The Proposal of the Corporate Social Responsibility Plan PDF

Title The Proposal of the Corporate Social Responsibility Plan
Course Corporate Social Responsibility
Institution INTI International University
Pages 4
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The proposal contentsProject Relevance and NeedIn this project, we are going to address SDGs to assist the CSR initiatives. SDGs include 17 goals, the SDGs that incorporated in this project are affordable and clean energy, sustainable cities and communities, quality education and gender equality.Aff...


The proposal contents Project Relevance and Need In this project, we are going to address SDGs to assist the CSR initiatives. SDGs include 17 goals, the SDGs that incorporated in this project are affordable and clean energy, sustainable cities and communities, quality education and gender equality. Affordable and clean energy is to ensure universal access to affordable electricity by clean and renewable energy source. Between 1990 and 2010, the number of people with access to electricity has increased by 1.7 billion, and as the global population continues to rise so will the demand for cheap energy. A global economy reliant on fossil fuels and the increase of greenhouse gas emissions is creating drastic changes to our climate system. However, there has been a new drive to encourage alternative energy sources, and in 2011 renewable energy accounted for more than 20 percent of global power generated. Still one in five people lack access to electricity. So, we need to adopt a cost-effective energy source to reduce the global electricity consumption by buildings and industry. Affordable and clean energy is to ensure universal access to affordable electricity by clean and renewable energy source. Between 1990 and 2010, the number of people with access to electricity has increased by 1.7 billion, and as the global population continues to rise so will the demand for cheap energy. A global economy reliant on fossil fuels and the increase of greenhouse gas emissions is creating drastic changes to our climate system. However, there has been a new drive to encourage alternative energy sources, and in 2011 renewable energy accounted for more than 20 percent of global power generated. Still one in five people lack access to electricity. So, we need to adopt a cost-effective energy source to reduce the global electricity consumption by buildings and industry. The objective of quality education is to ensure that our next generation has a certain level of knowledge in every aspect wherever they are while promoting lifelong learning. Besides, it can discover those gifted children and enhance the use of their gifts. There are some places like Africa are lack of education standard as well as teaching materials. On the other hand, gender education is undoubtedly one of the hottest debated topics in the eye of the world as most of the citizens as well as the parliaments are one who thinks that women cannot do big things. In the past century, this scenario is worsened which education is only allowed to be received by man. From the past evidences proven that women can also build up their own career, business, etc. So, woman and man should be treated fairly and receive the same level of treat.

Project description (clean and affordable energy) CSR, known as cooperate social responsibility is a concept that business need be concerned more than profit. The aim of the CSR is to protect the environment and solve problems such as clean and affordable energy. In this project, the aim is to help farmers generate clean and affordable energy for the watering system of their crops. It will help them to reduce the cost needed to run their watering system. In this project, the activities that the company are going to undertaken are installing solar panels for the farmers at their plantation site. The company will help the farmers to install around 15 solar panels at the plantation surrounding. The solar panel system will be

connected to the watering system. This will help the farmers to generate clean and affordable energy- solar energy to run their watering system. By doing so, the farmers can manage their crops in an easier and efficient way. We plan to start this project at one farm first, then expand to other farms. The main target of this project are the farmers. This project is mainly targeted to the farmers who are not able to afford a watering system for their plantations. To run this project properly, it needs a budget for the project to run. For the long-term project, it will need a estimated budget of RM100000 for both the installation and maintenance of the solar panels. The cost for a full system of solar panels is around RM50000. The huge amount of the budgets not only come from the company but also from the profit of the farmers. The company will cover the maintenance cost for the first two years, after that the farmers will maintain the solar panels with their own profit. If they are not able to pay the cost, the company will help the farmers to cover the cost.

Project Description (sustainable cities and communities) Next, the aim of the project based on the 11th SDG is to balance the cities’ populations with the convenience of accessing to open public spaces as well as improving waste management to make cities sustainable. First of all, we will carry out a series of survey to ask local communities on their experience of their country’s public services. Then, we can build more manorial such as LRT, more buses like rapid bus in Malaysia and subway in areas that has low access to public transport. With such action, it will improve public transport thus decrease the usage of family car which can decrease the air pollution from the emission of the vehicle. Also, the company itself can also its daily operations such as enhancing their production line, fully utilise the company’s machine capacity and manpower to bring out the maximum productivity that reduce waste in the process. For example, the company can practice ‘just-in-time’ management to reduce inventory cost and improve supply chain activities such as locating its factory near to its supplier’s factory. Such initiatives will definitely decrease the overall emission of carbon dioxide thus improve air quality in the cities. The target audience of the project includes the community of the city which the company are currently operating at, people such as students, adults, or elders who need to travel around the city to carry out their daily tasks. To run this project more effectively, a budget of 1-2 million per mile is needed to construct the railway of the monorail, about 300 million to implement a pubic transport buses like rapid bus. The figure includes all the expenses such as hiring employees, petrol, maintenance fees and so forth. Such a big amount can be subsidized by government, raising fund from public or organize an event to raise funds for the project. If the company can seek for better technologies from other countries, it will save the overall cost of building the public transport.

Project Description (quality education and gender equality)

CSR has been promoting by companies for the sake of protect the society and the environment concerning more than profits. Having promoted with CSR can curb lots of problems such as hunger, low standard of education and so on.

The project is about to help those people who lack of education to get a conducive educated environment by providing them some help in this aspect. On the other hand, promoting the equality of human by conducting some events and talks to those conservativeminded crowds.

Some plans and steps will be undertaken to provide aids to those in need. For example, transferring some intellectuals, teachers, lecturers as well as the essential teaching materials. Besides, some office equipment will be transferred to keep the procedures run effectively and efficiently. On top of that, the intellectuals will be giving speech about the equality of human right, telling people that man and woman should be treated as one.

To ensure this project conducts effectively and efficiently, a budget must be set. This is classified as a long term project so that the basic supplies budget is estimated roughly 4-5 million dollars, that office equipment takes 2-3 million dollars. This enormous amount not only come from the company income but from the large public.

Sustainability plan (clean and affordable energy) When a proposal has been proposed, we do contemplate that the sustainability of the proposed idea because sustainability of an activity or project does play a crucial point for identify the feasibility of the CSR activity. Furthermore, it is the time to rethink how we consume and use our energy. On the first year of the project, the company will help the farmers to cover the cost of maintaining the solar panels. By doing so, the farmers will have enough time to adjust to the new source of energy for their watering system in their plantations. After one year, the farmers themselves can start to cover the maintenance cost of the solar panels. They can do so by using their income they have earned. Other than that, if the farmers are incapable of paying the maintenance cost, the company will provide help to the farmers. Therefore, the plan can be sustained and continue in the long run. Sustainability plan (sustainable cities and communities) Also, seeks cooperation with government can help to sustain the project lifetime as it will take at least a 3 to 4 years to complete the project. With proper communication that includes the public expectations with government’s policy, it would definitely aid the success of the project. Teach public on how to use public transportation more responsibly, and support government in terms of cash of power such as donate money to help raise the fund or protect public infrastructure. Sustainability plan (quality education and gender equality)

Once the proposal has been proposed, we start contemplating and figure out the sustainability and feasibility of the CSR project. Furthermore, we will start collecting ideas and feedbacks from the internal of the company as well as the outsiders. Next, the technology is this era is getting more and more sophisticated so that the next generation must keep up with the pace by improving the educational standard they receive. While some rural places in Africa are currently need these supports. Last but not least, man power must be sufficient in this case to keep this project runs efficiently as we expected such as lecturers, teachers and intellectuals must be professional enough to make sure the return is what we expected. Expected results (clean and affordable energy) In the short run, this project can help the farmers to have an advanced watering system for their plantations. This will aid the farmers to make their work easier, rather than watering their plantation manually. In the long run, a lot of work can be saved. Besides, the farmers can carry out their tasks easier and more efficient. Although this project cannot bring profit to the stakeholders, but it will affect the company having a positive image to the social. Therefore, positive image is really important for a company for having a good future. Expected results (sustainable cities and communities) In short term, community will less consider of acquiring their own family car, by consider more on public transportation which will be launch soon. More and more citizens will less rely on car but buses, train, subway and monorail which improve their standard of living and brings up the economy of the country. In long term, less vehicle will be on the road just like Australia which it has an excellent public transportation that results their citizens in less purchase of vehicle that will emits lots of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. It will affect public perceptions towards the company who brings out the whole idea of improving the community and people of the country besides of carrying out their business. Thus, public image of the company would significantly increase and people who benefits from the project would support the goods and services offer by the company. Expected results (quality education and gender equality) In short term project, the students will receive quality education which having a great impact in their later lives. Also, they will learn mote knowledge and expand their insights as well. In long term project, their education standard will become higher and will indirectly bring up their economy. This project will not bring no profits to the company but it will create build up the goodwill of the company and indirectly have a great impact in the future....

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