The Story Behind The Movie Mean Girls From The Authors Opinion PDF

Title The Story Behind The Movie Mean Girls From The Authors Opinion
Course Intro To Sociology
Institution Golden West College
Pages 4
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3 pages essay about Mean Girls and how people's minds work in the movie....


Mean Girls Mean Girls is a very popular and iconic movie in today's society. It gives many different aspects of sex, gender, race, ethnicity, and class. Since there are many kinds of people, it helps to study sociology because it is everything we are and everywhere we look. It also shows a rough high school life with discrimination and power. The Marxist theory applies to the power that held by the minority. In the movie called "Mean Girls", Regina George is the "boss" of the school where people follow what she does. Everything she does become a trend in school whether it is stupid or not such as wearing a torn shirt, she does not care if people are gonna laugh at her wearing it because she knows she is the center of the school so everybody will follow her. Everyone else in the school is considered less popular or "losers" because Regina is the most famous in the school. What makes her important is the boys adore her and she has good looks. She also has a group “The Plastics” that contains all good looking people which boost her up as a queen of a school. Marx says proletariats are the wage-workers and they do revolt or overthrow the bourgeoisie. It also takes place in Mean Girls when Cady Heron starts to become more popular than Regina with Janis’ help. The reason why is because both Cady and Janis can not stand Regina’s personality. Regina only wants all the attention for herself, and she also says things that she does not mean it such as all the compliments she says to people. Those compliments are only to make her look better. The way she treats people is bad so Cady and Janis work together to bring her down. On the other hand, Gretchen and Karen do not do it is because they can not find an ally for themselves or they do not aware that they are being treated badly. Janis is the one who knows Regina most because they used to be close to each other so Cady has someone to back up for her. A school where everyone praises Regina leads to a phenomenon like groupthink because the guys adore her and

she is the most famous one out of “cool” people which makes the way everyone looks at Regina is like an icon queen of the school. Even if she does not treat people well, nobody actually cares about it because she is considered the best person compared to the others. There are things that are considered ridiculous if other people do it but when it comes to Regina, everybody thinks it is cool. The popular group is usually fake and craves attention in high school. They tend to take down anybody else who tries to become more "popular" than them. They have similarities such as beauty or wealthy like how it is in Mean Girls. Cady can be a member of The Plastics is because of her attractive. For example, if Cady were unattractive she would probably join the math club and be with Janis instead of becoming one of The Plastics. On the hand, there is also an unpopular group where people who are less famous. Math club can be an example of an unpopular group because not so many people actually like math and be with at it. Sometimes they may get called "nerds" because according to others, for example, who play sports, they look unattractive. Since people who play sports look a lot more attractive. Ascribed status is a social position you are born with or into meanwhile achieved status is earned or chosen and reflects a person's skills. In Mean Girls, Cady has to work out to earn a position in The Plastics. Of course, she has the potential since she is attractive. Same goes for Regina. Their both ascribed status is a daughter and a student. Regina in social roles can also be a leader to set social norms in her high school. Her followers like Gretchen and Karen are expected to do what she commands and agree with whatever she says. For example, when they go shopping together, Regina tells her group "Get in loser, we're going shopping". In role conflict, Regina and Cady is a great example for this. Cady is a potentially attractive high school newbie and Regina is a queen bee. And Regina can see that potential so she invites Cady to sit

with them at lunch. When she acknowledges a threat and the best thing she can control it is to make Cady be in her group. In the scene when Regina is talking to Cady at the hall, she compliments Cady that she is really pretty. When Cady says thank you, Regina asks "So you agree? you think you are pretty?". Regina wants to make sure what is going on inside Cady's head and try to make Cady to not take over her role at school. In role strain, since Cady is a newbie so she tries to get used to a life at public school and maintain her grades especially in math. The in-group is the group where an individual is strongly tied as a member and they share same interests and similarities. In Mean Girls, the in-group is The Plastics with Regina is the leader of the group and they are the superior to all the other people. The out-group in this movie is Janice and Damien where Cady can play parts of this group. The alienation between the group is shown when Janice tells Cady about each table of the students in the cafeteria and says that none of them actually even like each other and they would like to stay in their little social clique. The Iron Law of Oligarchy is a tendency of organizations to become dominated by small groups of people. Regina's minions and she can maintain a strong leadership is because Regina knows that she is famous so what she says is valuable. She usually compliments people randomly at the hall even though she does not mean because she sees herself the best. In the scene when Regina compliments the other girl's skirt "Vintage, so adorable" when that girl leaves Regina shows her true color saying "that is an ugliest effing skirt I've ever seen.". Saying nice stuff is the first thing everyone does when it comes to maintaining relationships. Mean Girls has shown many sociology aspects and themes to the audiences. It also describes how high school life works and the stereotype everywhere in the world and put it on the big screen which everybody should acknowledge....

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