use and understand the terminology used by researchers and clinicians to describe psychological phenomena • Explain what it means to have a scientific understanding of the human mind and human behavior • Differentiate between descriptions and explanations of psychological phenomena, and be able to categorize them across two major dimensions • Apply findings and theories from the field of psychology to the real world and their own lives

Course Details Textbook: Gazzaniga et al., Psychological Science, 6th Edition This is a required electronic textbook that includes a quizzing tool that we will use extensively. You will automatically receive access to it via Canvas, and you will automatically be charged for it at the end of the add/drop period (see for details). iClicker: During the live lectures and discussion sections, you will receive credit for responding to multiple-choice questions using a physical iClicker2 (not the REEF app), which is available through the bookstore and online retailers. You can buy them used, but check that you have the correct model (it should say “iClicker2”). Register your clicker at before the first class. More information can be found on the course home page on Canvas.

ONLINE TEXTBOOK, LECTURES, & QUIZZES: A majority of the material for this course will be delivered via online readings and lectures, with frequent quizzes to help you understand and retain the material. You will access the textbook, lectures, and quizzes on the Canvas website ( using unit links on the course home page. In each unit, you will cycle between lecture videos and textbook readings, interspersed with quizzes. The goal of all this quizzing is to help you learn the material, and there is a lot of evidence that this approach really helps students learn. • Each lecture is divided into several video segments, each approximately 5 minutes long. The lectures are hosted on YouTube but will be accessed from Canvas. • YouTube provides closed captioning, which can be automatically translated into a variety of languages (but we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translations). • Video segments contain embedded multiple-choice questions, which are designed t enhance your comprehension and retention of the material. These quizzes do not contribute to your course grade, but they will help you prepare for midterm exams. • There are lecture quizzes at the end of each subunit that are administered by Canva and will contribute to your course grade. You may only take a given lecture quiz once. • Each textbook chapter is divided into multiple sections, with a graded quiz after each section. You will access these quizzes on Canvas, but they are provided by the textbook publisher using a tool called InQuizitive.

Course details (Continued) IN-PERSON LECTURES, DISCUSSION SECTION, EXAMS, & RESEARCH: Live Lectures: The entire class will meet for an hour on non-exam Fridays for lectures led by the instructor or teaching assistant. • These lectures will supplement online course materials and discussion sections. • During these lectures, you will receive credit for answering multiple choice questions using an iClicker2. • You must bring a functioning iClicker2 to each live lecture to receive credit for that day.

• •

Midterm Exams and Final Exam There will be a midterm exam at the end of each of the five two-week units, and a final exam that covers the entire course. We will automatically drop your lowest midterm exam score, so one bad day won’t ruin your grade. However, the final exam is required and cannot be dropped. You will take the midterms and final in a meeting of the entire class (they are not online exams). Be aware that it is your responsibility to be available for each of these exams, including the final exam period; we cannot make accommodations for trips home, work schedules, etc. TAs will lead a review session before each exam (check announcements). If you do poorly on a midterm, you are encouraged to look at your answers to help you focus your studying for the next midterm. To see your midterm, contact your TA. Important note: You may only review a midterm or challenge a question until the next exam.

Discussion Sections: The small-group discussion sections will meet for an hour each week for activities led by the TA. • During each discussion section you will receive credit for answering multiple choice questions using an iClicker2. • You must be present at your regularly scheduled discussion section and respond to these questions to receive credit for that week.

Research Participation: To enhance your understanding of psychological research, you are required to participate in 6 hours of research conducted within the department or write summaries published research papers. • Details can be found in the Research Participation Letter which is available on Canvas • Additional information and signups can be accessed here: • Note that the research participation system is run by a central administrator, not by the course instructors. If you have any problems or questions, we will not be able to help. Instead, look for an answer in the FAQ section of the website above, and then contact the Subject Pool Coordinator ([email protected]) if your question is not answered there.

Course Policies ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION: Important communications from the instructor and teaching assistants will be sent by email to your UC Davis email account. Students are responsible for checking this account daily and for ensuring that Canvas notifications are set so they will receive all announcements. You can post questions and comments about the course material using the Discussions tool on Canvas. Feel free to answer other students’ questions—we will make sure that all questions are answered correctly. ADDING THIS COURSE AFTER THE FIRST WEEK OF CLASS: This course covers as much material in 10 weeks as a year-long high school AP class. The course gets started very quickly, with online quizzes due during Week 1 and a midterm in Week 2. We cannot extend these deadlines for students who add the class. We therefore recommend against adding the course after the first week. CODE OF ACADEMIC CONDUCT: We take academic integrity very seriously. Any cheating during the exams, posting of course materials on the internet, using posted answers, or other violations of the Code of Academic Conduct will be reported to Student Judicial Affairs. You may work together with other students on the lecture quizzes and textbook quizzes if you are involved in answering questions. The quizzes are an important part of the learning process and students benefit from answering the questions on their own. Lecture notes contain copyrighted materials and may not be posted online.

• •

ACCOMMODATIONS: This course was explicitly designed to accommodate students with hearing impairments. Closed captioning is available for the online lectures (via YouTube). Please let us know if you encounter any problems, or if you need additional accommodations because of vision or hearing impairments. If you would like to request additional accommodations for any kind of disability, please visit the Student Disability Center.

POLICY FOR EXCUSES (missed deadlines, absences, etc.) • If you miss an exam because of a significant and documented illness, we will make arrangements for a makeup. This requires documentation (e.g., a note from a doctor). In addition, you must contact the instructor (not your TA) in advance if at all possible. There are no make-ups for online quizzes or activities from the live lectures and discussion sections. However several of these grades are automatically dropped (details are provided on the next page). If you miss an exam because of some other kind of event (e.g., a death in the family), you may submit a request to the instructor (not your TA) for an extension or makeup. These requests will typically be granted only for events that are very significant and when the timing is beyond the student's control. If you arrive late for an exam (after the first student has completed the exam), you may not be allowed to take that exam unless you have a compelling, documented excuse. In most cases, technical problems are not considered valid excuses for missing a deadline. We realize that technical problems do happen, which is why we automatically drop several of the lowest quiz scores. Take into account the possibility of technical problems by aiming to complete all assignments at least an hour before the deadline. That way you will have time to reboot your computer, find a working Wi-Fi hotspot, etc., before the deadline.

GRADING COMPONENTS OF YOUR GRADE Midterms & Final: 70% of grade Each exam consists of 28 multiple-choice questions. The lowest midterm score will be automatically dropped. The final exam is required and the score cannot be dropped. Lecture Quizzes: 10% of grade The embedded questions during each lecture video are not graded. However, there is a lecture quiz hosted by Canvas for each subunit, and these lecture quizzes will be graded. We will automatically drop the lowest 3 lecture quiz scores. The goal for these quizzes is to help you to master the material in the lectures, not to assess how much you have learned. Textbook Quizzes: 10% of grade The InQuizitive quizzes that follow each section of the textbook will be graded. For each InQuizitive quiz, you must answer a minimum number of questions to get any credit for the quiz. By answering enough questions, it will be possible for you to get 100% of the points for a given quiz. In addition, we will automatically drop the lowest 4 InQuizitive quiz scores. The goal for these quizzes is to help you to master the material in the textbook, not to assess learning. Discussion Section & Live Lecture: 10% of grade The 10 discussion section meetings and 5 live lectures will involve a graded activity (typically clicker questions). You must attend the discussion section for which you are registered. There will also be graded activities for the live lectures. We will automatically drop the 3 lowest scores from the discussion sections and live lectures, so no makeups will be offered. Research Participation: REQUIRED TO PASS Research participation does not contribute to your letter grade. However, you must complete this requirement to pass the course. If you have not completed this requirement by the deadline, you will receive an Incomplete for the course. If the incomplete is not made up within three registered quarters, it will automatically be changed to an F.

VIEWING GRADES ON CANVAS: Because we drop the lowest midterm score and several of the lowest quiz scores, it can be difficult to determine what your final grade will be until very near the end of the quarter. Also, Canvas ordinarily excludes any missing assignments when it calculates your current percentage, which is very misleading. To see the actual percentage in the Grades tool on Canvas, you must uncheck the box labeled “Calculate based only on graded assignments”. GRADE CUTOFFS: There will be no rounding or curving, so no need to ask. In the table below the percent listed to the left is the minimum required to receive the grade to the right. For example, a student with 91.5% will receive an Awhereas a student with 92.5% will receive an A.

Percent Grade 98 A+ 92






















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