Test Mid Drugs Society Sp 21 PDF

Title Test Mid Drugs Society Sp 21
Course Drugs And Society
Institution Hunter College CUNY
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Midterm for drugs and society...


Anissa Zibo Prof. Andy Korall Drugs and Society Soc 322, Sec 01 Midterm Exam Due: Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 11:59 pm to [email protected] Multiple Choice Questions (2 points each)

1) Which of the following is the fastest and most efficient route of administration? b) smoking 2) Which of the following theories of media bias is most strongly focused on the factor of hegemony or institutional bias in stressing the slant of media drug stories? a) ruling elite theory

3) Metabolic imbalance theory most commonly attempts to account for one particular type of drug use:

d) narcotic addiction

4) On a dose-for-dose basis, which of the following drugs causes the greatest amount of harm, including death by overdose? c) heroin 5) Which of the following media assertions about the use of crack cocaine in the 1980s was later verified by scientific research? e) none of the above

6) Anomie theory regards the drug addict as a/n: c) retreatist

7) Which of the following theories emphasizes the absence of bonds to conventional society as a major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse?

b) social control theory

8) The death toll—the total number of people who die as a result of a cause related to the use of the substance—is greatest for which of the following: d) cigarettes

9) In comparison with before and after, during national alcohol prohibition (1920-1933), alcohol consumption: b) decreased

10) The news stories that reported that LSD causes chromosome damage and result in the user passing on birth defects to his or her offspring was: d) disconfirmed by later scientific research.

11) Which of the following illustrates a constructionist definition of or approach to what a drug is. A drug is defined by a substance’s: e) illegal or illicit status—the fact that its possession and sale are against the law 12) Drugs can be classified according to their legal status, and whether they are used instrumentally versus recreationally. Taking an amphetamine, without prescription, to cram all night for a final exam is an example of: b) illegal instrumental use

13) Conflict theory emphasizes which of the following factors in explaining deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse? c) differences in power among socioeconomic strata

14) In the past 30 years or so, the number of automobile alcohol-related fatalities:

b) has decreased

15) Which of the following theories emphasizes inadequate parenting as the major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse? c) self-control theory

16) The potential for drug dependence is most closely related to: a) reinforcement, or immediate sensual appeal

17) A Schedule I drug is one that the government defines as having:

d) no medical utility and a high potential for abuse

18) The effect caused by smoking crack cocaine in the 1980s that the media most emphasized was:

c) becoming addicted or dependent on the drug

19) Illicit drug use reaches a peak during which of the following age ranges: b) late teens to early 20s 20) Which of the following theories emphasizes deviant socialization as the major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse? d) social learning and subculture theory

21) Which of the following theories emphasizes a disjunction between our core values and the means to achieve these core values as the major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse? a) anomie theory

22) The author emphasizes that charges of media bias are commonly lodged by observers with particular approaches or perspectives. Which of the following is the author regarding as bias with respect to the media reporting the drug story? The extent to which these stories:

c) accurately reflect the evidence gathered and the conclusions reached by scientists.

23) Which of the following drugs was produced and first consumed during its transformative era? c) heroin

True/False (2 points each) 24) Cocaine is the most physically addictive drug we have studied this semester. TRUE 25) Research indicates that if a sober man sexually victimized an alcohol impaired woman, the woman is seen as more responsible for the attack. TRUE 26) The Monitoring the Future Survey on high school seniors indicates that the late 1960’s was the high point of recreational drug use in America. FALSE 27) In Merton’s “Anomie Theory”, drug use and drug selling are solely the result of the lack of connection to conventional people and/or institutions. FALSE 28) For the issue of “Should Women Who Use Drugs Lose Custody of Their Children” in the Goldberg Reader, a major point of contention is the access to drug treatment. One side finds drug treatment ineffective, the other finds drug use so stigmatized that many avoid looking for treatment. TRUE

29) In the Dependence/Reinforcement model of drug dependence, there is little emphasis

on “physical dependence.” TRUE 30) David Carr’s “The Night of the Gun” displays how a drug addict often needs other people in his/her life to remember his/her past exploits about being under the influence. TRUE

BONUS QUESTIONS (2 points each) 31) Morphine is considered to be a Schedule II drug because it has some medical use but high potential for abuse and misuse.

32) In the Goldberg reader, you read about the issue of “Should the United States Drinking Age Remain at 21”. Very briefly, what are the two sides of the argument?

Yes: It should remain at 21 becaus use of alcohol in underaged drinkers has led to instances of violence, sexual assault and rape, unprotected sex and car accidents.

No: Drinking laws have been proven ineffective because younger people still drink. Those who do not live with their parents have more opportunity. Younger folks who are 18 are able to vote, pay taxes and join the military, argument that it is destined to fail.

ESSAYS (***Choose 2 out of 3 Questions - 20 points each)

1) This semester, we have discussed theories that relate to why members of our society abuse drugs. Please discuss one psychological theory and two sociological theories of drug use. Define the theory, and provide the key elements to how it attempts to explain drug use. Provide a brief example of how this theory is relevant to a present day situation? Do you think any of your theories relate to David Carr in “The Night of the Gun.”

One psychological theory of drug use is the Reinforcement theory, which includes positive and negative reinforcements. The reinforcement theory shows that people tend to maximize reward and minimize punishment; they continue to do things because of past history of being rewarded for doing them. Drug users have been rewarded for use, and therefore continue to use. Positive reinforcement occurs when the outcome motivates the participant to repeat behaviors so that they may achieve the favorable outcome. For example a drug user who reaches a euphoria or high from a specific drug might be inclined to reach that same feeling again, therefore repeating the actions that led to it in the first place. Negative reinforcement occurs when an individual does something to seek relief or to avoid pain, therefore being rewarded, and is motivated to do whatever it was that achieved the relief or alleviated the pain. For example, users who might have a physical dependence on a drug will take the drug so that they don't experience the pain of withdrawal.

Sociological theories look at more broad and structural factors. One sociological theory in regards to drug use is the Anomie theory. This theory states that in a competitive, materialistic, achievement-oriented society, success is encouraged as attainable for all members, but actually is only attainable for only a small proportion of society. Individuals who do not succeed must engage in “deviant” or disapproved behaviors to deal with their failures or make up for it. Another sociological theory would be the Social control Theory, which states that reasons for drug use, like most deviant behavior, is the absence of social controls which encourage many to conform. Most of us do not engage in criminal or deviant acts because of strong bonds with or ties to conventional, mainstream persons, beliefs, activities, and social institutions. If such bonds are weak or broken, we will be released from society’s rules and free to deviate, and this includes drug use. For example we often see those who are marginalized and oppressed turning to drugs so that they often don't feel or can escape the struggles of daily life.

I do believe these theories relate to David Carr and his life. Carr who had a cocaine addiction was most likely addicted due to the euphoria and one of a kind type of high that cocaine gives a person causing him to chase the negative reinforcement.

2) We have classified numerous psychoactive drugs and their effects. Please provide a description of three of these categories, including what are their psychoactive effects, are they physically and/or psychologically addictive, and how the government deals with these substances (illegality, prescription etc.). Briefly describe how you see the future for the categories you have chosen.

Cocaine (Stimulant)- Stimulants excite and/or stimulate the nervous system. These substances produce arousal, alertness, elevation in mood, and even excitation. Inhibit fatigue and stimulate activity. Cocaine and methamphetamines most important stimulants. Some side effects of overuse can be hypersensitivity, paranoia, repetitive and counterproductive. This class of drugs can be highly pleasurable for the user which makes it more likely to be abused. This class of drugs is normally under the Schedule 2 class of drugs. This will lead to physical and psychological dependence. These substances are illegal and one can face many years in prison for it, it is rarely ever prescribed by a doctor.

PCP (Sedative/Hypnotics)- Sedatives cause the opposite effects of stimulants. These slow down signals affecting bodily functions. Low to moderate doses can be used to induce relaxation and inhibit anxiety. Higher doses produce drowsiness and sleep. Alcohol, quaaludes, barbiturates, and tranquilizers are examples. At high doses, all depressants produce a high or intoxication, all produce a physical addiction or dependency, and all can cause death by overdose. Alcohol is one of the depressants that are readily available to the public despite its tendency for erratic, violent and even uncontrollable behavior. One can be punished for having PCP, which is a Schedule 2 drug, and can be thrown in jail but not alcohol. One can only be punished for drunk driving or assault due to alcohol.

Acid (LSD) (Hallucinogens)- Hallucinogens cause a range of side effects and create new imagery and subjective exaggeration. Some more side effects include extreme mood shifts, a sense of timelessness, sensory overload, and the eureka experience. It is not treated by the federal government as harshly cocaine and heroin like drugs and is rarely implicated in criminal behavior. It is so impactful on human emotion, cognition, and behavior that it is rarely used on a compulsive basis. Unfortunately, LSD is still considered schedule 1....

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