Test 2 Review - Study guide for test 2 in GRY 100. PDF

Title Test 2 Review - Study guide for test 2 in GRY 100.
Course World Regional Geography
Institution Missouri State University
Pages 4
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Study guide for test 2 in GRY 100....


Geography 100 Review for Test 2

Fall 18

Dr. Terry

The exam will consist of 50 multiple choice questions. Content will be drawn from the textbook and the lectures. The following is a list of subjects for study. 1. Key Terms from the chapters 2. Other terms related to Key Terms that are highlighted by lecture. 3. Additional materials that connect to the text themes that are provided only in the lecture notes. Important themes or categories include: Definition of Hacienda (Latifundia) vs Plantation vs Shifting (slash and burn or Minifundia) agriculture systems Hacienda: locally owned, large family estate, self-sufficient with multiple crops Plantation: corporate monocrops, worked by slaves and are cash crops Shifting: small shifting agriculture, slash/burn trees and plant agriculture on land, with low population it is sustainable, high population leads to deforestation and CO2 production Significant food crops that originated in Latin America: Staples include corn and beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and cassava, quinoa, manioc, vanilla, avocado, WHEAT AND RICE NOT FROM LATIN AMERICA Native beverages include chicha beer, tequila, guava juice, and drinking chocolate, fruit juices. COFFEE NOT FROM LATIN AMERICA Definition and value of the process of nixtamalization of corn process of the preparation for maize/corn, corn kernels are soaked in limestone, water, and wood ash. Freed up vitamins and made it a useable product because skin cracked off. Soaking dry corn in ash water to create hominy, ancient culture. Why Maya civilization was so successful. Definition and impacts of El Nino vs La Nina climate pattern. What causes poor fishing and stronger Pacific storms during El Nino? El Nino: unusual, stops normal upwelling needed for fishing, causing warm surface water to be pushed inland, poor fishing, and stronger Pacific hurricanes due to warm water evaporating, abnormally large warm current that appears off the coast of Ecuador and Peru in December, torrential rains can bring devastating floods along Pacific coast and drought conditions in the interior continents of the Americas. La Nina: normal weather, good for fishing, below-average sea surface temperatures as warm water goes away. Westerly trade winds cause pacific coastal waters to warm up Why is tropical deforestation the greatest threat to land biodiversity in Latin America? Forests have the most species per square meter of space. Why does oil production pose the greatest threat to water biodiversity in Latin America and the Caribbean? Oil spills/chemical waste kills species/plant life, creates shallow seas, limits access to clean and reliable freshwater Deforestation percent of Amazon Rainforest in last 40 years? 40% ⅕ of forest has been deforested, 8000 square miles per year Brazil cleared rainforest to build a new capitol. Why did this create a desert zone? Tropical rainforest precipitation is a daily, local cycle. When you remove the forest, you break the

transpiration link in the cycle. What is grassification? Is the Altiplano undergoing grassification? conversion of tropical forest into pasture for cattle ranching, involves introducing species of grasses/cattle mostly from Africa. Altiplano is NOT undergoing grassification because it is a high plains and grassy area to begin with. What mountain range divides and dominates the South American continent? Andes Mountains Who is #1 and #2 in terms of population and economy of Latin America? Brazil with 205 million, Mexico with 127 million In the 1980s, some American manufacturing plants moved to the border of Mexico. The name given to these plants was Maquiladoras Many cultures and races have mixed in Latin America, know the definitions for these ethnic and racial groups, Euro: european migration, Afro: African migration, Mulatto: mixed-race ancestry, typically white european and black african roots, Mestizo: mixed ancestry with white european and an indigenous background, Amerindian: native populations, Carib: native populations of Caribbean Coffee is not native to Latin America, it is native to Africa. Because of ideal conditions for growing, it was brought to Latin America. Currently Colombia is considered to have the world's best coffee (Arabica type), and Brazil is grows the most (focusing on Robusta type) Hurricanes are common in Latin America, particularly the Caribbean. At what speed of wind, does a Tropical Storm become a Hurricane? 75 mph becomes a hurricane, 45 mph becomes tropical storm What was the number one plantation crop in the early Caribbean agricultural era? Sugar Why were West Africans brought to the Caribbean to work on plantations? Forced migrations of Africans to the Americas from their native lands to work on plantations as slaves When most slaves were freed in the 1800s, where did the new wave of indentured servant workers come from to work in Latin America? Asia Why is brain drain hurting Latin America? They invest in educating their young people, but the best and brightest of them get hired away to other parts of the world and don't get the opportunity to invest their talents back into their Latin American home countries. Of the major USA sports, which one attracts the most athletes from the Caribbean? Baseball Why was the Caribbean one of the earliest world regions to develop Culinary Fusion? Its Strategic Position proved to mix cultures, ingredients, spices, and cooking techniques together from all over the world. More diverse european colonial history and strong african imprint Why is the informal economy so common in Latin America? What activities in the USA are also conducted in the informal economy sector? Drug dealing, prostitution, babysitting, landscaping, garage sales, firewood sales, fruit stands, and anything you do where you would trade for it or collect cash, and not report the income to the government for tax reasons. What factors made Europe culturally diverse? Access to Oceans, Accessibility from most of the

world map, Long History of civilizations, Complex Geological boundaries, Tropical to Arctic Climates The Dominant mountain range in Europe is: Alpine Mountain System (Alps) What is Karst Topography? Why is it responsible for European cheeses? Landscape that is characterized by numerous caves, sinkholes, fissures, and underground streams. Plentiful rainfall where bedrock consists of carbonate-rich rock, that is easily dissolved. Europeans would place curds in caves where the bacteria and fungi would soak in and thus making cheeses. The Climate type that produces the world's great wines is Mediterranean, its letter classification is:. Cs How do temperature increase, pollution, acidification, and fishing all cause global coral reef damage (coral bleaching)? Activity on land effects reefs, deforestation damages reefs, affects air/gas balances, trees filter water/rainfall which runs off into ocean, sediment smothers reefs with development, overfishing can wipe out an entire species What is a fjord, and where are they found? Found in western highlands of Europe and on Norway’s coast, and they are a long narrow deep inlet of the sea between two high cliffs, typically formed by submergence of a glaciated valley Why were Europe's great cities often founded on rivers such as the Thames, Rhine, and Danube? Agriculture and trade access. What region of Europe is most prone to drought and fires? Southern Europe with a mediterranean climate How is global warming impacting Europe today related to drought, flood, sea level, glaciers? Air pollution from england creates acid rain for sweden. Water pollution from swiss factories creates problems for the netherlands which is down the stream of the rhine river and is commonly used for urban drinking. Rising sea levels could place cities underwater, glaciers melting, drought/flood affects agriculture productivity. Environmental problems DO NOT stay in political boundaries. Know the #1 and #2 countries by economy and population in Europe. Germany, Great Britain/UK Why has Europe recently had a very open door policy with regards to immigration? Populations have decreased remarkably, European Union’s Schneck Agreement calls for open borders and free movement of people and goods, forced by EU policies with refugees Which European country has accepted the most Muslim immigrants? Germany What countries are included in the region of Scandinavia? Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland What is NATO? Why was it formed? North Atlantic Treaty Organization, intergovernmental military alliance based on the north atlantic treaty, divided europe creating a border east and west, protect europe from russia/soviet union What is the euro, and what is it currently worth vs the dollar and the pound? Currency for the

European Union, Euro = $1.12 & .89 british pound (pound = $1.60) (Value = dollar, euro, pound) What are the goals of the Supranational Organization; The EU? Why did Britain vote to leave it? A group of european countries that participate in the world economy as one economic unit and they are under one official currency, their goal is to create a barrier-free trade zone and to enhance economic wealth by creating more money within its marketplace. Britain left because they were concerned about immigration, and economic reasons with euro Where does Europe get the majority of its natural gas? Russia In addition to their home language, most Europeans also learn English...

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