Syllabus Macroeconomics Pace University ECO 105 PDF

Title Syllabus Macroeconomics Pace University ECO 105
Author Dev Shah
Course Principles Of Economics: Macroeconomics
Institution Pace University
Pages 4
File Size 437.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 47
Total Views 129


Syllabus for ECO 105 from year 2020-21, too difficult for me to find....


PACE UNIVERSITY DYSON COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, Fall 2017 Department of Economics ECO 105, CRN: 71763 Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics Friday, 1:20PM – 4:20 PM, Room: E302 Instructor: Cesar Castope Email: [email protected] Course Description: Theory of economy-wide phenomena, including inflation, unemployment, and economic growth Learning Objectives: By the end of this course you will Upon successful completion of this course you can expect to: • Have acquired a basic knowledge of economic society, from the vantage point of the economy as a whole • Have an essential understanding of how the overall quantity of production and the overall price level are used to monitor developments in the economy • Understand the forces that determine key variables, including growth in GDP, saving, investment, real interest rates, and unemployment • Attain a greater understanding as to how banking system generates money and better comprehend the role of money in the economy • Understand and distinguish short-run and long-run economic fluctuations • Understand why monetary policy and fiscal policy are crucial in determining the behavior of key variables in the economy • Understand the origins and evolution of the 2007-2009 financial crisis and its effect on the US economy, advanced countries, and emerging markets


Course Text: O'sullivan, Sheffrin, Perez. Macroeconomics: Principles, Applications, and Tools. Ninth Edition. Pearson/Prentice Hall, make sure it includes Econ-Lab. An e-book version of the text is also available. Grading: Assignments Exam 1 Exam 2 Final Exam

30% 20% 20% 30% Number Grade 98 – 100 93 – 97 90 – 92 88 – 89 83 – 87 80 – 82 78– 79 73 – 77 70 – 72 60 – 69 < 60

Letter Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD F

Examinations: There will be no make-up exams for either of the midterm exams. If you miss an exam because of a serious and documented emergency or medical condition, your other two exam grades will be reweighted so as not penalize you. In this case, I will need to be notified within 24 hours of the exam. Exams will all be closed book. No books, notes or electronic devices will be allowed into the examination except for simple calculations. The final exam is cumulative. Attendance You are expected to attend every class. There is no attendance requirement, but students who do not attend class regularly or skip homework assignments do not succeed in this class. Also, please be considerate of your classmates and arrive on time. Cell phones, pagers or other electronic devices must be turned off before the class begins. If you use a laptop in class, must email your lecture notes at the end of each class. You will be given an option of extra-credit project (not mandatory) at the end of the semester and a binder/folder which will be counted towards your final grade (also not mandatory), this will be explained the first day of classes.


Tutoring Tutoring is available for this class at the Tutoring Center at 41 Park Row on the 2nd floor. General Information Eco 105 is not an easy course and requires regular, consistent time an effort. That is not to say that the course must be unpleasant. If you are willing to carry the workload required of you, there will be no reason why you should not receive a good grade in this course. If you see that you are having difficulty with the coursework, advise me as early as possible and we will try to make suggestions and schedule you for additional work. Academic Integrity All members of the Pace community are expected to behave with honesty and integrity. The Undergraduate Catalog includes the following advisory for students on Academic Integrity: Students must accept the responsibility to be honest and to respect ethical standards in meeting their academic assignments and requirements. Integrity in the academic life requires that students demonstrate intellectual and academic achievement independent of all assistance except that authorized by the instructor. The use of an outside source, including electronics sources, in any paper, report or submission for academic credit without the appropriate acknowledgement is plagiarism. It is unethical to present as one’s own work the ideas, words or representations of another without the proper indication of the source. Therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to give credit for any quotation, idea or data borrowed from an outside source. Students who fail to meet the responsibility for academic integrity subject themselves to sanctions ranging from a reduction in grade or failure in the assignment or course in which the offense occurred to suspension or dismissal from the University. (21) Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability for which you wish to obtain an accommodation or auxiliary aid for this course or any other course or program at Pace, you must contact the Coordinator of Disability Services located at the University's Counseling Center in New York at 212-346-1526 or in Pleasantville at 914-7733710. The Coordinator of Disability Services will evaluate your documentation and discuss the accommodations process with you, provide any necessary referrals, make recommendations for your plan of accommodation, and assist you in arranging the recommended accommodations with your professors and appropriate administrators. Professors are not authorized to make such decisions on their own, provide accommodations or aids prior to your arranging for them through Counseling Services, or to contact the Counseling Center directly about such questions.


Course Schedule (tentative) TOPIC Introduction/Opportunity Cost/ PPF


Chapter 1 Chapter 2

HW #1-2

Economic Systems/ US Economy The Circular Flow Model Demand, Supply, Equilibrium

Chapter 3 Chapter 4

HW #3-4

Shifts in Demand and Supply

Chapter 4

Exam I

Chapters 1-4

GDP/Components of GDP/ Economic Growth

Chapter 5

HW #5

Unemployment and Inflation

Chapter 6

HW #6

Exam II

Chapter 5-6

Business Cycle/AD/AS/shifts Supply shocks and Long Term trends

Chapter 8

HW #8

History of US Economy Classical and Keynesian

Chapter 9 Chapter10

HW #9-10

Recessionary and Inflationary Gaps

Chapter 12

HW #12




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