Teaching brochure - SPD500 classwork PDF

Title Teaching brochure - SPD500 classwork
Course Survey of Special Education: Mild to Moderate Disabilities
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
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SPD500 classwork...


Styles of Learning Visual- learn through visual aids such as pictures, images, short videos and diagrams. Aural- learn through sound and music, “They remember conversations well and music causes an emotional response in them”(virtualspeech.com).

St yl esofLearni ng        


Visual learners. Aural learners. Verbal learners. Social learners. Logical learners. Physical and tactile learners. Solitary learners. Naturalist learners.

Verbal- Use verbal teaching and read aloud activities Social- Include group work, have them bounce ideas off each other. Logical- like to use critical thinking exercises Physical & tactile- physical activities that involve hands on learning Solitary- like to do individual activities for problem solving Naturalist- include experiments that link daily life, things, and nature

Learni ng& Educat i on By :Mar i aTs o ukal as


“ Thechi l d’ smi nd i sabl ankt abl et ” JohnLocke

Collaboration in the Classroom Teaching collaboration among the students is key. Breaking students into small groups has become the go to for most teachers today. Doing that without adding some oof these factors into play could be hurting their learning experience. Make sure the size of the group is appropriate. The students within each group is important as well, we all know that kids want to be with their friends when working in groups but we have to remember that everyone learns differently, so as a teacher, take that control and make the groups yourself. “when a teacher creates the groupings, he or she can match students by strengths and weaknesses, deliberately mixing ability, diversity and social capability” ( George Washington University).

Students Reflection I nt hi spane l ,y o uc anhi ghl i ghte v enmo r e i nf or mat i onabo utyouro r gani z at i o n!Te l l t heaudi enc ewhyyo uar et hebe s t !Don’ t bes hy!Shar e ,e xpl ai n,andt e l luswhat make sy ourc o mpanys ogr e at ! Pl e nt yo ft e xtwi l lfiti nanyo ft he s e pane l s .Si mpl yc l i c kont hepl ac e ho l der s andaddy ouro wnt e xt .

Ref erences https://web.stanford.edu/class/ed269/hplintro chapter.pdf p.4 https://virtualspeech.com/blog/teachingstrategies-different-learning-styles https://gsehd.gwu.edu/articles/10-strategiesbuild-student-collaboration-classroom


Teaching Style

Teaching Practices

I prefer to be a demonstrator instructor, and maybe this is because this is how I learn best and feel that I can be the best teacher possible teaching the best way I learn. This type of teaching would include short films, activities, and less lecture.

I believe learning how each students learns and adjusting my teaching to that style is important. I might have half the class that learns hands on so I believe making projects for that group would benefit them, while the other halfs learns best individually so maybe a reading assignment and handout would work best for them.

Students Reflection

Diversity in Teaching

Al wa ysr eme mbe rt oi nc l udet hes t ude nt s i nt hel e ar ni ngpr o c e s s .I twi l lmake l e ar ni ngt hatmuc hmo r ef unande nt i c i ng f o rt he m.Asat eac he rdo n’ tc onc e nt r at e t oohar do nt heac t ualt e ac hi ng,f o c uso n t hel e ar ni ng ,i twi l lbewo r t hi ti nt hee nd. Haves t ude nt swr i t edo wnho wt he yf e e l t he ydi donanas s i gnme nto rwhatt he y t hi nkt he yc o ul dhavedo nebe t t e rorwhat t he yt hi nkt he ye xc e l l e dato nt he as s i gnme nt .Thi sal l o wsf ort he mt o t hi nkaboutt hel e s s o n.

As teachers we must remember that each child comes from a different walk of life. We have to learn about each student individually and assess how each one will learn. The diversity among students also allow them to see the differences among their classmates and the people in the world. This can all be a good lesson to be taught....

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