Test Bank - Chapter 4 For Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, And Class PDF

Title Test Bank - Chapter 4 For Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, And Class
Author Ronnie Lumpkin
Course Introduction To Ethnic Studies
Institution Sam Houston State University
Pages 15
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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

Correct answers My answers

1.According to the text, the most important factor in the creation of minority group status is the: a. Contact situation b. Creation of black slavery c. Labor supply problem d. A and C e. None of the above

2. The nature of dominant-minority group relations at any point in time is: a. Largely a function of the characteristics of the society as a whole b. The types of minority groups present c. The male to female ratio of the dominant group d. All of the above e. None of the above

3. The first Africans were introduced into colonial society as: a. Free blacks b. Indentured servants c. Slaves d. Servants to white landowners e. None of the above

4. To be successful, the plantation system needed which of the following: a. A cheap labor force b. Farming in volume c. Keeping the production costs low d. All of the above e. None of the above

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

5. _________________ is the tendency to judge other groups, societies, or lifestyles by the standards of one's own culture. a. Assimilation b. Socialization c. Discrimination d. Ethnocentrism e. None of the above

6. The creation of minority group status largely depends on: a. The size of the dominant group b. The nature of the contact situation c. Whether the dominant group is assimilationist or pluralistic d. The degree of industrialization in the larger society e. The degree of mutual ethnocentrism

7. Blauner's continuum of minority groups includes: a. Immigrant groups b. Slaves c. Enclave minorities d. All of the above e. Only A and C

8. According to the Noel hypothesis, if two groups came together and the contact situation featured ethnocentrism, competition between groups, and a differential in power, the result of the contact would be: a. Assimilation b. Some system of inequality between the groups c. Some conflict followed by cultural pluralism d. Integration without acculturation e. Warfare

9. When two groups who are in contact with one another each feel that their culture and way of life is superior, judging the other culture by their own standards, this is called: a. Racism b. Selective perception c. Mutual ethnocentrism d. Prejudice e. Discrimination

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

10. Robert Blauner presents a theory of dominant-minority relations that stresses the importance of: a. The initial contact situation b. Prejudice and racist ideology c. People’s attitudes and willingness to get along d. Education e. Mutual ethnocentrism

11. In colonial America, American Indians were not enslaved. According to the Noel hypothesis, this was because: a. There was little power differential between colonists and the American Indians b. There was no competition between colonists and American Indians c. The colonists felt no ethnocentrism against American Indians d. The colonists were, by and large, opposed to slavery e. The colonists preferred the white indentured servants, who were more available and reliable

12. A society with a small elite class and a plantation-based economy will often develop a form of minority relations called: a. Split labor market b. Socialism c. Paternalism d. All of the above e. None of the above

13. Which of the following would not typically be found in a paternalistic system of group relations? a. A caste system b. A rural agricultural economy c. Forced acceptance of the dominant group culture d. Extensive residential segregation e. Nearly total power by law and custom over the minority group

14. Most scholars agree that: a. Anti-black prejudice was an important cause of American slavery b. Anti-black prejudice was basically a result of American slavery c. Intense anti-black prejudice and racism existed in England before the start of the slave trade d. Anti-black prejudice actually declined as slavery began to take shape in colonial times e. Anti-black prejudice was based on the mutual ethnocentrism between colonialists and Africans

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

15. The movement to abolish slavery in the United States was called: a. Mutual ethnocentrism b. Quakerism c. Humanitarianism d. Abolitionism e. Revolution

16. The creation of slavery is best understood by the concept(s) of: a. Institutional discrimination b. Power c. Inequality d. A and C only e. A, B, and C

17. The process of acculturation that took place under slavery could best be described as: a. A melting pot b. Cultural pluralism c. Coercive Anglo-conformity d. Repressive Africanization e. Integration

18. The intensity, strength, and popularity of anti-black Southern racism actually reached its height: a. Almost 200 years after slavery began to emerge b. Shortly before the Africans first arrived in America c. During the Civil War d. All of the above e. None of the above

19. During slavery, which group would be in “double jeopardy”? a. African American men b. African American men over 65 years old c. African American children d. African American women e. European American women

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

20. Which of the following were false regarding slave women's experiences? a. Women tended to work in sex-segregated groups more often than male slaves. b. Women tended to work fewer hours than male slaves. c. Women experienced more subordination due to their gender. d. Women induced abortions rather than bring more children into bondage. e. All of the above are true regarding slave women's experiences.

21. In 1763, the British Crown declared American Indian tribes to be: a. Extinct b. Democracies c. Allies against the French d. Sovereign nations e. Enemies of England

22. Which of the following are true about the stratification in American Indian societies prior to European contact? a. Some American Indian societies were highly stratified, and many practiced various forms of slavery. b. Some American Indian societies were patriarchal and followed a strict, gender-based division of labor, but others were more equal. c. In many tribes, women held positions of great responsibility, including roles in religion, politics, warfare, and the economy. d. All of the above are true e. Only A and C are true

23. Although Native Hawaiians retain minority group status, according to your text they compare favorably with American Indians and black Americans in terms of: a. Education b. Income and poverty c. Home ownership d. All of the above e. A and B

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

24. The experiences of Mexican Americans with European Americans in Arizona, New Mexico, California, and Texas illustrate the following generalization about Mexican American experiences: a. Subordination of the Mexican American population followed quickly after a rapid influx of Anglos. b. The contact situation for Mexican Americans was highly variable by region. c. Mexican Americans retained some political power and economic clout, mostly because of the relatively large size of the group and their ability to mobilize for political action. d. Without moving, the Mexican population became a conquered people and a minority group. e. All of the above

25. Anglo Americans began moving into the Southwest in the: a. 1690s to escape religious persecution b. 1720s to remove the American Indians c. 1820s to acquire land for agriculture d. 1890s to continue the practice of slavery e. 1850s to avoid the Civil War

26. Much of the Southwest became U.S. territory in _____ as a result of _____. a. 1835, the revolt of Texas against Mexico b. 1848, the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo c. 1865 the American Civil War d. 1849, the California Gold Rush e. 1887, the Dawes Allotment Act

27. In what ways do the Noel and Blauner hypotheses relate to the contact situation of Mexican Americans and Anglo immigrants? a. Ethnocentrism was present at first contact. b. Power differences existed. c. Competition for land began with the first contact between the groups. d. They were subjected to coercive acculturation. e. All of the above are true

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

28. One difference in the situations of Mexican Americans and African Americans in the nineteenth century was that: a. Mexican Americans were much more acculturated b. African Americans were exploited for their land, Mexican Americans for their labor c. Mexican Americans were able to retain much more of their culture d. Mexican Americans were exploited only for their land e. Mexican Americans were more exploited for their wealth

29. Which set of terms best characterized the situations of African Americans, American Indians, and Mexican Americans as a result of contact with Anglo American society? a. Colonization, paternalism b. Acculturation, integration c. Colonization, immigration d. Secondary structural assimilation, caste system e. Integration and Anglo-conformity

30. Which of the following is true regarding the contact situations between American Indians and the Spanish, French, and English? a. The Spanish found large, well-organized social systems and therefore found it useful to adapt to Aztec practices. b. The French needed to cooperate with at least some American Indian tribes to maximize the benefits of the economy they created. c. The English met with smaller, less developed tribes and had no specific reason to adapt to those social structures. d. All of the above are true. e. A and C are correct.

31. Which of the following are documented ways slaves could express resistance or noncooperation to their situation and their "masters"? a. Intentional carelessness b. Creating work slowdowns c. Running away d. Open rebellion such as the revolt led by Nat Turner e. All of the above

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

32. In the plantation hierarchy, who had the least power? a. White men b. Black men c. White women d. Black women e. Children

33. Approximately what percentage of Southern whites owned slaves? a. 10% b. 25% c. 50% d. 70% e. 90%

34. American Indians were gradually pushed to near extinction by: a. Growing power of white Americans b. Greater resource base of white Americans c. Increasing technological superiority of white Americans d. All of the above e. None of the above

35. Black Africans had a commodity the colonists coveted—_____________, and the colonists subsequently constructed a system to control and exploit this commodity—_______________. a. Black female slaves b. Black males under 12 c. All slave children d. White females who were married to black slaves e. None of the above 36. Which component of the contact situation explains why Africans were enslaved instead of the other groups? a. Colonized minority groups b. Ethnocentrism c. Paternalistic relations d. Differential in power 37. All of the following are correct about slaves in colonial America except a. they were considered chattel. b. they were forbidden to read or write. c. they could not work on plantations with whites. d. their children were considered slaves.

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

38. Slavery was founded on and maintained by a. misunderstanding. b. convenience. c. violence. d. ignorance.

39. Between 1607 and 1890, thousands of American Indians were lost due to a. warfare. b. genocide. c. assimilation. d. infectious diseases.

40. Unlike African American minorities in the antebellum South, American Indians during the contact period were a. a colonized minority group. b. successful at resisting denomination. c. in competition with whites for labor. d. facing high levels of discrimination. 41. Women in American Indian societies were generally subordinate to men. a. True b. False 42. Following the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the Cherokee Nation changed from a __________ system of land ownership to a __________ system. a. matrilineal; patrilineal b. patrilineal; matrilineal c. dominant; minority d. minority; dominant e. subordinate; insubordinate 43. Which city was founded first? a. Jamestown, Virginia b. New York, New York c. Santa Fe, New Mexico d. Boston, Massachusetts 44. Historical documents indicate that slavery in the United States was inevitable. a. True b. False

45. Which group benefited the most from the Gold Rush of 1849? a. Tejanos b. Californios

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

c. American Indians d. Anglos 46. What was the result of the Gadsden Purchase of 1853 and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848? a. An abundance of land and opportunity for Anglo-Texans and Tejanos. b. The Tejanos became a conquered minority. c. A revolution was instigated by the Tejanos against the Anglo-Texans. d. The Tejanos became the most politically powerful minority group in Texas. 47. In which state did Mexican Americans retain political power during the contact situation? a. California b. Texas c. Wyoming d. New Mexico 48. During the contact period, Mexicans were predominantly __________, whereas Anglo-Americans were primarily________. a. Roman Catholic; Protestant b. Spaniards; American Indians c. competitive; docile d. militaristic; political 49. Which of the following is a primary difference between the African American and Mexican American experience during the contact period? a. Unlike African Americans, Mexican Americans were not a source of inexpensive labor b. Unlike the African American situation, the Mexican American culture was not suppressed c. Unlike African Americans, Mexican Americans were close to their homeland and could stay in touch with their language and heritage d. Unlike African Americans, Mexican Americans benefited economically and politically from their colonization 50. According to the text, what is the single most important factor in the development of dominantminority relations? a. Subsistence technology b. The contact situation c. Slavery d. The dominant group’s culture 51. Complete assimilation is not possible in paternalistic systems. a. True b. False 52. In colonial America, slavery became synonymous with a. politics. b. social class. c. race. d. humility.

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

53. What is one similarity among the three minority groups discussed in the chapter? a. They were all considered chattels. b. They were all assimilated minority groups. c. They were all victims of the expansion of British power. d. They were all used for cheap labor.

54. The contact situation is the most important factor in the creation of minority group status. a. True b. False

55. The first Africans to come to the British colonies were probably indentured servants rather than slaves. a. True b. False

56. American Indians were seen as ideal slaves because they were hard workers and were close to the land. a. True b. False

57. According to the Noel hypothesis, if two or more groups come into contact who are characterized by ethnocentrism, competition, and differences in power, then some form of ethnic or racial stratification will result. a. True b. False

58. According to the Noel hypothesis, if two or more groups come into contact with each other and they are mutually ethnocentric, competition and conflict will eventually occur. a. True b. False

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

59. According to Robert Blauner, the way in which groups come into contact with each other, either as immigrant group or colonized group, have consequences that persist long after the original contact. a. True b. False

60. Indentured servants were members of a caste system and had no opportunities of mobility. a. True b. False

61. Gender played little part for slaves, as both slave men and slave women worked in the fields. a. True b. False

62. A caste system is an example of an open stratification system. a. True b. False

63. The land that was set aside as reservations offered conditions and qualities similar to the land the American Indians once controlled. a. True b. False

64. The Indian reservations, like the slave plantations, could be considered paternalistic systems with a colonized group. a. True b. False

65. Between the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 and the Gadsden Purchase of 1853, the Mexican population of what became the Southwest, without moving an inch from their traditional villages and farms, became a conquered people and a minority group. a. True b. False

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

66. In California, the Gold Rush of 1849 resulted in the colonization of the Mexican Americans who were previously living there, often for generations. a. True b. False

67. Colonists saw slavery as a logical and cost effective solution to the labor-intensive needs of agriculture at that time. a. True b. False

68. Tom thinks that people in India lack intelligence because many of them are starving but they won't kill and eat the cows that roam freely. We could say that Tom is ethnocentric. a. True b. False

69. According to Blauner's hypothesis, we would expect that Chinese immigrants would have a more difficult time acculturating than African Americans. a. True b. False

70. Native Hawaiians are better off compared to African Americans, Native Americans, and Mexican Americans. a. True b. False

71. Blauner's hypothesis identifies three features of a group's initial contact situation: ethnocentrism, competition, and a differential in power. a. True b. False

72. Slave men often worked longer than slave women, doing other chores after the women went to bed in the evening. a. True b. False

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

73. Attempts at acculturation by various American Indian tribes often resulted in the loss of status and power by American Indian women. a. True b. False

74. Power differentials between groups partly explains why domination was established in some places faster than others. a. True b. False

75. Both the United States and Mexico were originally colonized by European powers. a. True b. False

76. American slavery was a paternalistic system. a. True b. False

77. Conquest and colonization affected men and women differently. a. True b. False

78. Prejudice and racism are more the result of systems of racial and ethnic inequality than they are the causes. a. True b. False

79. Minority women have been doubly oppressed because of their gender roles and their minority group status. a. True b. False

80. After their land was expropriated, American Indians remained a major concern for the dominant group. a. True b. False

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Test Bank—Chapter 4, Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 7e

81. The contact situation for Mexican Americans was highly variable by region. a. True b. False

82. Like African Americans, American Indians were also controlled by paternalism. a. True b. False

83. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 required all eastern tribes to move to new lands west of the Mississippi. a. True b. False

84. The Noel hypothes...

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