Course Philosophy of Love and Sex 
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MODULE ONE 1. Which one of the following is not a feature of the "Socratic Approach" to philosophy: A. Memorizing technical information B. Revealing what the opinions of others amount to. C. Cross examining others. D. Enter into dialogue with others to find truths. 2. The "Allegory of the Cave" appears in which text? A. The Socratic Method B. The Symposium C. The Athenians D. The Republic 3. The Republic was written by: A. Socrates B. Freud C. Plato D. Aristotle 4. What does the word "philosophy" literally mean? A. Unconditional Love B. Love of Wisdom C. Wise Person D. Brotherly Love 5. In the Image of the Cave, the "sun" is an image of what? A. Philosophy B. Hope C. Good D. Love

MODULE TWO 6. Which one of the following points is not made by Ryan and Jetha in Sex at Dawn? A. Concerns with paternity in human societies did not begin until the start of agriculture. B. A female is more naturally inclined towards having a single sexual partner to better ensure the survival of

her children.

C. Monogamy goes against the sexual natures of both men and woman as established by evolution D. Looking at our evolutionary past helps us better understand the sexual hypocrisies of our society today.

7. The Latin term Homo sapiens literally means: A. wise human B. old stone age C. same creature D. same human 8. The English word "sex" is derived from the Latin word secare which means: A. Reproduction B. to unify C. to divide D. intercourse 9. Which one of the following books was written by Arthur Schopenhauer? A. The World as Will and Idea B. The Metaphysical Dimensions of Sex C. Sex at Dawn D. Paleofantasy

10. Asexual reproduction occurs when ... A. two people who do not enjoy sex conceive a child. B. a single organism replicates itself from its own cells C. two single cell organisms share genetic material and conceive a genetically unique organism D. mammals procreate.

11. Which one of the following statements would Marlene Zuk agree with? A. Humans should change their behaviour today so that we can live like we did in the Paleolithic Age. B. Evolutionary psychology has definitively proven that humans are naturally promiscuous. C. We should model our own sexual behaviour on the basis of what we observe in our closest animal relatives (chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas) D. Humans have reproduced under a variety of mating systems throughout history, and there probably isn't one system that is absolutely in accord with our "true nature." 12. "Natural selection" is best defined as ... A. the process by which species are most likely to survive if they inherit biological traits from their ancestors that help them adapt to their environment

B. the process by which males choose female sexual partners C. the process by which single celled organisms choose other single celled organisms to assist in the survival of their genes D. the process by which females are more selective in their choice of sexual partners because they must carry a child to term 13. What does the word "polyandry" mean? A. When one woman has several male sexual partners. B. When one man has several female sexual partners. C. When a husband and a wife agree to have other sexual partners while still remaining married. D. When one person has several offically recognized marriage spouses. 14. For Schopenhauer, the purpose of "love" between a man and a woman is ... A. to provide a profound union for two incomplete souls. B. to bring happiness and fulfillment. C. to create the next generation and ensure the survival of the species. D. to allow each partner to find his or her "true self." 15. Which one of the following is not a feature of the "standard narrative" in evolutionary psychology? A. The primary purpose of relationships between males and females is to conceive healthy offspring. B. Both men and women are naturally inclined towards monogamy to ensure that offspring survive. C. Females are primarily attacted to men with power or status. D. Males are primarily attracted to physical beauty in females.

MODULE THREE 16. Which aspect of sexual relationships does Kant find most objectionable? A. Sex outside of marriage B. Objectification C. Pleasure D. Homosexuality 17. Kant wrote: "Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end." Kant called this ... A. the doctrine of original sin B. natural law C. the categorical imperative. D. crimina carnis

18. Which one of the following is not listed by Freud as a stage of psychosexual development? A. Oedipal Complex Phase B. Latent Phase C. Anal Phase D. Oral Phase 19. Which one of the following statements best summarizes Sade's account of "natural law"? A. All things in the world have been created in accord with reason and with proper purposes or goals. B. The human sexual organs are created solely for the purpose of procreation. C. Promiscuity is the law of nature. D. Nature creates and destroys, and encourages all manner of sexual pleasure which we should not suppress. 20. Which one of the following is not a traditional belief of Western Christianity? A. Humans are born without sin, but become sinful once they are in society. B. Sexual relations should only happen within marriage. C. Sexual activity should be restricted to procreation D. Humans are conceived in sin. 21. In Freudian psychoanalysis, the "superego" is the part of personality that ... A. desires to have sex with the mother and kill the father B. insists that we gratify our desires for pleasure through sex and violence C. is our "conscience" and demands we be obedient to social rules D. mediates between social rules which demand restraint and the demands of our instincts which demand immediate gratification 22. Freud refers to a type of "perversion" where the desire for the genitals of another person is substituted for some part of the body not designed for reproduction or for an inanimate object. This perversion is called ... A. pedophilia B. fetishism C. the Oedipal Complex D. Inversion 23. Who wrote the following statement: "Sexual love makes of the loved person an Object of appetite; as soon as that appetite has been stilled, the person is cast aside as one casts away a lemon which has been sucked dry. A. Sigmund Freud B. St. Thomas Aquinas C. The Marquis de Sade

D. Immanuel Kant 24. Which one of the following is not a type of "unnatural lust" as identified by St. Thomas Aquinas A. Homosexuality B. Incest C. Masturbation D. Improper Intercourse 25. Which one of the following thought we should live to satisfy our sexual desires, no matter what they are or how sinful they are perceived to be? A. Immanuel Kant B. The Marquis de Sade C. Sigmund Freud D. St. Thomas Aquinas

MODULE 4 26. On the basis of her article "Objectification," which one of the follow statements would Martha Nussbaum disagree with? A. It can be acceptible to refer to your partner using a "dirty word" for genitalia. B. Instrumentality is always morally problematic if we do not consider the humanity of another person. C. It can be a wonderful thing to surrender your autonomy to another person in a sexual relationship. D. Objectification is always morally objectionable. 27. On the basis of Gail Dine's analysis in Pornland, which one of the following statements do you think she would disagree with? A. Pornography dehumanizes women. B. If pornography is done properly, it can depict healthy sexuality. C. Pornography is having a destructive impact on boys. D. Pornography threatens the health and well-being of women. 28. Which one of the following argues that antiporn feminist writings are increasingly modeled on conservative religious approaches to porn? A. Simon Blackburn B. Martha Nussbaum C. Gail Dines D. Clarissa Smith and Feona Attwood 29. Simon Blackburn refers to an "enthusiastic desire, the desire that infuses the body, for sexual activity and its pleasures for their own sake." This is Blackburn's definition of ... A. lust

B. objectification C. sex D. procreation 30. For Blackburn, "Hobbesian Unity" refers to ... A. the desire of people to emerge out the state of nature and live in complete political unity B. the need to maintain your individuality rather than be led astray by lust C. a reciprocal exchange of desire and pleasure that can occur between two people D. the "state of nature" as depicted in Hobbes' Leviathan 31. On the basis of the selections from Lust, which one of the following statements would Simon Blackburn disagree with? A. Immanuel Kant's depiction of lust and sexuality is extremely narrow, and does not capture the full range of possibilities. B. Lust is always a bad thing, because lust causes a person to use another simply as an object for his own pleasure. C. Sex and lust are not the same and do not necessarily always go together. D. Thomas Hobbes account of lust includes mutality and reciprocity, where each sexual partner seeks to please the other. 32. Which one of the following texts does Martha Nussbaum refer to in her article? A. E. L. James' Fifty Shades of Grey B. James Joyce's Finnigan's Wake C. A caption from Playboy magazine D. Henry Miller's Tropic of Capricorn 33. In Martha Nussbaum's article, "fungibility" occurs when ... A. the objectifier treats the object as interchangeable with other objects of the same type, and/or with objects of other types B. the objectifier treats the object as something that is owned by another C. the objectifier treats the object as something whose experiences and feelings need not be taken into account D. the objectifier treats the object as a tool of his or her purposes 34. On the basis of Smith and Attwood's essay "Emotional Truths and Thrilling Slide Shows," which one of the following statements do you think they would disagree with? A. Antiporn feminists have a narrow account of pornography. B. We should draw a clear-cut distinction between "porn sex" and "healthy sex," and accept heteronormativity as healthy. C. Antiporn feminists tend to rely on emotion rather than reason

D. Antiporn feminists rely on anecdotes rather than research. 35. Which one of the following is not a type of "objectification" identified by Martha Nussbaum: A. Ownership B. Denial of Autonomy C. Pornography D. Inertness

MODULE FIVE 36. An "assexual" refers to someone who ... A. has sexual desires for both sexes B. is born with, or develops, mixed male and female reproductive anatomy C. has sexual desires that do not correspond to the expectations, roles, and norms of heterosexual society D. does not experience sexual attraction for either sex 37. The acronym LGBT stands for ... A. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender B. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual C. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transvestite D. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Two-Spirited 38. In "Thinking About Homosexuality," Fausto-Sterling refers to the Kinsey Scale, which attempts to measure ... A. the number of times in a year that a person has sex B. the degree to which a person is inclinded toward "homosexuality" or "heterosexuality" C. sex drive in individuals D. the population of gays and lesbians in a society 39. On the basis of Anne Fausto-Sterling's chapter "Thinking About Homosexuality," which one of the following statements would she agree with? A. Our sexual orientations are entirely constructed by society/culture B. Our sexual orientations are entirely determined by nature/biology. C. Each person has a permanent and unchanging sexual orientation. D. Even though sexuality is biologically present in our bodies, and therefore influences our sexual orientation, our desires are also shaped by social influences. 40. The terms "homosexual" and "heterosexual" were first used ... A. during the eighteenth century (1700s) in France B. during the twentieth century (1900s) in the United States

C. in ancient Greece D. during the nineteenth century (1800s) in Germany 41. In Sexual Fluidity, Lisa Diamond defines "proceptivity" as ... A. being open to new sexual experiences B. the potential for romantic love to turn into sexual desire C. a person's capacity to become interested in sex due to external stimuli D. the basic internal drive to seek out sexual objects and activities 42. In the chapter "The Woman in Love," Simone de Beauvoir argues that when a woman falls in love in our society, she ... A. loses her sovereignty and identity by uniting herself to a man who she treats like God B. is more likely to succeed in a professional career because she will have emotional support C. stands the chance of becoming completely liberated by finding her soul-mate D. becomes her "true self" 43. In "Thinking About Homosexuality," Fausto-Sterling uses the term "fundamentalist" to refer to ... A. antiporn feminists B. those who think homosexuality is "unnatural" C. those who argue we are born with permanent and unchanging sexual orientations D. religious extremists 44. In Lisa Diamond's Sexual Fluidity, which one of the following is not identified as a "building block" of women's sexuality fluidity? A. The distinction between proceptivity and arousability in sexual desire. B. The potential for romantic love to turn into sexual desire C. The inclination of women toward monogamy D. The "unorientation of romantic love 45. The term "cisgender" refers to a person who ... A. who feels her sex matches the gender she was assigned at birth B. does not identify as either male or female C. who acts and dresses in ways not culturally associated with that person's sex D. who does not feel his biological sex matches his true gender identity

MODULE 6 46. Socrates says in his speech that Eros (Love) is the child of ... A. Poros [Resource] and Penia [Poverty] B. Apollo [god associated with the sun] and Artemis [goddess associated with the moon]

C. Zeus and Hera D. Aphrodite 47. Which one of the following is not a Greek word signifying a type of love? A. Agape B. Dike C. Philia D. Eros 48. In his discussion with Agathon, Socrates claims it is incorrect to say ... A. Love is a spirit B. Love is incomplete C. Love leads to procreation. D. Love is beautiful 49. Which speaker at the Symposium describes eros as the desire for your other half so that you can be whole again? A. Agathon B. Alcibiades C. Aristophanes D. Socrates 50. According to Socrates, what is the highest step on the "ladder of love"? A. Love of beautiful pursuits B. Love of a beautiful soul C. Love of beautiful knowledge D. Love of the beautiful itself 51. On the basis of the chapter "The Fall of Eros," which one of the following statements would Allan Bloom disagree with? A. Modern university education has been impoverished by value relativism. B. Eros and sexuality are best explored through classic literature and philosophy. C. Freud's theory of sublimation is an excellent approach to understanding eros. D. Sexology has corrupted the way we speak about love and sexuality. 52. Which one of the following statements about Socrates is not made by Alcibiades in his speech? A. Socrates looks like a satyr, ugly on the outside but contains divinities within. B. Socrates had great physical stamina during military campaigns.

C. Once, while on a military campaign, Socrates was observed standing in contemplation for nearly a full day and night. D. Socrates did not have sex with Alcibiades, but he did have sex with other younger men. 53. Socrates claimed he learned about love from a female priestess named ... A. Delia B. Diotima C. Desdemona D. Diana 54. Which speaker claims he was a younger beloved of Socrates but did not have sex with him? A. Aristophanes B. Aristotle C. Agathon D. Alcibiades 55. The Symposium was written by ... A. Aristophanes B. Agathon C. Plato D. Socrates 56. Which one of the following is not a teaching attributed to Jesus in Matthew's "Sermon on the Mount"? A. Do to others as you would have them do to you B. Love your enemies C. Sinful intentions are equal to sinful actions in the eyes of God D. Ascend to God through philosophy 57. On the basis of his article "Agape and Eros," identify the one statement Anders Nygren would agree with: A. Eros is the initiator of fellowship with God B. Agape is indifferent to the value of the person loved C. Agape is the way that humans move up to God through their own efforts. D. Agape is egocentric 58. On the basis of his article "The Virtue of Erotic Love," which one of following statements would Robert Solomon disagree with: A. Eros and agape are two contrary loves that have nothing in common B. As eros develops in a couple, it is characterized as a dialectic in which each lover struggles for control over self-images

C. Erotic love has a long history, and how it is expressed today is very different from how it was expressed in earlier historical periods D. Socrates loves the divine/universal, but has trouble loving specific human beings 59. On the basis of the "fourth letter," which one of the following statements would Abelard disagree with? A. Heloise should accept that she is a bride of Christ B. That Heloise should look on all the terrible things that happened to her in the past as good things that God intended for her benefit C. Heloise should get rid of her sexual passion for Abelard D. Heloise should try to find another husband and have children since Abelard is now castrated 60. The 1st Letter to the Corinthians was written by ... A. Abelard B. Socrates C. Paul D. Heloise 61. Which one of the following is not a similarity between Jesus and Socrates? A. Both men initiated movements that formed after their deaths B. Neither man wrote anything that has survived, but others wrote about them C. Both men were executed D. Both men were declared by their follows to be "messiahs" or "saviours." 62. Abelard and Heloise lived in ... A. thirteenth century Germany B. fifteeth century England C. twelfth century France D. sixteenth century Spain 63. Who wrote the following passage: "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love [agape]." A. St. Paul B. Jesus C. Anders Nygren D. Abelard

64. In Matthew 25, Jesus says that the saved and the damned during the Final Judgement are like ... A. cows and bulls B. sheep and goats C. doves and hawks D. Jews and Gentiles 65. The type of love that is most encouraged in the statements attributed to Jesus is ... A. Agape B. Philia C. Eros D. Storge

MODULE 7 66. John and Terry have been friends for a few years. They like to listen to rap music together, and go to dance clubs. They also like hockey, and so attend many games together. Once, John was able to get great seats for a Toronto Maple Leafs' game, and he gave one to Terry for free. Terry once landed two backstage passes for a Kanye West concert, and he invited John. They had great times at both the Leafs' game and the Kanye West concert. For Aristotle, this is an example of ... A. happiness B. a complete friendship C. a pleasurable friendship D. a useful friendship 67. Which of the following is not a part of the soul as identified by Aristotle and Plato? A. The spirited part B. The intelligence C. The erotic part D. The appetitive part 68. The Greek word storge is usually translated as ... A. complete friendship B. charity C. affection or fellow-feeling D. "passionate" or "romantic" love 69. Which one of the following statements is not true regarding Aristotle's conception of complete friendship? A. Complete friendship is not a feeling or emotion. B. Complete friendships are rare.

C. Complete friendships should not be pleasurable or useful because these things are short lived. D. A complete friendship occurs when each friend encourages virtue in the other. 70. The reading selections in this module from Aristotle on self-love and friendship are from his text called ... A. The Republic B. Dionysian Morality C. Metaphysics D. Nicomachean E...

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