The Tales of Sandayo Summary Notes and PDF

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TALE OF SANDAYO (A Philippine Epic Graphic Novel) By: Damiana L. Eugenio Damiana Ligon Eugenio was a female author and professor who was known as the mother of modern Philippine folktale. Apart from teaching at the University of the Philippines, she has several publication s in the field of Philippine folklore, among them is a series of seven books which she compiled and edited. Father:

Datu Salaria


Bae Salaong




Datu Damondianay


Bolak Sonday, Benobong, Datu Tulog and

Bae Salaong took a bath at the miraculous spring of Liyasan. She returned home and as she comb her hair, on the 9th stroke; a baby fell from her hair (Sandayo). Handsome as the rising sun, they named him Sandayo. One week after; Sandayo began to walk, and grew very fast after one month. On his first month, he asked permission to go on a journey. His father gave him a Kalis (double edged sword). His mother dressed him with golden robes, and put two sabongs (charms) He spread his monsala, rode in it, and it brought him to the center of the sun. There he dreamt of Bolak Sonday and Benobong, who offered him betel nut chew but he chose the betel nut chew of Bolak Sonday. He went to Gwalo Leyo, and he was adopted by two datus, Daugbolawan and Lomelok. They went to the Buklog of Lumanay.



In the Buklog of Lumanay, he met his cousins, Bolak Sonday, Benobong, Datu Tulog and Pammintonam, Daugbolawan, Lomelok, Lengotubig and Mendepesa.

Lengotubig and

Datu Damondianay, Goddess Bae Asong


Sandayo and his parents had a happy reunion.


Sandayo fought to overcome the curse of the evil woman Bae Pagdindingan on a ship on their way to Tubig Manelangan.


Godmother: Lived in Ninth Heaven:

Datu Pombanwa, Bae Bay Salangga, Datu Panday Tape, Bae Bay Salangka, Datu Salaria,

He presided the dowry negotiations for his female cousins, Bolak Sonday and Benobong. The wedding was set for Lomek and Bolak Sonday, and Benobong and Daugbolawan. Datu Lumalab and other datus, got angry. Sandayo and his cousins fought with the disappointed suitors.

Bae Bay Salaong Bae Bolak Sonday, Datu Lomelok, Datu Medepesa, Bae Lengotubig, Datu Tulog, Bae Benobong Datu Daugbolawan,

Sandayo died when they went back to Liyasan. He brought back to life after Bolak Sonday and Benobong fought Bae Pendeligan for the spirit of Sandayo. Bolak Sonday died from a small cut, Sandayo and the other cousins searched for Bolak Sonday’s Spirit. Bolak Sonday then brought back to life. Sandayo went to Sumina with his relatives. Sandayo, with his parents and relatives, joined the party prepared for him by Datu Pommintonan, they attended one final a Buklog.

Datu Pammitonan Datu Sandayo.

They danced as the platform hoes higher and higher and reaches the clouds. Sandayo and his family ascended to heaven on a Buklogan and live there happily ever after.

The Waters of Liyasan

Sandayo Journeys

Bae Salaong bathe in the waters of Liyasan, Biggest of river springs.

Sandayo spread out his monsala (scarf endowed with magic powers) and rode it towards the center of the Sun for the he will have his chew.

The Birth of Sandayo They went up Mount Giliyan. They went up the house. Bae Salaong asked Datu Salaria for oil to comb and smooth her hair to make it glow. She was given 7 vials of oil. Salaong combed her hair eight times and on the 9th stoke out fell a baby. Sandayo’s Childhood They named him Datu Sandayo. Datu Salaria sees Sandayo as no fortune for them and an ugly child (the reason is because there is superstition among Suba-on and Bisayan bariio folks that praising a child invites the envy of evil spirits; belief in the buyag. To ward off the evil eye, the opposite is said of the child). But Salaong sees Sandayo as beautiful baby.

As he enjoying his chew he dreamt of Bae Bolak Sonday smiling as she turned lime to betel nut to make chew. With Benobong they tossed the chew and Sandayo caught and munch the chew of Bolak Sonday. After his chew he flew on his monsala and ponder whether to go the Waters of Lumanay (Legendary River whose turbulent waters could melt or drown ordinary mortals who dared to cross the place) or Waters of Gwalo Leyo (Legendary place which would mean behind the eighth horizon.) He decided to go to the Waters of Gwalo Leyo to know how beautiful its waters are. He is adopted by two datus Daugbolawan and Lomelok and brought him to the Buklog of Lumanay

One week later, Sandayo learned how to walk. He grown so fast in only a month,

People of the buklog look up to Sandayo. Tinayobo sees Sandayo as A datu of all lands.

Sandayo Grows Up

Lantaka broke which was tested 3 times and 4 times inherited

Sandayo asked her mother to dress him up to look like a datu who is respected. Golden robes of 8 folds, Sandayo smoothed down the folds so that they became 1.

The Buklog in Lumanay

Sandayo Goes on a Journey Sandayo asked her mother Salaong that he must venture out and roam. Her mother replied that he is a child and his time will come when he became a man. A week passed Sandayo had grown and told her mother that he must go and it is not fitting for a datu not to venture out. Sandayo Prepares for His Journey With the new robes (cloth of gold) Sandayo dressed up. 8 scarves he wore. He told her mother to rub oil on his hair and coil it into a bun. Salaong took some out from 8 vials. 8 times she combed, 8 times she smoothed, 8 times she wound it, then rolled it into a bun. She told Sandayo that thee rolled bun will never be undone and she alone can do it. On the bun she place 2 charms (1 for use in battle, 2 gains favors with women). Sandayo asked her mother to tuck his sword to his waist. Salaria told Sandayo that he is just a child and her mouth drips milk. Sandayo replied that a datu who does not venture is not a true datu. As Sandayo goes out of the door a limmon (bird, omen bird) called out and Salaong told Sandayo to take care and do not go. Sandayo replied that he will return, blood kin will return.

Datu Sampilakan lifted the Jar, the tumiyag jar (huge priceless wine jar, called both a bandi [the generic name] and tumiyag, the specific name) Sandayo emptied 8 wine jars. Bolak Sonday and her relatives decide to attend the buklog in Lumanay. In Manelangan (Where the sun rises”; said to be an old name for Mount Sindangan), Bolak Sonday told her mother (Bae Salagga) that she had a dream of a Buklog in Lumanay. Her mother warned Bolak Sonday and Benobong not to go. Datu Tulog and Datu Pammintonan told Bae Sonday that they must attend. Datu Mendepesa and Daugbolawan, Lomelok and Lengotubig told their mother (Bae Salangka) that they must go with Bolak Sonday. Lengotubig dressed up and told her mother (Bae Salangka) not to sop her but her mother replied that if she must go they must go together with Lomelok, Medepesa, Datu Daugbolawan. So eager to leave was Bolak Sonday and Benobong Tulogan told Laggi and Pammintonan not to ride for it will be hard coming back, and they should just walk. Hearing those words Bae Bolak Sonday took her monsala and flew as well as Bae Lengotubig. Bae Bolak Sonday said that her dagger (apparently used by women only) can rip the lands and split the earth.

At the buklog, Sandayo is angered to see Bolak Sonday’s show of affection for Datu Domondianay and fights him for two years.

Sandayo told his father he wants to sleep for he has not rested. His father replied not to forget about the fruit (a metaphor, meaning a lady)

Two months since the fight went on only few persons remained and they fell one by one on top of each other. The dead piling up.

Sandayo slept for 1 week and asked her mother to make him a chew, he likes to chew.

Four months and only one stood against Sandayo, the suitor of Bae Bolak Sonday (Datu Domondianay). Bolak Sonday, ring on a finger of Sanadayo and said “Honored datu, Do not forget Your own self.” Then she threw the ginapog of a bae, of Bae Bolak Sonday: “Datu Domondianay, Here, a ginapog, have a chew, chew on it so you can rest, and think clearly.”

Sandayo Fights with the Suitors of Bolak Sonday Datu Lumalab said that they must not fight in the room and fight in the yard below. Sandayo agreed and very angry one thrust to his left, 500 warriors fell dead. One thrust to his right 5,000 warriors were injured (An example of a large-scale hyperbole)

Datu Mendepesa offered help to Sandayo but he refused.

Sandayo flew up to the side of the sun and drank the sweat of the sun and rested. But his spear kept on fighting. Sandayo slid down on top of the bodies of the scattered dead.

The Battle Continues

The Death of Sandayo

3 years since their fight Datu Sandayo asked Datu Domondianay if he is tired and can keep fighting. Datu Domondianay replied that he do not tire because he is the mightiest on the earth.

After his chew he took his monsala and said go to Bolak Sonday and tell her she must come and sleep here. His monsala came back and said the The Bae Bolak Sonday will soon follow.

They fought above the clouds and Goddess Asog (Spirit or goddess of the clouds) and asked Datu Baya Mama (Spriit or god of the clouds or atmosphere; lower in category than Diwata sa Langit) to come down and stop them.

Bolak Sonday, Benobong, Daugbolawan, Lomelok, Mendepesa, and Bae Lengotubig came.

Goddess Asog asked the two datus to sit down for them to talk. She told that Datu Domondianay was born from haircombing and blown by the wind, he grew up in the Hills of Balatakan (Sub-anon word for bamboo; a hill of bamboo). Sandayo and Datu Domondianay are brothers. Goddess Asog is Sandayos Godmother Sandayo’s Reunion with His Parents Sandayo and his father fought as her mother wept as she watched. When gripped by his father, Salaria told him to rest. Salaria was held by lock of his hair by his father. Salaria took his sinduko (curved sword or knife similar to a scythe. [The sinduko is here used in beheading maidservants and manservants as a “ritual offering.”]) Datu Salaria went towards the seven Tinayobo and seven Sampilakan and cut their heads off.

Sandayo told Bolak Sonday that he feels uneasy and his thoughts confused. (1) He asked her to make a chew a token to remember her. (2) He asked Bolak Sonday and Benobong to cradle him on their lap, maybe he will feel better; they took turns. (3) He asked Bolak Sonday to hold him, maybe he will feel better. (4) He asked Bolak Sonday to lay him on his golden pillow, maybe he will get better. Afterwards Datu Sandayo died. Bolak Sonday and Benobong took out their dagger and sharpened it. Bolak Sonday wants to test the sharpness of their dagger which can break the soil and carve a tree. Over Sandayo they set some nets. 8 tiers of nets. Bolak Sonday said “Obo and Sampilakan, Drive out the flies in the room of Sandayo for they bring ills. We must take care.”

Blood rite (note the casual way in which the seven handmaids and seven male servants are butchered in a thanksgiving rite for the son’s return) for Sandayo.

They search for Sandayo’s spirit. After a long and arduous search, with the help of an overheard conversation between two birds, the women find Sandayo.

Sandayo asked her mother to make him a chew and she made a ginapong. The family started drinking for one day and one night to two nights.

Wing feathers fell from the Sumusom and Dalandaw (birds) wings. It fell on Bolak Sonday’s lap and she made then into a ring that illuminated the night. She wore the ring.

Datu Salaria told many tales for Sandayo. Sandayo would not outtalked him because of respect. As Salaria cannot surpass him. He cannot match The Tales of Sandayo.

Riding on their monsala they went to the Waters of Piksiipan. They saw house of Gold. Tinayobo greeted them Bolak Sonday asked if there is a Bae in the house and whether she is married.

Tinayobo replied that there is Bae arrived in the room and he feels unequal to serve her chew. Bolak Sonday entered the room and saw Datu Sandayo resting his head on the lap of a bae. She immediately hold Datu Sandayo and pressed him turning him into a ring.

Sandayo’s Farewell

The Women Fight, After Which Bolak Sonday Revives Sandayo.

There appeared a golden buklog with golden posts and glittering floor.

They immediately went to the room of Sandayo. Together they went inside and Bolak Sonday called out Sandayo to wake up.

Sandayo said that the tree he planted, flowering Tikolanga (tree that bears red flowers sacred to the Suban-on [the fire tree or caballero], among the mountain tribes of Luzon [northern], the blooming of fire tree ushers in the mating season---the headhunting period begins), shows his life by the way it grows.

Sandayo woke up and asked for water. Bolak Sonday took a cup of gold and rose towards the side of the sun to collect the sweat of the sun. Datu Sandayo became more handsome as he drank the sun’s sweat The death of Bolak Sonday. The search for her spirit. Sandayo recovers his spirit and revives Bolak Sonday. Then Bolak Sonday goes home. Sometime later, Sandayo leaves him again to arrange the dowry of his cousin Lengotubig and to attend her wedding to Datu Tulogon. Then he and his cousins go back to their respective homes. The Gathering of the Clan Pombanwa said to Bae Bay Salagga that they need a celebration. Lomelok said that they must wait for Sandayo who is in his home in the waters of Liyasa painting his shield for 2 days. Lomelok, Mendepesa, and Datu Daigbolawan In the waters of Manelangan, All of the datus painted their shields. Salaria asked Salaong to prepare ginapog.

When it buds, he is making a shield. When the buds open, he finished his shield. When it withers, he had died on the battlefield. Obo is crying Sandayo told Datu Sampilakan to watch over the waters of Liyasan and guard it. Obo is still crying Tinayobo told Sandayo that if he leaves them now and turn his back on them what will they do and whom shall we ask for help. Sandayo said that when you need my help just recite then sing the Tale of Sandayo. Chant it to your children and sing it to your grandsons for Sandayo will hear and alight on your rooftop (The Suban-on believe that a bird perching on a roof during a night of chanting is the soul of Sandayo) Sandayo will return Sandayo called all of them went up to the buklog and danced The Ascent to Heaven

After dressing up the 3 took and rode their monsala and flew towards the center of the sun. Neared the house of Daugbolawan, Lomelok, Mendepes, and drank for a whole week.

The buklog slowly rose reaching the clouds the buklog fell back and falling down were the Obo and Sampilakan. The buklog fell where it had stood before.

Sandayo then told his father to finish up because his mind is telling him that they hold celebration by Father Pombanwa. Then they all changed clothes and dressed in their finest

Now all the datus And all the baes--- Sandayo and Mendepesa, Datu Pammitonan, Bolak Sonday and Lomelok, Daugbolawan and Benobong, Datu Tulog, Lengotubig. All went towards the ninth heaven.

They all flew on their monsala and met at the center of the sun for a chew and they all flew again in their golden scarves or monsala and went to the Waters of Pinowangan. Salangaka and Pandaya Tape joined then and they all flew to the Waters of Penleseban. They all has chew while sitting on the mats. They drink and drink. Bae Tinayobo cried and told Sandayo that he does not care for them. Sandayo replied that he left for he will return. Tinayobo took betel leaf with shining stem and veins that glistened. She casted on the sapin to stand a buklog (Platform)

They went all to a house of Gold and lived, All these nobles--The Datu Pombanwa, Bae Bay Salangga, Datu Panday Tape, Bae Bay Salangka, The Datu Salaria, The Bae Bay Salaong The Bae Bolak Sonday, Datu Lomelok, Datu Medepesa, Bae Lengotubig, The Datu Tulog, Bae Benobong, Datu Daugbolawan, Datu Pammitonan and the great datu, The handsome datu, Datu Sandayo. No one shall leave for there is no other more fitting home than this eternal world of happiness.

Subanon – People of the River Dream of Bolak Sonday and chuchu bttlenut chew

Betel-nut chew symbolic first move is women. If women likes a guy they offer the betel-nut chew. No one likes his betel – he is single. Presence of the comb – instrument of his birth Comb – signifies putting something back in order, tie our ideas or thoughts. 9 – Represents completion, last single digit number, and highest cardinal number. Culmination of wisdom and knowledge. Highest value signifies beginning and end of something BUKLOG The sound of the buklog while people jumping is to ward off evil spirirts Jobrael Palmot Magbabaya Permit to stay in earth for years for Jobrael’s family. He had a son but not grandchildren....

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