The benefit of playing League of Legends to players PDF

Title The benefit of playing League of Legends to players
Course Economic Management and Market Economy
Institution Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân
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Details about League of Legends, how to play, benefits ...


National Economics University International School of Management and Economics

PROJECT RESEARCH PROPOSAL Topic: The benefits of playing League of Legends to players. Intake 13 – Autumn Teacher: Ms.Phuong Lan Class: I13A5 Researcher: Pham Viet Hoang

Hanoi, April 2018

A. INTRODUCTION 1. BACKGROUND: Videos games are a developing society that have their own groups that offer advantages to those are taking part in, for example, mental social, passionate and even motivational advantages. The advantages have expanded and in addition the general public. League of Legends is a free-to-play Multiplayer Online Fight Field (MOBA) game. The amusement for the most part takes around 30 to 45 minutes for every match in which ten players split into two groups and compete against each other for in-game objectives. League of Legends was first discharged by Riot Games in 2009 and is currently the most played PC online game with around 100 million players. However, its prevalence has developed past that of a computer game. The game League of Legends has become more than just a video game as it is an eSport and its popularity has surpassed that of other game titles such as Call of Duty or Counter Strike Online. They are debuted before League of Legends but have seen significantly less numbers of both players and spectators. Many people may think that playing games is wasting a lot of time but recent studies have shown that playing games can be beneficial for both physical and mental health. These advantages are not limited to young players; they are equally useful for adult gamers too. League of Legends is a game that has recently gained popularity among players from around the world. People are sorting out tournaments and competitions and some of them even have daily training sessions. Obviously, this may seem like something unhealthy and bizarre but the truth is that a lot of advantages can be found in playing League of Legends.

2. RESEARCH PURPOSE: A lot of people who think that playing video games is harmful. There are even adults who think that addiction to games is as bad as addiction to drugs or alcoholism. They think that gaming does not bring any benefits at all, but also takes a huge amount of time and money. The purpose of this research is to shows the benefits of playing games, specifically here is LOL. I hope that this report may give people a different perspective on eSports as well as gamers, especially professional gamers.

3. RESEARCH METHOD: In this report, we will use internet to consult and find the information. All of them have been confirmed. Also, there will be a survey for League of Legends gamers, through which we will gain information about them as well as their views on the game League of Legends.

4. RESEARCH QUESTIONS:  What are the benefits of playing League of Legends?  Is there any future for League of Legends?

 What recommendation should be made for newbies?

5. STRUCTURE: A. INTRODUCTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2.

Background Research purpose Research questions Research method Structure Litterature Review B. MAJOR FINDING Introduction about League of Legends The benefits of playing League of Legends The future of League of Legends Recommendation for newbies C. CONCLUSION D. APPENDIX References Survey questionnaire

6. LITTERTURE REVIEW: League of Legends (abbreviated as LoL) is a MOBA game (multiplayer online battle area) video game developed by Riot Games - a US video game publisher established in 2006. League of Legends has one of the largest amount of players all over the world. People often think that gaming does not have any advantage, especially when you play a lot of games will adversely affect you. My research will show the benefits of gaming, namely the benefits of playing LoL to players. With the development of technology, games are getting more and more modern. Games like League of Legends can help you with stress-free times without requiring a lot of equipment. In addition, if we do not mention the harm caused by playing video games, the benefits that League of Legends can bring to players is not small at all. Although parents almost always assume that gaming will make their children ignorant of learning, not listening to parents or even being naughty ... However, from a scientific standpoint, the play League of Legends will bring more benefits than the way parents think. Of course, if you choose the right games and arrange the appropriate playing time, in addition to the effect of relieving stress, the benefits of the game more than that. With over 30 million people watching players compete for a share of over $2m in the World Championships, it’s little wonder that many fans would love to play it for a living. (Sowersby, 2015). Becoming a professional player is a very good opportunity for anyone who interested in playing video games.


1. Introduction about League of Legends: *League of Legends: League of Legends (abbreviated as LoL) is a MOBA game (multiplayer online battle area) video game developed by Riot Games - a US video game publisher established in 2006. Its headquarters is in West Los Angeles, California. League of Legends was released on October 27, 2009. According to the RiftHerald and Forbes, there are more than 100 million active monthly players in 2017 (, 2017). In every single match, there will always be tw o teams of powerful champions, each with unique gameplay and design, face each other on the battlefield and the mode of play. With the growing number of characters, frequent updates and exciting tournaments, the League of Legends will provide endless experiences for all players of all levels. *How to play: .








































In League of Legends, the player will become a “Summoner”, controls a “champion” with unique abilities and their mission is to against a group of other players or computer-controlled champions. . Basically, they have to destroy the "Nexus" of the opposing team, a structure located at the center of a facility protected by defensive turrets, although distinct play modes exist as well. Every game of League of Legends is disjointed, with all the champions starting with very weak strength, but gaining strength by accumulating items and experiences during the game and maximize their level as well as their power at level 18. At first, each player will have 450 golds, and they can get more golds from killing enemy soldiers with a finishing blow, destroying the enemy's turrets, killing monsters and killing enemy heroes, assisting your allies to kill enemy heroes and destroying them. .







































With this amount of golds, players purchase equipment for their generals to make their champions become stronger throughout the match. Players also level up by defeating enemy heroes controlled by opponents, as well as by killing non-player characters called minions; by killing or helping kill enemy players; by destroying the enemy turrets. By leveling up, they will unlock special abilities of their character. Each “champion” has 4 special abilities. If a player has been slain, they will have to wait a couple of seconds to revive in their base. In traditional game mode, the map is divided into three main ways based on the movements of minions: Top Lane, Mid Lane and Bot Lane. The forest is the middle of the road, where the forest monsters; and the main area where the player appears and buys the equipment. The forest is also considered as a road (Jungle), with the jungle players going around the forest monsters to collect the treasures and support the other main roads. In the Summoner's Rift, Twisted Treeline, The Crystal Scar and Howling Abyss, the game ends when one team destroys the main house of the other team, or the other team surrenders. Other maps have different rules and targets, for example, the main house in Crystal Scar will lose blood if the opposing team controls at least three of the five pillars around the map. However, the map of The Crystal Scar was permanently closed on February 22, 2016 on the grounds that the generals in this mode are not balancing of skills and indicators and play. Moreover, hardly anyone plays this


mode - only 0.5% of the total of over 40 million players worldwide play it. (IGN,2016). ........................................

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League of Legends allows players to purchase items using Riot Points (RP) and Influence Points (IPs). Riot Points must be purchased in real money, and the IP Points earned from each match of the game or rewarded from other events. The player plays a permanent role throughout the game. Player statistics and scores are kept and viewable. Players gain experience points and influence points after each match they participate in. Players gain experience points up to level 30. When leveling up, players unlock additional board points and auxiliary jigsaw pockets, increasing the strength of the general that the player chooses in the match. At the same time, the player chooses two "auxiliary" spells that have a strong influence on the game, are not energy efficient, and have a very long casting time. All of this is an internal effect, while some items can be activated. Supplementary points are divided into offensive, defensive and multi-use groups. Players can adjust the supplement board before the game takes place. ........................................

We can divide League of Legends champions into six different groups: AD carry, AP carry, Assassin, Tank, Fighter, Support. However, due to the characteristics of champions and skill sets, a champion may have one or two characteristics in the above groups, which are classified as primary and secondary. Players will rely on the characteristics and sets of skills listed above to choose the champion and coordinate with teammates. Champions are set at different prices and each champion has more optional costumes in addition to the basic costumes offered by default when the player owns the champion. League of Legends is a fast-paced and competitive online game that integrates both the speed and the depth of real-time strategy games with role-playing elements. At the same time, the League of Legends allows you to interact with players with the system. There you will enjoy many advantages such as finding your teammates, communicating with other heroes and inviting real-life friends to play. ........................................



The ages of playersSecondary playing League of Legends School; 2.50% Working; 22.50% High School; 32.50%

College; 42.50% Secondary School

High School



This chart shows the results of a survey with 200 League of Legends players in which they were asked about their ages. From the pie chart it is clear that College is the most significant section, followed by high school students with 32%, working with 23%. The smallest part is secondary school with only 2%. As we can see, it seems like adults prefer playing League of Legends than youngers. So why do they play League of Legends, despite the fact that they have lots of things to do, such as working, doing housework, taking care of their children? It must be some benefits from this game so that adults plays a lot. Moreover, League of Legends is very complicated and you have to learn a lot to become a well-skilled player.

2. The benefits of playing League of Legends With the development of technology, games are getting more and more modern. Games like League of Legends can help you with stress-free times without requiring a lot of equipment. In addition, if we do not mention the harm caused by playing video games, the benefits that League of Legends can bring to players is not small at all. Although parents almost always assume that gaming will make their children ignorant of learning, not listening to parents or even being naughty ... However, from a scientific standpoint, the play League of Legends will bring more benefits than the way parents think. Of course, if you choose the right games and arrange the appropriate playing time, in addition to the effect of relieving stress, the benefits of the game more than that. First of all, playing League of Legends will improve the individual’s ability to communicate with their team and work together to secure an objective. Team games like League of Legends is a great tool for improving your team's performance. If you want your team to win, you have to learn to ignore doubts, instead put trust and share information with each other, so it can easily solve all problems. and achieve the set goals. League of Legends requires new ideas or personal experiences, which can provide a way to easily achieve the goal of the team. Therefore, this is also an opportunity for you to freely offer your own ideas, expressing the value of yourself in the eyes of the people

around. It can be hard to believe but League of Legends is considered one of the ways to raise awareness of each individual in the job. It requires the players to be really responsible, aware of their role in the game to be able to participate actively in order to bring success to their team. Through League of Legends, people will experience a variety of emotions, willing to share and help each other, thereby helping people open up, understand and connect with each other, help improving team spirit of the team clearly. Secondly, slowing the aging process is also a benefits of playing League of Legends. Throughout the game, each individual will continually acquire more knowledge, experience and learning in various areas while maintaining a high level of concentration, thereby enhancing the ability to develop existing skills. . They can practice and challenge themselves with high probability such as piloting a helicopter, thereby developing persistence and skills needed in the real world. League of Legends will stimulate your brain to work as well as thinking, help your brain is always training, thereby slowing down the aging process. One more benefits of playing League of Legends to player is making new social connection. It was not by chance that LoL attracted such a large number of players. Playing League of Legends as well as participating in any type of entertainment, the more fun. That's why gamers are more interested in playing in cyber games than at home. Being in the same atmosphere with people with the same passion, hobby to bring the gamers feel more fun and excitement. With a huge number of players, League of Legends has created its own community. The emergence of a multiplayer online experience has created a new form of socialization in which players work together to solve the problem. But studies have shown that games can also be catalysts for direct friends gathering: about 70% of players play with friends at least one time. Next, playing League of Legends help you reducing stress. Like any other game, it's an entertaining game that can help us relax, relieve stress and stress after hours of study and hard work. When playing League of Legends, players really feel relax, relieved of stress after joining a game of this title. These gamers will feel a sense of satisfaction, relax in a high, clear after playing the game.

Players feeling after playing League of Legends Angry; 12.50% Exciting; 20.00%

Tired; 32.50%

Entertaining; 35.00% Exciting




The pie chart is about the feeling of players after playing League of Legends. Positive attitude takes more than half with 35% of entertaining and 20% of exciting. On the other hand, negative attitude only takes 45% with 32% belongs to tired and the rest 13% is angry. That means, playing League of Legends can make players feel relax and comfortable. Moreover, it’s also help them to have some fun after a hard working day. Playing League of Legends requires lots of skills, one of them is controlling our emotion. However, it’s also a benefits to players. When playing League of Legends, we may meet some teammates who are not as good as you and some of them even want to throw your game. At that moment, if you can not control your emotion, you may lose the game. The best thing is to be patient. Only when you are patient, you can lead your teammates to victory. Learning to control our emotion is the key to be successful in reality because not only playing League of Legends but also working needs that skill. Reflection is one more benefits of playing League of Legends. When playing League of Legends, the biggest requirement is to reflect. Unlike other MOBA games, League of Legends consumes a few milliseconds. Rapid phase change can change the face of total fierce battle. Reflexes are not available at the time the new players need a lot of time to get used to. Therefore, players often practice a lot for the purpose of good reflexes. Also, reflect not only in combat situations but also in strategy. At times when the enemy has strange and bizarre tactics, reflexes help you to suggest tactical situations against it. If successful, it is a great experience. Perhaps then you are concentrating on the game should not pay much attention to this fact, but when I think back, you find yourself with a great reflex. Another advantage which no one believes is playing League of Legends helps people to relieve pain. League of Legends is very helpful in minimizing long-term anxiety and pain caused by chronic illnesses or long and painful treatments. The focus of the patient is on the League of Legends, not on the pain or on the healing process, because of the virtual reality that affects both the visual and the other senses. As a result, it can be used in medical treatment, helping patients effectively.

Last but not least, playing League of Legends is always a good way to train your creativity. League of Legends requires the player to think with his acumen. Therefore, there must be a plan and a rational strategy. In fact this will also assist you in your work, improving your thinking skills, planning the right strategies and creating success. Creativity has many aspects such as how to map creative, innovative gameplay Minister, innovative and creative positions Minister of tactics. Moreover, creativity helps players to solve the situation and e...

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