Temperament and Careers (Compass 1) Neil Bahl-2 PDF

Title Temperament and Careers (Compass 1) Neil Bahl-2
Author neil bahl
Course Legal Environment for Business
Institution Indiana University Bloomington
Pages 31
File Size 1.5 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 83
Total Views 150


This is my leadership report. This is for the class written in the description. This lecture was over chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,. These are all the study guides that the professor has given. This is for year 1-3 sophomores. Kelley School of Business. Honestly just tryna make bank. LMK...


NEILBAHL Artisan Composer ISFP


This report has been prepared exclusively for


April 11, 2021 OHHD6FD77E279

“There is much to be gained by appreciating differences, and much to be lost by ignoring them or condemning them. But the first step toward seeing others as distinct from yourself is to become better acquainted with your own traits of character.” - David Keirsey

Neil Bahl

Contents This report is designed to help you understand yourself and how your temperament shapes your career.

Understanding You and Your Career


Temperament and Talent Relationship The Artisan (Tactical) Role at Work

Learn About Your Temperament in the Workplace


Being a Composer 7 Things About You 7 Things to Be Aware Of 7 Things You’re Good At

Choosing the Best Occupation


Your Ideal Work Environment Tips to Help You Find the Right Workplace

Your Leadership Style


Tactical Leadership The Composer as a Leader Famous Artisan Composer

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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl

Artisan Composer ISFP


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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl

Understanding You and Your Career

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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl


NeilBahl Artisan Composer ISF P


Your particular personality type, the Artisan Composer (ISFP), makes up to 7-8% of the total population. This is a lucky thing for the rest of us, because Artisans create much of the beauty, grace, fun, and excitement in life.

30-35% of the population are Artisans There are four types of Artisans (SPs): Promoters, Crafters, Performers, and Composers. These four personality types share several core characteristics.

Prom ot er

Cr af t er

Per f or m er

Com poser





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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl

OBJECTIVE Temperament and Careers

In a world filled with unique individuals, when it comes to personality there are only four different temperaments and sixteen types of people. Understanding these personality types and mastering your own can be the keys to achieving your goals. This report is designed to help you understand how the needs and preferences of your temperament shape your career development process. It includes a list of occupations that match the typical work style shared by people of your temperament.





Promoter ESTP

Supervisor ESTJ

Teacher ENFJ

Fieldmarshal ENTJ

Crafter ISTP

Inspector ISTJ

Counselor INFJ

Mastermind INTJ

Performer ESFP

Provider ESFJ

Champion ENFP

Inventor ENTP

Composer ISFP

Protector ISFJ

Healer INFP

Architect INTP

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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl

AN OVERVIEW Temperament and Careers

ARTISAN A l l A r t i s a n s s h a re


t h e f o l l o w i n g c o re characteristics

Artisans tend to be fun-loving,



optimistic, realistic, and focused on the here and now.

are fun loving, optimistic people focused on the here and now. Artisans are typically bold, spontaneous individuals Artisans pride themselves on

who trust their impulses to lead them forward into life’s adventures. Members of this group don’t simply want


being unconventional, bold, and spontaneous.

to walk through the world; they want to make a real splash. As a result, Artisans are typically pretty memorable people. Excitable and often unconventional, Artisans Artisans make playful

seek out the stimulation of new experiences more than others do. They want to try—and even master—the great


mates, creative parents, and troubleshooting leaders.

variety of activities that life has to offer. In their personal lives, upbeat, curious natures can make Artisans playful mates and creative parents. Professionally, their combinaArtisans are excitable, trust their

tion of realism and risk-taking can make these individuals troubleshooting leaders. Overall, Artisans prize the kind of freedom that allows them to live for the moment and seize the day.

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impulses, want to make a splash, seek stimulation, prize freedom, and dream of mastering action skills.

April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl

AN OVERVIEW Temperament and Careers

OTHER TEMPERAMENTS The Four Temperaments

Arti san

Guardi an

I deal i st

Rati onal

Opt im is t ic

F a ct ua l

Im a gina t iv e

Inge nious

D a r ing

Ca ut ious

Rom a nt ic

Ca lm

A da pt a ble

Re s pe ct a ble

A ut he nt ic

Innov a t iv e

E x cit e d

D e pe nda ble

Int uit iv e

L ogica l

Im puls iv e

L a w - A biding

Re la t iona l

Cur ious

E nt icing

Conce r ne d

K indhe a r t e d

Inde pe nde nt

P la y f ul

S t e a dy

E m pa t he t ic

P r a gm a t ic

Ta ct ica l

L ogis t ica l

D iplom a t ic

S t r a t e gic

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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl

AN OVERVIEW Temperament and Careers






are the cornerstones of society, for

as a temperament, are passionate-

are the problem solving temperament,

they are the temperament given to

ly concerned with personal growth

particularly if the problem has to do

serving and preserving our most im-

and development. Idealists strive to

with the many complex systems that

portant social institutions. Guardians

discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self

make up the world around us. Ratio-

have natural talent in managing goods

nals might tackle problems in organic


always this quest for self-knowledge

systems such as plants and animals, in







mechanical systems such as railroads

use all their skills to keep things run-

imagination. They want to help oth-

and computers, or in social systems

ning smoothly in their families, com-

ers make the journey as well. Idealists

such as families, companies and gov-

munities, schools, churches, hospitals,

are naturally drawn to working with

ernments. Whatever systems fire their

and businesses.

people, and whether in education or

curiosity, Rationals will analyze them

counseling, in social services or person-

to understand how they work, so they

nel work, in journalism or the ministry,

can then figure out how to make them

they are gifted at helping others find

work better.

maintenance and supply

and they




their way in life, often inspiring them

to grow as individuals and fulfill their potentials.

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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl

AN OVERVIEW Temperament and Talent Relationship

Te mpe ra me nt

What is the

a nd Inte llige nt Role s

Relationship Artisan



Temperament and Talent?


The four temperament s ty les matc h up



c ons is tently with four general ty pes of intelligent roles : Tac t ic al, Logis t ic al, Diplom at ic , and St r at egic . The four


c onnec tions between temperament and


intelligent roles are as follows :

Relat ive St r engt hs of Int elligent Roles in Ar t is ans

A n indiv idual’s innate ty pe of intelligent role is determined by temperament; howev er, the degree of s kill in that role is determined by prac tic e. L eaders who s tudy temperament and talent c an ac hiev e higher

the natural talents of their team members . The bes t ycamolpiD



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res ults and produc tiv ity by rec ogniz ing and dev eloping

polic y for a leader of any temperament is to look for the bes t intelligenc e and talent matc h and put it to work where it is mos t effec tiv e.

April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl

AN OVERVIEW Temperament and Talent Relationship


TACTICAL Artisans are best when they can use their tactical skills that enable them to look at resources available in the moment and make the most of them. They are unusually skilled in being able to react quickly in emergencies. Artisans are most comfortable working in the moment without an excess of constraints or red tape. Tacticians are valuable since they can quickly react to changes in circumstances.


LOGISTICAL Guardians are at their best when they can use their logistical skills to ensure that the proper equipment is in the proper place at the proper time. They are most comfortable when following step-by-step procedures and fulfilling their place within the hierarchy. Guardians and their logistical skills are valuable since if supplies are not available when needed or if critical procedures are not followed, any company can run into difficulty.


DIPLOMATIC Idealists do their best work when they can use their diplomatic skills to communicate with others. They are particularly gifted in helping others perceive how valuable they are and how their gifts can best be applied within a company’s workforce. With their ability to envision future possibilities for people, they encourage all to learn new skills. They act as the oil that keeps teams working harmoniously and efficiently together.


STRATEGIC Rationals use their strategic skills in envisioning and setting long-term goals and milestones for meeting objectives. For Rationals, everything is part of a system. Making things work is a matter of understanding the strategic impact of each part of the system and manipulating them accordingly. The rarest of all gifts, the ability to think in the long-term and create new possibilities is particularly valuable in business.

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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl

Artisan How Your Temperament Shapes Your Career A s an A rtis an, y ou s eek in y our work things that others may tend to as s oc iate with play, s uc h as the thrill of c ompetition, phy s ic al ris k, and fun. You are mos t motiv ated in env ironments that offer ex c itement in all of its forms , from c rafting and negotiating bus ines s deals to the s earc h for the perfec t c hord to firefighting and emergenc y s erv ic es work.

Your s kill at adaptation, lov e of ris k, and dis tas te for routine means that y our c areer may not follow a predic table trac k in any of s ev eral way s : y ou may c hoos e to work at s tart-up organiz ations or at more es tablis hed c ompanies during turbulent times ; y ou might c hoos e a phy s ic al c areer ov er a higher s tatus one, des pite a high lev el of educ ation; and y ou may c hange jobs or c areers often, perhaps mov ing on from c ompanies onc e they leav e their quic k-growth phas e.

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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl


Artisan Aptitudes

People who s har e a t em per am ent of t en s har e apt it udes : t hos e t hings t hat a per s on c an do well wit hout m uc h t r aining, enjoys doing, and will us ually volunt eer t o do when t he oppor t unit y ar is es .


Tactical Planning

Artisans reported that their talent

Artisans also claimed good

for adaptation is among their most

planning skills. Planning

valuable contributions to their

for Artisans does not mean

work places. Artisans take pleasure

conceptualization or even

in variation and are better than

implementation. Rather, it is the

the other temperaments at

ability to respond artfully and

shifting gears when the situation

effectively to the requirements

demands it.

and realities of the present.

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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl



Favorite Activities

While s kills and abilit ies ar e im por t ant , people per f or m bes t and ar e m os t s at is f ied when engaged in ac t ivit ies t hey enjoy t r em endous ly. Ar t is ans pr ef er t o wor k and live m ove by m ove. They have f un when t heir dut ies r equir e t hat kind of r es pons ivenes s . Negot iat ing and c r af t s m ans hip ar e ac t ivit ies t hat c all f or int er ac t ivit y r at her t han f ollowing a s equenc e of pr edic t able s t eps . K eir s ey des c r ibes t heir c om m unic at ion s t yle as c onc r et e. Ar t is ans expr es s t hem s elves lit er ally and us e s t r aight f or war d language.



Stimulated by thinking on their

Detail orientation and a love of

feet, Artisans enjoy taking part

variation make Artisans masters

in negotiations, making quick

of craft. They are likely to be

judgments about other people’s

perfectionists about the quality of

agendas, and coming up with

their work products.

tactical solutions to problems.

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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl


Artisan Values People m os t enjoy wor king wher e t hey c an r elat e t o t heir c o-wor ker s and t o t he wor ld in ac c or danc e wit h t heir values . For Ar t is ans , t op values ar e c am ar ader ie am ong c o-wor ker s and dir ec t involvem ent in t he bus ines s of t he bus ines s .



Artisans want to be at the pulse

Artisans enjoy the healthy

point of the organizations for

competition and camaraderie of

which they work so that they can

teams and like to socialize with

have the satisfaction of knowing

co-workers. Their relationship style

exactly what their impact is.

lends itself to the kind of bonding among equals that happens among restaurant workers, at the firehouse, and in fun offices with amenities like climbing walls and pool tables.

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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl


Artisan Rewards

Wit h t heir c onc r et e, pr agm at ic s ens e of t heir own needs and what it m eans t o be pr oduc t ive, Ar t is ans like t o know t hat t heir ef f or t s will be aff ir m ed by r ewar ds and benef it s t hey c an us e. Fr eedom of m ovem ent , lit er ally and f igur at ively, is im por t ant t o Ar t is ans . They want t o be able t o advanc e wit hin t heir c om panies , and t hey appr ec iat e t elec om m ut ing f or t he m ovem ent it per m it s in t heir per s onal lives .

Novel Problems

Work Remotely

New challenges are what keep

Artisans in our survey were more

Artisans motivated. They want

interested in working remotely

to be rewarded for their results,

than the other temperaments. The

not their credentials. Artisans

sedentary lifestyle and routines of

appreciate companies that

an office can be stressful for them,

continually provide opportunities

so they seek ways to create more

to acquire new skills.

eventful lives. Telecommuting a day or two a week can provide a rejuvenating change of scenery.

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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl

Learn About Your Temperament in the Workplace

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April 11, 2021


Neil Bahl


About You


ural bond of understanding and trust between them.

Composers are in tune with their senses more than most other Artisans are. As a result, they seem to have a great aesthetic and sense of balance when it comes to every-

thing from fine art to cooking to establishing their own

A similar connection can sometimes even be seen between Composers and animals. Your type can feel an

instinctive longing for the wilds, and nature its animals

unique personal style.


seems to welcome you as a result.



Although Composers are just as plentiful as other Ar-

Other Artisans are skilled with people, tools, and entertainment. Composers seem to have an exceptional ability

to work with color, tone, texture, aroma, and flavor. No matter what they consider their own personal art to be, chances are they put in long hours doing it. H...

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