The importance of an “Ethical education” in college essay PDF

Title The importance of an “Ethical education” in college essay
Author Laura Ramos
Course Composition I
Institution Dallas College
Pages 3
File Size 60 KB
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“Ethical education" what's right or wrong with the education system ...


The importance of an “Ethical education” in college

There is no doubt that colleges and universities, for its formative work has the purpose of integrating individuals fully into society. The professional teaching work, as the activity par excellence of every campus, directly and indirectly impacts the progress and development of the students. It caught my attention how extensive is the syllabus, this is the first time I have seen a syllabus this long, it feels already that this class will be stressful due to the statement of that assignments that are not submitted in time or that not comply fully with the standard or direction will not be accepted and graded automatically with a “0”.

The formation of values and attitudes has been one of the main purposes of education. The task of reinforcing the ethical formation and promotion of values is not only the teacher's responsibility it is the student obligation, it is said that the best things in life are achieved by striving for them, always taking the arduous path, and facing the obstacles that lie ahead. Institutions, colleges, universities, these campuses are so conventional but so primordial. First, it is true that both teachers and students usually demand more time to achieve the proposed training objectives activities, as noted in the general guidelines students should be active during the day writing, revising and/ or editing around 3-6 hours during a regular 16-week semester, totally agree on this but this is an intensive semester. However, if we consider the time from the point of view of the students it is evident that it is not enough for the study and practical work around subjects; delve into those that are of most interest; reinforce the difficult disciplines according to the rhythm of each one's learning and to carry out activities that go beyond the college according to their artistic, sports and personal development interests. Availability of time daily life and job

duties prevent changes in academic practices; taking in consideration different student rhythms, school cultures, knowledge, etc.

Consequently, one of the tools used by the teachers is the evaluation/grading, we could say that the evaluation is the "touchstone" of teaching, in the sense that it tests the authenticity, strength and coherence of the pedagogical principles that supposedly they guide it. If it is argued that the classes should encourage reflection and participation and then evaluated by questionnaires to be filled and through examinations where data and names are requested, it is evident that the true pedagogical reality it is not the manifested, but the mechanically memorized learning, the routine and uncritical transcription. The evaluation points out what is valuable in the school, since it implies for the students, in the end, to approve or not to approve the course and, frequently, to be placed in a hierarchy of qualifications, with possible transcendence towards the future. If students are to be guided towards deep learning, towards reasoning, the critical examination of evidence, the practical application of what has been learned, the grounded assessment, then that is what should be evaluated. The student needs to see his educator, as a counselor, as someone "on his side", who is helping him to know the world, to learn, to explore, to develop knowledge and skills. But the qualifying function hinders this teacher-student relationship, because you cannot be so sincere and open about your own ignorance with whom is going to put a grade in your class work. A grade that, finally, will decide if a course is approved or rejected, with all the consequences that it has. As part of his help, the teacher notices errors and successes to travelers, and guides them to overcome inadequacies. For last few discrepancies or non-confirmed statements: the academic center is mentioned more than once in the syllabus even knowing that this is an online class and for specific reasons many of us decided to sign for it due the inconvenience of our daily life duties, it seems not to be clear

if either this is an option for online or for the 16 week regular semester, also tone of the he required textbooks listed in the syllabus was not available at all at the college library, backordered is the status of it even when the semester has started. Will be very significant if the links to where to get the books is share with class members before the semester starts and not only few days before....

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