Syllabus PDF

Title Syllabus
Author Mycym Ikhg
Course Applied Pathophysiology
Institution Rasmussen University
Pages 8
File Size 251.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 35
Total Views 125


The Syllabus...


Syllabus: NUR3205 Section 05 Applied Pathophysiology - Online - 2018 Fall Quarter Total Credits: 4 Lecture: 40 hours Instructor:

Sarah Shanks

Office Phone:


Rasmussen email:

[email protected]

Instructor Notes:

Please reach out with any questions. I live in Central Standard Time zone, please no phone calls after 9 pm or before 8 am

Course Description This course is designed to enhance the student's knowledge and understanding of pathophysiological concepts and processes related to human illness and disease. A client centered systems approach is used to explore the pathophysiology, etiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, and diagnostics of selected illness and disease. This course will aid the student's ability to develop sound nursing practice, critical reasoning abilities, and foster skills that provide safe, quality client care.

Pre or Co-Requisites RN to BSN entrance option: Admission to BSN Program A-BSN entrance option: Prerequisite: Human Anatomy and Physiology I and Human Anatomy and Physiology II Didactic Course Competencies By the end of this course, students will: 1. Analyze the etiology and pathophysiological alterations associated with selected common conditions. 2. Examine relevant research as a basis for explaining the pathophysiological changes associated with common health alterations. 3. Apply pathophysiological principles to case situations as a basis for nursing practice. 4. Discuss pathophysiological changes in special populations.

5. Examine concepts of pain and suffering in the context of physiologic models of pain and comfort. Course Requirements This is an 11-week course. Each week, students will be required to complete a set of assignments. All assignments are listed in the course schedule by week; specific due dates can be found in the Course Calendar. If this is an online course, you must plan to have regular internet access, and time to explore the resources available on the various ideas and topics we will be covering. Instructor Participation and Communication Students can expect the instructor to: • Respond to all course messages, calls or emails within 48 hours of receipt. • Provide instructor contact information on the syllabus. • Conduct synchronous learning session(s) during the term/quarter as designated by the course requirements using the virtual classroom software provided. • Participate in class discussions (as applicable). • Grade all assignments including discussion forums by Friday at midnight after the assignment due date. Required Text and Resources: McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2014). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (7th ed.). Mosby Elsevier ISBN: 9780323088541 Library and Learning Services Resources (LLS) All library resources are made available through the student portal. You can link to the student portal by clicking on the link below. Log into the portal with the following username and password. Username: Your school email address Password: Your school password Once you are logged in, mouse over the "resources" button at the top of the screen and choose "library." Documentation Style Requirements Different academic and professional disciplines use various methods for citing sources of information. This is done so that ideas are properly attributed to their author and so that others can easily find and refer to the information to help with further study or research. To ensure consistency and precision for students and instructors, the College has chosen the APA style as the standard documentation and citation style to be used in all courses.

APA format was established by the American Psychological Association. It is used widely in the social sciences and other research-based fields and it is one of the most universally applicable documentation styles because of its ease of use. The APA style provides for clear references in the text and at the end of the document. By using APA as the common style in our classes and assignments, the College seeks to streamline the documentation component of the important information literacy process. For additional information on the use of APA style, refer to the Library Resources page on the Student Portal, accessible via the Resources tab. Discussions If this is an online course, online discussion will be used to further explore the topics we study each week. If this is a residential course, then discussions may occur during active classroom engagement. For each week/module that contains a Discussion Forum, you will be expected to post a thoughtful, detailed response (i.e., "yes," "no," "I agree," or "I disagree" answer is not sufficient). Discussion forum posts should include references where applicable. These references must be cited appropriately using APA 6th edition. Discussion Post Due Dates Course Type

Week 1 - Week 1 11 Initial 10 Reply Post Due Post Due Date Date

Weeks 11 Reply Post Due Date

Full Quarter - 11 week length

Tuesday midnight

Last day of Class

Saturday midnight

Netiquette Rule Requirements Remember to exercise courtesy and proper etiquette when responding to others posts. The online expectation for student standards of behavior mirrors the classroom expectations. Refer to website for network application. Written Assignment/Exam/Assessment Due Dates Course Type

Week 1 - 10

Final Week

Full Quarter - 11 week length

Sunday midnight

Last day of Class

Grading Criteria CATEGORY


POINTS PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL POINTS (500) Live Sessions Class 3, 7, 11 (10 30 Each) TOTAL 30 6% Exams

Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Total

50 50 60 160

Initial Entry


Midterm Entry Final Entry TOTAL

5 10 25

Topic for the Independent Investigation Project Course Project Assignment Outline for Your Independent Investigation Project Literature Review Brief Summary of Progress with Independent Investigation Final Independent Investigation Project Paper TOTAL


Nurse EPortfolio



Discussion - The Importance of Pathophysiology




30 15


135 10


in Nursing Practice Concept Map Written Assignment PowerPoint Presentation on a Neurological Disorder Discussion Headaches and Pain Discussion Children with Type I Diabetes: the Impact on Their Families Written Assignment Case Study Discussion Managing Childhood Asthma Written Assignment Case Study: Diarrhea Discussion - NonPharmacological /Lifestyle Modifications for Patients Suffering from GERD Written Assignment Patient Education Brochure Written Assignment - The Impact of Infertility on a Couple Discussion - CIH Modalities for Chronic Pain Conditions

15 15









10 10

Discussion Psychosocial Effects of Skin Disorders TOTAL TOTAL FOR COURSE





School of Nursing Grading Scale Students are required to earn at least a "C" in their nursing courses. This applies to all NUR, PN, PRN, and NGR coursework level 000 through 6999. The grading scale for these courses is as follows: Letter Grade

Percentage Range


94 - 100%


85 - 93%


78 - 84%


Below 78%

Nursing core courses may contain a co-requisite laboratory component, co-requisite clinical learning component, or both in addition to the lecture component of a course. Satisfactory performance in the lecture component (score of 78% or higher) and a satisfactory assessment in the laboratory and/or clinical experience are required to earn a passing grade in the course. Failure to earn a satisfactory assessment in the laboratory and/or clinical component will result in failure of all components of the course. If a satisfactory assessment in the lab and/or clinical learning experience, courses with multiple components will receive a coordinated grade for each component equivalent to the earned grade in the lecture component. Total Exam Score Average In order to pass the course, students are required to achieve an overall Total Exam Score Average at or above a threshold of 78% for all exams taken within the nursing course. Neither the threshold calculation or the individual exam percentages will be rounded up, for example 77.9% equals 77%. To determine the exam score average, each course exam will be individually calculated, earning a distinct percentage. Exam "percentages" (not points) will then be added individually and divided by the number of exams in the course in order to determine achievement of the 78% benchmark; e.g. if there are four exams in the course and the results of exam one (50 questions) = 80%, exam two (50 questions) = 78%, exam three (50 questions) = 89% and final exam (100 questions) = 76%, the Total Exam Score Average would be 80% (80+78+89+76)/4.

Total Course Score Once the 78% total exam score average threshold has been met, the final grade for the nursing course will be calculated based on all incorporated points earned for exams, assignments, quizzes, and other coursework requirements. Students who successfully reach the 78% exam average threshold as calculated above will then have the course determined by an overall course point calculation which includes all earned points as outlined in the course syllabus. Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Rasmussen College utilizes Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) to complement and assess student learning in pre-licensure nursing programs. The resource includes review modules, tutorials, practice and proctored assessments, Proctored Content Mastery Examinations, as well as focused content review and remediation. ATI tools may be assigned in addition to classroom, lab, and clinical learning. Students should consult their course instructor for details regarding ATI content for each individual course. For more detailed information on ATI, review the ATI Policy section within the School of Nursing Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook. Transferable Skills Assessment Rasmussen College has identified the following Transferable Skills as institution-level learning outcomes: Communication, Critical Thinking, Digital Fluency, Diversity and Teamwork, Ethics and Professional Responsibility, and Information Literacy. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate these outcomes in a number of courses across the curriculum. Attendance Policy A basic requirement for employment in any organization is regular, on-time attendance. Rasmussen College students are expected to be on time and in regular attendance for all of their classes. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to get missed information, class work, and assignments. For further information regarding the attendance policy, refer to the Rasmussen College Course Catalog and the School of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook. Clinical, Lab, and Simulation Experience in the Nursing Programs have attendance requirements that are more stringent than the attendance policy above. Guidelines may be found in the School of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook. Late Assignment Submission Policy The School of Nursing adheres to the Rasmussen College Late Assignment Submission Policy that can be found in the Rasmussen College Course Catalog. Incomplete Grade Policy An "I" indicates an incomplete grade, and is a temporary grade for a course which a student is unable to complete due to extenuating circumstances. The School of Nursing

adheres to the Rasmussen College Incomplete Grade Policy that can be found in the Rasmussen College Course Catalog. Repeating Course Policy for Nursing Courses The School of Nursing allows students to fail one nursing course within the core nursing curriculum. (NU, NUR, PN, PRN, HUN, & NGR coursework). However, a second failure, whether it be the same nursing course or any other nursing course will result in dismissal from the nursing program. Core nursing courses may need to be repeated in a program of reentry based upon course expiration periods as defined in the Nursing Program Reentry Policy and as allowed by the School of Nursing Course Expiration Policy. For additional information regarding the Repeating Course Policy for Nursing Courses or the Nursing Course Expiration Policy, please see the Rasmussen College Course Catalog or the School of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook. Rasmussen College Academic Integrity Policy Students of Rasmussen College are expected to uphold the very highest business and personal ethics and embrace opportunities for engaging in honest intellectual inquiry by practicing academic integrity. For specific information regarding the Academic Integrity Policy, please see the Rasmussen College Course Catalog. HIPAA Guidelines: Students in all School of Nursing programs are required to comply with all federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines. For additional information please refer to the School of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook....

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