Test #1 - Grade: A PDF

Title Test #1 - Grade: A
Course Key Issues: American Dream
Institution California State University Dominguez Hills
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The first exam was 5 short essays. ...


Prompt #2 Poet and Civil Rights activist, Maya Angelou, once said, “The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” These words are what come to mind when I think of the American Dream and the association it has to homeownership. For many Americans, the idea of owning a home is an essential part of achieving the American Dream. Unfortunately, for many of these Americans, the increasing rates of debt have made homeownership unattainable. This notion of homeownership came to be closely associated with debt in the United States through the creation of mortgage and credit and came to be part of the Dream when early settlers were obtaining land through the dispossession. The creation of a mortgage can be traced back to the early years of America. The colonies viewed mortgage as important because money had not yet exist during this time. In her book Money, Mortgage, and the Conquest of America  K-Sue Park explains that if an individual for whatever reason needed to obtain the money they had the opportunity to mortgage their land. This meant that a creditor (e.g. a wealthy individual or a bank) could loan this individual money in exchange for the first right of their produce. If the borrower did not have much produce to give or did not pay back the creditor, they could not get their land taken away from them. This is different than what a mortgage is considered today. In the U.S. a mortgage is a home loan that the borrower is obligated to pay back. If a person is interested in purchasing a home but does not have the money to purchase it in full then they would borrow the money from the bank and pay it back in 30-year installments. Throughout the 30 years, these payments will always remain the same. If these payments are left unpaid then the house will be confiscated and sold (this is also known as foreclosure). The process of receiving a mortgage can be burdensome for many individuals. For those who are looking to get a mortgage but do meet the requirements, they may

resort to methods such as borrowing or having someone cosign for them as a way to qualify. If they are unable to do so then this would prevent them from receiving a mortgage. Credit was used as a method to obtain land. Back then European settlers would use credit in the form of land. For Europeans possessing land was important because it meant accumulating wealth. John Locke states in his book Treatise of Government i n the earliest days there was so much empty land that could be worked on and conquered, however, he disregarded that Native people were already living on these lands. There were many disputes between Native Americans and Europeans over who owned the land and received credit as a way to resolve these issues. The Europeans had goods, such as metal, iron, and firearms that indigenous people wanted. Europeans created a trading system where Native people would receive credit for these goods in exchange for a mortgage being placed on their land. If indigenous settlers failed to repay them then they would be stripped of their land. This became the first time that a mortgage became associated with a foreclosure. Europeans created this system knowing that Native people would not be able to repay them. There was no access to money and no currency in the New World and land is what held monetary value. This was set up as a way for Europeans to dispossess Native people of their land. As time went on, credit continued to be used particularly during the movement of slaves in the South. In his book, The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the

 dward Baptist describe how entrepreneurs used credit as a way Making of American Capitalism E to complete trades and make investments. The only way entrepreneurs were able to make money off of slaves in Virginia and sell them in Louisiana is if they had access to capital, and credit was the way to make this possible. Similarly, to create a plantation and purchase slaves in the Southwest individuals needed to be able to buy land in an inflated market, and that required credit.

Owning a home is important for many individuals for various reasons one of them being that it allows them to increase their wealth and gain more access to credit. The association between debt in the United States and the American Dream is closely tied to mortgage and credit and became a key factor in this dream when it came to accumulating land. The development of a mortgage and credit is needed to own property. For many people, when they are in the process of purchasing a home they would need to receive a mortgage, which is a loan from the bank that would help pay for the cost of their new home. If an individual does not qualify for a mortgage, they have the option to borrow from a credit lender. As exciting as the prospect of owning a home is it is a stressful process that comes with many challenges and is but a dream for many individuals. Prompt #3 Many of the immigrants who settle in the United States do so with the intent of building a better life for themselves and their families. According to Barack Obama, “Each wave of immigrants that have come in have been able to assimilate, integrate and then rise up and become part of this great American Dream.” This belief, however, does not apply to a vast majority of immigrants and disregards the hardships and racial discrimination that immigrants endure while residing in the United States. While some people were able to achieve the American Dream and create a more worthwhile life than they experienced at home, this, however, was not the case for everyone who came to the United States from other countries. The United States is often perceived as a nation of immigrants. It is described as a melting pot and a place where anyone regardless of where they come from can come here and live out the American Dream. Immigrants began emigrating to the United States in the early 1800s. They would arrive by boat to Ellis Island where they would be greeted by the Statue of

Liberty, which seemed to beckon these people. The irony of this is that our nation has unwelcomed and outcasted individuals of various backgrounds and ethnicities that have come here in search of a better life. For the early years of America, immigrants have experienced difficulties and been victims of racial prejudice. Mae Ngai argues in her book Birthright Citizenship and the Aline Citizenship t hat the United States thought that children whose parents were immigrants should not be allowed to be citizens even though they were born on American soil. Our history proves that the United States has attempted various times to exclude certain groups of immigrants, one of them being the Chinese. In 1882 the Chinese Exclusion Act was enacted as a way to reduce Chinese immigration. It prohibited anyone of Chinese origin from moving to the United States. Ten years in 1992 the Geary Act was passed to continue reducing the amount of Chinese immigration. This act required that anyone of Chinese descent needed to obtain a certificate of residence and get it signed by two white citizens and send it to the IRS. Anyone caught without a residence permit would be arrested and sentenced to one year of hard labor. This act was met with resistance and led to civil disobedience. It was later ruled in the Supreme Court case Wong Wing v. The United States t hat although hard-labor was unlawful individuals were allowed to be detained. Overall, this idea of the United States being a place where all are welcome is inaccurate. America is commonly referred to as the land of opportunity. It is the place where if you have the perseverance and motivation to turn your goals into a reality then you can achieve the American Dream. However, this notion, that many individuals think so highly of does not apply

 al Jillson to people of color. In his book, The American Dream in History, Politics, and Fiction C states that while the American Dream may appear appealing and welcoming it actually rejects and ridicules certain groups of individuals. Hispanics and African Americans in particular

believe in the American Dream, but view it as unattainable. These groups make less money than their white counterparts, which makes it difficult to achieve the American Dream. According to

 ritten by Jennifer L. Hochschild, the American the book Facing up to the American Dream w Dream was never intended for people of color, rather it was a notion that only applied to whites. This idea of the American Dream is for everyone was meant to give off the illusion that racial discrimination does not exist in America and that everyone who resides there are free. A majority of Americans have the same dream - receive an education, own a house, have a family, send their children to college, have a retirement fund, and health insurance. Many of the immigrants who settle in the United States do so with the intent of achieving this dream. While others would have preferred to stay in their own country, they moved here in an act of desperation. Citizenship is connected to the American Dream because it determines who is entitled to certain American rights. It is used as a way to determine who belongs in America, and who does not belong. Oftentimes immigrants are looked at and treated as outsiders. However, regardless if someone is a citizen or not, everyone should be entitled to equal rights and treatment, but unfortunately, this is not the case in our society. Prompt #4 Tommy Hilfiger once said, “The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it’s possible to achieve the American Dream.” The core concept of the American Dream states that each individual has the potential to achieve the dream if they work hard for it. This means taking responsibility for your success rather than relying on the state to help you accomplish it. It also means that with the willpower and motivation everyone can increase their socioeconomic class. America grants all individuals the freedom, opportunity, and

resources to assist its individual in their success, but it is up to them to decide whether or not they are going to utilize them.

 ritten by Horatio Alger, the protagonist, In the passage from the book Ragged Dick w Dick, receives advice from his friend’s wealthy uncle, Mr. Whitney. During their conversation, Mr. Whitney mentions to Dick that he too was poor once but was able to move up in life through hard work. This passage intersects with the idea that work ethic, persistence, and perseverance will increase a person’s chances of accomplishing the American Dream. This notion is what we consider to be the core foundation of the American Dream. Dinesh D'Souza explains in his video that everyone can reach the same accomplishments, whether one is born wealthy or born with nothing. Success does not occur on its own, if an individual wants to become successful then they need to work for it. Without hard work and determination, the American Dream would not exist today. In the video “The American Dream” Michelle Obama describes the sacrifices and struggles previous generations had to undergo to achieve the American Dream. It is important that our generation and generations to come carry on so that all individuals can also have the opportunity to live out the American Dream. The book Ragged Dick a lso mentions the concept of bringing an idea to life. The first step of attaining the American Dream is to invent an idea. Once you have an idea of what you would like to do you need to put that idea into action. The video ''Ideas Matter,'' explains that the American Dream is all about putting your ideas into actions and facing your challenges head-on. Thinking and daydreaming about your idea will get you nowhere, rather than imagining what could happen you have the ability to turn that dream into a reality. It will not be an easy journey, however, it will be worth the struggle in the end. Despite this belief, there is more to success than working hard every day. This idea is often described as the only way to succeed, but this is not

the case. Individuals need more than hard work to achieve the American Dream. Hard  work will significantly raise an individual’s chances of succeeding, but they should not rely solely on this. Success is not only about the amount of hours someone spends working or how hard they are working, it is also about what they are working towards and why they continue to strive for it. The core belief of the American Dream states that all individuals regardless of where they were born or what social class they were born into can attain success and increase their socioeconomic status. This can only be achieved through sacrifice, responsibility, and merit. However, hard work is not the only factor that defines whether an individual will be successful or not. Other important factors include an individual’s reason for working so hard and their motivation for carrying on despite the obstacles that they encounter along the way. Hard work only boosts the likelihood of achieving the American Dream, however, there are some individuals who have to work harder than others to attain the same level of success as others. Prompt #5 Land has always played a significant role in the American Dream. Back then land was highly valued because to Natives and European’s, land meant money, and land ownership represented power. Today, many Americans still aspire to own land and flourish as landowners. Although property ownership is different than it was during the 1600s, the benefits that come along with it remain the same as before. One of these benefits is that being a landowner gives you the freedom and flexibility to do as you please with your land. Thomas Jefferson mentions in the Declaration of Independence that land ownership is the key to a free society. America was the place where Europeans  and Natives were creating property out of. During this time there was only one way to acquire land and that was from your father, however, only first-born sons were able to acquire their father’s land. John Locke points

out in his book Treatise on Government that people came to America to create property out of the land and to transform this land that existed here into something that they owned and belonged to them. Europeans came to the Americas in search of freedom, a new life, as well as adventure. It was not intended to be a permanent stay. Europeans would stay in the Americas for a year or two to harvest crops and trade. The crops they harvested and the items they acquired from trade would be sent back to Europe to sell. The first permanent settlement was in 1607 in Jamestown. It was there that people began to settle and intended to stay by working agriculture as well as building a small city. The second permanent settlement that was of great importance occurred in 1620 in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Indigenous folks came to America to acquire land. Only by owning land would they be able to have the freedom to practice their own beliefs, customs, and lifestyle. In the beginning, they tried to live in Holland not because there was land, but they had small villages. It was hard for them to live in Holland because their work was very low paid and there was no minimum wage. The pilgrims heard about Jamestown while living in this settlement in Holland and came up with this idea that there was so much land in America for the taking that if they could just get there they would be able to build their community. In her book Money, Mortgages, and the Conquest of

 -Sue describes how land took on the quality of money in the Americas. At the time America, K England did not have a property market and the land had no value. This idea of purchasing and selling land was established in America. Land is given its value when individuals take the time, effort, and labor to tend to it. In America, land is crucial to our society. Without land, there would be fewer communities and a population reduction. Furthermore, if there were no land individuals would have limited freedom and would not be able to perform labor or produce a harvest. Almost all Americans recognize

that there is a connection between land ownership and success. Land ownership brings individuals one step closer to successfully living out the American Dream. Prompt #6 Kamala Harris states that “The American Dream belongs to all of us.” America is thought of as a country where everyone regardless of their race or background has the opportunity to achieve the American Dream. To many Americans, part of this dream means having a stable career, being financially stable, as well as being a homeowner. Unfortunately, this dream is easier for some people to attain and difficult for others. One critical factor that determines who can attain the American Dream is race. The reason for this is that oftentimes people of color do not receive the same opportunities as their white counterparts. Although racial discrimination is not as it was in the past, it is still an issue today. Discrimination against people of color is one of the main factors that prevent a person from receiving a fair opportunity to attain the American Dream. This issue is particularly true for African Americans. In his song “The Story of OJ” Jay-Z depicts what it means to black nowadays. He mentions that no matter how successful or poor you are you will still be discriminated against just for the color of your skin. This goes to prove that race determines what kind of opportunities are available for blacks and what they will be able to achieve in their lifetime. Today, African Americans are more likely to live in poverty than any other race and make less money than whites are. In his debate against William Buckley, James Baldwin points out that America is divided and African Americans are suffering because of this division. Baldwin also argues that the American system was created in a way that makes it almost impossible for everyone to succeed equally. African Americans continue to be harshly

discriminated against solely for the color of their skin. Compared to their white counterparts, African Americans are more likely to encounter more struggles and barriers when working towards achieving the dream. For many African Americans, equality not only means freedom it also means receiving the same treatment and opportunities as whites. In his “I have a dream” speech Martin Luther King Jr. described a vision of equality where individuals of all races would be treated and viewed as equals. Everyone should be entitled to equal rights and opportunities so that anyone can experience and obtain the American Dream. Despite what many individuals may think America is not the land of opportunity or freedom. It is a country that favors whites and discriminates against people of color. Our system makes it so that whites are at the advantage of obtaining the American Dream while making it difficult for people of color to experience the same success. The American Dream should be equivalent to all people. It does not matter the color of a person’s skin or where they come from everyone should have the same opportunities. We all deserve to prosper and achieve the American Dream....

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