Tempest Hag-Seed Quotes PDF

Title Tempest Hag-Seed Quotes
Author Nikhil Rangoon
Course english advanced
Institution Moorebank High School
Pages 4
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Quotes that can be used in essays regarding module a: The tempest and Hag-seed...


‘The Tempest’ and ‘Hag-Seed’ Quotes Text The Tempest

Themes Power and Authority

The Tempest

Power and Authority Power and Authority



Power and Authority

The Tempest

Deception and Manipulation Deception and Manipulation Deception and Manipulation

The Tempest Hag-Seed

The Tempest The Tempest

The Tempest

Colonialism and Postcolonialism Colonialism and Postcolonialism Colonialism and Postcolonialism

Quote “What cares these roarers for the name of king?” and “Remember whom thou hast aboard/ None that I more love than myself” – Boatswain, Act 1 “Me, poor man, my library/ was dukedom large enough” – Prospero, Act 1 Scene 2 “We could put them on show,” says TimEEz. “Gibbering lunatics. Street people. Addicts. Dregs of society. Always good for a laugh” – Irony of the prisoners gaining power “Prospero thinks he’s so awesome and superior, he can put down what other people think” and “He call me poison, a filth, a slave,/ He prison me up to make me behave,/ But I’m Hag-Seed!” – 8Handz and Leggs “…my trust,/ Like a good parent, did beget of him/ A falsehood” – Prospero talking about Antonio “Mark his [Antonio’s] condition and the’ event. Then tell me/ If this might be a brother” – Prospero, Act 1 Scene 2 “That devious, twisted bastard, Tony, is Felix’s own fault” and “The secrecy, the sabotage. The snake-like subterfuge. The stupendous betrayal.” “A devil, a born devil, on whose nature/ Nurture can never stick” – Prospero talking about Caliban “This island’s mine by Sycorax my mother” and “For I am all the subjects that you have,/ Which first was mine own king” – Caliban “You taught me language, and my profit on’t / Is I know how to curse” VS “Be not afeard. The isle is full of noises,/ Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not” – Caliban

Techniques Rhetorical Question Duologue

Connected Themes

Metaphor Situational Irony Parataxis Colloquialism Rhyme

Colonialism and Postcolonialism

Simile Rhetorical Question

Forgiveness and Transformation

Anadiplosis Sibilance Simile Metaphor Imprisonment and Freedom Hyperbole Aural Imagery

Hag-Seed Hag-Seed Hag-Seed

Colonialism and Postcolonialism Colonialism and Postcolonialism Colonialism and Postcolonialism

The Tempest

Imprisonment and Freedom

The Tempest

Imprisonment and Freedom

The Tempest

Imprisonment and Freedom Imprisonment and Freedom Imprisonment and Freedom Performance and Illusion Performance and Illusion

Hag-Seed Hag-Seed The Tempest The Tempest


Performance and Illusion


Performance and Illusion

“Your profanity, thinks Felix, has often been your whoreson hag-born progenitor of literacy.” “We all wrote it together. We’re writing, like, a musical… Why shouldn’t Caliban have a play to himself?” “Ain’t gonna any more lick your feet/ Or walk behind you on the street, / Ain’t gonna get on the back of the bus, / And you can give our land right back to us!” “Abhorred slave… I pitied thee, / Took pains to make thee speak…/But thy vile race… had that in’t which good natures/ Could not abide to be with. Therefore wast thou/ Deservedly confined into this rock” – Miranda “Their great guilt,/ Like poison given to work a great time after,/ Now ‘gins to bite the spirits” – Gonzalo, the betrayers are imprisoned by guilt “As you from crimes would pardoned be, / Let your indulgence set me free.” – Prospero, Epilogue “This is the extent of it, Felix muses. My island domain. My place of exile. My penance. / My theatre.” “‘To the elements be free’, he says to her./ And, finally, she is” – Felix letting go of Miranda “Our revels now are ended. These our actors,/ As I foretold you, were all spirits, and/ Are melted into air, into thin air” “But this rough magic/ I here abjure, and…/ I’ll break my staff/ Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, / And deeper than did ever plummet sound/ I’ll drown my book.” “What he couldn't have in life he might still catch sight of through his art: just a glimpse, from the corner of his eye” – Felix using art as catharsis “It’s the words that should concern you, he thinks at them. That’s the real danger. Words don’t show up on scanners.” –

Intertextuality Rhetorical Question Colloquialism Rhyme Historical Allusion Metaphor


Deception and Manipulation

Rhyme Historical Allusion Parataxis Intertextuality Parataxis Repetition

Grief and Mortality

Hyperbole Personification Metaphor


Forgiveness and Transformation


Performance and Illusion

The Tempest

Forgiveness and Transformation Forgiveness and Transformation

The Tempest

The Tempest Hag-Seed Hag-Seed

Forgiveness and Transformation Forgiveness and Transformation Forgiveness and Transformation

The Tempest

Truth and Perspective


Truth and Perspective Truth and Perspective


The Tempest

Grief and Mortality


Grief and Mortality

Felix “…the island is a theatre. Prospero is a director. He’s putting on a play within which there’s another play. If his magic holds and his play is successful, he’ll get his heart’s desire.” – Felix “At this hour/ Lies at my mercy all mine enemies” VS “The rarer action is / In virtue than in vengeance” – Prospero “Your charm so strongly works ‘em/ That if you now beheld them, your affections/ Would become tender.../ Mine would, sir, were I human.” – Ariel “How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world/ That has such people in’t!” – Miranda “When you walk in here, you shed your daily self. You become a clean slate. Then you draw on a new face.” “…it’s Ariel who changes Prospero’s mind, from revenge to forgiveness, because despite the crap they did, he feels sorry for the bad guys” – 8Handz and Team Ariel “How lush and lusty the grass looks! How green!” V.S. “The ground indeed is tawny./ With an eye of green in 't./ He misses not much./ No, he doth but mistake the truth totally.” – Gonzalo, Antonio, Sebastien, differing views “It is real... More than real. Hyper-real. You’ll see.” – Felix describing the play, metatextuality “But everything is ephemeral, he reminds himself. All gorgeous palaces, all cloud-capped towers. Who should know that better than he?” – Felix talking about life “Lingering perdition – worse than any death… falls/ Upon your heads – is nothing but heart’s sorrow,/ And a clear life ensuing” – Ariel says sorrow/repentance = clear conscience “He needed to get his Tempest back… his Miranda must be released from her glass coffin; she must be given a life”


Alliteration Juxtaposition Enjambment Parataxis

Colonialism and Postcolonialism

Dramatic Irony Metaphor Colloquialism

Juxtaposition Aside


Performance and Illusion

Intertextuality Rhetorical Question Metaphor


Performance and Illusion


Grief and Mortality

“…didn't the best art have desperation at its core? Wasn't it always a challenge to Death? A defiant middle finger on the edge of the abyss?"

Rhetorical Question

Performance and Illusion...

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