The Teaching Profession Module 3 PDF

Title The Teaching Profession Module 3
Author Romeo Sagun
Course Facilitating Learner Centered-Teaching
Institution Pangasinan State University
Pages 11
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Module 3 Lesson I. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: The Preamble and Article I Learning Activity 1 1. As a group, answer the following questions. - Are teachers who have no license considered professional? Answer: No, because teachers need to undergo examination or the Licensure examination where he/she can possesses professional competent, professional knowledge and adheres to , observes and practices a set of ethical and moral principles, values and standards. - What does technical and professional competence mean? (You may refer to the Lesson on the Teacher as a Professional). Answer: Professional competencies are skills, knowledge and attributes that are specifically valued by the professional associations, organizations and bodies connected to your future career like having degree and passing licensure examination while Technical competencies help differentiate between jobs within a functional area. ... Understanding both the soft skills and technical know-how will help you identify the best hire or the next best successor to a job.

- Are private school teachers required of a license? What about pre-school teachers, vocational teachers, ALS teachers, school heads, Education Supervisors and Schools Division Superintendents? Answer : Yes, because according to the code of ethics for professional teachers, it is stated in preamble that teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence. And it is stated in Article I section 2 that it covers all public and private teachers from primary to secondary including industrial art or vocational teachers and other performing supervisory and administrative functions in all school.

1. By means of a graphic organizer present the various groups that are included in the word “teachers” in the Code of Ethics.

TEACHER | Private and Public | Pre- school



Secondary | Academic | Vocational | Special | Technical | Non- formal

Lesson II: The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: Relationship with the Secondary and Tertiary Stakeholders Learning Activity 1: As a group, answer the following questions. Article II 1. The schools are the “nurseries of the citizens of the state.” What are nurseries for? Why are schools called the nurseries of the citizens of the state?” Answer: This is where the future of citizen are prepared for owning responsibility to take the Nation to it’s greater heights. School education therefore considered the foundation on which the integrated personality of a child is developed from the grass root level. The school will not

only be the place for knowledge, but a place for competitive and globally enhance fruit to accompany and accomplish the waiting challenges in real world. 2.“Each teacher is a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage.” In what ways can teachers do this? Answer: Teachers strong connection to students is essential in entering their lives. The are the ones who will knock the window of the students, therefore, love, sincerity, openness and truthfulness and the ethics of service should float while interacting with them. In that way, students will show of everything and make themselves totally equipped. Wherein cultural differences are being respected and there is no room for discrimination and racism. 3.In what ways can the professional teacher help elevate national morality, promote national pride and cultivate love of country? Answer: Educators influence students' moral development not simply by being good role models— important as that is—but also by what they bring to their relationships with students day to day: their ability to appreciate students' perspectives and to disentangle them from their own, their ability to admit and learn from moral error, their moral energy and idealism, their generosity, and their ability to help students develop moral thinking without shying away from their own moral authority. That level of influence makes being an adult in a school a profound moral challenge. And it means that we will never greatly improve students' moral development in schools without taking on the complex task of developing adults' maturity and ethical capacities. We need to rethink the nature of moral development itself.

4. What steps do employers take to ensure that a teacher is physically, mentally and morally fit? Answer: Satisfactorily, it is therefore a must that teachers are physically, mentally and morally fit for them to carry out and serve best their clienteles. They have to be mentally healthy and emotionally well. Because having a mentally ill teacher is not appropriate in the profession as such that it will just give psychological turmoil to learners, like fear, misbehavior and etc. 5. Cite actions of a professional teacher that violates Section 5, article II. Answer: When a teacher show actions as he himself exercising his right to religious freedom, and he does discrimination in any circumstances against the learner because everyone has the right to his own beliefs with regard to religion, because no one should coerce or enforced any religiosity that will affect academic scores or performance. As what is said in Section 5/Article II of Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers which is tied into Magna Carta. “A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other partisan interest, and shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive any money or service or other valuable material from any person or entity for such purposes”. And any prohibition of these provisions shall contradict the purpose of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers with regards to the religious freedom in the school and as the nation as a whole. 6. How can a professional teacher violate Sec. 6 and Sec. 7 of Article II?

Answer: When in any case of politics or affiliation, teacher engage in the promotion of any political, religious or any partisan interest. And the teacher used his or her power/position to coerce other person to join an organization or to follow political actions. 7. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom. What does academic freedom mean? Is this academic freedom absolute? Answer: The freedom of teachers and students to teach, study and pursue knowledge and research without unreasonable and interference or restriction from law, institutional regulations, or public pressure and it is not absolute but still limited by values and practices that are entirely defensible. What is the professional thing to do? 1. Teacher B has a brother candidate for the mayoralty race in their hometown. The brother’s opponent has very good chances of winning and so teacher B starts secretly campaigning for his brother. Is this Professional? Answer: Absolutely not, because even teachers need to shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and responsibility but a teacher shall not use his or her position or official authority or influence to coerce other person to follow any political course action.

Learning Activity 2: 1. Below are key words which you have to locate in Article III of the Code of Ethics. Find them and identify the section that contains the word/words. Answers: Section 1 - facilitator of learning Section 1 - conducive environment Section 2 - leadership Section 7 - harmonious official relations Section 8 - not use position to proselyte Section 4 - disparaging the community Section 2 - social recognition Section 5 - community informed 2. Prepare a skit to illustrate how a professional teacher should relate with the community. In your skit you may want to present the contrast of teachers’ expected professional behavior. Answer: Story teller( Jun Jun's inner self): It was my math subject way back then. Math is my first subject in the afternoon. But there’s this one time that our barangay is having the town fiesta and sports fest where every school will be participating. Because I’m taking care of my two younger siblings before I go to school, as usual I’m late. I was shookt that no one is inside our classroom. Then I saw one of my classmate I asked him where they’ve been? Then he replied: Paul: We are gathered by the sports coordinator to help for the arrangement of the venue since we are the main highlight. Jun Jun: Uhmm okay, I see. Can I join you going there? Paul: Yes of course you can. But after we arrive at the place, there’s this two teacher arguing. The one is shouting already and I heard this lines coming from them:

Mrs. Arkanparo: Ma’am, why don’t you help us cleaning and arranging our venue instead of sitting there and polishing your nails. Miss Sophektita: Excuse me ma’am? What did you just say? Mrs. Arkanparo: I said if you can help us here instead of doing that stuff Miss Sophektita: What? I don’t like, I just polished my nails. It would be ruin again if I’m going to help you picking the trash here. After hearing that lines, I was dismayed. I’m expecting that they would possess professionalism, that they will become the community developer but it seems like they’re just ruining it.

Learning Activity 3 1. View How to: A teacher’s Guide to Parent Teacher Conferences at YouTube. Do you agree with everything that was shared in the video? If yes, give at least 2. If not, state that or those that you do not agree with and explain why you do not agree? Answer: Yes I agree on what I’ve watched. For example is that: 1.Starting the conversation with telling or sharing positive or something that a teacher really love about the students, and after discussing you can follow some area of concern or what is in need to have improvement then followed again with positive. 2.Have self-evaluation for the students to know themselves for you to easily discuss with the parents and you can also have the notebook for questions to be ready and organize. 2. State 5 DO’s and 5 DON’Ts on how you should relate to parents for the sake of the learners. Make sure your DO’s and DON’Ts are concrete. Answers: Do's

Do share an example of a student's reflection Do give examples of what language you use at school and your expectations. Listen actively.

Do communicate with parents early and often

Do make yourself available for additional contact and meetings

 

Don’ts 1. Don't stray from the topic at hand. ... 2. Don't get Emotional. ...

3. Don't run late. ... 4. Don't have a messy classroom. ... 5. Don't overwhelm the parents with too many at-home tasks.

Lesson III. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: Relationship with the Internal Stakeholders Learning Activity 1 1. How do you want your teacher to be? What are your WISHES for your teacher? Write them down. Answer: I want my teacher to see his/her students gratifying with success because I believe that once the students learned from her ,it’s her accomplishment and when the students achieve their goals in life it’s a big joy for them. I want to see her full of love and less worries, full of happiness, less sadness, caring, and compassionate. Because as what she wants, one of my happiness is to see her floating in the basin of happiness Based on Article VIII, The Teacher and Learners of the Code of Ethics, find out if your wishes are those or not those that you read in Article III. Answer: My answer or wishes is quite similar to article III. 3. Prepare a short play on The Teacher and Learners. The objective of the play is to give concrete instances of teacher-learner professional relationship. Be guided by Article VIIIof the Code of Ethics. Answer: Title: Ma’am, It’s because of you! Luciano :It was a grave and sad day where every student will attend schooling. As usual, I need to hear and hear again the fights of my parents. The money, the mistress, the unsaid work. It really affects me as a student. I’m attending my school without any meal, water is enough. Walking in the aisle like a walking ghost, like a scarecrow and like a tubstatue. My mind is floating everywhere and it seems like 99% of my brain is left with air. I look like a abandoned child in the street. But here I come to the other side of my world Luciano: (As usual late.) Teacher Beth: Discussing about the new lesson and the projects needed to pass before the final examination. Luciano: *entering the room with bowed head while easily stepping across the window. Teacher Beth: Oh iho! Why are you late again? Luciano: Sorry ma’am (possess silent walk with dismayed face) Teacher Beth: * continued discussing. Okay class turn your book to page 65 (While looking at Luciano with saddening face) :*The bell rings, its dismissal

Teacher Beth: Class, let me remind you again about your assignment for tomorrow and your requirements, okay? Teacher Beth: Luciano, please take a while, we’ll talk for a couple of minutes. *Teacher Beth started asking Luciano about his declining performance. She accompanied him all the way while Luciano is crying while telling his story. It seems like teacher Beth felt the pain and problems that Luciano is carrying. She hugged Luciano and she told him that she’s always there ready to accompany him whatever that may be. Luciano: That’s teacher Beth, she get mad at me but she’s always there for me. Because of her, my life have changed, the old problematic Luciano became active and now a successful Lawyer. And that’s because of teacher Beth. And now I’m taking a educational course, because of my teacher I also wanted to touch the hearts of people and opening the minds of children’s like what ma’am Beth did.

Learning Activity 2 1. Compose a rap or a song on how professional teachers should relate to one another to form a genuine teaching community. Make sure the song is based on Article V. Answer: The teacher and teaching strategy, Bolder and fiercer to make unity, His concern is for the children and better community Provider of knowledge and fixer of controversy Designer of powerful learning Ready to understand and sacrifice for everything Doing his responsibility is unending Create ways to eradicate unethical doing For him, success of students is what he is dreaming Teacher and teaching community, the designer of powerful learning Ready to teach at risk anywhere, anything Apply decently and work properly Leave the community harmoniously But his heart is willing to teach and change eagerly.

Learning Activity 3 1. Let’s have a posttest. Do this individually. Answer with a check or an X. Is it unprofessional for a teacher:

× 1.

to complain against transfer of teachers with whom the school head has prejudice?

_x_ 2. to be promoted based only on years of service? _x_ 3. to transact official business through proper channels, no exception? _x__ go on strike with his group to seek redress against injustice? _x_ 5. to file charges against superiors under anonymity to protect himself/herself? _x__ 6.not to support a legitimate policy with which he/she disagrees? _✓ __ 7. to campaign against legitimate policies of the school and administration with which he/she disagrees? 2. Come up with a True-False test on Article VI of the Code of Ethics. Provide an key answer. Answer: Write TRUE with your CRUSH NAME if the statement is correct, and FALSE (strictly capital letters ) if the statement is wrong. 1. A teacher shall make any false accusation or charges against superiors, especially under anonymity. 2. Teachers don’t have the right to seek redress against injustice and discrimination, she/ he should let things possible. 3. Superintendents, administrators and teachers can make jeopardizing the interest and welfare of learners. 4. A teacher has a right to invoke the principle that appointments, promotions, and transfers of teachers are made only on the basis of merit and need in the interest of the service. 5. To complain against transfer of teachers with whom the school head has prejudice is an example of professional act for teachers. Key answer 1. FALSE 2. FALSE

3. FALSE. 5. TRUE, (Crush Name) 4. TRUE, (Crush Name)

Lesson IV. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: His/Her Person, Profession and Business Learning Activity 1 1. Develop an essay of at least 300 words which could convince the youth that teaching is the noblest profession and being so deserves the best preparation and the best candidates. Answer:

Teaching is the noblest among all the professions since all professionals underwent education with a teacher. It’s also a process to prepare the next generation of skilled professionals and workers like politician, engineers, doctors, policemen, priests, educators, legislators and good citizens. Teaching, therefore, is considered as a means for which God uses a teacher as an instrument to touch lives. Teaching not only shows the right path that the students should follow but also prepares the human resource for the further development of the nation. It has the potential to have a great impact in the molding of the next generation. That is why education should be valued by social institutions like government, the church, the family and civil society. It is a process to impart knowledge and information, process of causing change and process to instruct and guide others. Teachers are miracle workers when it comes to trying to get every student to pass a test. Teachers are also a knowledgeable worker, transporting much knowledge while shaping the minds of our youth and thus have a responsibility and image to uphold. In order to maintain structure of professionalism in the educational environment, education systems need to take steps to make sure they handle this task efficiently. Furthermore, you can’t only change others point of view, ones life and shape their minds, also you can change the world where you are standing. You can make it more colorful and wonderful for today and tomorrows generation. As what Aristotle rightly said, “Those who educate the children are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.” So teaching is a profession that provides an art of living. It is not only a duty but a moral duty. It is not a profession but a noble service to the world to create a more beautiful and peaceful world.

Learning Activity 2 1. Answer the following questions: - What is the big challenge for a teacher? Answer: Being a teacher is challenging yet powerful. For me, it will start from the long run of becoming a professional teacher, takes time and lot of ingredients and another big challenge for a teacher is handling students having different perspectives, manner, attitude, belief, religious aspect, culture and backstory. - Are you ready to face the challenge?

Answer: Ready and getting deeper into it. Molding myself first in different manner and aspect. 2. There are more women than men in the teaching profession. Does this indicate that less men are able to face the challenge of the teaching profession? Prepare a short essay for your answer. Answer: People are having different interest and calling. Women are dominant when it comes to teaching profession, and men only few. But it doesn’t mean that men are not capable in facing the challenge of the teaching profession. It is just that, some men mostly prefer manly profession like being police, army and etc. Men only choose where they can be happy, where they can bring up the best in them to bare fruit such as successful ones. On the other hand, there are more women in teaching profession, because women has softer heart when it comes to handling students, their second children. It usually touches their heart deeper that’s why women are dominant in teaching profession. 3. Describe the teacher as a person based on Article XI of the Code of Ethics by way of a cinquain. A cinquain is a five-line poetry composed of: Line 1 – 1 one word Line 2 – 2 adjectives that describe Line 1 Line 3 – 3 actions words that relate to Line 1 Line 4 – 4 words...

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