Textbook Reading Motivation Worksheet - Courtney Lewis PDF

Title Textbook Reading Motivation Worksheet - Courtney Lewis
Course Childrens Literature
Institution Utah Valley University
Pages 4
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Reading Motivation: fill in the following tables: Points


Question What is the value of reading “role models”?


Why should teachers be able to recognize what a motivated reader looks like?


Describe at least 6 characteristics of motivated readers.


Organizing your Classroom to Encourage Reading How will you provide children access to books?



What will you do to make time for books? Identify 1. Set aside time to read books aloud 2. Allow students time to pick books to read in class on their own. 3. Introducing books 4. Trips to the library.

Your Response Reading role models are important because children copy what adults do. If they do not see adults read, they can believe reading is not important. When a teacher regularly reads to students, they emphasize the importance of reading. Teachers should be able to recognize motivated readers because those are students that they do not have to give extra incentives or help prepare for books the student reads. All students need some guidance in choosing books, but motivated readers need less. They need less because they are already drawn to the reading process. a. Motivated readers read for their own benefit. They do not read for someone else. b. Motivated readers have specific things they like and do not like to read. c. Motivated readers recognize reading as a reward. d. Motivated readers are not afraid to give their honest opinion on a book they have read. e. Motivated read as fast or as slow as they want. f. Motivated reader make time read regularly. Your Response--What does this look like: In my future classroom, I am going to provide a decently wide variety of books. The books will be on a shelf or bookcase so that students have easy access to different books. There will be books with different genres, topics, authors, illustrators, and so forth. I honestly want to make reading fun and enjoyable for all my future students and will periodically continue to add to the books. Make Time for Books Describe all 4 1. I will set time aside for reading aloud each day by make sure to put it in the daily classroom schedule. I think that if the read aloud was either before or after lunch would be the most beneficial. Before lunch is beneficial because students can get distracted as lunch time nears and reading aloud can help keep their attention on learning, or even just allowing the students to listen to me read them a good book. Reading aloud after lunch allows me to help re-focus the students after they had time to take their minds of learning. 2. I will set aside time for students to choose and read a book of their choice. I will make time for this to


How will you creating a reading atmosphere


How will you involve parents?


How to determine meaningful activities and assignments-

happen at least two or three times a week. Right now, I am thinking about having three “self-selected reading” times one week, and then the next I would just have two. This allows the students to have multiple opportunity to choose what they read in a given two-week span. 3. To make time to introduce books to students, I will set aside time every day the first 3-6 weeks of school, and then every couple days after that. This will allow me to share more books to help students get started, and then continue to help them find new books throughout the rest of the year. 4. Personally I would like to take class trips to the library at least once a month. However, that will depend on the preference of the classroom majority. Some classes will choose to go together, and other will have students that will just go on their own. However, I think that it is important to allow and encourage students to find new books, from the library, at least once or twice a month. This would allow students to have more options than I can provide in my actual classroom. There are many ways that I can create a environment for reading in my classroom. I think some of the most beneficial ways are: 1.Allow students to express their thoughts and opinions about books they read. However, I believe it must be done in a controlled manner because some students might not agree with others, and this could cause judgement among the students. To hopefully avoid that outcome, I will encourage my students to respect each other’s opinions, even if they don’t agree with it. 2. Allow students to share things they read about. In the book, it talked about letting students share things they read about in their “self-selected reading time,” and I think that is a good idea. However, it might be time consuming to allow each student to share after each “self-selected reading time”. So to help take up less time, I would rotated through the students, and ensure that each student gets a chance to share what they have been reading about. I think the best way to involve parents, is to make sure they understand that I think students should read at home, and also make sure they understand why I think it is so important. I think it is definitely important, like the book side, to let parents know the benefit of regularly reading at home. I suggest a couple different ways to help parents get involved in their child(s) reading. To determine activities and assignments that are meaningful, I will make sure, like the book says, that it allows their reading

experience to become better. Points



Reading Incentives Describe several reading incentives; are they helpful or harmful? Why?

What is your opinion of offering “incentives?”

Your Response 1. “Teacher-generated incentive programs” are ones that teachers use to show each individual student’s reading progress. This has both positive and negative aspects. Some positive aspects are: 1. It allows students to see how many books they have read. 2. It can help students encourage others to try reading a different kind of book. This is a way to allow one student to help another student find their “perfect” kind of book. This in turn could help the student that was struggling become a motivated reader. Some negative aspects are: 1. It could allow students to judge the ones that have not been reading many books. 2. It can give students a way to say that they are better another student because they have read more books. Overall, I think this type of incentive program could be help. I think it could be helpful because it will show students their progress, and help encourage them to read more. 2. “Commercially prepared incentive programs” are programs available to schools and their districts. These programs place certain number values on different books, which they can use to earn rewards. They also require students to take a multiple-choice quiz to make sure they read it. As with the previous type of program, there are several positive and negative aspects to this program. Some positive aspects are: 1. Teachers will know if their students read their books. 2. It could help students gain better reading comprehension and retention skills. One of the biggest negative aspects is that the program could cause students to dread reading books because they will have to pass a quiz to get credit. Overall, I think this type of program is harmful. This is because I personally did not like this program when I was in elementary school. I felt like it took the fun out of reading, and for a while I just stopped reading due it. However, personal feelings aside, this program could be helpful in a classroom. I personally think incentives could be very useful in a classroom setting. Yes, there are always going to be down sides to using incentives. However, sometimes the up sides of incentives outweigh the down sides. Honestly, I just think the use of incentives depends on the needs of the students. If one class of students has more students that are not motivated readers, it might be a good idea for a teacher to use a little

more incentives to help entice students to read more books. Even if incentives are used, at the end of the day it is up to the student to determine if they are going to read or not. Overall, I think using some incentives for reading in every classroom is important. I think it allows students to earn an extra reward for taking the time to actually sit down and read....

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