The Bet PDF

Title The Bet
Course English Composition
Institution University of the People
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2015-2014 ‫لصف الثاني عشر‬

The Bet.......chapter 1 A) Answer the following questions: 1 - Where and when was the party ? It was in the old Banker's house. November 14, 1870 2 - Who were in the party fifteen years ago ?/ What kind of guests did the banker have at the party? There were many journalists, intellectual men and a young lawyer . 3 - What were they talking about? They talked about capital punishment. "death penalty" 4 - What was the opinion of the majority about death penalty? They disapproved it 5 - Why did the majority disapprove death penalty? They said it was out of date, immoral, and unsuitable for Christian States. 6 - What was the alternative of death penalty according to the intellectual men ? They said that death penalty should be replaced by imprisonment for life . 7- Why does one of the guests think that both are equally immoral? They both aim to take away life. The state is not God, so it does not have a right to take life. 8 – The banker was in favour of the death penalty. Explain – Why did the banker prefer death penalty to imprisonment for life ? He said death penalty is more humane and moral than imprisonment for life . Also capital punishment kills a man at once, but lifelong imprisonment kills him slowly . 9 - Why did the young lawyer prefer imprisonment for life to death penalty ? - Unlike the banker, the lawyer disapproved of the death penalty. Illustrate - He said to live anyhow is better than not at all 10 - What did the banker stake (bet) the young lawyer ? He staked two millions if he could stay in a solitary confinement for five years. 11 - What did the young lawyer stake ? He staked to stay in a solitary confinement for fifteen years not five. 12- Why did the old man accept the bet? Because it was the caprice of a pampered man 13 - Where did the young man spend his captivity? He stayed in one of the lodges in the banker's garden. 14 - What were the things that the prisoner wasn’t allowed to do ? - He shouldn’t be free to cross the threshold of the lodge - He shouldn’t see human beings - He shouldn’t hear the human voice - He shouldn’t receive letters and newspapers 1 Prepared by: Ms Najat Nasr in co-operation with Tawjihy Committee-Directorate Of Education-Rafah

15 - What were the things that the prisoner was allowed to do ? - He was allowed to have a musical instrument and books - He was allowed to write letters - He was allowed to drink wine and to smoke The prisoner was allowed to have a musical instrument send for, receive and read books  write letters  drink wine and to smoke tobacco.

He was not allowed to get out of the lodge for 15 years see human beings hear the human voice receive letters or newspapers.

16 - How could he contact with the outer world? How could he receive things ? - He could contact with the outer world through a little window . 17 - When did the agreement start and when would it finish ? It began from 12 o'clock of November 14, 1870 and would end at 14 2 1885 18 - In the party four different opinions were discussed. What are they? Which of them did the lawyer and the banker support? 1- The first opinion: The majority disapprove of the death penalty They said it was out of date, immoral, and unsuitable for Christian States. In the opinion of some of them the death penalty ought to be replaced everywhere by life imprisonment 2-The banker said that death penalty is better and more humane than prison for life 3-The lawyer: prison for life is better than death penalty 4- The fourth opinion, one of the guests: Both are equally immoral. The speakers The banker

Opinion He approved of the death penalty ' Capital punishment' and said it was better than life imprisonment

The lawyer

Both are equally immoral but he would choose imprisonment for life. He disapproved of the death penalty The majority disapprove of the death They said it was out of date, immoral, penalty. In the opinion of some of and unsuitable for Christian States. them the death penalty ought to be replaced everywhere by life imprisonment Both are equally immoral They both have the same object- to take away life. The State is not God.

The majority

One of the guests

Why Capital punishment kills a man at once but lifelong imprisonment kills slowly. Death penalty is more moral and humane. For him to live anyhow is better than not at all.

19- Describe the banker when he was young: Describe him 15 years later He was very rich, pampered and spoilt..15 years later, he lost most of his money and he realized his mistakes. 20- Describe the lawyer when he was young: Describe him 15 years later He was 25 .nervous. 15 years later, he looks like an old man, he became wiser. 21- How did the banker explain accepting the bet by both of himself and the lawyer? From his part it was the caprice of a pampered man and from the lawyers part it was greed of money. 22- Why did the banker regret the bet? Because it was nonsensical and meaningless. 2 Prepared by: Ms Najat Nasr in co-operation with Tawjihy Committee-Directorate Of Education-Rafah

B) Complete: 1.The majority of the guests disapproved the death penalty 2.According to the banker, death penalty is more humane and moral than imprisonment for life because it takes life at once, but prison kills slowly 3.The death penalty and imprisonment for life have the same object, that is to take away life 4.The death penalty and imprisonment for life are both immoral as they both have the same object, that is to take away life 5.The young lawyer would choose imprisonment for life because to live anyhow is better than not at all. 6.The banker would choose death penalty because it is more humane 7.The banker will bet two millions the young lawyer wouldn't stay imprison for 5 years 8.The prisoner will spend the years of his captivity in one of the lodges in the bankers garden 9.Voluntary confinement is harder to bear than. Compulsory as you know you can step out of the door at any time and no one would stop you 10. If the prisoner broke the conditions of the confinement, he will lose the bet. 11. According to the agreement, the lawyer was allowed to have a musical instrument and books, to write letters, to drink wine and to smoke. 12. According to the agreement, the lawyer wasn't allowed to get out of the lodge for 15 years, see human beings, hear the human voice or receive letters or newspapers. 13. The state is not God. It hasn't the right to take away what it can not restore. 14. A voluntary confinement is a great deal harder to bear than compulsory. 15. By the terms of the agreement the only relations he could have with the outer world were by a small window in his room, where he can send for and receive books.

C) Decide whether True or False: 1.The old banker remembered the party he had given ten years ago. (F) 2.The lawyer was young, rich and pampered. (F) 3.The banker thought that the death penalty is more moral and humane. (T) 4.The lawyer would spend fifty years at a solitary confinement. (F) 5.The majority of the guests disapproved of life imprisonment (F) 6.The majority of the guests disapproved of the death penalty (T) 7.The banker thought the death penalty is inhumane and immoral (F) 8.The lawyer will give the banker 2 millions if the latter stays in prison for 15 years ( F) 9.The young lawyer agreed to stay in solitary confinement for 15 years. (T) 10.The lawyer would spend the years in one of the lodges in the banker's garden (T ) 11.Compulsory confinement is harder to bear than voluntary. (F) 12.After 15 years, the banker regrets the bet. (T) 13.By the terms of the agreement, the lawyer could receive letters from friends. (F) 14.The writer of this short story ' The bet is British. ( F)

C) Read the following quotations and answer the questions: 1. " But if I had to choose between the death penalty and imprisonment for life, I would certainly choose the second." a- Who is the speaker? To whom is he speaking? b- Why would he choose imprisonment for life? 2. ' It's not true! I'll bet you two millions you wouldn't stay in solitary confinement for five years" a- Who said this ? To whom? When did he say this? b- Why did he bet 2 millions? c- Did the other person agree at the bet as it is? 3 Prepared by: Ms Najat Nasr in co-operation with Tawjihy Committee-Directorate Of Education-Rafah

3. '' Think better of it young man, while there is still time'' a- Who said this ? To whom? b- Why did he say that? c- Did the speaker regret the bet? Why? 4. '' Both are equally immoral'' a- Who said this ? To whom? b- What are the two things the speaker was talking about? c- Why did the speaker consider them as equal? 5. '' The death sentence and the death penalty are equally immoral'' a- Who said this ? To whom? b- What would the speaker prefer if he had the chance to choose? 6. '' To live anyhow is better than not at all'' a- Who said this ? To whom? b- What did the speaker do to prove this? 7. '' You stake your millions and I stake my freedom'' a- Who said this ? To whom? b- How did the listener respond to the challenge? 8. '' On my part it was the caprice of a pampered man, and on his part simple greed for money'' a- Who said this ? To whom? b- What did they both try to prove? c- caprice means: a. decision b. hope c. whim d. speculation c- the word caprice suggests the speaker is regretting the bet. (T)

The bet.......chapter 2 A) Answer the following questions: 1- What musical instrument did the prisoner choose? He chose the piano 2- Why did he refuse wine and tobacco? Because tobacco spoilt the air, and wine excites desires that he can't satisfy besides he doesn’t like drinking alone. 3-What did the prisoner suffer from in his first year1? He suffered from loneliness 4- How did he spend the nights and days in year 1? Playing the piano, and reading 5- What kinds of books did he read in the first year of confinement? He read books of light character, novels with love plot, sensational and fantastic stories. 6- What happened in the second year of his confinement? He stopped playing the piano and asked only to read the classics. 7- How did the prisoner spend his fifth year in jail? He resumed playing the piano, and spent all the time drinking, eating and lying on bed. He talked angrily to himself. He didn't read books, but sat down to write. He was sometimes crying. 8- What did the prisoner do in the sixth year?/ what kinds of books did the prisoner study during the sixth year? 9- How did his mood change in the sixth year? He learned 6 languages without mistakes. He began studying languages, philosophy and history. He sent a letter in 6 languages to the banker 10- What were the happiest years in the lawyer's imprisonment ? why did he feel unearthly happiness? From year 6 to 10. Because he could read and understand six languages…. 11- How did the prisoner address the banker? He sent a letter in 6 languages to the banker 4 Prepared by: Ms Najat Nasr in co-operation with Tawjihy Committee-Directorate Of Education-Rafah

12- Do you think the prisoner mastered the six languages? Why? In which year? Yes, he did. He sent a letter in 6 languages to the banker In the second half of year 6. 13- Why did the lawyer ask the banker to fire a shot in the garden? Why did the banker order two shoots to be fired? He wants to know that his letters in six languages have no mistakes. Perhaps the extra shot is to congratulate the prisoner. 14- What did the lawyer study after the tenth year? - What did the prisoner do in the tenth year? He read a single book about theology and religion (The Gospels) 15- What did the prisoner during the last two years? He read many books of different subjects such as science, poetry, novels, chemistry and medicine. 16- What does the prisoner's reading suggest about his mood at different times? They suggest changes in his mood: first a need for entertainment and interest, then frustration and despair, then enthusiastically using his time to study, and finally a powerful hunger for deep meaning, knowledge and understanding.

B) Complete: 1.Although The lawyer often spent the night writing, and the morning he tear up what he wrote. 2.In the first years of his confinement, the prisoner suffered severely from loneliness 3.The prisoners reading suggested changes in his mood through the years/ he was like a drowning man. 4.In year 5, the prisoner often wrote all night, then he tore up all that he had written. 5.The busiest year of the 15 years of confinement was year 6 ( from 6----10) because he read 600 books and learned 6 languages. 6.It was difficult to get all the books the prisoner requested as he requested a large number and some of them were hard to get. 7.He believed he mastered 6 languages because he wrote a letter in 6 languages and the banker fired 2 shots 8.The happiest years in the lawyer's imprisonment were------- from 6 to 10--------------------

C) Decide whether True or False: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

For the prisoner, wine is the best friend ( F ) The prisoner wrote the letter to his jailer in five languages. ( F ) The old banker ordered three shots to be fired in the garden. ( F ) Year 6, the prisoner sometimes wrote all night and tore up what he wrote in the morning. ( F ) In year 2 the lawyer read all kinds of books. ( F )

D) Choose: The prisoner got the books he wanted by one of the following ways a- They were given to him through a small window b- The watchman delivered the books to him by hand c- The banker gave the books to him personally

E) Read the following quotations and answer the questions: 1. '' I implore you to fire a shot in the garden'' a. Who said this? To whom? When did he say this? b. Why did he ask for a shot? Did the person he speaks to fire one shot? 2. '' Oh, if only you knew what unearthly happiness my soul feels now" a. Who said this? To whom? When did he say this? b. Why does the speaker feel happy? 5 Prepared by: Ms Najat Nasr in co-operation with Tawjihy Committee-Directorate Of Education-Rafah

Suggestion of his mood

Year 1

The sound of the piano could be heard from his lodge all the time. He refused wine and tobacco.

He read books of light character, novels with love plot, sensational and fantastic stories

He suffered severely from loneliness and depression and needed entertainment and interest

The piano was silent

He only classics

Frustration and despair

Music was heard again, he asked for wine. He sometimes spent time eating, drinking, lying in bed yawning and angrily speaking to himself.. He wrote all night and in the morning tear up all he had written. He was heard crying He learned 6 languages without mistakes He sent a letter in 6 languages to the banker

He didn't read any books

Frustration and despair

He began studying languages, philosophy and history.

Enthusiastically using his time to study,

The From second half of second year66 year6 to 10half ofYear

Kinds of books he read

Year 2

‫ماذا توحي قراءاته عن مزاجه‬

What he did…

After year 10= year 11 Year 14, 15

‫أنواع الكتب التي قرأها‬

During the course of four He asked years, he asked for many volumes books.

He sat immovably at the table reading the Gospel.





He read a single book about theology and histories of religion.

He read an immense Different kinds of books. Science, poetry, quantity of books literature, chemistry and medicine. A novel and some treaties on philosophy or theology.

Enthusiastically using his time to study,

Search meaning



A powerful hunger for deep meaning, knowledge and understanding.

6 Prepared by: Ms Najat Nasr in co-operation with Tawjihy Committee-Directorate Of Education-Rafah

The prisoners reading suggested changes in his mood through the years/ he was like a drowning man swimming in the sea among the wreckage of his ships trying to save his life by greedily clutching first at one spare and then at another.


‫ماذا فعل؟‬

Year 5


The bet.......chapter 3 A) Answer the following questions: 1- What will happen to the old banker if he pays the young lawyer two millions ? The old banker will completely ruined 2- How were the old banker's millions fifteen years ago ? They were beyond his reckoning 3- Why was the old banker afraid? Because his debts were greater than his assets 4- How did he describe the bet ? A desperate gambling and wild speculation 5- Why did he call the bet a desperate gambling/ wild speculation? Because it led to the decline of his fortune , and the proud ,fearless, self confident millionaire . 5- How did the millionaire become ? He became a banker of middling rank 6- Why did he tremble at every rise and fall in his investment? Because he had became a banker of middling rank 7- What did the banker expect (or think )the young man to do with the two millions ? He expected that the young man would marry , would enjoy life and would gamble on the Stock Exchange . 8- How did the banker lose his money ? He lost all his money in gambling on the Stock Exchange. 9- what did the banker decide to do on the last night of the prisoner's confinement? Why? He decided to kill the prisoner. Because if he paid him the two millions he would be ruined. 10- What would save the banker from bankruptcy and disgrace? He thought the only means was the death of the lawyer. 11- Why does the banker decide to kill the prisoner? The one means of being saved from bankruptcy and disgrace is the death of that man! 12- How did the banker open the prisoner's room? He broke the seals of the room and opened the lock with a key. 13- What did the prisoner look like on the last night? He looked like a skeleton. He had long hair, shaggy beard and his face was yellow with hollow cheeks. 13- What did the banker take from the fireproof safe? He took the key of the lodge 14- Where did the banker go at three o'clock at night? He went to the spot where the lodge stood. 15- Whom did the banker call? He called the watchman. 16- How many times did he call the watchman? Twice (two times ) 17- Was the watchman in the garden ? No, he wasn’t 18- Why the watchman wasn't in the garden? He had sought shelter from the weather 19- Where was the watchman? He was a sleep either in the kitchen or in the greenhouse 20- What did he light into the little passage? He lighted a match 21- What did he see when he lighted a match? He saw a bedstead with no bedding and a dark cast-iron stove 22- How did the banker feel when the match went out? He trembled with emotion 23- What did he see when he peeped through the window? He saw a candle was burning dimly, he prisoner was sitting at the table ,and opens books on the table . 7 Prepared by: Ms Najat Nasr in co-operation with Tawjihy Committee-Directorate Of Education-Rafah

24- Did the prisoner move or make any response when the banker tapped at the window with his finger? Why? No , he didn’t. Years of loneliness taught him to sit still. 25- How did the banker break the seals? He broke them cautiously 26- Why did the lock give a grating sound and the door creaked? Because the lock was rusty and the door has not been opened for fifteen years 27- What did the banker expect the lawyer to do when he opened the door? He expected to hear at once footsteps and a cry of astonishment. 28- Did the prisoner cry of astonishment or move? No, he didn’t 29- How did the banker describe the prisoner? He was unlike ordinary people. He was a skeleton. 30- What was in front of the young man bowed head? There was a sheet of paper written in fine handwriting 31- How did he think to kill the prisoner? To throw him on the bed and stifle him a little with the pillow 32- What did the banker think to do before killing the prisoner? He thought to read the paper which the prisoner had written 33- If the banker carried o...

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