The Happy Prince , summary for Discussion forum for Eng 1 PDF

Title The Happy Prince , summary for Discussion forum for Eng 1
Author Ghazal Makhalalati
Course English
Institution University of the People
Pages 28
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the required is to summarize the story and write an opinion about it, with proper in-text citation and reference list....


TheHappyPr i nce Fr om TheHappyPr i nceandOt herTal es( 1888)

Hi ghabov et heci t y ,onat al lc ol umn,s t oodt hes t at ueoft heHappyPr i nce.Hewasgi l dedal l ov erwi t ht hi nl eav esoffi negol d,f orey eshehadt wobr i ghts apphi r es ,andal ar ger edr uby gl owedonhi ss wor dhi l t . Hewasv er ymuc hadmi r edi ndeed." Hei sasbeaut i f ulasaweat her coc k, "r emar k edoneof t heTownCounci l l or swhowi s hedt ogai nar eput at i onf orhavi ngar t i s t i ct as t es ;" onl ynotqui t e s ous ef ul , "headded,f ear i ngl es tpeopl eshoul dt hi nkhi m unpr act i cal ,whi chher eal l ywas not . " Whycan' ty oubel i k et heHappyPr i nc e ?"as k edasens i bl emot herofherl i t t l eboywhowas c r y i ngf ort hemoon." TheHappyPr i ncenev erdr eamsofc r yi ngf orany t hi ng. " " Iam gl adt her ei ssomeonei nt hewor l dwhoi squi t ehappy , "mut t er edadi sappoi nt edman ashegaz edatt hewonder f ul st at ue. " Hel ooksj us tl i k eanangel , "s ai dt heChar i t yChi l dr enast heyc ameoutoft hec at hedr al i n t hei rbr i ghts car l etc l oaksandt hei rc l eanwhi t epi naf or es . " Howdoy ouk now?"s ai dt heMat hemat i calMas t er ," y ouhav enev ers eenone. " " Ah!butwehav e,i nourdr eams , "ans wer edt hec hi l dr en;andt heMat hemat i calMas t er f r ownedandl ook edv er ysev er e,f orhedi dnotappr ov eofc hi l dr endr eami ng. Oneni ghtt her efl ewov ert hec i t yal i t t l eSwal l ow.Hi sf r i endshadgoneawa yt oEgypts i x week sbef or e,buthehadst ay edbehi nd,f orhewasi nl ov ewi t ht hemos tbeaut i f ulReed.He hadmetherear l yi nt hespr i ngashewasfl y i ngdownt her i v eraf t erabi gy el l owmot h,and hadbeens oat t r ac t edbyhers l enderwai s tt hathehadst oppedt ot al kt oher . " Shal l Il ov ey ou?"s ai dt heSwal l ow,whol i k edt oc omet ot hepoi ntatonc e,andt heReed madehi m al owbow.Sohefl ewr oundandr oundher ,t ouc hi ngt hewat erwi t hhi swi ngs ,and mak i ngsi l v err i ppl es .Thi swashi scour t s hi p,andi tl as t edal lt hr ought hesummer . " I ti sar i di cul ousat t achment , "t wi t t er edt heot herSwal l ows ;" shehasnomoney ,andf art oo manyr el at i ons" ;andi ndeedt her i v erwasqui t ef ul lofReeds .Then,whent heaut umnc ame t heyal l fl ewaway . Af t ert heyhadgonehef el tl onel y ,andbegant ot i r eofhi sl ady -l ov e." Shehasno c onv er sat i on, "hesai d," andIam af r ai dt hats hei sacoquet t e,f ors hei sal way sfli r t i ngwi t h t hewi nd. "Andc er t ai nl y ,whenev ert hewi ndbl ew,t heReedmadet hemos tgr acef ul cur t sey s . " Iadmi tt hatshei sdomes t i c , "hec ont i nued," butIl ov et r av el l i ng,andmywi f e,consequent l y , s houl dl ov et r av el l i ngal so. " " Wi l ly ouc omeawaywi t hme ?"hesai dfi nal l yt oher ;butt heReeds hookherhead,s hewas s oat t ac hedt oherhome. " Youhav ebeent r i fli ngwi t hme, "hec r i ed." Iam offt ot hePy r ami ds .Goodby e! "andheflew away .

Al l dayl ongheflew,andatni ght t i mehear r i v edatt hec i t y ." Wher es hal l Iputup?"hesai d;" I hopet het ownhasmadepr epar at i ons . " Thenhes awt hes t at ueont het al l col umn. " Iwi l lputupt her e, "hec r i ed;" i ti safinepos i t i on,wi t hpl ent yoff r es hai r . "Soheal i ght edj ust bet weent hef eetoft heHappyPr i nce. " Ihav eagol denbedr oom, "hes ai ds of t l yt ohi msel fashel ook edr ound,andhepr epar edt o got os l eep;butj us tashewasput t i nghi sheadunderhi swi ngal ar gedr opofwat erf el l on hi m." Whatacur i oust hi ng! "hec r i ed;" t her ei snotas i ngl ec l oudi nt hesky ,t hest ar sar e qui t ec l earandbr i ght ,andy eti ti sr ai ni ng.Thecl i mat ei nt henor t hofEur opei sr eal l y dr eadf ul .TheReedus edt ol i k et her ai n,butt hatwasmer el yhers el fis hnes s . " Thenanot herdr opf el l . " Whati st heuseofas t at uei fi tc annotk eept her ai noff?"hes ai d;" Imus tl ookf oragood c hi mney pot , "andhedet er mi nedt oflyaway . Butbef or ehehadopenedhi swi ngs ,at hi r ddr opf el l ,andhel ook edup,ands aw-Ah!what di dhesee ? Theey esoft heHappyPr i nc ewer efil l edwi t ht ear s ,andt ear swer er unni ngdownhi sgol den c heek s .Hi sf acewassobeaut i f uli nt hemoonl i ghtt hatt hel i t t l eSwal l owwasfil l edwi t hpi t y . " Whoar ey ou?"hes ai d. " Iam t heHappyPr i nce. " " Whyar ey ouweepi ngt hen?"as k edt heSwal l ow;" y ouhav equi t edr enchedme. " " WhenIwasal i v eandhadahumanhear t , "ans wer edt hes t at ue," Idi dnotk nowwhatt ear s wer e,f orIl i v edi nt hePal ac eofSans -Souci ,wher es or r owi snotal l owedt oent er .I nt he dayt i meIpl ay edwi t hmycompani onsi nt hegar den,andi nt heev eni ngIl edt hedancei nt he Gr eatHal l .Roundt hegar denr anav er yl of t ywal l ,butInev ercar edt oas kwhatl aybey ond i t ,ev er y t hi ngaboutmewass obeaut i f ul .Mycour t i er sc al l edmet heHappyPr i nc e,and happyi ndeedIwas ,i fpl eas ur ebehappi ness .SoIl i v ed,andsoIdi ed.Andnowt hatIam deadt heyhav esetmeupher esohi ght hatIcanseeal lt heugl i nes sandal l t hemi ser yof myci t y ,andt houghmyhear ti smadeofl eady etIcannotchos ebutweep. " " What !i shenots ol i dgol d?"s ai dt heSwal l owt ohi msel f .Hewast oopol i t et omak eany per sonalr emar k soutl oud. " Faraway , "cont i nuedt hes t at uei nal owmusi calv oi c e," f arawayi nal i t t l es t r eett her ei sa poorhous e.Oneoft hewi ndowsi sopen,andt hr oughi tIc ans eeawomans eat edatat abl e. Herf acei st hi nandwor n,ands hehascoar se,r edhands ,al lpr i c k edbyt heneedl e,f orshe i sas eams t r es s .Shei sembr oi der i ngpas si on-fl ower sonas at i ngownf ort hel ov el i estoft he Queen' smai ds of -honourt owearatt henextCour t bal l .I nabedi nt hec or neroft her oom herl i t t l eboyi sl yi ngi l l .Hehasaf ev er ,andi sas ki ngf oror anges .Hi smot herhasnot hi ngt o gi v ehi m butr i v erwat er ,s ohei scr yi ng.Swal l ow,Swal l ow,l i t t l eSwal l ow,wi l ly ounotbr i ng hert her ubyoutofmys wor dhi l t ?Myf eetar ef as t enedt ot hi spedes t alandIcannotmov e. " " Iam wai t edf ori nEgypt , "s ai dt heSwal l ow." Myf r i endsar efl y i ngupanddownt heNi l e,and t al ki ngt ot hel ar gel ot us -fl ower s .Soont heywi l lgot osl eepi nt het omboft hegr eatKi ng. TheKi ngi st her ehi ms el fi nhi spai nt edcoffin.Hei swr appedi ny el l owl i nen,andembal med wi t hs pi ces .Roundhi snec ki sachai nofpal egr eenj ade,andhi shandsar el i k ewi t her ed l eav es . "

" Swal l ow,Swal l ow,l i t t l eSwal l ow, "s ai dt hePr i nc e," wi l l y ounots t aywi t hmef oroneni ght , andbemymess enger ?Theboyi ssot hi r s t y ,andt hemot hersosad. " " Idon' tt hi nkIl i k eboy s , "ans wer edt heSwal l ow." Lasts ummer ,whenIwass t ay i ngont he r i v er ,t her ewer et wor udeboy s ,t hemi l l er ' ssons ,whower eal way st hr owi ngs t onesatme. Theynev erhi tme,ofc our s e;wes wal l owsfl yf art oowel l f ort hat ,andbes i des ,Ic omeofa f ami l yf amousf ori t sagi l i t y ;buts t i l l ,i twasamar kofdi sr es pect . " Butt heHappyPr i ncel ook edsosadt hatt hel i t t l eSwal l owwass or r y ." I ti sv er ycol dher e, "he s ai d;" butIwi l l st aywi t hy ouf oroneni ght ,andbey ourmessenger . " " Thanky ou,l i t t l eSwal l ow, "s ai dt hePr i nce. Sot heSwal l owpi ck edoutt hegr eatr ubyf r om t hePr i nce' ss wor d,andflewawaywi t hi ti nhi s beakov ert her oof soft het own. Hepassedbyt hec at hedr al t ower ,wher et hewhi t emar bl eangel swer es cul pt ur ed.He pas sedbyt hepal aceandhear dt hes oundofdanci ng.Abeaut i f ulgi r l cameoutont he bal conywi t hherl ov er ." Howwonder f ul t hest ar sar e, "hes ai dt oher ," andhowwonder f ul i s t hepowerofl ov e! " " Ihopemydr es swi l l ber eadyi nt i mef ort heSt at ebal l , "sheans wer ed;" Ihav eor der ed pas si onfl ower st obeembr oi der edoni t ;butt hes eams t r es sesar es ol azy . " Hepassedov ert her i v er ,ands awt hel ant er nshangi ngt ot hemas t soft hes hi ps .Hepas sed ov ert heGhet t o,ands awt heol dJ ewsbar gai ni ngwi t heachot her ,andwei ghi ngoutmoney i ncoppersc al es .Atl as thec amet ot hepoorhouseandl ook edi n.Theboywast os s i ng f ev er i shl yonhi sbed,andt hemot herhadf al l enasl eep,shewassot i r ed.I nhehopped,and l ai dt hegr eatr ubyont het abl ebesi det hewoman' st hi mbl e.Thenhefl ewgent l yr oundt he bed,f anni ngt heboy' sf or eheadwi t hhi swi ngs ." Howc ool If eel , "s ai dt heboy ," Imus tbe get t i ngbet t er " ;andhes anki nt oadel i ci ouss l umber . Thent heSwal l owflewbackt ot heHappyPr i nc e,andt ol dhi m whathehaddone." I ti s c ur i ous , "her emar k ed," butIf eelqui t ewar m now,al t houghi ti ssoc ol d. " " Thati sbecausey ouhav edoneagoodac t i on, "s ai dt hePr i nc e.Andt hel i t t l eSwal l owbegan t ot hi nk ,andt henhef el lasl eep.Thi nki ngal way smadehi m sl eepy . Whendaybr ok ehefl ewdownt ot her i v erandhadabat h." Whatar emar kabl e phenomenon, "s ai dt hePr of es s orofOr ni t hol ogyashewaspassi ngov ert hebr i dge." A s wal l owi nwi nt er ! "Andhewr ot eal ongl et t erabouti tt ot hel ocalnewspaper .Ev er yone quot edi t ,i twasf ul lofsomanywor dst hatt heycoul dnotunder s t and. " Toni ghtIgot oEgy pt , "s ai dt heSwal l ow,andhewasi nhi ghspi r i t satt hepr os pec t .He v i si t edal l t hepubl i cmonument s ,andsatal ongt i meont opoft hec hur chs t eepl e.Wher ev er hewentt heSpar r owschi r r uped,ands ai dt oeachot her ," Whatadi s t i ngui sheds t r anger ! "s o heenj oy edhi msel fv er ymuch. Whent hemoonr os eheflewbackt ot heHappyPr i nc e." Hav ey ouanycommi ss i onsf or Egypt ?"hec r i ed;" Iam j us ts t ar t i ng. " " Swal l ow,Swal l ow,l i t t l eSwal l ow, "s ai dt hePr i nc e," wi l l y ounots t aywi t hmeoneni ght l onger ?" " Iam wai t edf ori nEgypt , "ans wer edt heSwal l ow." Tomor r owmyf r i endswi l l flyupt ot he SecondCat ar act .Ther i v er hor secouchest her eamongt hebul r us hes,andonagr eatgr ani t e t hr ones i t st heGodMemnon.Al lni ghtl onghewat chest hes t ar s ,andwhent hemor ni ngs t ar

s hi nesheut t er sonec r yofj oy ,andt henhei ss i l ent .Atnoont hey el l owl i onscomedownt o t hewat er ' sedget odr i nk.Theyhav eey esl i k egr eenber y l s ,andt hei rr oari sl oudert hant he r oaroft hec at ar ac t . " Swal l ow,Swal l ow,l i t t l eSwal l ow, "s ai dt hePr i nc e," f arawayacr os st heci t yIseeay oung mani nagar r et .Hei sl eani ngov eradeskcov er edwi t hpaper s ,andi nat umbl erbyhi ss i de t her ei sabunchofwi t her edvi ol et s .Hi shai ri sbr ownandc r i sp,andhi sl i psar er edasa pomegr anat e,andhehasl ar geanddr eamyey es .Hei st r yi ngt ofi ni shapl ayf ort heDi r ec t or oft heTheat r e,buthei st oocol dt owr i t eanymor e.Ther ei snofi r ei nt hegr at e,andhunger hasmadehi mf ai nt . " " Iwi l lwai twi t hy ouoneni ghtl onger , "sai dt heSwal l ow,whor eal l yhadagoodhear t ." Shal lI t ak ehi m anot herr uby ?" " Al as !Ihav enor ubynow, "sai dt hePr i nce;" myey esar eal lt hatIhav el ef t .Theyar emadeof r ar es apphi r es ,whi chwer ebr oughtoutofI ndi aat hous andy ear sago.Pl uc koutoneoft hem andt ak ei tt ohi m.Hewi l ls el li tt ot hej ewel l er ,andbuyf oodandfir ewood,andfi ni shhi s pl ay . " " DearPr i nce, "s ai dt heSwal l ow," Ic annotdot hat " ;andhebegant oweep. " Swal l ow,Swal l ow,l i t t l eSwal l ow, "s ai dt hePr i nc e," doasIc ommandy ou. " Sot heSwal l owpl uck edoutt hePr i nc e' sey e,andflewawayt ot hest udent ' sgar r et .I twas eas yenought ogeti n,ast her ewasahol ei nt her oof .Thr ought hi shedar t ed,andc amei nt o t her oom.They oungmanhadhi sheadbur i edi nhi shands ,sohedi dnotheart hefl ut t erof t hebi r d' swi ngs ,andwhenhel ook eduphef oundt hebeaut i f ul sapphi r el y i ngont hewi t her ed v i ol et s . " Iam begi nni ngt obeappr ec i at ed, "hecr i ed;" t hi si sf r om somegr eatadmi r er .NowIc an fi ni shmypl ay , "andhel ook edqui t ehappy . Thenex tdayt heSwal l owfl ewdownt ot hehar bour .Hes atont hemas tofal ar gev es sel and wat c hedt hes ai l or shaul i ngbi gc hes t soutoft hehol dwi t hr opes ." Heav eahoy ! "t hey s hout edaseac hc hestcameup." Iam goi ngt oEgypt " !c r i edt heSwal l ow,butnobody mi nded,andwhent hemoonr osehefl ewbac kt ot heHappyPr i nc e. " Iam c omet obi dy ougoodby e, "hec r i ed. " Swal l ow,Swal l ow,l i t t l eSwal l ow, "s ai dt hePr i nc e," wi l l y ounots t aywi t hmeoneni ght l onger ?" " I ti swi nt er , "ans wer edt heSwal l ow," andt hechi l l snowwi l l soonbeher e.I nEgyptt hes uni s war m ont hegr eenpal mt r ees ,andt hecr ocodi l esl i ei nt hemudandl ookl az i l yaboutt hem. Mycompani onsar ebui l di nganes ti nt heTempl eofBaal bec ,andt hepi nkandwhi t edov es ar ewat chi ngt hem,andc ooi ngt oeac hot her .DearPr i nce,Imus tl eav ey ou,butIwi l lnev er f or gety ou,andnex tspr i ngIwi l l br i ngy oubackt wobeaut i f ul j ewel si npl ac eoft hos ey ou hav egi v enaway .Ther ubyshal lber eddert hanar edr os e,andt hes apphi r eshal lbeasbl ue ast hegr eats ea. " " I nt hesquar ebel ow, "s ai dt heHappyPr i nc e," t her es t andsal i t t l emat chgi r l .Shehasl ether mat chesf al li nt hegut t er ,andt heyar eal l spoi l ed.Herf at herwi l lbeatheri fshedoesnot br i nghomes omemoney ,andshei scr yi ng.Shehasnos hoesors t ock i ngs ,andherl i t t l e headi sbar e.Pl uckoutmyot herey e,andgi v ei tt oher ,andherf at herwi l lnotbeather . "

" Iwi l ls t aywi t hy ouoneni ghtl onger , "s ai dt heSwal l ow," butIcannotpl uckouty ourey e.You woul dbequi t ebl i ndt hen. " " Swal l ow,Swal l ow,l i t t l eSwal l ow, "s ai dt hePr i nc e," doasIc ommandy ou. " Sohepl uck edoutt hePr i nce' sot herey e,anddar t eddownwi t hi t .Hes woopedpas tt he mat chgi r l ,andsl i ppedt hej eweli nt ot hepal m ofherhand." Whatal ov el ybi tofgl as s , "c r i ed t hel i t t l egi r l ;ands her anhome,l aughi ng. Thent heSwal l owcamebackt ot hePr i nc e." Youar ebl i ndnow, "hes ai d," soIwi l l s t aywi t h y oual way s . " " No,l i t t l eSwal l ow, "s ai dt hepoorPr i nc e," y oumus tgoawayt oEgypt . " " Iwi l ls t aywi t hy oual way s , "s ai dt heSwal l ow,andhesl eptatt hePr i nce' sf eet . Al l t henex tdayhes atont hePr i nce' ss houl der ,andt ol dhi ms t or i esofwhathehadseeni n s t r angel ands .Het ol dhi m oft her edi bi s es ,whost andi nl ongr owsont hebank soft heNi l e, andc at c hgol dfis hi nt hei rbeak s ;oft heSphi nx ,whoi sasol dast hewor l di t sel f ,andl i v esi n t hedes er t ,andk nowsev er y t hi ng;oft hemer c hant s ,whowal ks l owl ybyt hesi deoft hei r c amel s ,andcar r yamberbeadsi nt hei rhands ;oft heKi ngoft heMount ai nsoft heMoon, whoi sasbl ac kasebony ,andwor s hi psal ar gec r y s t al ;oft hegr eatgr eens nak et hatsl eeps i napal mt r ee,andhast went ypr i est st of eedi twi t hhoney cak es ;andoft hepy gmi eswho s ai lov erabi gl ak eonl ar gefl atl eav es ,andar eal way satwarwi t ht hebut t er fl i es . " Dearl i t t l eSwal l ow, "s ai dt hePr i nc e," y out el lmeofmar v el l oust hi ngs ,butmor emar v el l ous t hananyt hi ngi st hesuffer i ngofmenandofwomen.Ther ei snoMy s t er ys ogr eatasMi s er y . Fl yov ermyc i t y ,l i t t l eSwal l ow,andt el lmewhaty ous eet her e. " Sot heSwal l owfl ewov ert hegr eatc i t y ,andsawt her i c hmaki ngmer r yi nt hei rbeaut i f ul houses ,whi l et hebeggar swer esi t t i ngatt hegat es .Hefl ewi nt odar kl anes ,ands awt he whi t ef ac esofs t ar v i ngc hi l dr enl ooki ngoutl i s t l es sl yatt hebl acks t r eet s .Undert hear c hway ofabr i dget wol i t t l eboy swer el yi ngi noneanot her ' sar mst ot r yandk eept hemsel v eswar m. " Howhungr ywear e! "t heys ai d." Youmus tnotl i eher e, "shout edt heWat chman,andt hey wander edouti nt ot her ai n. Thenheflewbac kandt ol dt hePr i ncewhathehads een. " Iam c ov er edwi t hfi negol d, "s ai dt hePr i nc e," y oumus tt ak ei toff,l eafbyl eaf ,andgi v ei tt o mypoor ;t hel i v i ngal way st hi nkt hatgol dcanmak et hem happy . " Leafaf t erl eafoft hefinegol dt heSwal l owpi ck edoff,t i l lt heHappyPr i nc el ook edqui t edul l andgr ey .Leafaf t erl eafoft hefi negol dhebr oughtt ot hepoor ,andt hechi l dr en' sf ac esgr ew r os i er ,andt heyl aughedandpl ay edgamesi nt hes t r eet ." Wehav ebr eadnow! "t heycr i ed. Thent hesnowcame,andaf t ert hes nowcamet hef r os t .Thes t r eet sl ook edasi ft heywer e madeofs i l v er ,t heywer esobr i ghtandgl i s t eni ng;l ongi c i cl esl i k ec r y s t al dagger shungdown f r om t heeav esoft hehouses ,ev er y bodywentabouti nf ur s ,andt hel i t t l eboy swor esc ar l et c apsands kat edont hei ce. Thepoorl i t t l eSwal l owgr ewc ol derandcol der ,buthewoul dnotl eav et hePr i nc e,hel ov ed hi mt oowel l .Hepi ck edupcr umbsout si det hebak er ' sdoorwhent hebak erwasnotl ooki ng andt r i edt ok eephi ms el fwar m byflappi nghi swi ngs . Butatl astheknewt hathewasgoi ngt odi e.Hehadj us ts t r engt ht ofl yupt ot hePr i nc e' s s houl deronc emor e." Goodby e,dearPr i nce! "hemur mur ed," wi l ly oul etmeki s sy our hand?"

" Iam gl adt haty ouar egoi ngt oEgyptatl as t ,l i t t l eSwal l ow, "s ai dt hePr i nc e," y ouhav e s t ay edt ool ongher e;buty oumustk i ssmeont hel i ps ,f orIl ov ey ou. " " I ti snott oEgy ptt hatIam goi ng, "s ai dt heSwal l ow." Iam goi ngt ot heHouseofDeat h. Deat hi st hebr ot herofSl eep,i shenot ?" Andheki s sedt heHappyPr i nc eont hel i ps ,andf el ldowndeadathi sf eet . Att hatmomentac ur i ousc r ac ksoundedi nsi det hest at ue,asi fsomet hi nghadbr ok en.The f acti st hatt hel eadenhear thads nappedr i ghti nt wo.I tcer t ai nl ywasadr eadf ul l yhar df r os t . Ear l yt henex tmor ni ngt heMay orwaswal ki ngi nt hesquar ebel owi ncompanywi t ht heTown Counci l l or s .Ast heypas sedt hecol umnhel ook edupatt hest at ue:" Dearme!howshabby t heHappyPr i ncel ook s ! "hes ai d. " Howshabbyi ndeed! "cr i edt heTownCounc i l l or s ,whoal way sagr eedwi t ht heMay or ;and t heywentupt ol ookati t . " Ther ubyhasf al l enoutofhi ss wor d,hi sey esar egone,andhei sgol dennol onger , "s ai dt he May ori nf act ," hei sl i t t t l ebet ert hanabeggar ! " " Li t t l ebet t ert hanabeggar , "s ai dt heTownCounci l l or s . " Andher ei sac t ual l yadeadbi r dathi sf eet ! "c ont i nuedt heMay or ." Wemustr eal l yi ss uea pr oc l amat i ont hatbi r dsar enott obeal l owedt odi eher e. "Andt heTownCl er kmadeanot eof t hes ugges t i on. Sot heypul l eddownt hes t at ueoft heHappyPr i nce." Ashei snol ongerbeaut i f ulhei sno l ongerus ef ul , "s ai dt heAr tPr of ess oratt heUni v er s i t y . Thent heymel t edt hes t at uei naf ur nac e,andt heMay orhel dameet i ngoft heCor por at i ont o deci dewhatwast obedonewi t ht hemet al ." Wemus thav eanot hers t at ue,ofc our s e, "he s ai d," andi tshal lbeas t at ueofmy sel f . " " Ofmy sel f , "sai deac hoft heTownCounci l l or s ,andt heyquar r el l ed.WhenIl asthear dof t hem t heywer equar r el l i ngst i l l . " Whatas t r anget hi ng! "s ai dt heov er s eeroft hewor k menatt hef oundr y ." Thi sbr ok enl ead hear twi l l notmel ti nt hef ur nace.Wemus tt hr owi taway . "Sot heyt hr ewi tonadus t heap wher et hedeadSwal l owwasal sol yi ng. " Br i ngmet het womostpr ec i oust hi ngsi nt heci t y , "sai dGodt ooneofHi sAngel s;andt he Angel br oughtHi mt hel eadenhear tandt hedeadbi r d. " Youhav er i ght l ychosen, "sai dGod," f ori nmygar denofPar adi set hi sl i t t l ebi r dshal ls i ngf or ev er mor e,andi nmyc i t yofgol dt heHappyPr i nces hal lpr ai seme. "

TheDev ot edFr i end Fr om TheHappyPr i nceandOt herTal es( 1888)

Onemor ni ngt heol dWat er r atputhi sheadoutofhi shol e.Hehadbr i ghtbeadyey esand s t i ffgr e ywhi s k er sandhi st ai l wasl i k eal ongbi tofbl ac ki ndi ar ubber .Thel i t t l educkswer e s wi mmi ngabouti nt hepond,l ooki ngj us tl i k eal otofy el l owc anar i es ,andt hei rmot her ,who waspur ewhi t ewi t hr eal r edl egs ,wast r y i ngt ot eacht hem howt os t andont hei rheadsi nt he wat er . " Youwi l lnev erbei nt hebestsoc i et yunl es sy ouc ans t andony ourheads , "shek epts ay i ng t ot hem;andev er ynowandt hens hes howedt hem howi twasdone.Butt hel i t t l educk spai d noat t ent i ont oher .Theywer esoy oungt hatt heydi dnotknowwhatanadv ant agei ti st obe i nsoci et yatal l . " Whatdi sobedi entchi l dr en! "c r i edt heol dWat er r at ;" t heyr eal l ydes er v et obedr owned. " " Not hi ngoft heki nd, "ans wer edt heDuc k ," ev er yonemus tmak eabegi nni ng,andpar ent s c annotbet oopat i ent . " " Ah!Iknownot hi ngaboutt hef eel i ngsofpar ent s , "s ai d...

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