Syllabus - Psychological Statistics (Just a syllabus) PDF

Title Syllabus - Psychological Statistics (Just a syllabus)
Course Psychotherapy
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Pages 12
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Download Syllabus - Psychological Statistics (Just a syllabus) PDF


Republic of the Philippines

POLYTECHNI CUNI VERSI TYOFTHEPHI LI PPI NES Col l e geofSoc i alSc i e nc e sa ndDe ve l opme nt

Department of Psychology Course Title



Course Code


PSYC 20035

Course Credit


5 Units



Mathematics subject for the course and basic descriptive statistics for the course.

Course Description


A course providing an overview of the concepts, theories and use of statistics in psychology.

Institutional Learning Outcomes Creative and Critical Thinking

Programs Outcomes 

Effective Communication

Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the application of statistics in psychology; specifically, a. Demonstrate an understanding of theories, principles, concepts, and skills statistics and its application in the field of psychology, b. Develop and sustain arguments about established principles in the relationship and use of statistics in psychology, c. Critically evaluate the established statistical theories and principles in statistics that can be applied in the field of psychology, d. Comprehend and evaluate new information related to the applciaton of statistics in behavioral sciences (e.g., theory, concepts, data) that may be presented in various forms and from various sources Demonstrate knowledge of the methods of statistics

Course Objectives 

Discover the historical roots of the use of statistics in the field of psychology and its implication to the present field.

Identify the use and importance of statistics in psychology

Differentiate the various statistical methods that can be used in testing different psychological concepts and theories as well as in the construction of psychological tests

Discuss the use of statistics and its importance in achieving the

Room 202 North Wing PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: 335-1787 Local 347; website email: [email protected]

“The Country’s 1st PolytechnicU”

Republic of the Philippines

POLYTECHNI CUNI VERSI TYOFTHEPHI LI PPI NES Col l e geofSoc i alSc i e nc e sandDe ve l opme nt

Department of Psychology

Strong Service Orientation Passion to Life-Long Learning Sense of Nationalism and Global Responsiveness Community Engagement Adeptness in the Responsible Use of Technology

in relation to psychological inquiry; specifically, e. Understand and explain the main methods of statistics and its application to psychology, f. Critically evaluate the appropriateness of different statisrtical approaches to problem solving in the field of psychology, and g. Apply this knowledge to make judgments and create approaches to solving problems in an applied or an employment context.  Apply statistical concepts and techniques to psychological theories and methods; specifically, a. Correctly apply the statistical techniques, theories, principles, concepts and skills in psychology.  Undertake research using the knowledge and skills statistics and its application in psychology, and communicate the results of such research to both specialist and non-specialist audiences. 

Undertake further training for developing existing statistical skills and its application to psychology and acquiring higher level competencies either through formal graduate education or in an employment context.

Demonstrate understanding of the ethical dimension of the use of statistical techniques to psychological theories and methods.

High Level of Leadership and Organizational Skills Sense of Personal and Professional Ethics

goals of psychology such as understanding, controlling, predicting human behavior. 

Apply the basic statistical techniques and its application to psychology

Recognize relevant issues in the use of statistics in psychology

Room 202 North Wing PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: 335-1787 Local 347; website email: [email protected]

“The Country’s 1st PolytechnicU”

Republic of the Philippines

POLYTECHNI CUNI VERSI TYOFTHEPHI LI PPI NES Col l e geofSoc i alSc i e nc e sandDe ve l opme nt

Department of Psychology


Wee k


Introduction to the Week course contents, 1 activities, and requirements.

Learning Outcomes 

Show interest and appreciation of the importance of knowing the course.


Course Syllabus


Lecture and Discussion

Multimedia (PPT),

Advanced Organizers

Group Activity

 A. Introduction to

statistical methods used in the field of psychology

Understand the basic concepts, theories and techniques in the use of statistics in psychology. Explore the historical roots of the use of


Orientation Review of the syllabus, learning activities and assessment Getting to know activity Ice breaker activity

 

Week 2



Room 202 North Wing PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: 335-1787 Local 347; website email: [email protected]

“The Country’s 1st PolytechnicU”

Research Work Dennis Howitt and Duncan Cramer.

Reflection Paper

Republic of the Philippines

POLYTECHNI CUNI VERSI TYOFTHEPHI LI PPI NES Col l e geofSoc i alSc i e nc e sandDe ve l opme nt

Department of Psychology 

Week 3 to 7

B. Frequency distribution 

 

Introduction to Statistics in Psychology. 2013.

statistics in behavioral science Determine the major statistical techniques used in understanding human behavior Understand the future career in psychology as reseracher and in test construction Know and apply the statistical methods used in psychology Understand the definition, concepts, and uses of frequency distribution Know how to understand and interpret a frequency distribution Know how to create a frequency distribution Learn when to use various methods or ways of creating a frequency distribution

David C. Howell. Statistical Methods for Psychology 5th Edition. 2013.

Class participation

Group discussion



Multimedia (PPT),

Room 202 North Wing PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: 335-1787 Local 347; website email: [email protected]

“The Country’s 1st PolytechnicU”

Textbooks: Dennis Howitt and Duncan Cramer. Introduction to Statistics in Psychology. 2013. David C. Howell. Statistical Methods for Psychology 5th Edition. 2013.

Written and oral exam Case Presentation of Organization

Republic of the Philippines

POLYTECHNI CUNI VERSI TYOFTHEPHI LI PPI NES Col l e geofSoc i alSc i e nc e sandDe ve l opme nt

Department of Psychology  Week 8&9

C. Measures of central tendency

Know the concept of central tendency Learn and apply on how to compute for the central tendency Learn how to compute for mean, median and mode for grouped and ungrouped data Understand the advantages and disadvantages of mean, median and mode.

Class discussion

Multimedia (PPT),

Group Discussion



Dennis Howitt and Duncan Cramer. Introduction to Statistics in Psychology. 2013.

Room 202 North Wing PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: 335-1787 Local 347; website email: [email protected]

“The Country’s 1st PolytechnicU”

David C. Howell. Statistical Methods for Psychology 5th Edition. 2013.

Written and oral exam Simulation of Interview and Recruitment Process

Republic of the Philippines

POLYTECHNI CUNI VERSI TYOFTHEPHI LI PPI NES Col l e geofSoc i alSc i e nc e sandDe ve l opme nt

Department of Psychology D. Measures of variability

  

Know the concept of variability Learn and apply the concept of variability Learn how to compute for range, standard deviation and variance Understand the advantages and disadvantages and limitation of range, standard deviatio and variance

Class discussion

Multimedia (PPT),

Group Discussion



Dennis Howitt and Duncan Cramer. Introduction to Statistics in Psychology. 2013.

Room 202 North Wing PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: 335-1787 Local 347; website email: [email protected]

“The Country’s 1st PolytechnicU”

David C. Howell. Statistical Methods for Psychology 5th Edition. 2013.

Written and oral exam

Republic of the Philippines

POLYTECHNI CUNI VERSI TYOFTHEPHI LI PPI NES Col l e geofSoc i alSc i e nc e sandDe ve l opme nt

Department of Psychology Multimedia (PPT), E. Z-scores: Location

of scores and standard distributions

F. Probability

 

Know the importance of Z-scores and location in a distribution Understand and apply on how to use z-scores to standardize a distribution Understand the importance Z-scores and its limitations Understand other standardized distribution based on Z-scores

Know the concept of probability Know the application of Probalility and the normal distribution

Class discussion


Group Discussion


Dennis Howitt and Duncan Cramer. Introduction to Statistics in Psychology. 2013.

Written and oral exam

David C. Howell. Statistical Methods for Psychology 5th Edition. 2013.

Class discussion

Multimedia (PPT),

Group Discussion




Dennis Howitt and Duncan Cramer. Introduction to Statistics in Psychology. 2013. David C. Howell. Statistical Methods for Psychology 5th Edition. 2013.

Room 202 North Wing PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: 335-1787 Local 347; website email: [email protected]

“The Country’s 1st PolytechnicU”

Written and oral exam Project on different types of performance appraisal

Republic of the Philippines

POLYTECHNI CUNI VERSI TYOFTHEPHI LI PPI NES Col l e geofSoc i alSc i e nc e sandDe ve l opme nt

Department of Psychology Week 10

MIDTERM EXAMINATION G. Hypothesis testing 

Week 1113

Week 14 -15

H. The t-Statistic

Understand the logic of hypothesis testing.

Be aware of the errors in hypothesis testing.

Understand and apply the concept of hypothesis testing.

Know how to report the results of the statistical test

Understand the concept of directional hypothesis testing.

Understand the general elements of hypothesis testing, a review and summary

Understand the concept of t-statistic Recognize the various

Class participation

Multimedia (PPT),

Group discussion



David C. Howell. Statistical Methods for Psychology 5th Edition. 2013.

Written and oral exam

Hugh Coolison. Research Methods and Statistics In Psychology. 2013

Class discussion

Room 202 North Wing PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: 335-1787 Local 347; website email: [email protected]

“The Country’s 1st PolytechnicU”

Multimedia (PPT),

Written and oral exam

Republic of the Philippines

POLYTECHNI CUNI VERSI TYOFTHEPHI LI PPI NES Col l e geofSoc i alSc i e nc e sandDe ve l opme nt

Department of Psychology

Week 1617

I. Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA)

  

types of t-tests (dependent, independent and one-sample t-tests). Learn and apply on how to compute for the different types of T-tests Understand the advantages and disadvantages of T-tests.


Group Discussion

David C. Howell. Statistical Methods Case Analysis about for Psychology 5th Edition. 2013. various organizations Hugh Coolison. rewards Research Methods management and Statistics In Psychology. 2013


Presentation of proposed rewards management


Know the concept of Analysis of variance Learn and apply on how to compute for ANOVA Understand the advantages and disadvantages of ANOVA

Class discussion

Multimedia (PPT),

Group Activity


Written and oral exam

David C. Howell. Statistical Methods for Psychology 5th Edition. 2013. Hugh Coolison. Research Methods and Statistics In Psychology. 2013

 J. Correlation 

Know the concept of correlation Learn and apply on how to compute for the

Class discussion

Room 202 North Wing PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: 335-1787 Local 347; website email: [email protected]

“The Country’s 1st PolytechnicU”

Multimedia (PPT),

Written and Oral Exam

Republic of the Philippines

POLYTECHNI CUNI VERSI TYOFTHEPHI LI PPI NES Col l e geofSoc i alSc i e nc e sandDe ve l opme nt

Department of Psychology 

correlation Understand the advantages and disadvantages of correlation

Group Discussion



Book Review of “One Minute Manager”

David C. Howell. Statistical Methods for Psychology 5th Edition. 2013.

Book Review

Hugh Coolison. Research Methods and Statistics In Psychology. 2013 K. Regression    

Know the concept of regression Learn and apply on how to compute for regression Learn how to compute for regression Understand the advantages and disadvantages regression

Class discussion

Multimedia (PPT),

Group Discussion



Team Building

David C. Howell. Statistical Methods for Psychology 5th Edition. 2013.

Written and Oral Exam

Hugh Coolison. Research Methods and Statistics In Psychology. 2013 Multimedia (PPT),

L. Chi-Square  

Know the concept of Chisquare Learn and apply on how

Class discussion

Room 202 North Wing PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: 335-1787 Local 347; website email: [email protected]

“The Country’s 1st PolytechnicU”

Textbooks: David C. Howell.

Written and Oral Exam

Republic of the Philippines

POLYTECHNI CUNI VERSI TYOFTHEPHI LI PPI NES Col l e geofSoc i alSc i e nc e sandDe ve l opme nt

Department of Psychology 

M. Other statistical techniques used in test construction

to compute for Chi-suare Understand the advantages and disadvantages of using chi-quare

Cronbach’s alpha


Week 18

Group Discussion


Hugh Coolison. Research Methods and Statistics In Psychology. 2013


COURSE GRADING SYSTEM Class Standing      Midterm


Quizzes Attendance Recitation Projects/Assignments/Seatwork/Special Report / Final Examinations

30% 100%

Midterm Grade + Final Term Grade 2


Statistical Methods for Psychology 5th Edition. 2013.


Room 202 North Wing PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: 335-1787 Local 347; website email: [email protected]

“The Country’s 1st PolytechnicU”

Republic of the Philippines

POLYTECHNI CUNI VERSI TYOFTHEPHI LI PPI NES Col l e geofSoc i alSc i e nc e sandDe ve l opme nt

Department of Psychology Prepared by:

Noted by:

RODRIGO V. LOPIGA, CCOP, RPsy Name of Faculty


Approved by:

DR. RAUL ROLAND SEBASTIAN Dean DR. EMMANUEL C. DE GUZMAN Vice President for Academic Affairs

Room 202 North Wing PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: 335-1787 Local 347; website email: [email protected]

“The Country’s 1st PolytechnicU”...

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