Tesla Code Secrets - Lecture notes 1,3-1,7 PDF

Title Tesla Code Secrets - Lecture notes 1,3-1,7
Course Quimica
Institution Northwest A&F University
Pages 242
File Size 10.5 MB
File Type PDF
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Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3 What This Course Can Do For You ..................................................................................... 5 Lesson 1: How Your Secret Cerebral Powers Can Work Miracles for You ...................... 9 Lesson 2: The Basis of Your Secret Cerebral Powers ..................................................... 16 Lesson 3: How to Unleash Your Secret Cerebral Powers .............................................. 37 Lesson 4: How to Use Your Mental Power of Intellectual Leverage .............................51 Lesson 5: The Secret Cerebral Power to Overcome Your Confused Thinking .............. 67 Lesson 6: The Secret Cerebral Power of Psycho-Photographic Memory ..................... 77 Lesson 7: Secret Cerebral Powers for Profitable Concentration ................................... 95 Lesson 8: The Secret Cerebral Power to Control Your Nervous Tension and Worry .. 110 Lesson 9: The Secret Cerebral Power to Protect Yourself from Domination by Others ..........................................................................................................................................126 Lesson 10: Your Secret Cerebral Power to Gain Swift Control Over Others ................135 Lesson 11: Your Secret Cerebral Power to Enthrall Friends or Enemies ...................... 146 Lesson 12: Your Secret Cerebral Power for Most Effective Judgment ....................... 158 Lesson 13: Secret Cerebral Power for Wisest Future Action.........................................170 Lesson 14: The Secret Cerebral Power to Time Your Actions Perfectly ...................... 196 Lesson 15: Secret Cerebral Power to Rout Your Nagging Aches and Minor Illness ... 206 Lesson 16: Secret Cerebral Power for Sexual Vitality ....................................................219 Lesson 17: How to Use Secret Cerebral Powers to Stay Younger and Live Longer ... 228 Lesson 18: Instant Physio-Magic: The Secret of Perpetual Miracle Mind Magic ........ 239 In Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 242


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Introduction Welcome to Tesla Code Secrets! Would you like your life to be meaningful, happy, healthy, and successful? Would you like to succeed in your career, business, and personal life? Would you like to have fulfilling experiences … great relationships, great sex, great friendships, great happiness? Well you CAN have all this and MUCH MORE by applying the timeless and incredible wisdom to be found in Tesla Code Secrets. The methods in this enlightening and comprehensive course, practiced by highly successful people, were a closely guarded secret for many years. But now, you can tap into this valuable knowledge so that you too can improve your cerebral powers! I make it my life work to discover the amazing powers of the human mind. After extensive research, I have unraveled the mystery behind the mind’s potential. My discovery: Highly successful people have been tapping into secret cerebral powers for years and using the methods to bring about ultimate success! However, it wasn’t just the methods they used but how they “triggered” them. It is this trigger that is at the core of my teaching. Once you have this trigger and know how to use it, you can apply it to all aspects of your life! The power of the mind often remains dormant in most people, really waiting to be activated so that they can reach their full promise. But, once you know the methods


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and how to trigger these to gain the desired results, life really does become exciting and bubbling over with possibilities for achievement! Through this amazing course, you can learn how to trigger your secret cerebral powers so that you can enjoy phenomenal success in your life! Through Tesla Code Secrets, you can change your life for the better… virtually overnight!

By applying the methods in the course, you can:  Trigger the miracle mind magic that has helped “average” people to achieve wealth in their careers, relationships, and personal life  Overcome all the problems that have been holding you back  Increase your confidence, enhance your health, enjoy sexual vitality, enhance your memory, stimulate your genius potential, and rejuvenate your life  You can even develop psychic powers and intuition!  And so much more!!

Tesla Code Secrets is, without doubt, the most complete and revealing self-development course there is. With thorough and scientifically proven exercises, compelling true case studies and summaries throughout to help you apply the methods, you can change your life on many amazing levels! So, read Tesla Code Secrets and tap into its secrets. In no time at all, you, too, can have the successful life that you have always wanted!


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What This Course Can Do For You The Impossible is now possible! You can succeed in...  Business  Marriage  Sex … by trying the simple method that has been a closely guarded secret for centuries. This exciting course teaches you how! At last you can stop wondering how…  Some people seem to cure themselves of “incurable” ailments  Others become multimillionaires in a few short years  Below-average students win big scholarships to prestigious schools  Outsiders pick stocks that start to skyrocket almost overnight … to mention just a few. I studied this phenomenon and discovered that these people had used secret cerebral powers that practically guaranteed success, which in fact lie within the grasp of every one of us. This fantastic course reveals that secret and shows you how you can change your life overnight and make the impossible come true in your career, marriage, and health and sex life! In addition, the length of this guide is initially off-putting for some. Again, please remember that this course was initially delivered in 18 separate parts, over a period of months. Please take time out to digest each part slowly, perhaps over the course of a month.


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Finally, please consider that the language employed within this guide may at times seem a little antiquated. Again, considering the date the course was originally written, this is to be expected and handled as appropriate. The adherence to these important notes will help ensure your success with this material!

The Secret of the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator In order to manifest these miracles, the right trigger is required! I created the secret Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator and confided it to hundreds of people, who were amazed at the successful results they managed to secure for themselves. With the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator, otherwise average people achieved “miracles” and attained wealth in their:  Career  Social life  Marriage  Control of their nervous tensions and worries  Profitable concentration of mind  Self-protection  Popularity  Sensible judgment  Perfect timing in life  Routing of nagging pains and minor illnesses  Regaining of sexual vitality


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 Mastering of new skills  Self-rejuvenation With it, these people achieved incredible “miracles” which others rivaled only with brain-splitting effort, incredible luck, or fantastic psychic power. In order for them to use the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator in a natural manner, I taught them how to flood themselves with their wildest dreams in an instant, so that their bodies would respond to them in physiological language. These people then simply drew this language into their conscious minds, and multiplied their powers for immediate success. With secret cerebral powers you don’t have to tap your subconscious mind, resort to hypnosis, or strain to develop will power. Once you trigger your conscious mind with the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator as set out in this course, your whole body and mind will be given the big, invisible push to hurl you into successful action.

What People Like You Have Achieved with the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator With my Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator, people like you have started accomplishing all that seemed impossible for them before. Here are some examples which will be further elaborated in this book:  How businessman Donald Z. came back from disaster to make far more money — and easier than ever  How Esther F. ended the suicidal tendency of her academically-weak son and raised him to the Dean’s List  How hesitant Jack M. turned into a rousing speaker in an instant  How Elmer T., on the verge of legal catastrophe, recalled neglected vital evidence suddenly and saved himself


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 How Thelma R. turned looming disaster into a booming success  How Edward A. relieved his bothersome headache with a simple thought You yourself can achieve what these people did — and even more. Let me teach you the different methods which these people used to attain their amazing successes. Trigger the secret cerebral power for each with the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator and make the seemingly impossible in your life come true. You require no expensive equipment with possible side effects — no gadgets and no pills. You need just yourself — and the easy secret trigger to detonate your dynamic physiological language swiftly.


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Lesson 1: How Your Secret Cerebral Powers Can Work Miracles for You How Tim and Esther Were Able to Retire at Sixty with an Estimated $1,000,000 When he was a young man, Tim decided he wanted to retire early. He was industrious and willing to do his share of work, but he felt that at forty-five a man had done his full share and should be able to retire and enjoy himself while he was still young enough to do so. He prayed for the day when he and his wife Esther could just lay around the beach or drift through the countryside with nothing on their minds. There were also things they always yearned to do, but couldn’t, due to pressure of time, family commitments, and day-to-day living. So far they managed to save up $350,000. They expected to retire at sixty-five and look and feel old, and probably die a few years later. Or they would be so accustomed to punching the time-card at work that they would go crazy and scramble back to any kind of work, just to keep busy and remain sane. I met Tim at this time when he was forty and he told me his problem. I taught him the secret cerebral power for “wisest future action”, and he mastered it promptly. In very short order he evolved a plan. It was a simple one. It consisted of buying stocks with most of the family savings when the stock-value goes low enough, and waiting patiently for it to rise to a satisfactory level before selling them. The whole cycle took place once or twice a year, on the average. Once he bought them, he forgot about them for months and enjoyed his regular life the best he could. By the time he was forty-five, he had saved $5 00,000 and his children had finished college. Tim was well on his way to becoming a millionaire.


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Every year henceforth, Tim invested more and more in such stocks, since he had more and more profit left. By the time he was sixty his holdings were worth a little more than $1,000,000. He and Esther have stopped working and are in fine health. They look much younger than their years, and are at peace, bursting with humor and good nature. They expect to live a great many more years and have seen the whole world over and over. His monthly social security check is but a drop in the financial bucket to him. What Tim and Esther did, you can do too. You don’t have to retire if you don’t want to lose your pension, but you can still start enjoying yourself much earlier than otherwise and grow rich while doing it. You don’t have to follow Tim’s system if you don’t want to. Many people can’t invest confidently in the stock market. Another couple applied that same secret cerebral power and bought, instead, an apartment building, and paid off the mortgage from the rent. They too retired from their jobs at forty-five and lived off the rent. With simple lifestyles, they had all the free time they needed to do what they want to. Being mechanically inclined, the husband didn’t mind doing some of the upkeep around the place several hours a day. The rest of the time he was living a carefree lifestyle. Once a year he arranged with a neighboring landlord to keep tabs on the building on his behalf, while he and his wife traveled around in exciting locales. Year after year goes by, and they look remarkably young. Their value of their land meanwhile has risen so steadily that they sold it at a tremendous profit before long. With the secret cerebral power for wisest future action, you too can select a practical road to early retirement which suits you most, and grow rich painlessly afterwards — and stay astonishingly young, calm, and contented for the rest of your life, never worrying about being a work-horse indefinitely.


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How Fred Knew When to Step Out of a “Big Business Thing” Before It Failed and Enter into a New Thing in Time to Cash In on It Fred had looked for a long time for a “big thing” in which to invest his savings and time. He was sick and tired of just working for others and wanted to become independent, so he could live the luxurious life. Just to work for security for his wife and kids alone, he felt, was not enough. “You live just once,” he told Joan, his wife. “If you don’t enjoy it while you can, you never will.” “But how can you enjoy it in these days of inflation?” she asked him in despair. “The cost of living and taxes never stop rising! Even what you put in the bank loses buying power every day! And things can’t get better, the way they’re going. We enjoy more luxuries only because we buy them on credit! We couldn’t afford to buy them at all, otherwise! But then, we ’ve to pay for them — with interest! That, too, raises the cost of living! After you retire, your pension, social security, and dividends will shrink in buying power, too, no matter what’s done to try to make them bigger!” “That’s exactly what I mean!” Fred replied. “Either I find a way to make enough money while I’m still middle-aged, or I’ll be working and paying through the nose all my life, and praying to end up well-off sometime before I die. I’ve to find a way to make big money now from a ‘big thing,’ or I’ll just waste my life away!” With the secret cerebral power to time a deal perfectly I taught Fred, he found the “big thing” in which to invest his time and effort, and struck it rich! He confessed to me that he couldn’t believe there was so much money to be made, although he and his family had to pitch into it for long hours every day. But he figured that after seven or eight years, he would be a millionaire! And he’d be only fifty! What a life he and the family could lead afterward!


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Three years later I surprised Fred by urging him to apply next the secret cerebral power of “wisest future action”. Nothing in life, I insisted, turned out exactly as one planned. With this next secret cerebral power he reluctantly listed the worst that could befall him in his prosperous enterprise, and prepared a list so he would not be caught by surprise. A few months later, the financial bottom fell out of his venture. But Fred had already invested in safe securities. You too can do what Fred did and start enjoying the luxurious life while you still have some time to do it. Such opportunities exist all around you all the time. You may even recognize some of them, but a lot of other people also recognize them before long and start investing into them. The price of the “big thing” rises as a result, and you grow reckless and greedy to get rich with it. You then need the secret cerebral power of wisest future action (Lesson 13) to help you determine when is the best time to get out from under, before its financial structure starts falling and crushes you under the weight of bankruptcy! With your gains drawing dividends in safe securities, you can look around for another potential “big thing” and buy into it while it is ridiculously low-priced, and sell out again while the price is rising feverishly to phenomenal heights — or before the oncoming big crash! Do so a few times, and you can retire altogether and live the luxurious life surprisingly early!


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How Ed Saved Himself from Legal Catastrophe by Uncovering the Important Minor Evidence from His Mind to Crush His Enemies Ed was in court, being unfairly prosecuted, he told me. The allegations against him were twisted around to mislead the court and brand him with a stigma that could ruin his future prospects. Yet, the misleading evidence being introduced supported the allegations. His lawyer objected to the ambiguous evidence repeatedly, but had nothing forceful enough to hit back with. Exasperated, he put Ed on the stand and brought out some salient points in his favor, but the mountain of misleading evidence against him was overwhelming. Ed knew he was innocent, but could not prove it. He came to me that night in frenzy. I taught him the secret cerebral power of intellectual leverage. He hurried home and practiced it, and applied it as he lay in bed. An hour later he uncovered an important piece of evidence that he had forgotten. Next morning he confided it to his lawyer. His lawyer grilled him intensely about it. Shortly after that morning, Ed’s lawyer confidently allowed the opposition their time in court. Then suddenly, he brought in the evidence Ed was able to recall. The evidence was clear and irrefutable; there was no case against Ed. The opposition gave up. Ed had saved himself from a legal catastrophe. In a lawsuit or in any other challenge in life, you frequently face disaster just because you can’t recall the little forgotten thing. It is not something you have memorized and forgotten, as you did in school, but something to which you paid little attention when it occurred, or which you considered too unimportant at the time. Even if it is lodged in your subconscious mind, you cannot uncover it easily because you don’t know what you want. You have to think it out! Your subconscious is not a god to serve you.


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With the secret cerebral power of intellectual leverage, you can provide your conscious mind with the mental-triggering device it needs to think out the forgotten thing with cold logic, and enable you to catch your rivals by surprise and defeat them.

How Larry C Made Those Who Lorded It over Him Look Up to Him in Admiration There was nothing exceptional about Larry C., and hardly anybody gave him a second look. This feeling of universal unimportance crushed his spirits and made him even lesser of a man in the eyes of others. When he tried to call attention to himself by speaking loud or moving about importantly, he stirred amusement or drew mockery from others. He was praised only for being hardworking and conscientious, and was tolerated like a mongrel acting like a pedigreed watchdog. Larry C. was so infuriated by it all that he grew deeply resentful of everybody and attracted the wrong kind of attention to him. He confessed his problem to me, and I taught him the secret cerebral power to bring him swift control over others. First, he learned how others would resist his efforts to control them. Second, he found out what obstacles he would face when trying to control them, and how their resistance to him would increase. He practiced and mastered that secret cerebral power on how to influence others using his physiological language to his benefit. Next day, he tackled the same people he had failed to impress and, to his amazement, controlled them swiftly! His social succes...

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