Test 2017, questions and answers PDF

Title Test 2017, questions and answers
Course Interpersonal Communications
Institution Seneca College
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Take Home Test for Intrepsersonal Communications. ...


SSW 101 Interpersonal Communication: December 21 st – Jennifer Lane

TAKE HOME TEST #1. The first thing we were taught in this course was “there’s no such thing as no communication” between people. This means to me that wherever we are, and whatever surrounding were in, we’re communicating. We can’t avoid it because even if we aren’t taking to the person, we show them by using our non-verbal communications. Were always communicating with others whether were taking or not. This influences onto our cultural and social ways we go about our life, as our society is always changing. Although, sometimes we are unaware that we might even be communicating. The reason is because we don’t realize it ourselves but on the outside, others realize and it affects the way they think of you. This usually occurs when we are trying to create a relationship with a certain person to create meaning. We are trying to express our feelings and emotional to people and often it is nonverbal communication. Overall, even if we don’t mean to communicate and others trying to understand us, we always try to unavoidably communicate. This is an important concept because every day we interact with people. As CYC’s we need to know how to communicate effectively with others and create an understanding between you and them. We can create an understanding of who others are as a person ether by non-verbal or verbal communication. When we see a person, we can start to understand them without even directly talking which becomes really interesting. #3. Perception affects communication with the way we shape our understanding about others. It influences based on the situations we are in and the people we are with. Perception is the process in which we create meaning to certain people by selecting, organizing, and interpreting people, objects, events and situations. As people, we only pick out certain things that might be odd to us or different to us because we are not used to it. By doing this, we take a

lot of energy trying to create an understanding of why certain things are the way they are. Perception includes of three processes: selecting, organizing and interpreting. One error I have mad in the past was when I was working at camp and one of my co-workers would be coming off as being really flirty towards guys, even though she already had a boyfriend. Until I mentioned it to her, she didn’t really know which was making me really irritated. After I told her, she told me that she didn’t mean to be flirty in anyway, it was just her as a personality. As soon as she told me, I felt really bad about that situation because I dint know how to confront her without hurting her. After we talked things through, we decided that what we both thought of each other was not necessary. Two of the guidelines which I will continue to use in the future are, checking my perceptions with others and avoid mind reading. These will help to know the real facts rather than just guessing what I think of certain people because, usually that doesn’t end up in a good situation. #5. Using I language is really important because it allows us to make long lasting connections with others. Mostly when we are talking, it involves very little interaction. Although, sometimes we don’t realize how were talking, so we might treat people as objects rather than person. Usually when talking to people we identify their social roles rather than getting to know them as a person. Most of the way we talk is by small talk but we don’t tend to go in depth. As a CYC it is important to know the three distinct levels of communication, which are: I-It, I-You, I – Thou. It is important for us because when working with clients, we need to be direct and get personal in order for us to help them out with their situation. I – it language will tend to treat people as objects rather than actually acknowledging them as a person, which in a certain way others are just the same as us. We really need to look beyond the person and see how they are doing which leads to a better connection. I – You communication looks beyond the person, as they really start to acknowledging one another on a somewhat personal level, but still don’t give a lot of information. Although, as CYC’s we need to change are language to being more effective in which we need to start treating others as normal human beings. It explains in I2

thou language, that its the rarest because not a lot of people tend to be direct to others. We really need to form connections that we can see people as being a unique individual and treat them as we want to be treated. We need to open to one another to allow the other person to trust us and know us. Which makes our communication more effective which enables us to talk to others more effectively. #6. Non- verbal communication is when we communicate with other without speaking to the person. It shows our body language and our facial expression when interacting with each other, as we react to certain kinds of words. For example, when others look at me, they might think I’m really closed off, because of the way my arms are crossed or if they think I’m looking at them in certain way which might be negative. Also, from the way I dress, I might look like really don’t care about my appearance, in which case I do. Although, as you start to get to know me, I become a really bubbly person and tend to be really happy. Personally, I think we all send an image of how others look but in reality, we don’t know their circumstances. Nonverbal communication can be symbolic which can represent other things, like objects. It is also rule guided in which as people we have an understanding of when certain things are appropriate and when they are not, because of the way our society is changing. The way we come off with our non-verbal communication might be intentional or unintentional. I think in a lot of situations many people don’t realize that their giving off a certain vibe towards someone, until someone confronts the person. It also reflects on cultural, because of the certain way we were brought up, we might think differently of someone. Something I need to work on as a person is considering the context in which the person is in. When I tend to express my nonverbal communications towards others, I tend to jump to conclusions without really seeing beyond their circumstance that they are in. Another thing that I need to work on is monitoring my non-verbal communications and knowing when I need to stop judging others for their appearance.


#7. Mindful listening is important to interpersonal communications because in order for us to be affective communicator, we need to listen well. Listening is more complex than we think. When we listen to people we need to show it with our heart, eyes, mind and ears in order for us to be effective with our response. We need to be active in which we create no basis about others in which we hear, select, and organize information in the way we receive it and respond to it. It is more than just hearing, it requires for u to remember and respond what they are saying. Although, when we say we need to be active listening, it creates a lot of extra effort to be effective because we have to be fully listening in the moment. The first step towards listening is to be mindful. Mindful listening means to me, that we need to stop putting our own ideas into the situation rather than listening and looking at the options. One of the obstacles I have is, I tend to message overload. It makes it difficult to listen fully all the time, on top of going to school. Personally, it is hard for me to retrain all the information because we are given so much, so we tend to listen to the important details. Another one that I have trouble with is message complexity. When someone gives me information, I need it to be clear so I can understand and follow through with what I am told. Something I find important is that we need to be on the same level of understanding in order for other to remember what we are saying to them and fro them to respond to us fully. Another thing that is important when listening to someone, is that we give lots of detail so it’s easier to understand and for us to remember. #10. Two of the skills I learned in interpersonal communications was adapting our communication appropriately and engaging in dual perspective. Adapting to our communication means, that we need to know a range of ways to communicate in different situations. We need to know as CYC’s each style of communication in which situation they are appropriate in. It is important for us because we can consider the goals, context, and the people in which we are communicating with. Our goals as CYC’s is that we need to give emotional support for others through selecting an appropriate behavior. The more 4

interpersonal relationships, the better we can adapt our connections with unique induvial. We need to know how to adapt messages effectively to particular people that we are dealing with. One of the challenges we might have with our clients is that we can’t get too deep into what’s going on in their life, as they might have trouble adapting to us. Another thing is trying to figure out when the right time is to say something and making good decisions on their life because their only so young. As CYC’s it will hard to say the right thing because we don’t want to hurt them in the wrong way. I think the one that will have the most challenge with is knowing when I can’t show too much affection because of the circumstance they are in. Dual perceptive is the way we need to both understand each other perceptive, beliefs, thoughts or feelings. We need to understand with our clients that the way they may think and feel about certain issues, we not will always agree with them. As we deal with clients, we might have people that will only be one sided, in which we can’t change their mind about that certain things.


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