The Odyssey PDF

Title The Odyssey
Course Classical Literature 2: Greek and Roman Epic
Institution The University of Edinburgh
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Notes on the Odyssey...


Book Five – Calypso Mortal / Immortal Likes/Dislikes, Helps/Hinders, Impact on story Mortality - Character List - Epithets  

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Odysseus – Can be seen as unfaithful but at that time men could sleep with many women without anyone caring. [Wily Odysseus, The ready-witted Odysseus, Patient good Odysseus] Athena – without her, the gods would never have seen fit to order Calypso to release Odysseus, she is the spark of the Odyssey. [Pallas Athena, daughter of Zeus, tireless one] o Likes Odysseus the most, she was the only reason that Odysseus made it off of Calypso’s island. Without her, Zeus would never have been convinced to order Calypso to release Odysseus from her hypothetical chains Zeus – The supreme commander, the only one who decides the outcome of Odysseus. [Gatherer of the clouds, son of Kronos] o Two-sided, he was the destroyer of the one remaining ship which caused Odysseus to find himself at Ogygia, and was the one who ordered his departure from Calypso. He neither liked/disliked and did what others wanted (Hyperion wanted their deaths, Athena wanted him back at home) Calypso – In love with Odysseus, wanting to be his wife, making him stay on her island for 7 years. [Nymph of the plaited tresses, the divine Calypso] o In love with Odysseus. Mostly a hinderer as she didn’t allow him to leave his island until she was ordered to by Zeus. She swore an oath not to harm him. Hermes – Just a messenger. [The giant-killer, Messenger, the strong-one] Poseidon – At this point, we do not know why he dislikes Odysseus so much, but we find out in book 9. [The earth shaker] o Hates Odysseus as he blinded Polyphemus. Keeps trying to hinder him by putting up storms whenever he is alone in the water ie after leaving Calypso’s island. A huge part of Odysseus’ difficult journey, without him, Odysseus could have made it back much earlier. Ino – A caring nymph, likes to help others who need it. Odysseus would probably have died without her help o Was neutral towards Odysseus but helped him. Pitiful towards Odysseus. He would have died without her enchanted veil to protect him. She saved his life. Doesn’t understand the gods. River God – The god of the river that calms it’s streams to make it easier for Odyseus to clamber upon it’s banks o Likes Odysseus, otherwise wouldn’t have helped him. Took pity on him.

Locational Info Calypso lived in Ogygia, an island. Stayed here for 7 years. Summary     

Athena tries to get Zeus to order Calypso to let Odysseus return home and succeeds. Hermes is sent to proclaim Zeus’ wishes to Calypso. She takes it badly convinced that the Gods hate it when the minor goddesses choose to sleep and marry with mortal men and end up killing them. Calypso finds Odysseus and tells him that he is free to leave. He must build a raft, she will provide the food and clothing. She is then forced to swear an oath not to enchant him anymore. The sun sets. At dawn Odysseus carefully builds a raft (4 days). On the 5 th day Calypso baths him and enchants a wind to push him advising him to keep certain stars on his left side. 17 days of sailing and can then see land.

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Poseidon sees this and is angered. He wishes to make Odysseus’ journey harder knowing he cannot prevent Zeus’ will (see Cyclopes). He sends a storm which makes Odysseus wish that he had died at Troy. The Goddess Ino notices Odysseus, and gives him a veil which would protect him telling him to disrobe, leave his raft and swim for the shore. Odysseus thinks this is a trick and refuses to leave his raft until the last possible moment. He ends up floating for two days after his raft is destroyed. Poseidon soon stops trying to make Odysseus’ journey difficult, and Athena then decides to calm down the seas, sending the winds in their proper directions, and allowing Odysseus an easier journey to land. He soon sees the mouth of a calm river and prays to the god of the stream, the river god makes the river calmer to make it easier for Odysseus. He is then able to climb upon the bank, barely breathing. He remembers to throw back Ino’s veil and immediately falls asleep under some leaves in a thicket to avoid the coal.

Book Six – Nausicaa Mortality - Character List – Epithets 

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Nausicaa – Courageous because she did not run when her handmaidens did at the sight of Odysseus (maybe because Athena drained the fear from her limbs?). The daughter of the King Alcinous. [White-armed Nausicaa], quite clever at predicting the thoughts of her townsfolk and the rumour mill. Nausithous – The founder of the new settlement in Scherie. [Godlike] Alcinous – The King of the Phaecians. [Mighty Alcinous] Arete – The Queen of the Phaecians Odysseus – Thinks things through, he chooses to plead his case from afar instead of grabbing Nausicaa’s knees in supplication in fear of scaring her.

Locational Info Odysseus lands in Scherie in the land of the Phaecians – very far from ordinary hard working folk (isolated). They used to live in Hypereie next to the Cyclopes. Summary 

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Athena disguises herself as the daughter of a ship-captain – Dymas – one of Nausicaa’s closest friends. She convinces Nausicaa to go with her and her maidens to the river to clean her clothes to prepare her for becoming a good wife. Odysseus is hidden well in the thicket (definition: dense group of bushes or trees) overlooking Nausicaa and her maidens. He is at this point nude. He considers falling at her feet and begging for help but decides that this may scare her. He covers his manhood with a leafy bough (definition: main branch of a tree) and decides it would be better if he stood at a distance to courteously plead his case. Athena gave Nausicaa courage and drained her fear Odysseus compares Nausicaa to the gods, mainly Artemis Nausicaa gives Odysseus food and drink and told her handmaidens to bathe him in the river. Odysseus refuses saying that he would be ashamed to be bathing in the presence of such elegant ladies. Good Xenia, doesn’t ask about name/reason, but supplies clothes and food. Athena helps Odysseus seem taller and sturdier, and gave him bushier hair. Nausicaa is willing to help Odysseus, telling him to walk with her maidens as they walk into town. She wants to avoid gossip: This is her reason. “You will see near the path a fine poplar wood sacred to Athena, with a spring welling up in the middle and a meadow all round. Wait till Nausicaa returns back to her father’s estates and then to go into the city and to find the palace of Alcinous.

After finding the palace, he should through the courtyard, through the great hall till Nausicaa’s mother spinning yarn. He should slip past his father and grasp her mother’s knees and to see if she is sympathetic towards Odysseus. Odysseus at the meadow sacred to Athena prays to her that the Phaecians will help him.

Book 9 – Cyclops Mortality - Character List – Epithets     

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Odysseus – [Son of Laertes] King Alcinous Laertes – Odysseus’ father, King of Ithaca Cicones – Faithful and loyal to come to their neighbour’s side to help against the invaders. Polyphemus – The Cyclops that Odysseus blinds. [The Monster] o Hated all humans, and the gods. He hindered Odysseus and his men by several days as he slowly ate them. He was the cause of the entire book, because if he hadn’t prayed to Poseidon, he would have had very little trouble. Could be Odysseus’ fault for taunting him and telling him his name. Poseidon – Polyphemus ^^ prayed to him to give Odysseus a lot of trouble: “may never reach his home in Ithaca/Let him find trouble in his home” Lotus Eaters – A group of people addicted to the Lotus plant, wanting others to have it too o Hindered Odysseus as his men got addicted on the delicious fruit, Odysseus had to forcefully return them to the ship. They didn’t help.

Locational Info Troy was also called Ilium. The Cicones lived in Ismarus. The Achaeans (Odysseus and his men) came from Ithaca. Mini Episodes 1. Cicones (Overnight pillaging) 2. Lotus Eaters (A few hours) 3. Cyclops (Several days) Summary   

Odysseus at this point is in the dining hall of King Alcinous listening to a minstrel sing songs about him. King Alcinous then requests that Odysseus tells his story HEAVY in Kleos FLASHBACK o After the ten year war of Troy, his men left to sail home, but came across Ismarus where his men sacked the city despite Odysseus refusing to. He lost 6 men from each ship when Ciconian Reinforcements came from inland. He and his men retreated before more men were killed Odysseus is a bad leader -> he isn’t forceful with his men demanding respect/hasn’t earned respect to prevent them from attacking the Cicones o After 9 days of sailing? They came upon the land of the Lotus-eaters. Odysseus sent some of his men inland to find out information about its inhabitants. The Lotus-eaters offered them some lotus, they have some. Odysseus’ men had to forcefully return them to the ship having to bind them to the ship o They then landed on an island close to the land of the Cyclops. They hunted goats at dawn. Odysseus then wished to investigate what type of men lived across the bay. They went into the Cyclops’ cave. They ended up trapped. The Cyclops returned to eat around half his men over a few days until Odysseus tricked the Cyclops (Polyphemus) into drinking extremely concentrated wine, which rendered him unconscious. (Nobody) Odysseus then sharpened Polyphemus’ staff of green olive-

wood and stabbed it into his eye. He and his remaining men then escaped by binding themselves to the undersides of Polyphemus’ sheep. Odysseus used a ram. When they were sailing away, Odysseus goaded the Cyclops further, causing him to throw rocks. He then eventually prayed to Poseidon which caused him to start hating Odysseus and to send storms his way. Book 10 - Circe Mortality - Character List – Epithets   

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Elpenor – Died by falling of Circe’s roof Antiphates – The Laestragonian chief Laestragonians – Hated humans, tried to eat them. Attacked all of Odysseus’ ships bar one. o They disliked Odysseus’ crew very much, saw them as food. They hindered Odysseus because without them, Odysseus would have had a much larger crew which would have had a greater effect on his KLEOS, because they would spread stories. Eurylochus – A sub-leader within Odysseus’ crew Aeolus – God of the winds o Liked for a month, and then disliked because he was convinced that Odysseus’ return was a sign that the gods absolutely hated him. He tried to help, but Odysseus’ men ruined it by opening the bag of winds. All-in-all a very good guy, but is a heavily fearful of the gods. Circe – A sorceress who at first tried to turn Odysseus and his men into pigs, but was tricked by Odysseus to return them to men after swearing an oath. She gave advice to aid Odysseus in his travels. Odysseus’ men failed to follow this advice and everyone died except Odysseus himself o First disliked Odysseus (with all men) but then liked him as she allowed them to stay for an entire year at her home in Aeaea. She was a big help in book 12 because she gave a lot of advice to him, as well as instructions how to get advice from Tiresias who gave them advice on how to get past the obstacles in book 12 Hermes – Helped Odysseus by giving him moly, a herb which made Odysseus immune from Circe’s potions o Likes Odysseus because without the moly, he would have been turned into a pig too. MAJOR moment Tiresias – A blind prophet of Thebes (a Greek city), gave advice to Odysseus from the Underworld regarding Book 12 obstacles Odysseus’ men failed to follow this advice and everyone died except Odysseus himself

Locational Info Aeolia was where Odysseus landed in episode 1 {Owned by Aeolus, god of the winds}. Telepylus was episode 2 {Owned by the Laestragonians, the cannibals}. Aeaea was episode 3 {Circe’s island}. Mini Episodes 1. Aeolus + Bag of Winds (one month) 2. Laestragonians (An hour or two before Antiphates declared his intentions) 3. Circes Island (a year) Summary 

Odysseus and his men landed on the island of Aeolia. The king of the winds resided here, with 6 sons and 6 daughters married to each other. Aeolus kept Odysseus and his men for a month because he wanted to hear everything about his journey. At that point, Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag of winds which would help him get back to Ithica very quickly. Good Xenia from Aeolus, gave them a place to stay for a month!

When they could see Ithica, his men thought that there was treasure in the bag of winds and when Odysseus went to sleep, they opened the bag and they ended up being blown back towards Aeolus’ Island. Aeolus refused to help them and they were forced to leave again. Bad Xenia from Aeolus, refusing to help them convinced that the Gods are set against Odysseus After 6 days and 6 nights of sailing they came to Telepylus, land of the Laestragonians. Odysseus sent 3 men to Antiphates, but when he ate one of the trio, the other two escaped to the ships. Antiphates bellowed which roused a very large number of Laestragonians to start attacking Odysseus’ men. Odysseus’ ship was the only one that managed to escape. Bad Xenia -> trying to eat them instead of helping. They landed on Aeaea, Circe’s island. Odysseus caught and killed a great antlered stag Kleos?. After he and his men ate, he sent a group of 22 with Eurylochus in command to Circes house. She was singing and weaving. When the men ate or (BAD XENIA), they were turned into pigs, but Eurylochus who was weary of her, stayed outside, and eventually returned to Odysseus to warn him and to get him to escape as soon as possible. Odysseus asked Eurylochus to show him the way back, but he ended up going alone. Hermes appeared to him on the way, gave him an immunity herb called moly, told him to sleep with Circe after making her swear an oath to not harm him or his men at all anymore. Circe was then amazed that nothing happened and so she returned his men to normal and slept with him. When Odysseus returned to his ship to get all his men back to Circe’s house, Eurylochus insulted Odysseus causing him to nearly kill Eurylochus, but his men calmed him down. He and his men stayed on that island for a year. Then one of his men asked to go home, and so Odysseus begged Circe to let them go home. She told him to go to the Underworld first to seek the advice of Tiresias first. She told him how to get there and what sacrifices to make. His men wept when they found out about this journey. Circe supplied the black ram and black ewe to sacrifice there. o

Book 12 – Scylla and Charybdis Mortality - Character List – Epithets 

Sirens – hideous creatures that trick sailors by singing in an irresistible voice which lure them to their death o Disliked all humans. Didn’t hinder them because they were forewarned of their alluring voices. Just another area to avoid. Not a very large impact on the poem. Scylla – 12 feet, 6 long necks, triple rows of fangs, will kill 6 people at once, snatching them from the ship below her cave. o A Breach of trust of Odysseus upon his men because he didn’t tell his men about the impending danger. Scylla was put onto earth by Cratais to punish humans, so she dislikes humans. She hindered Odysseus because they had to spend a lot of time mourning and crying. Charybdis - A whirlpool that destroys ships, sucking them down to the bottom of the sea (Think POTC) o Hinders Odysseus as after his men got killed in Bk12, he had to hold onto an olive tree with his bare hands to avoid getting sucked into it’s murky depths. He had to wait for pieces of wood to be spewed back up so he could hold onto something while drifting. Hyperion – The sun god, who blackmails Zeus into punishing Odysseus’ men. Very bossy. o Dislikes Odysseus and his men because they at his cattle. He is quite greedy. Without him or his cattle, Odysseus’ men would have stayed on the island and then left back to Ithaca. However his men eating the cattle caused Odysseus’ men to be killed and Odysseus himself to be drifted to Calypso’s island for the first of 7 years there. Zeus – Destroys Odysseus’ ship and kills his men.

Locational Info Started at Circe’s Island -> Episode 4 was at Thrinacie. Ended at Calypso’s island. Mini Episodes

1. 2. 3. 4.

Sirens Wandering Rocks Scylla and Charybdis Hyperion’s Cattle (One month)

Summary  

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Odysseus and his men returned to Circes island. They buried Elpenor. Circes began to give him advice about the 5 obstacles he faces (see mini episodes for Bk12) Sirens – Odysseus should warm beeswax and block his men’s ears with it so they cannot hear. Odysseus should order his men to bind him to the mast securely while he listens to the sirens - If he wants. He DOES follow Circes advice here...

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