Author jendrius Makarim
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THE BROKEN STAIRWAYS TO CONSENSUS Village justice and state courts in Minangkabau Щ$ ' -.---. IflLa ψ . t* L / ' %*• •^ОшЯШ^^^^^^^^^^^^ C.E. VON BENDA-BECKMANN THE BROKEN STAIRWAYS TO CONSENSUS Village justice and state courts in Minangkabau The broken stairways to consensus Village justice ...


THE  BROKEN  STAIRWAYS  TO CONSENSUS  Village  justice  and state  courts  in  Minangkabau 

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THE BROKEN STAIRWAYS TO CONSENSUS Village justice and state courts in Minangkabau

The  broken  stairways  to  consensus  Village  justice  and  state  courts  in  Minangkabau 

Proefschrift  ter  verkrijging  van  de  graad  van  doctor  in  de  rechtsgeleerdheid  aan  de  Katholieke  Universiteit  te  Nijmegen,  op  gezag  van  de  Rector  Magnificus  Prof  Dr  J  H G I  Giesbers  volgens  besluit  van  het  College  van  Dekanen  in  het  openbaar  te  verdedigen  op  dinsdag  19 juni  1984  des  namiddags  te  4 00  uur  door  CORNELIA  ELISABETH  VON  BENDA-BECKMANN DROOGLEEVER  FORTUIJN  geboren  le  VGravenhage 

Φ ICG  Printing  BV  - Dordrecht 

promotor: Prof. Mr. G. van den Steenhovcn

ISBN 90 9000675 .4 ©1984C.E vonBenda-Beckmann No part o) this publication maybe reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the copyright owner Printed in the Netherlands by ICO Printing, Dordrecht


Acknowledgements A ttote on Orthography List of Abbreviations Map of West Sumatra Glossary I

Introduction General Theme of Research The History of the State Cburts and of Village Justice Research Questions Fieldwork Presentation

VII Χ XI XII XIII 1 1 3 6 1 13

II The Use of iblk Law in Minangkabau State Cburts Definition and Specification of the Issues Provision and Evaluation of Evidence Final Decision Realization of the Decision Conclusions

21 24 26 28 31 32

III Forun Shopping and Shopping Ebruns: Dispute Settlement in a Minangkabau Village in Viest Sumatra, Indonesia Ethnographic Background The Fishpond of Batu Panjang Comments Adat Procedure as the Framework for Village Politics Alternatives and Limits to Forun Shopping Sumiary

37 38 44 48 51 55 58

IV Evidence and Legal Reasoning in Minangkabau Introduction Traditional and State Cburt Procedures in Minangkabau The Case of the Refused Mattres The Judges' Reasoning and the Relevance of Evidence Reliability of Evidence Preventive Law Care and Evidence Conclusions

65 65 67 73 80 84 90 92

Village  Justice 



апЛ State  Courte 

The Social Significance of Minangkabau State Court Decisions Introduction Ethnographic Setting The Social Significance of Decisions in Bukit Hijau The Inheritance of Inyik fòba The Journey to Mekkah and its Consequences The Demolition of an M a t House Conclusions Transformation and Change in Minankabau (together with F. von Benda-Beckmann) Introduction The Impact of the Colonial Administration The Transformation of M a t The Interpretation of Change New Transformations of Property Relationships and Categories

Bibliography Index

103 103 111 118 118 126 131 139 149 149 161 168 171 174 183 205


The fieldwork on which this book is based was made possible by a generous grant of the 'Kommission PUT Forderuna dps AVademi'sehen Nachwuchses des Kantons 7uriah' and an additional grant of the 'Schweizer Nationalfonds1 which was given to my husband but also included travel and living exç tupenses for me. In addition, I received a grant from the ''...

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