The Aligarh Movement & Sir Syed PDF

Title The Aligarh Movement & Sir Syed
Author Kanwal Smr
Course Pakistan Studies
Institution University of the Punjab
Pages 7
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The Aligarh Movement Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817-1898) Aftermath of war of independence The war of independence 1857 was the final attempt by the Indian to dislodge the British from sub-continent. The Muslims awoke to the realization of being relegated to an inferior positions from ruling class. The British believed that the Muslims were the main protagonist of the mutiny (as they called it) and victimized them in social, economic, educational and political fields. Muslims had become weak, powerless, supine minority distrusted by British and disowned by Hindus. At this critical juncture, Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan appeared on the horizon and took a number of steps for the revival and renaissance of the Muslim society in India.


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He was born in October 17, 1817 at Delhi. His family had a long history of serving the Mughal court. His father name was Sayed Muhammad Mutaqi and mother name was Azeem-un-Nisa Begum. His family belong to high nobility. Gained traditional education and also studied mathematics. He was very intrigued by the Muslim culture and history. In 1838, after the death of his father, responsibilities fell on his shoulders and he accepted an employment in East India Company as a clerk and gradually promoted to become a judge of the small court Was posted a Bijnaur when war of independence broke out in 1857. Helped in saving lives of many English men, women and children. Was knighted by British in 1889 He died on 27 MARCH 1898, having served his fellow Muslims in a way which few had rivalled He is considered as the greatest statement, reformer, a thinker and Muslim writer of the nineteenth century.

SIR SYED’S SERVICES FOR THE RENAISSANCE OF MUSLIMS Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, social reformer and political visionary, discerned the danger confronting his community, and embarked on campaign to awaken and inspire the Muslim people to abandon the boycott of foreign rulers and to acquire contemporary education. His immense contribution to the revitalization, advancement and modernization of Muslims of sub-continent. He devoted his whole life for the uplift of

Muslims enabling them to come out of depth of ignorance and backwardness. K.K Aziz in his book “The making of Pakistan” says: “Sir Syed’s services to his community may be summarized in three terse phrases: Loyal to the British, Devotion to Education and Aloofness from Politics”

CONTRIBUTIONS OF SIR SYED AHMED Educational Services OR Educational Aspect of Aligarh Movement After 1857, the Muslims emerged as a backward nation; they were illiterate and hopelessly ignorant in every walk of life. They were deprived of their basic rights and were neglected in every sphere of life. Sir Syed compelled the Muslims to get themselves acquainted with modern western education. His slogan was “Devote yourself to education; this is your only salvation.” Sir Syed believed that “The conquered nations must learn science in which the conquering race excels.” He believed that the cure of every problem of Muslims was the modern education, the only key to political and economic progress. Therefore, he commenced an educational program in order to uplift the deprived and disappointed Muslims, who had lost their past glory. He took concrete steps for education plan: Establishment of First School in Muradabad (1859): Set up a school, where English, Persian, Islamiat, Arabic, Urdu were compulsory subjects. School in Ghazipur (1862): In 1862, Sir Syed was transferred from Muradabad to Ghazipur where he established another school for Muslims, which was known as Madrsa Ghazipur. Here, also the English, Arabic, Persian, Urdu and Islamiat were compulsory subjects. Scientific Society Ghazipur 1864: In 1864, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan laid the foundation of a scientific society at Ghazipur. The purpose of this society was to translate the English books into Urdu language. But, later on, in 1866, after his transfer to Aligarh, the main office of the scientific society was also transferred to Aligarh. Aligarh Institute Gazette (1866): In 1866, the scientific society issued a journal named as Aligarh Institute Gazette. This journal was published both in Urdu and English languages. The aim of this journal was to wash away the misconception between Muslims and British government and brought them close to each other. Committee Striving for Educational Progress of Muslims: In order to closely watch the educational system of England, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan accompanied his son Syed

Mehmud, visited England in 1869 and stayed there for seventeen months studying English educational institutions like Oxford and Cambridge University. Later, after his return to India, he set up a committee known as “Committee Striving for Educational Progress of Muslims”. Another committee was established named as “Fund Committee for the establishment of a Muslim College”. For this purpose, Sir Syed toured across the country and collected funds. The committee decided first for the forming of school as a model to the people and later to found the college. Mohammedan Anglo Oriental School 1875: Hence, in 1875, Sir Syed established Mohammedan Anglo Oriental School at Aligarh. In 1877, the school was upgraded to the level of college which was inaugurated by Lord Lytton. The main characteristic of this college was that it offered both Western and Eastern educations. Later on, this college was raised to the level of university, after the death of Sir Syed in 1920. Mohammedan Educational Conference 1886: In 1886, Sir Syed set up an organization which is known as Mohammedan Educational Conference, which presented a twelvepoint program in western and religious education in English and other languages. It aims was to convey the message of education to the Muslim masses. The Conference held its sessions at different towns of the country to know about the educational movements, a political group and a society involved in benevolent acts. The conference in its meeting discussed the modern techniques for the development and improvement of the standard of the education. All India Muslim league was also formed at the 1906 annual Mohammedan Educational Conference. Due to the educational services rendered by Sir Syed The Times of London called him “Prophet of Education”. Jawaharlal Nehru said, “Sir Syed’s decision on the point that all efforts be concentrated on Muslims education was correct. Without education, they would have become slaves of the Hindus who were far advanced in education and more stable in financial position.” Urdu-Hindi Controversy: In 1867, there arose a controversy about the official language Urdu which was written in the Persian script. The Hindus wanted to replace this with Hindi language written in Devnagti script and started agitation for this purpose. UrduHindi controversy was the first public display of Hindu bigotry and brought a paradigm shift in the thinking of many Muslim leaders including Sir Syed Ahmed khan Vis a Vis Hindu Muslim unity. Sir Syed and Separate Electorate: In India where there was a diversity of race, ethnic origin, religion, sect and caste such elections could not produce the desired results. The only solution was to introduce separate electorates so that each community could be represented truly. So Sir Syed took stance for it.


Sir Syed Ahmed Khan strove for the revival of Muslim society through his literary works. Some of his famous literary works are as follows:  Tahzib ul Ikhlaq (Refinement of Morals) • • •

Started in 1870 Modeled on the pattern of Spectator and Tatler which were famous magzines of England Purpose was the moral refinement of Muslims and removing doubts about western education

 Tabeen ul Kalam • • •

It was a commentary on the Bible The purpose was to show similarities between Islam and Christianity Through this effort Sir Syed wanted to remove misconception and suspicious between Muslims and British

 Khutbat e Ahmadiya • •

Written in response to William Muir’s book called “The life of Muhammad (PBUH) which contained highly sacrilegious material Helped remove misconception about holy Prophet (PBUH) and islam among westerners.

 Risala Ahkam u Tuam Ahle Kitab • •

The basic purpose was to prove that Muslims and Christians can share meals. Sir Syed defended social intercourse with Christians.

POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY OF SIR SYED Political Philosophy of Sir Syed can be studied under following captions:

Detachment from politics: Politics was an unnecessary and undesirable encumbrance for Sir Syed. He opined that Muslim should devote themselves to educational uplift and refrain from participation in active politics. Unless the Muslims had freed themselves of the suspicion disloyalty and had educated themselves to the Hindu level, it was suicidal to pursue politics. Reconciliation with British: Sir Syed wanted to remove the state of tension and mistrust between British and Muslims after the war of independence. He knew that without creating atmosphere of mutual understanding between the British government, Muslims shall remain a deprived community. He was sagacious enough to realize that the British control would not last in the foreseeable future and therefore according to K.K Aziz preached and practiced loyalty to the British rule.  In this regard, he wrote a pamphlet “Risala Asbab e Baghawate Hind”. Essays on the “Cause of Indian Revolt” in 1858 in which he attributed the mutiny to British ignorance of Indian mind and also discussed the policies of British government which had created the underlying tensions.  In yet another effort, Sir Syed wrote the “Loyal Mohammedans of India” in this book, he defended the Muslims from the British charge that the Muslims had been guilty of sedition and disloyalty and named various Muslims who had been loyal to the British government. He wanted the British to end their discrimination and hostility towards the Muslims community. Sir Syed and Congress: When Indian National congress was founded in 1885 by Allan Octavian Hume, Sir Syed used every ounce of his influence, prestige and reputation in keeping the Muslims away from it Sir Syed refuted the claim of congress that it was a national body representing both Hindus and Muslims. To him, congress was purely a Hindu body. Therefore, in order to protect the political fortunes of Muslims, Sir Syed formed the Mohammedan Defense Association in 1893. Proponent of Two Nation Theory: Sir Syed is regarded as one of the greatest exponent of the Two Nation Theory. He was the first Muslim leader who spoke of the Hindu Muslim as two different people and called Muslim “My Nation”. It was in essence the Urdu-Hindi controversy in 1867, that compelled Sir Syed to speak of Hindus and Muslims as two different nations would not join whole heartedly in anything. While talking to Mr. Shakespeare, the commissioner of Benaras, Sir Syed said, “I am convinced that Hindu Muslims could never become one nation as their religious and way of life are very different and distinct from each other, at present there is no open hostility between the two communities, but it will increase immensely in the future. He who lives will see.” Champion for the cause of Urdu:

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Set up a Central Association in Allahabad to protect Urdu Used the scientific society to strengthen the cause of Urdu Shifted his focus towards easy and comprehensible urdu Joined by Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali, Maulana Shibli Noamani, Muhammad Husain Azad, Deputy Nasir Ahmed, Nawab Muhsun ul Malik, Nawab Nasir ul Malik, who were all eminent literary personalities.

IMPACT OF ALIGARH MOVEMENT The contribution of Aligarh movement towards the revival and resurgence of Muslim society are immense. Pioneered by Sir Syed, Aligarh helped remove backward looking nostalgia among the Muslim taught them to look to the future with confidence. This movement helped restore Muslim confidence, built bridges with the British and laid the foundation of a Muslim political movement. 1- Educational uplift of Muslims: Educational institutes under Aligarh played vital role in the educational uplift of Muslim community. These institutions imparted modern western education to the Muslim and at the same time safeguarding their religious belief and creed. Sir Syed’s philosophy of imparting western education also contributed towards the economic prosperity of Muslims since they were able to get important government jobs.

2- Political Awareness of Muslims: Aligarh sensitized the Muslims about their distinct identity and the nefarious ambitions of Hindus. Institutions such as Mohammedan Educational Conference provided the Muslim with a platform for discussing ways and means for political, educational and social emancipation of Muslim community of sub-continent.

3- Conciliation between Muslims and British: Aligarh helped remove misconception between the British and Muslims after ill-fated war of independence. The steps taken by sir Syed saved Muslims from the wrath of the new rulers who were hell bent upon causing maximum damage to the Muslim community.

4- Promotion of Two Nation Theory: the real credit for establishing the two nation theory in sub-continent goes to Aligarh movement. After Urdu-Hindi controversy, it was Sir Syed who spoke of hindus and Muslims as two different nations who would have never live in Harmony with each other. Thus, Sir Syed can be rightly called “the father of two nation theory”.

5- Moral reformation of the society: Sir Syed also contributed towards the moral reformation of Muslim community. In this regards, he gave due emphasis to religious education at Aligarh college. Literary works like magazine Tahzib ul Ikhlaq (Refinement of Morals) were also directed towards the moral refinement of Muslims so that they become enlightened and dynamic citizens.

6- Aligarh and Pakistan Movement: The Aligarh University was the one institution

which contributed most to the creation of Pakistan. An entire generation of Pakistan’s leadership was product of Aligarh Muslim University. The students of Aligarh muslim university were at the forefront of Pakistan movement. The Quaide-Azam was to call the Aligarh Muslim University as his arsenal. Two heads of new Pakistani stats, the first Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan and second president Ayub Khan were graduates of Aligarh Muslim University....

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