Test 2 Study Guide - Membrez-Weiler PDF

Title Test 2 Study Guide - Membrez-Weiler
Author Madz Money
Course Criminology
Institution North Carolina State University
Pages 2
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Social Structure Theories: 3 Types of theories: - Social Structure theories: (f) and (inf) econ and social arrangements of soc. as the root causes of crime and dev, (-) aspects of soc Struc as producers of crim behav, highlight arrangements w/I soc. that contrib to low SES of identifiable groups as signif causes of crime -Types: Social Disorganization Theory (ecological approach)- W.I Thomas and Florian Znaniecki: found crime rates ^ among displaced persons, cause = soc. disorgan. Due to immigrants inability to transplant norms and values from home cultures into new one 1. Shaw and Mckay: Chicago Zones- concentric zone model to studying juv-deliq - Rates of offending remained constant in zones of transition, people moving in/out, crime caused by nature of enviro., juv-deliq transmitted through generations in same zone -Urban Transition zones: low property values, marginal indiv, general lack of privacy 2. Criminolgy of Place: builds on routine activities theory- situation crime prevention, ecolog approaches and emphas the import of locat and architect features in the prev of victimization 3. Broken Windows Theory: Wilson and Kelling- phys signs of disorder lead to more concerns for personal saftey, less communi mindedness, furth deterior and ^ deliqu, “Order Maintenance Policing”, not effective (Ferguson MI) 4. Defensible Space: Oscar Newman- range of mechan that combine to bring an enviro under the control of its reside, -Criminology of place holds that locat can be as predict of crime as the lifestyles of victimized indiv or soc feat of vict. Household, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (belief that offenders decide whether to commit a crime in a partic locat after eval its phys feat, modify feat of phys enviro to prev) 5. Collective Efficacy and Crime: order maint policies < empowering residents to exert (+) soc cont (reduc crime), social cohesion is important, collec eff: coll ability of residents to prod soc action to meet comm goals and preserve shared values : Strain Theory (Anomie)- Strain: pressure that indiv feel to reach soc determ goals, Anomie: (Emile Durkhiem) breakdown of predict soc cond can lead to feels of person loss, dissolution, lack of sense of belonging; interp somtim hinges on trans “deregelment” 1. Anomie: (Robert K. Merton) disjunct b/t soc approv means to success and legit goals, merton said legit goals are desir to all, bit accept means to achieve them are not equally avail, crime an alt means to succ for those lack the tools necc to succ in soc approv ways 2. Institutional Anomie Theory: crime and amer dream = AD emph material succ and person goals > other values, creates anomic cult enviro where ppl are encouraged to adopt anything goes mentality; insitut and their soc funct = penetration, insitut imbalance prev of Economics Logics of action 3. Relative Deprivation: econ and soc gaps b/t rich and poor living and close proximity, personal- indiv feels deprived compared w others, groups- communal sense of injust by memb of a group 4. Distributive Justice: ppls percept of their rightful place in reward struc of soc, culturally dependent (japan) 5. General Strain Theory: 6 centrl propositions- sum (more strain=more crime) - Agnew said crime-prod effects are cummal. - Chronic/repet strn creates predis for delinq - 2 features: a) focus on (-) rtnsphs w/ othrs b) argue that adol pressured into delinq by (-) affective states : Culture Conflict Theory: Sellin suggests that the root causes of crime are found in diff values about what is accept or proper behave, norms valuative basis for hum behav acquired via childhood social, clash bt diff socialized groups=crime 1) prim conflict occurs when fund clash of cultures occurs 2) second conflict occurs when smaller cult clash w/ prim 1. Subcultural Theory: a subcult is a collect of values and pref communic to partic through a procc of social, cult nd those of subcult, sykes and matza suggest offend can do this through the use of tech on neutralization or justifications (Denial of responsibility, injury, victim,, condemning the condemners, appeal to higher loyalties, the metaphor of the ledger, claim that everybody does it, and claim of entitlement. 3b. Drift: matza later suggests that deliq drift bt criminal and conventional behave, using these tech of neutral to overcome feelings of guilt (soft determinism), presser and turgeman-goldschmidt found hackers used neutral tech to justify illegal behave 4. Subcultures of Violence: ferracuti and wolfgang prop the existence of a subcult emphas values that supp violence/ violent behavior, they sugg that for memb of these violent sucult viol can be a way of life n thus users feel no guilt abt aggres behave, southern subcult of viol= proposed explan for geographic variability in viol crime in the US, black subcult of viol has been suggested to explain the high rate of black underclass homicide in the US 5. Differential opportunity theory: blends concepts of subcult and strain theory, suggest that there are 2 types of social struc oppur for succ: legit and illegit; indiv born into middleclass cult general have access to legit but memb of lowerclass subcult are often denied access, illegit oppur struc consists of preexist subcult paths to succ not approv by wider cult, deliq behav may result from the avail of illegit opp 5b. DOT: cloward n ohlin defined deliq by two essen elements: behave that violat the Basic norms of society and when offic known it evokes a judmnt by agnts of crimJust. 3 types of deliq subcult 1) crim subcult: prov crim role models for those soc into the Subcult 2) conflict subcult: partic seek status through viol 3) retreatist subcult: emph Drug use an d withdrawal from the wider soc 5c. DOT: Deliq subcult have at least 3 ident feat: acts of deliq reflect subcult supp are Likely to recur with > freq, access to a succ adult crim career sometimes result from Partic in a deliq subcult, and the deliq sub cult imparts to the conduct of its memb a High degree of stability and resist to control or change 5d. DOT: 4 types of lowclass juv; based on their degree of commit to midclass values Material achievement: 1) desire entry to midclass by improv their econ posit 2) desir Entry to MC but not improv of econ posit 3) desire $$$ w/o entry to MC (most crime) 4) dropouts retreat from cult mainstream through drugs and alc 6) Reaction Formation: cohen studied gang behavior in deliq youth; RF is the proc by which indiv reject smthng they want or aspire but cannot obtain or achieve, all juv are held acntble, juv from deprived backgrounds may turn to deliq out of status frust 7) The Code of the Street: Anderson conduct study of soc mores in modern amer ` Innercities focus on AA neighborhoods along Phillys Germantown ave.; Manhood!!! Subcult of violence = no back down from threats, two types of fams: decent fam try Uphold (+) soc values and street families oriented toward the street = thug life 8) Policy (implications): Chicago area project = effective In reduc rates of juv deliq Mobilization for youth program (Diffopptheory) =new oppur, commun action; War On poverty=reduc crim rates bc redistrib of wealth but 1996 Welf reform recon act Reduc benefits n strict require Critiques: - Ecological: too much credence to notion that spat loc determ crime and deliq, unable to diff bt cond of soc disorg and things said to be caused by cond, no explan why crimes occur outside soc disorg areas - Strain: mertons not applic to modern amerc soc bc efforts twrd improv succ oppurt for evry1 rgrdls eth, race, gend; deliq do not rpt being more distress than other juv -Subcultural: lack explan power and can be tautological; may be racist -General: empirical studies of theories linking low SES to ^levels of deliq have found weak corr, fail to consid role of nonsoc fact in crim cause, unable to predict which indiv or what prop of a given pop will turn to crim Social Process Theories: -Interaction Perspective: Social proccess depend on proc of inter bt indiv and soc, Everyone has poten to violate law, criminality not an innate charac (learned through social); social development theories- integrated persp Types: Social learning, social control, labeling, reintegrative shaming, dramaturgical 1. Differential Association: Sutherland- crim learned thrgh procc of DA w others who commun crim values and advoc commiss of crimes, crime not diff from other behave 1b. Differential Reinforcement: burgess and akers: instrumental conditioning and imitation, learning is mediating process through which the enviro causes crim, location in the soc struc is a maj determ of how one is soc and what one will learn 1c. Differential Identification: Glasser: person pursues crim behav to extent that he ident w real or imagn person from whose perspec his crim behave seems accept, looking glass self (people ident partially on how they thing ppl see them)

-Social Control Theories: seek ident fact that keep ppl from commit crimes, process thrgh which integration w (+) instit and indiv develops, obey instead of breaking rule 1. Containment: Reckless: crime is conseq of soc pressures to become involve in crim And fail to resist suc pressures, crime to biolog immune response 2. Deliq and self-esteem: kaplans self-derogation theory of deliq, low SE can =deliq 3. Social Bond: Hirschi: succ social= bond bt indiv and soc grp, bond weak= dev/crim, a) attachment- shared intrst w others b) commitment- amt of energy put into activ c) involvement- amnt of time spent in shared active d) belief- shared value/moral sys 4. General Theory of Crime: hirschi and gottfredosn: self control, welldevlp soc bond Will create effect self-control mech; Wikstrom : situational action theory- indiv ablty To excer SC is outcome of the inter bt personal traits and situat 5. Control Balance: Tittle: control ratio- amnt of control to which a person is subj vs The amnt of control a person exerts over others, prob one engage in dev and type 6. Labeling: soc resp to known/susp offend is import, determ future of those label as Criminals, may contrib to ^ incidence of criman by reduc opt avail to label offend; -Tagging: procc where indiv is (-) def by agenc of just, after done offend = bad; Prim dev: initial dev undertake to solve immed prob or meet expect of ones subCult group, sec dev: dev behave that results from off label n from assoc w others Who have been label; moral enterprise: efforts by an interest group to have its sense Of propriety embod in law, advoc for law/policy create 7. Reintegrative Shaming: Braithwaite- emphasis procc by which dev is label and sanc But then brought back into comm by conform; Types: Stigmatic- destroy moral bond bt offend and communi and labels indiv as untrust and will commit more crime :Reintegrative- strength moral bond bt offend and comm by condemn crime and giv offend oppur to rejoin comm as law-abiding citizen 8. Dramaturgical Persp: Goffman- impression management and discrediting 9. Total Institutions: facilities in which communal life is extremely circumscribed n from which ppl rarely come and go, can bring former cult w but undergo discult. Critiques: -Differential Association: initial formula not applic on indiv level, untestable, no suff explan for crime, ignores indiv diff, fails to account for emerg of crim values -Labeling- no explan origin of crime, little empirical support, no say on secret dev -Social Control- assumpt abt human nature, monoculture, only assess (+) relations -Dramaturgical- set of linked concepts instead of frame, no suggest of change, 10. Social Development: focus of human devel in und criminal, HD occurs on many levels, soc develop theories tend to be integrated; Developmental tasks- establish identity, invest in value system, obtain education, define physical attractiveness 11. Life-course: criminal behav tends to follow a distinct patter across life cycle, moves focus away from why ppl are being offended, focus on Qs abt the dimensions of criminal offending over entire life course; Researchers evaluate: prevalence, frequency, onset, develop pathways to deliq; three key concepts: activation- ways deliq behave, once initiated, are stim and processes by which the contin, freq and diver of deliq are shaped, :aggravation- the exist of a develop seq of active that esc or ^ in serious over time, :Desistance- a reduc in offend; the principle of historical time an place, timing in lives, linked lives, human agency and life-long learning devel 12. Age-Graded: deliq Is morlik to occur when binds to soc are weal/brok, soc ties embedded in adult trans explan variat in crom not account by childhood dev, turning points, social capital 13. Dual Taxonomic- Moffit: explain why most antisocial child do not become adult crim, Life course persisters- display patters of misbehavior throughout life, Adolescence-limited offenders- led into offend by stuc disadv, Adol more likely to engage in prosoc behaviors if they dev: feeling of connectedness, stable identity, etc. Conflict Theories: 1. Consensus: Based off assumpt that most memb of soc agree on right and wrong n that various elements of soc work togeth toward a shared view of the greater good; 4 main prin (Michalowski)- most memb of a soc believe in the exist of core values, laws are a reflec of shared will, all prsns are = under the law, law viol rprsnt a uniq subgroup w disting feat; Pounds 5 jural postualtes, las as social engineering “in a civilized soc” 2. Pluralist: soc consists of many distinct soc groups, each has own values, beliefs and interests, a gen agree exts as to usefulness of formal law as a mech for disput resol, the legal system is free of petty disputes, the best intrts of soc are represent in legal instit, suggests that conflict is resolved through the peacekeeping act of unbiased gov off exerc obj legal author 3. Conflict: soc is made up of diver soc groups, group holds to diff def of right and wrong, confl bt groups is unavoid, fund nature of group conf center on the exer of polit pwr, law is tool of pwr and frthrs intrts of thse powerd enough to make it;

4. Marx and Conflict Theory: Marx- 2 main soc class wi any capitalist soc: proletariatworking class, wi power and must earn living by selling their labor, bourgeoisiecapitalists or wealthy owners of the means of prod, groups are engag in ongoing confl or class strugg: accord to Marx the nat outcome of this strugg wld be the overthrow of the capital soc order and the borth of a communis soc, conc of soc class is cntrl to confl persp, which usually invlv distinvc made bt indiv on the basis of signif def charac Key Thinkers: -Ralf Dahrendorf- saw confl as a fund part of soc, so than an absen of confl would be abnorm, power and author lead to conflict bt groups and confl leads to either destruct or construct change, dwstruct change lessens soc ord whereas construct change ^ soc cohesive -Austin Turk- saw the law as a tool serv soc groups seek cont over others and saw crim as the nat conseq of intergrp stugg bc it result from the defin impsed by the laws of the pwrfl upn disapprov strivings of the unempowered -George Vold- saw crim as the rslt of polit confl bt groups and as a nat express of the strugg of pwr and cntrl, consid cnfl to be a univ form of inter that intensifies the loyalty of group mmbrs to their respect grps, stated that the proc of law making, law breaking, and the law enforcm reflects confl bt interest groups 5. Radical Criminology: contemporary RC sugg that causes of crim are root in soc cond empower the wealthy and politc well-organ while disenfranch the less fort, Chambliss and seidman (Law, Order, and Power): more econom strat a soc becomes, the more neccess it is for dom groups to enf through coercion the cond norms that guaran their domin, also mid/up class crim are less likely to be apprehended and punished by the CJS; quinneys prop: amer soc is based on advan capital econ, organ to serve intrsts of the dom econ class 5b. Modern RC: divided into 2 schools- struc Marxism sees capital as self-maintain sys in which the law and just sys work to perpet the exist sys of pwr relat, - instrum Marxism sees the crim law and just sys as tools used by the powerf to cntrl the poor 6.Critical Crim: way of critq soc relat that lead to crim, currie claims market soc are esp lik to have ^ lvls of viol crim bc the striv aftr personal econ gains become param: 7 mechan: progr destr of livelihood, withdr of pub serv and supp, etc… 5-7: Policy: focus on promo a gradu trans to socialism and social form of govt act, midrange policy alt include = just in bail sys, reduc prison overcro etc., emph on create econ equali or employ oppur as a way of combat crim 5-7:Critiques: fld emph mthds of soc change at expen of welldev theory, fails to recog seems to be fair dgre of consen abt the nat of crim: crim is undesir and crimi act shld b control, Marxist thinkers conf iss of persona polit w soc real, Marxist crimin dsnt apprec many probs contrib to prob of crim. 8. Left Realist Crim: Faults rad-crit crimin for romant street crim and crimin, Shifts fcs to assessm of crim n needs of vict, Radi ideas must be transl into real soc polic. -Critiques: more ideol emph than thry, rarely offrs new test prop or hyp, crim cntrl appro fcs on needs of victimized 9. Feminist Crim: incl gender awareness, femin= way of seeing the world: gender in terms of pwr relat, conseq of sexism and uneq gendbsed pwr distrib have aff fund asp of soc rols and person experi; 5 strands: lib, radic, Marxists, socialist, postmod Strands: -Liberal: gndr role social is prim source of wmns oppress, elim trad divis of labor n pwr bt the sexes will elim ineq n prom soc harm -Radical: patri= wmn oppress, elim male domin shld reduc crim rts for wmn and ml viol angst wmn -Marxist: oppress of wmn caused by their subord wrkingclss status in capital soc -Social: gndr oppress is a conseq of inter bt the econ struc of soc and gndr based role -Postmodern: Qs soc construc of concepts like just and crim Key Thinkers -Freda adler and Rita Simon: Gndr diff in crim rates due prim to social (not biol), As gndr equal ^, crimi behav of mn n wmn wld beco more simil, Despite ^ gndr equal past 30 yrs, not hppnd -Carol smart: Sensitized criminologists to sexist traditions in the field – Men and women experience and perceive the world differently ■Women must have a voice in interpreting women's behavior – Work led to recognition of women's issues -Kathleen Daly and Meda Chesney Lind: Concerned about androcentricity perspective in criminology – Gender differences suggest crime is not normal – Traditional criminology ignores the significance of the relative lack of female criminality. (5 elements of femin thought = set it apart) -John Hagen: Power-control theory – Power relations in society reflected at home – Family class structure shapes social reproduction of gender relations

-Susan Caulfield and Nancy Wonders: Fcs on gndr as cent organ princ of contemp life – Aware of import of pwr in shap soc relat – Sensit how soc cont shapes relati – Recog that soc real must be unde as a proc- Commit to soc chng as a crucial part of femin scholarship and prac Critiques: - not expl why the gend gap in crim still exists ■ Femin crimin is impos bc it dsnt meet the strict requir of form theory build. ■ Applies understand of soc change inherent in postmod phil to crimin theory n crim cont ■ Claim past appro have failed to assess the true causes of crim or offer work crime control sol ■ Deconstructionist 10. Postmodern Crim: Constitut crimin – Stuart Henry and Dragan Milovanovic – Crim, crim cont are construc produc through soc proc. – Ppl shape and are shaped by their soc – Uses semiotics ■Study of signs and symbols 11. Peacemaking Crim: postmod crimin that sugg that citiz and soc cont agenc need to work toget to alleviate soc probl and reduc crim – Key theorists= Harold Pepinsky and Richard Quinney, sugg prob of crim cont not “how to stop crime” but “how to make peace” – PMC seeks to end suff and thereby elimin crim –PMC emphas rising above personal dichot to end the politi and ideolog divisiveness in soc 12. BARJ: The Balanced and Restorative Justice Model – says that the comm, vict, n offend shld reciev balan atten n shld all gain tang benef from their interact w the just syst – three components ■ Accountability ■ Community protection ■ Competency development ■ The cent techniq used in restorat just prog is comm confer, which invo...

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