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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of the English Department of MNHS

In partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in English 10

James W. Cruz Chelsey S. Reyes Kelvin S. Trinidad 10-Einstein

February 12, 2019

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The researchers are grateful to The Almighty God for establishing them to complete this research. They are grateful to their English teacher, Mrs. Melissa SD. Ligamzon, who is very understanding and kind, precious guidance and support make it possible for them to work on a topic that was of great interest to the researchers. It was a pleasure working with her. The researchers extremely express their gratitude and indebted to her. Words can never be enough to thank Ma’am Ligamzon kindness and advice regarding to their research. The researchers take this opportunity to record their sincere thanks to all the teachers that gave their permission and consideration for their help and encouragement. They wish to express their sincere thanks to Mr. Marwilson V. Ventura, Mrs. Maricel M. Sosa, and to Mrs. Marisan T. Dultra. The researchers would like to thank all the students of grade 9 in Maronquillo National High School for their cooperation in the survey that the researchers conducted. They also thank their parents for their unceasing encouragement, for finding time for them and supporting them with their research. The researchers also place on record, their sense of gratitude to one and all who, directly or indirectly, have lent their helping hand in this research.

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Title Page




Table of contents


Chapter 1 : The Problem and its Background a. Introduction b. Statement of the Problem c. Scope and Limitation d. Significance of the Study e. Conceptual Framework f. Review of Related Literature


Chapter 2 : Methodology a. Methods of Research b. Respondents of the Study c. Sources of Data d. Statistical Techniques


Chapter 3 : Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data


Chapter 4 : Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation a. Summary b. Major Findings c. Conclusion d. Recommendation

VIII. References IX.

Appendices a. Sample Survey Form b. Tally Sheet c. Letter

Chapter 1

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Introduction We live in a technological world. Technology is convenient and efficient. It aids us to live life more conveniently by allowing us to do more in less effort. The term technology comes from the Greek word “techne,” which means the art or skill used in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation. Technology is the making, modification, usage and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques and method of organization (Liddel, Scott, James & McKenzie, 1940). Technological gadgets had always been advancing throughout the years. Nowadays, electronical gadgets are very essential to our society, mostly at students. That aims to have a better quality of education to help themselves to be more successful in their academic performances. Education standards are guidelines that define the knowledge and skills of grade 9 students, in order to make themselves ready for the next last year of their junior high. Despite all the importance of gadgets, each student think that gadgets is making their activities easy and lessen the task that they need to attain before the day ends. Also, gadgets can make the community connected and updated throughout each other. Most of grade 9 students, neglecting their health because of spending too much time using gadgets, skipping their meals. Technophile students likely to become overweight and develop seizure and vision problems in terms of radiation. Gadgets made every students life enjoyable. It improves the standard of living, but we don’t know when to stop. It becomes the most faithful companion of human race in todays world. Remember, that for everything that we have, there is always limitation and right use. But over using them tends to change its usefulness to destruction. Besides, some people can manage and control its usage. So, we can’t refute the fact that innovation never stops from smallest to largest, from thinnest to thickest, from basic to most crucial, and from simplest to most complex gadgets of different brand names with unique trademarks rendered and launched to the public.

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We are now on the era of technological gadgets. So, the researchers become interested to pursue the topic because gadgets seems to be more noticeable as it greatly affects psychological ability, to deal with social interaction, and to know the effects of technological gadgets on the health and academic performance of grade 9 students. That is why the researchers made this study, to figure out all those things. Also, this topic is one of the hottest issue in Maronquillo National High School that need solution and moderation.

Statement of the Problem The study attempts to determine the factors affecting the health and academic performance of grade 9 students by technological gadgets at Maronquillo National High School Year 2018-2019. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1. What are the effects of gadgets among the grade 9 students in terms of: 1.1 Health 1.2 Social Life 1.3 Class Performance 2. What are the reactions of grade 9 students on the prohibition of gadgets during class and free time? 3. What are the effects of gadgets on the lifestyle of Maronquillo National High School grade 9 students?

Scope and Limitation The purpose of this research paper is to study the effects of technological gadgets in grade 9 students of Maronquillo National High School. The use of gadgets in schools has become very common nowadays. It can help students to increase their thinking and creativity learning tastes and also to have access to the latest information on different subjects.

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On the other hand, technology can also have negative effects on students. Sometimes, mobile phones can be used in cheating during classroom assessments, it can be used in instant gaming messaging, and also using facebook application may affect the classroom activities. This study hopes to fill this gap and provide a context to policy makers in schools which they can base their strategic directions and intervention in use of technology.

Significance of the Study Technology is becoming more prevalent in education. Technology can be used as a great resource. Learning is the aspect of development that connects modification of behavior, skills and knowledge. The generalization of this study would be a great contribution to the vast knowledge of students achievements. Vital results of this study could be highly significant to the following:

Students – They are considered the main priority of this study, the findings of this research will help and enlightened them to know the effects of technological gadgets to their academic performance and health. Teachers – They will be gaining insights as to what measures are appropriate to help the students regarding the effects of gadgets on grade 9 students in Maronquillo National High School. Parents – It is significant for them to take action before its late, and before it become worst. School Administration – This is significant for them to apply discipline for the students who is addicted of using technological gadgets. And help the teachers to orient and guide the students.

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Conceptual Framework

Input ● Gadgets

Process ● Analyzing data from survey and questionnaires ● Gaining information about students usage of gadgets. ● Survey to find out why they are using phone. ● Determining the problems regarding their: -Social Life -Health


-Academic Performance


Output ● Effects of Gadgets on Academic Performance, ● Effects of Gadgets on Health of the students. ● Response of the respondents.


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Review of Related Literature This study presents the related literature and studies both local from foreign and local sources. This also includes ideas, finished thesis, generalization or conclusions, methodologies and others. This study review some literature related to the effects of gadgets on academic performance and health. ➢ Impact of Technology on Health and Life-Style Now we understand that use of any technology has an effect on the mental health and the life style directly or indirectly and the effect may be positive or negative. When the use takes the form of addiction then the impact may be negative upon both. The following statements also show the same. Prof. Phil Reed (2013), Professor of Psychology in Swansea University’s College of Human and Health Sciences claims the net addiction as the cause of the depression, social isolation, and disrupted sleep of the present generation. He also argues that the same has many other negative impacts on their health. Psychologist Dr Kimberly Young began to study the topic of technology addiction as long ago as 1995 and wrote about it in a book called “Caught in the Net” in 1998. She compares online addiction to drugs or alcohol because internet provides the addicted people with the same kind of high leading the dependency on it to feel normal. A study conducted in the year 2013 by Swansea and Milan University shows that when the addict come offline, they get negative mood swings, increased levels of depression and impulsivity. Countries like US, China, Australia, Singapore, Japan, Philippines, and South Korea have sounded the warnings that internet addiction represents a significant health threat (Boothroyd, 2014). Change is constant. Though one may not be able to see the change, one can look back through the course of a year or maybe even a few months and see the change. Technology has transformed with our culture. There are many benefits for students with the new advancements of technology. Teachers have seen many of these benefits with the influence of technology on their students. Many students find a sense of accomplishment when working with technology. Students are now more willing to write and work on computational skills (Estey). Then students find these tasks appealing and are able to achieve more.

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➢ Impact of Technology on Academic Performance The development of new technologies such as cell phones, the internet and computers, has raised a new question. Does the use of new technologies have any effect on student’s academic success? This question is not easy to answer because these new technologies interact with students in several ways. This developing field of educational economics is growing day by day. In particular, the researchers who follow mobile learning theory believe that mobile learning contributes to students’ learning in two ways (Valk et al. 2010). First, technological devices influence the access to educational outcomes (Visser & West 2005, Motlik 2008). Second, they improve the quality and types of instructional methods (Kukulska-Hulme & Traxler 2007, pp.184-86; Traxler, 2007, p. 7). However, there is some evidence that these devices are also a source of distraction, and different results are found depending on the family type. For example, the higher the income and cultural level of the families are, the more supportive learning is obtained from these devices. Tsikalas et al. (2007) found that every type of computer use increases student success. Subrahmanyam et al. (2000) and Subrahmanyam et al. (2001) found that the use of the internet contributes to the student’s development of cognitive and visual skills. Blanton et al. (1997); Cole (1996) and Rocheleau (1995) believe that it is difficult to say that there is a causal relationship between internet use and student success. Shields and Behrman (2000) claim that the relationship is uncertain. Kraut et al., (1996) and the NSF Report (2001) investigated this issue and determined that there is a controversial relationship between student success and internet use. Mobile phone has gained immeasurable ground in the lives of students all over the world. Mobile phone is a common sight today in our schools as you see students going to school/class with some of the most expensive and sophisticated mobile phones, tablets and ipads that has all the applications, facilities and software that can connect them to the internet and all forms of social media platforms, other web sites and so on, where they chat, access, stream, download, upload, exchange and play different kinds of media contents, which most often, are pornographic in nature (Olofuniyi,Fashiku,& Owombo2012). Mobile phone usage significantly influence academic performance among male and female

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senior secondary school students. This finding is in line with the early findings of Wang, Wu and Wang (2009), examined the relationship between facebook practice and academic performance of students. Modern technology also motivates and engages the learner when students have a choice in their assignments, see the relevance or can self-assess with teacher-feedback intertwined, student motivation increases (C. O’Hara and Pritchard, 2010). The study also is in agreement with these findings. The rapid evolution of modern technology has indeed broadened society’s vision of the technologies as tools for developing children’s skills and motivating in academic areas such as Mathematics, Science, Language arts and writing. Even parents generally believe that modern technologies are an important educational resource. Among teens, schoolwork has surpassed games as the most frequent online activity. It was noted that in the classrooms, computer software applications, along with word processing software, are the most widely available applications of educational technology. Database and spreadsheet programs promote organizational skills and modelling software promotes the understanding of science and Mathematics concepts (Honey et al, 2005). The primary form of student learning is described by the above authors as discrete educational software (DES) programs such as integrated learning systems (ILS), computer-based instruction (CBI). Teachers use DES to supplement instruction, introduce new topics and provide means for self study. Similarly, Centre for Children and Technology (2005) note that various technologies deliver different kinds of content ➢ Impact of Technology on Social Life A study of students and information technology found that 85 percent of undergraduates surveyed used social networking sites (Salaway et al., 2008). The use of social networking sites has both positive and negative consequences. It is amazing how someone can find a long-lost friend through a social networking site, enabling them to reconnect. In a society where people have become quite mobile and family and friends are often geographically separated, it is convenient to keep in touch through technology.

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However, one need not look far to find problems associated with social networking sites. There is a lively debate about whether Internet addictions are real. To me it appears to be a real problem (perception is often reality in a social context) with which people have to grapple. Some assert that these Web sites contributed to cheating on significant others, often leading to divorce. People have been fired from their jobs or put under pressure because they use these sites at work or because something is posted on a site that undermined the person's professional standing. Although divorce and loss of employment are serious issues, perhaps they are not as common as other problems that have the potential to stem from social networking sites. Narcissism—excessive interest in one's appearance and in oneself—is sometimes manifested on social networking sites. These Web sites have been found to be an avenue for people to display their narcissistic traits online (Buffardi & Campbell, 2008). I often wonder whether people use these sites to display their popularity to the world rather than use them as a vehicle to develop meaningful relationships.

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Methods of Research The researchers gathered information from different website in the internet. They also conducted a survey about technological gadgets on January 9, 2019 to analyze the data they needed to be gathered. After collecting the data from research, the researchers calculated the results. The researchers ask for a permission to the teachers first, before they conducted a survey. They also sought guide and help from the parents, teachers and some students to understand every parts of the research.

Respondents of the Study This study had a total of 97 respondents. Those respondents were taken from the three (3) sections of grade 9 of Maronquillo National High School. Majority of the respondent experience that using gadgets affect their health and academic performance.

Sources of Data The data gathered by the researchers were calculated from articles and studies in the internet. The researchers survey is also a source of data. The details that is presented by the researchers is based on their own experience and learnings.

Statistical Techniques Formula : % 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒔 =



× 𝟏𝟎𝟎

where in: nr – number of responses

tnr – total number of respondents

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Responses to the study questionnaire by grade 9 students were statistically analyzed with the data requirements of the study. Students were statistically analyzed with the data instruments of the study. Descriptive statistic such as frequency count and percentage are considered. Frequency count is the method by which the number of respondents, responses of the subject of the study is determined. It is used to determined the computed percentage (%). The researchers got the percentage of the responses on the research by simply dividing the number of responses to the total number of respondents which is 97. The answer they got from the fraction will be multiplied to the 100 to finally got the percentage of responses.

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This chapter presents, analysis and interprets the data gathered. The data were arranged comprehensively to answer the statement of the problems using the appropriate statistical tools. This study aimed to determined the effects of using gadgets by grade 9 students in their health and academic performance from school year 2018-2019.

Figure 1: Does using gadgets affect your Health and Academic Performance

NO 46% 54%


Based on this graph, 45 students from grade 9, which is equivalent to 46% answered yes, because they believe that their health and class performance is being affected by gadgets. While the remaining 52 students out of 97 respondents, which is equivalent to 54%, responded no, since they believe that gadgets doesn’t affect their grades and health. The researchers find out that gadgets is not hindrance for the life of students due to their health and daily academic performance.

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Figure 2: Where do you use your gadget for most of the time? Social Media 17%



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