Syllabus Part B Fall 2020 Version 090220 PDF

Title Syllabus Part B Fall 2020 Version 090220
Author Obi Hai
Course Behavioral Science
Institution The City College of New York
Pages 8
File Size 297.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Research course documents ...



Course Syllabus Part B Course Number:

25:705:390:10 Friday 8:30AM-11:20AM, Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Course Title:

Research Process Applied to Evidence-Based Nursing Practice




Fall 2020


Inferential Statistics Course


Kyeongra Yang, PhD, MPH, RN 973-972-2732 (office) Newark, SSB 1025E [email protected] (best way to reach me) Office Hours: right after class or by appointment (via Zoom)

Teaching Strategies: All components of the course are subject to change throughout the semester at the discretion of the faculty. Activities include class discussions/exercises, assigned readings, web-based learning, online/in-class discussions, group work, and scholarly paper/presentations. Required Textbooks: Polit, D., & Beck, C. (2018). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. ISBN-13: 978-1496351296; ISBN-10: 1496351290 American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.

Grading: Students must complete all course requirements AND achieve a minimum cumulative grade of 75% to pass this course. o There are no extra credit projects or exam questions offered in this course. Final grade calculation is rounded up or down only once for the final cumulative grade and is based on conventional mathematics.


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Grade Percent Interpretation Quality Points A 89.5-100% Outstanding 4.0 B+ 84.5-89.49% Very good 3.5 B 79.5-84.49% Good 3.0 C+ 74.5-79.49% Satisfactory 2.5 69.5-74.49% Unsatisfactory C 2.0 D 1.0 59.5-69.49% Unsatisfactory 0.0-59.49% Failure F 0.0 Note: Undergraduate Academic Progression Policy: Course Requirements: Exams EBP Project PICO Question Literature Search Strategy Literature Summary Table Literature Review and EBP Recommendation Psychometric Assessment Activities Completion of CITI Training (Human Subjects Protection)

20% 10% 5% 15% 30% 15% 5%

Attendance is required. All assignments must be completed and submitted on time. One (1) point will be deducted per day the submission is late. Because this course will involve frequent use of Canvas, it is necessary for all students to be proficient in accessing this program and to frequently review the site for announcements. It is the student’s responsibility to keep his or her email account clear so as to receive announcements and communication from faculty. Canvas Help Resources: • 877-361-1134; [email protected] • Student Orientation Tutorial (Self-Paced): Computer Policy: Bring Your Own Device Starting in Fall 2018, the School of Nursing will be introducing a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy. With the proliferation of smart technology and devices, more and more students are pushing the university-supplied computers to the side so that students can use their own devices in the classroom setting. The BYOD policy states that students are expected to bring their own devices to campus as computers will no longer (with some exceptions) be provided by the School of Nursing. Students will even take exams on their own devices. Please do not forget to fully charge your laptop or tablet before all exams. The BYOD policy has been made possible with the update of the Wi-Fi enabling most devices to access the Rutgers wireless networks. For more information:

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Academic Integrity All students are expected to know, understand and live up to the standards of academic integrity explained at All written assignments are expected to be the student’s original work. Plagiarism is cause for disciplinary action and dismissal. Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to (directly or via learning management system, i.e., Canvas) for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the site. Students who do not agree should contact the course instructor immediately. University Code of Student Conduct “The University Code of Student Conduct” governs the student disciplinary process at Rutgers. The Code describes prohibited behaviors, potential sanctions for violations of the Code, and the process for adjudicating alleged violations of the Code. All students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the Code of Conduct from In order to facilitate learning and minimize distractions to fellow students and faculty, students are expected to: 1) be active participants in their own learning 2) be the sole representative of their individual work 3) show respect for fellow students and faculty 4) communicate in a professional manner 5) report to class on time 6) turn in assignments on time 7) turn cell phones and pagers to non-audible during class 8) use computers during class for note-taking and other class-related work only Attendance Policy In accordance with Rutgers University regulations, attendance is expected at all regularly scheduled meetings of a course. Classroom lecture and in-class activities reinforce concepts that are in your text and present additional material. Your participation in in-class activities is part of your overall grade. If you choose to be absent and miss in-class activities, there is no opportunity for make-up, unless you have a documented medical illness, or other documented emergency, that precludes coming to class. You are also responsible for obtaining lecture materials from peers and independently reviewing the on-line directions for assignments if you are absent from class.

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American Disability Act Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey abides by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments (ADAA) of 2008, and Sections 504 and 508 which mandate that reasonable accommodations be provided for qualified students with disabilities and accessibility of online information. If you have a disability and may require some type of instructional and/or examination accommodation, please contact The Rutgers Office of Disability Services early in the semester so that they can provide or facilitate in providing accommodations you may need. If you have not already done so, you will need to register with the Office of Disability Services, the designated office on campus to provide services and administer exams with accommodations for students with disabilities. Please refer to the Office of Disability Services at this web site for individual campus information. Academic Freedom of the Professor Audiotaping, videotaping, and photography are not permitted during classroom lecture or seminar discussion. Civility Statement Civility in the classroom and respect for the opinions of others is very important in an academic environment. To create and preserve a classroom atmosphere that optimizes teaching and learning, all participants share a responsibility in creating a civil and non-disruptive forum. It is likely you may not agree with everything, which is said or discussed in the classroom; however, courteous behavior and responses are expected. Respect for others—classmates, faculty, guests—is expected.

Exam Policy •

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Students are expected to take tests at the scheduled time. Prof. Yang must be notified in advance, in writing, in the event a student will miss a test. Makeup tests will not be allowed for students missing tests due to tardiness, job related issues (e.g., job orientation), and/or not being on site on time. An analysis of students’ responses on each test will be conducted. If there is any evidence of academic dishonesty, students will be required to meet with Prof. Yang. A make-up test will ONLY be scheduled to be completed during the week of finals. Students are not permitted to collaborate with others during the tests. No tests or parts of tests may be printed, copied, photographed or otherwise held in students’ possession. Academic integrity is expected of all students; School of Nursing and University policies pertaining to academic integrity will be enforced. This course has a no questions allowed policy during exams. Items NOT ALLOWED at student’s seat during exams o Cell phones o iPods/media devices o Watches with alarms, computer, or memory capability o Calculators o Paging devices o Noise-canceling headphones Page 4 of 8


o o o o o o

Recording/filming devices Reference materials (book, notes, papers) Scratch papers Backpacks, briefcases, luggage Coats, outer jackets, headwear (religious headwear is allowed) Beverages or food of any type

ProctorTrack Guidelines for Online Exams o Students are responsible for self‐testing the functionality of the system prior to all remote proctored examinations so that any required troubleshooting can be accomplished. o Students are expected to test independently and not in a group. Do not communicate with anyone during testing. No other persons except the test‐taker should be permitted to enter the room during testing. o No electronic devices are permitted to be in your possession during an exam other than devices used to take the exam. This includes smartwatches. o No use of headsets or ear plugs are permitted. This includes Bluetooth earbuds. o Students are not allowed to read the questions out loud. o All programs and/or windows on the testing computer must be closed prior to logging into the proctored test environment and must remain closed until the exam is completed. o Appropriate lighting is mandatory during the entire testing time. o Ensure the desk, wall or table is cleared of all other materials. This means the removal of all books, papers, notebooks, note cards, study guides, class notes, calculators, etc. o No other computer monitors, screens or tablets should be on during the exam. o Under no circumstances should students exit remote proctor during the exam process. No test items should be copied, saved or shared during or following the exam. o Do not leave the room during the testing period at any time. Do not take the computer into another room to finish testing (exam must be completed in the same room the “Exam Environment View” is completed in). o Students are required to adhere to the guidelines as listed above. Each exam is lived proctored and reviewed for policy violations. All violations, minor and major, are considered a breach of integrity. o Cheating on an examination is a serious violation of academic integrity and will result in the student being reported to the Academic Integrity Officer.

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25:705:390:10 Research & EBNP -- Weekly Topical Outline Friday 8:30AM-11:20AM, Virtual Meeting Week #


Content Course Overview; Research 101 Evidence Based Practice Reading and Critiquing Research Articles Self-directed Learning Ethics in research Development of Research Questions & Theoretical Framework Finding and reviewing research evidence

Textbook Chapter* 1













Quantitative Research I

9, 10, 14, & 15



Quantitative Research II

9, 10, 14, & 15









Psychometric Assessment Activities (Osteoporosis/Fall Risk Screening) Psychometric Assessment Activities (Osteoporosis/Fall Risk Screening) Qualitative Research Systematic Reviews and Other Types of Research

Assignments (inclass activities) Introduction


2&4 5 6&8 3&7

CITI Training Develop a PICO question Literature Search Strategy Literature Summary Table

10 & 14

IPE Meeting 1**

Complete Screening

10 & 14

IPE Meeting 2**

Screening Report and SMART Objective

11, 12, 16, & 17 13 & 18

11/20, Presentation of Lit Dissemination of the Findings and Lit Review Paper and 11/25, Reviews and EBP Recommendation: Rapid Presentation Presentation PPT 12/4 Recommendation *Additional reading materials are posted on Canvas. ** Interprofessional education (IPE) meetings will be on 10/20 and 10/27 from 5 PM to 7 PM (See details on Canvas) *** Exam schedule will be finalized later.

12, 13, 14

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Criteria for EBP Project (60%) • Each group is self-assigned (5 students per group). • Each group will select a clinical question that can be answered with research evidence and develop an EBP recommendation. • The EBP project consists of individual assignments and group assignments. For group assignments, the group will obtain the same grade. 1. Develop a PICO Question • Each group will select a clinical question and develop a PICO question • The students will discuss significance of the selected topic • Due: Friday, September 25, 2020, 12PM (In-class activity on a group basis) 2. Submit Search Strategy • The student will identify relevant research articles by using MEDLINE (EBSCOhost), MEDLINE (OVID), CINAHL, or PubMed. o Submit a step-by-step search history o Databases searched, keywords used, AND limits instituted • Due: Friday, October 2, 2020, 12PM (In-class activity on an individual basis) 3. Complete a Literature Summary Table • The student will complete a literature summary table using a relevant research article (on an individual basis) o Select either quantitative or qualitative research articles only (No systematic review articles) o Complete all columns of literature summary table (check Canvas for a copy of summary table) and submit it on time. o Everything must be paraphrased in your own words. o Provide a full citation in APA • The student will earn a full credit if two submissions (i.e., research article and summary table) are submitted as directed. • Due: Thursday, October 8, 2020, 5PM 4. Present a Summary of Literature Review and EBP Recommendation • The students will summarize and synthesize the critical findings from literature reviews and discuss what is known and unknown about the topic o The text is limited to 500 words (excluding title page and references). o Paper Due: Thursday, November 19, 2020, 11:59PM • The students will present literature reviews and EBP recommendations in PowerPoint presentations in class. o A 20-minute presentation and 10-minute Q/A on November 20, November 25, and December 4, 2020 (In-class activity) o Each presentation is expected to involve all group members. Page 7 of 8


o PPT Due: Thursday, November 19, 2020, 11:59PM o Components of the PPT Presentation  Problem statement  Concisely distill the critical findings from literature reviews  Summarize/synthesize what is known and unknown about the topic  EBP recommendations (Recommend for future actions) o Evaluation will be based by organization, content, and overall quality of presentation. The objectives of the group presentations are: o To provide students with an opportunity to share the knowledge they have acquired through their EBP assignment with others. o To give students an opportunity to develop and refine their oral presentation skills.

Psychometric Assessment Activities (15%) The students will participate in Interprofessional Education activities for osteoporosis and fall risk screening with pharmacy, nursing and physical therapy students. Students will have handson experiences of various osteoporosis/fall risk screening tools such as orthostatic hypotension, Postural assessment, The International Osteoporosis Fall Risk Assessment, STEADI SelfAssessment, 30-Second Chair Stand, Timed Up & Go and Single Leg Stand and understand how to properly assess their psychometric properties. There will be two required meetings and written assignments for this requirement. Details will be posted on Canvas. CITI Training (5%) Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative CITI training is a requirement for all members of Rutgers University who are or will be involved in human subjects research. The basic training confers a certification that is good for three (3) years. The online course covers in detail the reason for human subjects protection. Access to the CITI site and instructions on how to proceed are available under the CANVAS assignments tab. Once you have completed the training, print off/save the completion certificate and submit it to the CITI Training Assignment.

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