The Lazy Lifter Basic Program-2020 PDF

Title The Lazy Lifter Basic Program-2020
Author Christian Tobias
Course BS Electronics Engineering
Institution Cavite State University
Pages 33
File Size 1.7 MB
File Type PDF
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The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

Copyright © 2020 - The Lazy Lifter All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Disclaimer This e-book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

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The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

Contents Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................4 Why Only 3 Days Per Week?.................................................................................................................. 7 The Lazy Lifter’s Workout Routine ....................................................................................................... 8 “Where’s My Cardio?!” Putting Cardio Into Perspective ............................................................... 16 How To Set Up Your Nutrition Plan Based On Your Goals ........................................................... 18 15 Tips To Get The Most Out Of This Workout Program: ............................................................. 22 Final Word ............................................................................................................................................... 24 Want More?..............................................................................................................................................25 Additional Resources: ........................................................................................................................... 28 Frequently Asked Questions............................................................................................................... 29

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The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

Introduction First, I want to say THANK YOU for subscribing and downloading this FREE ebook, The Lazy Lifter Basic Program. I’m moved by the messages I received from people who are enthusiastic about their new knowledge on how to get sexier, lose fat, and build the body of their dreams by applying the principles and methods taught in this program. I’m 100% certain that you can make the same transformations too, and to make sure that you get there, I created this FREE guide. This ebook that you’re reading now + the email course consists of a 3-month long workout program that not only got me from scrawny to fat, and fat to my dream body..

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The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

…but a whole lot of people as well!

(Click here to view more transformations)

I’d say that if you will read the email course provided with this ebook, and if you can stick to doing this plan for 2-3 months straight, you’ll see amazing results and you’ll be in it for life! (like the above people) And that’s what I want for you—I want fitness to become an essential part of your lifestyle and focus on it long-term, not a short-lived ones. These workouts will show you the way. They’re fun, challenging, relatively short, and most importantly, they deliver results. So, are you ready to build the physique of your dreams? Great. Let’s get started!


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The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

2020 - - All Rights Reserved


The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

Why only 3 days per week? Apart from having a fun life outside the gym, what I've found out with a 3-day weekly training program is that it allows for optimal muscle recovery and Central Nervous System(CNS) recovery. When we do a workout, we're not only stressing the muscle groups that we're training, but the whole system, especially the CNS. Our CNS is the one that gets the most beating when pushing through a tough rep of a given set. This is the fatigue feeling that you feel the day after your grueling workout session. So what will happen when you train many days in a row? Worst case scenario is you may hamper the recovery process -- both the muscles and the CNS -- and will delay the adaptation of the muscle tissues. Sure it might not be that bad a couple of days straight without rest (if your recovery allows it), but as you progress through your workout, the increasing demands of the progressively increasing intensity of the workouts will take a toll on your recovery ability, and soon you will find yourself hitting a plateau more frequently. So rather than worrying about the low workout frequency/volume of this workout routine, what you should be concerned about is the application of the most important principle in any workout program -- the principle of progressive overload. This principle states that in order for a muscle to grow in strength and size, the human body must be forced to adapt to a tension that is above and beyond what it has previously experienced. And what other way would you measure your progression aside from increasing either reps or weight? Remember, if you're not getting stronger, you won't get bigger. And the optimal frequency for balancing life + fun in and out of the gym is 3 days a week. It allows ample time for recovery and growth. If you're training hard enough and you're noticing strength gains each workout, then there would be no reason for you to do gazillion of sets each workout. Now, of course, there are exceptions to this rule and so many factors are involved that I will further discuss in the future. If you want to learn more about them, just always check my emails for you  So without further ado, here is my personal workout program that I've been doing for years now. I suggest you all try this out for 3 months as it is written. Don't make judgments, assumptions, and conclusions until you've gone through the whole 3 months of doing it.

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The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

The Lazy Lifter’s Workout Routine Workout A:

Bench press - 4 sets of 6-10 reps

Workout B:

Deadlift/Squats(alternate each workout) - 4 sets of 4-6 reps

Military press - 3 sets of 6-10 reps Lat pulldown(underhand grip) or Dips or Close Grip Bench Press or Tri- weighted pull-ups or chin-ups- 3 sets of 6-10 reps ceps pushdown - 3 sets of 8-12 reps Abs(superset two exercises) - 3 super- Barbell row - 3 sets of 6-10 reps sets of 15-20 reps Dumbbell curl - 3 sets of 8-10 reps Calves(pick any) - 3 sets of 15-20 reps Abs(superset two exercises) - 3 superRest period between sets = 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps minutes except for Abs and Calves Calves(pick any) - 3 sets of 15-20 reps which is 1 minute. Rest period between sets = 2-3 minutes except for Abs and Calves which is 1 minute. You can go 3-5 minutes for Deadlifts and Squats Alternate these 2 workouts over the week. Let's say your workout schedule is MWF: Week 1 Monday = Workout A Wednesday = Workout B Friday = Workout A

Week 2 Monday = Workout B Wednesday = Workout A Friday = Workout B

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The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

Week 3 Monday = Workout A Wednesday = Workout B Friday = Workout A

And so on.. After doing this for a full 6 weeks and you've added strength on every workout, you can now add a couple of exercises/sets to each workout routine. Your new workout routine will now look like this: Workout A:

Bench press - 4 sets of 6-10 reps

Workout B:

Deadlift/Squats(alternate each workout) - 4 sets of 4-6 reps

Incline DB bench press - 3 sets of 8-12 Wide grip lat pulldown or pull-ups or reps chin-ups - 4 sets of 6-10 reps Military press - 3 sets of 6-10 reps Barbell row - 4 sets of 6-8 reps Dips or Close grip Bench press or Triceps pushdown - 3 sets of 8-12 reps Dumbbell curl - 3 sets of 8-10 reps DB lateral - 3 sets of 10-15 reps Abs(superset three exercises) - 3 supersets of 15-20 reps Calves(pick any) - 3 sets of 15-20 reps

Abs(superset three exercises) - 3 supersets of 15-20 reps Calves(pick any) - 3 sets of 15-20 reps Follow the same rest period between sets

Follow the same rest period between sets

*The only ab exercises I’ve been doing: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀

Hanging Oblique Crunch Weighted situps with plates behind head Ab wheel rollout Hanging leg raises with dumbbell

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Home Workout Variation

The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

The Lazy Lifter Basic Program Workout A (original)

Alternative for Dumbbells, Resistance bands, any other weights you have at home

Bench Press – 4 sets of 6-8 reps


Bodyweight alternatives

How to do it (Resources)

Dumbbell floor press Dumbbell bench press


Pushup and variations

Military Press – 3 sets of 6-10 reps


DB Military Press


Pike Pushups and variations

Dips/Close Grip Bench Press – 3 sets of 8-10 reps


DB Close Grip Bench


Abs (superset two exercises) – 3 supersets of 15-20 reps




Close Grip PushUps Chair Dips for chest Same

Calves – 3 sets of 1520 reps


Standing DB Calf Raise



Bodyweight calf raise variations

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The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

The Lazy Lifter Basic Program Workout B (original)

Alternative for Dumbbells, Resistance bands, any other weights you have at home

Deadlift/Squats (alternate each workout) – 4 sets of 4-6 reps


DB Deadlift 1 leg DB Deadlift


DB Lunges DB Bulgarian Split Squat


Pull-ups/Chin-ups Or Lat Pulldown/Reverse Grip Pulldown (alternate each workout) – 3 sets of 6-8 reps


Barbell row – 3 sets of 6-8 reps


Dumbbell curl – 3 sets of 8-10 reps

Bodyweight alternatives




Pulldown with resistance bands DB Pullover 1 arm DB row (full stretch at the bottom, feeling the lats)


DB Row




1 leg deadlift and/or 1 leg hip thrust Pistol Squat Lunges Bulgarian Split Squat Chair/stair step up Door pullups Bedsheet Pulldown Sliding Pulldown Pullforward Inverted Pushup with chairs

Inverted row with chairs Table rows Bedsheet row Row/chin curl Leg barbell curl Side lying curl

How to do it (Resources)

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The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

Abs (superset two exercises) – 3 supersets of 15-20 reps Calves (pick any) – 3 sets of 15-20 reps






Standing DB Calf Raise


Bodyweight calf raise variations

Guidelines -

Use the same # of sets as the original training plan, but do as many reps as possible (with the tools/equipment you have) until you reach a point of near muscular failure (1-3 reps left in the tank). This can mean that you will have to do 50, 100, 200 or more reps for the easy bodyweight exercises. That’s the only way you can stimulate growth using light weights. This is why it’s essential to be creative doing home workouts. You have to make the most out of your home tools to really get the gains rolling again. For the Dumbbell/Backpack/Resistance bands section, just replace the “DB” exercises with backpack, bands, water jog, etc., if you’re going to use those things instead of the DBs.

Alternate these two workouts over the week. Let's say your workout schedule is MWF: Week 1

Monday = Workout A Wednesday = Workout B Friday = Workout A

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The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

Week 2

Monday = Workout B Wednesday = Workout A Friday = Workout B

Week 3

Monday = Workout A Wednesday = Workout B Friday = Workout A And so on.

To continue to Phases 2-4 with the home workout variations and other bonuses that will 100x your gains, always check the emails I am sending you.

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The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

Home Workout Notes and Reminders •

• • •

I would highly recommend that you do these home workouts only if you don’t have access to gyms or weight training equipment. Everything is better off at the gym. This home workout variation for this FREE ebook version only cover Phase 1 of the whole training plan. If you want the Phases 2-4 plus a lot more bonuses, please check the email course I provided. I am sending lots of emails full of tips almost daily. The only way to stimulate muscle growth using light resistance is to take each set to near muscular failure (meaning you only have 1-3 reps left until you can’t lift anymore). This can mean that you will have to do 20, 50, 100, 200 reps or even more for the easy bodyweight exercises. I would recommend to keep the same # of sets as the original training plan. Just make the workout intense by adjusting the reps and pushing through the exercises until it feels uncomfortable. For each and every workout, you should still strive to improve. Progressive overload is still the most important key to muscle growth, regardless of any training you do. If can’t follow the video instructions I included for the alternative exercises, you can simply do a quick YouTube search and look for a video tutorial that you may like. The key to a successful home workout execution is your creativity. Lastly, have fun and don’t ever stop. 

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The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

“Where’s my cardio?!” Putting Cardio into Perspective After seeing the workout routine that involves lifting weights, I know some of you are asking now… “Where the hell is my cardio?! How can I lose weight without that?!” Relax. Whether you choose to do cardio or not, it’s really up to you. But I’m telling you now, it is not a requirement for weight loss. You see, many people do cardio exercises without really knowing why and how it helps us with our fitness goals. They do it because they see a lot of people do it. This causes a lot of wasted time, effort, and resources that should’ve been used in strengthening and building muscles. Remember? Building muscle will make it easier for you to lose fat, and you can abandon cardio if you don’t want it. But how can I lose weight without doing cardio? Simple. By monitoring your caloric intake and eating less, which I will be teaching you later on. And what’s the purpose of doing cardio then? I was told I must do it! Shouldn’t I? First, before deciding whether to do cardio or not, it’s important to know first what your goal is. Is it to burn more calories? To condition your heart? What is it exactly? To help you with that, let me clarify a few things regarding cardio: -

Cardio doesn’t burn fat. It burns calories. It’s the caloric deficit (Nutrition Section of this ebook) that makes you lose weight, not cardio itself. This means that cardio is just a tool to help you lessen your calorie intake. If you can create a caloric deficit with the help of cardio, then it serves its purpose well.


Cardio isn’t the one who will give you muscle definition or tone your body parts. Again, it’s the caloric deficit.


Cardio is good for your heart and overall health, but that doesn’t automatically mean you will lose weight when you do cardio.

Knowing the statements above will give you a hint that doing cardio isn’t necessary to lose weight. You can if you want, but it’s not necessary. In fact, most of the women I am teaching prefer not to do any cardio exercises even when their goal is to lose weight, and they do. Once you learn how to track calories and macros (which you will learn later on), you will realize that the role of cardio in the weight loss game is very little.

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The Lazy Lifter Basic Program for Men

Let me give you an example: One cup of rice is around 200 calories, and for you to burn 200 calories, you have to jog for around 15-20 minutes at a moderate-intense pace. That’s only a cup of rice, viands are not included. Add a lot more rice and other stuff and you’ll get to 600-800 calories, which will require you to jog for more than an hour just to reach a point of breakeven — where gain and loss will not happen. What if you just limit your food intake and avoid eating those 600-800 calories? Would you still need to do any cardio? The answer is no. You can do cardio of course, but you won’t be needing it to lose more weight because you’ve already taken care of that through your food intake. This is why I rarely do any cardio sessions, except for a recreational jog or basketball, or maybe a 5-10-minute treadmill warm up. That’s it. Cardio suggestions: If your goal is to lose fat and want an extra boost, then I would recommend doing cardio two-three times a week on your off days. If you’re a skinny gal or someone who’s trying to gain weight, then I would recommend staying away from it, unless you know what you are doing. And if you’re an average gal who just wants to get fit and improve her heart health, then two-three times a week would also be enough. How to do it: ◉ No more than 30-40 minutes of steady-state, low intensity cardio two-three times a week on your off days. Fasted or not, it’s up to you. Or ◉ Or if conditioning and stamina is your worry...

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