The Cherry Orchard Summary PDF

Title The Cherry Orchard Summary
Author Jose Polanco
Course Modern Drama
Institution Rutgers University
Pages 6
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The Cherry Orchard Pg. 123 Lopakhin and Dunyasha are in the nursery waiting for guest to arrive in the train. Pg. 124 Epikhodov and Dunyasha speak of luck. Anya, Garv, and Lubov arrive at the house, the nursery is the main room Pg. 125 Dunyasha boast about her marriage proposal to anya. Varya calls Anya her little pet. Pg. 126 Anya talks about her trip Lopakhin and Varya are a couple. Everyone talks of their marriage but he has not proposed. Varya fantasizes of a dream marriage. Pg. 127 Dunyasha breaks a plate from being scared by Yasha, Varya says it might bring luck. Fiers is a weird old man Pg. 129 Lubov is still ecstatic of being home. Lopakhin speaks of the sale of the cherry orchard, and how their debts will be payed and how they will be receiving lease payments. Lopakhin explains how beneficial cutting down the cherry orchard would be. Pg. 130 Lopakhin goes on. Garv is not happy. Telegram arrives from paris. Pg. 131 Fischin takes all his pills. Everyone brushes it off. (crazy old man). Charlotta refuses to have her hand kissed. Pg. 132 Lopakhin leaves and tells them to let him know if they make up their mind and hell have a loan of 50,000 rubles ready. Fischin ask for 240 rubles to pay the interest on his mortgage. Varya tells him they don’t have it.

Lubov reminisces her childhood in the orchard. Pg. 133 believes she sees her dead mother in the orchard. Trofimov arrives. Lubov cries. Fischin asks for the money again. Lubov wants to give it to him, she tells Garv to give him the money. He restrains but gives Fischin the money. Lubov has a knack of giving away things to people who beg for them. Pg. 134 Garv complains about his sister Pg. 135 Anya (Lubovs daughter) hears Garv and calls him out on it. He apologizes to her. Mentions his plan to save the Orchard from going to auction. Anya and Varya are sisters. Garv is Lubovs brother. Act II Pg. 137 Epikhodov plays guitar while they are hunting? Gun is introduced Pg. 138 Epikhodov wants to be alone with Dunyasha. She tells him to get her cloat. She mentions she doesn’t want Epikhodov to shoot himself. Dunyasha and Yasha are in love with each other, they sneak off so no one knows theyre together. Pg. 139 Lubov complains about her spending. Lopakhin mentions a buyer for the estate. He complains about their frivolousness, and how no one ever listens. Lubov says what are we to do, Lopkhin says he tells them everyday. Given the fact that what he says is just brushed off it resembles a comedic character.

Pg. 140 Lubov brushes him off and Lopakhin calls her an old woman. He stays, Lubov goes off on a tangent reminiscing. She hears music in the distant changes topic. Pg. 141 Lubov says Lopakhin should marry Varya. Crazy Old man Fiers comes back, talking gibberish. Pg.142 Garv says hes meeting with a General whose going to lend them money, Lopakhin tells him that’s not going to work, Lubov says that Garvs plan is rubbish and the conversation is dropped. Pg. 143 Big rant from Trofimov Trofimov tells Lopakhin what he thinks of him bluntly. Trofimov has a strong personality speaking the harsh truth. Pg. 144 Garv goes on a tangent the girls tell him hes doing it again. Enters a drunk crossing the orchard. Pg.145 Drunk asks for money, Lubov gives him money while the servants are at home hungry. Anya and Trofimov spend time together. Lopakhin reminds everyone againg the orchard is to be sold August 2nd, no one pays attention. Pg. 146 Trofimov continues his rant, Anya is eating it all up. Act III Pg. 147 Fischin is ranting falls asleep and continues. Trofimov teases Varya. That they been using their money to pay for interest in other things. Fischin loses and finds the money hes paying back, mentions that he should forge them.

Pg. 148 Charlotta is doing magic for everyone. Pg.149 They are talking about how Garv went to go buy the land, but are also forseeing them loosing the estate. Lubov tells Varya that she should marry Lopakhin, Varya wants that to happen but she says hes done nothing of it. Pg. 150 Lubov goes on a rant about how much the orchard means to her. Asking Trofimov to have mercy on her, to save her?. Pg. 151 Lubov talks about the man in Paris who is ill and send her telegrams, she also says how much she loves him. (If she loves him why doesn’t she just leaves to Paris to be with him?) She is now just going off on a tangent. Trofimov leaves in anger and falls down the stairs, hes alright then the go dance in the reception room. Pg. 152 the estate is sold. They’re still acting as if nothing is happening. Pg. 153 Fischin asks for money again and Lubov will give it to him. Pg.154 They are all still partying while the Orchard as been sold. Pg. 155 Lopakhin comes in. Lopakhin bought the Orchard, The estate where his ancestors were slaves. Pg. 156 Lopakhin continues boasting about his purchase while Lubov cries Act IV Pg. 157 Lubov gave her bag away even though she does have anything. Lopakhin is having everyone leave the orchard.

Pg.158 Lopakhin and Trofimov have a conversation. Lopakhin says no matter what hes done he likes him, Trofimov offers him money but he refuses to accept them money. Pg. 160 Anya, Garv, and Lubov say goodbye to each other. Pg. 161 Fischin comes in a returns all the money he has borrowed, since some men found some white clay in his land. Pg. 162 Lubov convinces Lopakhin to marry Varya, they are to do it at that same moment. Varya enters after they exit and says she is leaving somewhere. It doesn’t happen. Pg.163 Fiers was not taken to the doctor and is locked in the house and dies. End...

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