The Teaching Profession(Modules 1-9) PDF

Title The Teaching Profession(Modules 1-9)
Author Romeo Sagun
Course Facilitating Learner Centered-Teaching
Institution Pangasinan State University
Pages 53
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Download The Teaching Profession(Modules 1-9) PDF


The Teaching Profession Module 1 Learning Activity 1

1.By the use of graphic organizer, present the elements of a profession.

Code of ethics


Professional societies



Initial Competence professional Why does a education profession like teaching require long years of initial professional

Professional Developme nt

education and continuing professional development after that long, arduous initial professional education?

Answer: Teaching profession requires long years od initial professional education and

continuing professional development after long arduous initial professional development in order for the aspiring teachers to acquire an adequate knowledge and skills that they can apply in their teaching profession. Initial professional education is the training ground that would help them to enhance their skills, capabilities and potentials. It also important because it helps to build their confidence and strength needed in the actual teaching. 3. By way of an acrostic, explain the elements of a profession


Possess professionalism/ proper demeanor Responsible in proper implementation of instructional materials, policies and innovations Optimum observant in terms of students academic performance as well as the conducive learning environment Flexible inside and outside the classroom Ethical Constraints Superior listening skills with the sense of touch of belongings for colleagues, parents and students Systematic progression Integrity holder and molder Open minded in accepting the opinions of students and their backstories Noble

4. Here is a line from Bernard Shaw’s play: Man and Superman: “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” Answer: “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach”, implies that there are professionals who seek for success in a certain field. And not everyone are able to do something well for a living, other people who are not able to do something make a living by teaching, after all, the best way to learn something is not to do it but to teach it. You understand it better after you explain it – you remember it better after retrieving and sharing it.

Activity 2

Present the historical development of teacher preparation and professionalization in the Philippines from pre-Hispanic Philippines to 1996 by way of a graphic organizer.

During pre-Hispanic period, there was no established formal schooling in the country. So there was no formal preparation for teachers wherein only mothers, fathers and tribal leaders are the ones who served as the educator in home and community.

Historical Development of Teacher Preparation and Professionalization in the Philippines from pre- Hispanic During Spanish period and by virtue of Philippines to 1996. Educational Decree of 1863, the free public school system was established. School institutions for boys are separated with girls in every municipality. The Spanish missionaries served as teachers during this period.

American soldiers acted or served as first teachers during American regime. The Philippine Commission enacted into law, Act 74 wherein the Department of Public Instructions in 1901, laid the foundations of the public school system and offered free primary education for Filipinos. The first legal document that professionalized teaching was Presidential Decree 1006 issued by the President Ferdinand E. Marcos. It was in 1976 with PD 1006 known as the “Decree Professionalizing Teaching” that teachers in the Philippines became professionalized and the need to professionalize was felt.


1. Read this letter given by a private school principal to his teachers on the first day of a new school year. It may make your humanizing mission in teaching crystal clear. Dear Teacher: I am a survivor of a concentration camp. My eyes saw what no man should witness: - Gas chambers built by learned engineers. - Children poisoned by educated physicians. - Infants killed by trained nurses. - Women and babies shot and burned by high school and college graduates. So I am suspicious of education. My request is: Help your students become human. Your efforts must never produce learned monsters, Skilled psychopaths, and *Eichmanns. Reading, writing, arithmetic are important only if They are to make our children more human. •Explain your mission as a professional teacher by helping children become more human. Answer: As a professional teacher, you are expected to become catalysts for social change where you will be the designer of powerful learning that will train, teach and shapes character, caliber, knowledge, and equipped with fundamental skills of students to cultivate them a human for themselves and for community. 2.Watch “Discovering Your Life’s True Calling – Lou Sabrina Ongkiko at YouTube. Based on the video that you just watched, what is our life’s true calling? How can you apply that in your calling to teach? Answer: Our true calling is “To Love” , because when we love, when we strive to love, our purpose becomes clearer, we are more determined to address our context and lastly we continue to hope and believe because we love, our country included. (Lou Sabrina ongkiko) We should pass what we’ve learned from what is true calling and serve as wings for other’s flight while showing love, because teaching is not only about giving knowledge it is about loving what you are doing, loving whom you are teaching and loving everything that surrounds inside and outside your profession. For the young once will pass it on to succeeding generation. Because being a teacher seems to be like this “ My students success is my success, my great feel of satisfaction”.

Module 2

Lesson I The Demands of Society from the Teacher as a Professional Learning activity 1.

1. Form 7 groups. Each group will be assigned a domain of the PPST to do Powerpoint presentation in class. What are the strands for each domain? Give the competency indicators for each strand for all the career stages. Compare the competencies per career stage. Answer: Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Domain 1 recognizes the importance of teachers' mastery of content knowledge and it’s interconnectedness within and across curriculum areas, coupled with a sound and critical understanding of the application of theories and principles of teaching and learning. This domain encompasses teachers' ability to apply developmentally appropriate and meaningful pedagogy grounded on content knowledge and current knowledge and current research. It takes into account teachers’ proficiency in mother tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning process, as well as needed skills in the use of communication strategies, teaching strategies, and technologies to promote high-quality learning outcomes. Strands Beginning Proficient Highly Distinguished Teachers Teachers Proficient Teachers Teachers Strand 1.1 1.1.1Demonstrate 1.1.2. Apply 1.1.3 Model 1.1.4 Model Content content knowledge knowledge of effective exemplary knowledge and and it’s application content within applications of practice to it’s application within and/or across and across content improve the within across curriculum teaching curriculum knowledge applications of curriculum areas areas. teaching areas within and content across knowledge curriculum within and teaching areas across curriculum teaching areas Strand 1.2 1.2.1 Demonstrate 1.2.2 Use 1.2.3 1.2.4 Lead Research-based an understanding of research-based Collaborate with colleagues in knowledge and research-based in the knowledge and colleagues principles of knowledge and principles conduct advancement of of the teaching and principles of teaching of the and application art and learning teaching and learning to research to science of learning . enrich enhance teaching based knowledge of on professional their content and comprehensive practice pedagogy knowledge of research and pedagogy. Mentor Ensure 1.3.3 promote 1.3.4 1.3.1 Show skills in 1.3.2 Strand 1.3 colleagues in Positive use of the positive use of the positive use effective in the ICT to strategies ICT to facilitate the of ICT the positive use of implementation Teaching and facilitate teaching and ICT to facilitate of policies to learning process

learning process

the teaching and learning process

1.4.3 Evaluate with colleagues the effectiveness of teaching strategies that promote learner achievement in literacy and numeracy. 1.5.3 Develop and apply effective teaching strategies to promote critical and creative thinking, as well as other higherorder thinking skills

Strand 1.4 Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy

1.4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that promote literacy and numeracy skills

1.4.2 Use a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills.

Strand 1.5 Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher order thinking skills

1.5.1 Apply teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking, and/ or other higherorder thinking skills

1.5.2 Apply a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higherorder thinking skills

Strand 1.6 Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English in teaching and learning

1.6.1 Use Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning

1.6.2 Display proficient use of Mother Tongue Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning.


1.7 1.7.1

Demonstrate 1.7.2

1.6.3 Model and support colleagues in the proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to improve teaching and learning , as well as to develop the learners pride of their language, heritage and culture

Use 1.7.3 Display a

ensure the positive use of ICT within or beyond the school 1.4.4 Model a comprehensive selection of effective Teaching strategies that promote learner achievement in literacy and numeracy 1.5.4 Lead colleagues in reviewing, modifying and expanding their range of teaching strategies that promote critical and creative thinking as well as other higherorder order thinking skills. 1.6.4 Show exemplary skills in and advocate the use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning to facilitate the learners language, cognitive and academic development and to foster pride of their language, heritage and culture. 1.7.4 Exhibit

Classroom communication strategies

an understanding of the range of verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies that support learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement

effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement.

wide range of effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement

exemplary practice in the use of effective verbal and non verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement in different learning context.

Explanation: The career stages are different but likely near to each other when it comes to it’s goal, different perspectives are under the umbrella of the different domains. It describes the expectations of the teachers increasing level of knowledge, practice and professional engagement that may contribute for teachers growing understanding of how to serve and handle essential and good learning and teaching situations. It contains specific strategies, ways and tools to put everything on right track in each strand.

2. Add a 5th column to the Table 1 on the Comparison of the Models on Teacher Effectiveness. Review the 7 domains of the PPST and place each domain in the appropriate boxes. Feel free to extend the Table if you feel the need to do so.

Danielson 1. Planning and Preparation

Stronge Instructional Planning Assessment of/for Learning

2. Instruction

Professional Knowledge

McREL Teachers facilitate learning for their students. Teachers know the content they teach Teachers know the content they teach

Marzano Planning and Preparing

PPST Curriculum and planning

Classroom strategies and

Content Knowledge and

Instructional Delivery 3. The Classroom Environment

4. Professional Responsibilitie s

Communication The Learning Environment

Teachers facilitate learning for their students

Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students Professionalism Teachers demonstrate leadership



Teachers facilitate learning for their students.

Learning Environment

Collegiality Assessment and Professional and Reporting ism Teachers reflect on their practices

3. An LPT pin is worn by a Licensed Professional Teacher (LPT) and the letters LPT are attached to the name of every professional teacher in the Philippines in the same way that M.D., Doctor of Medicine, is attached to the name of a medical doctor, R.N. for a Registered Nurse and CPA for a Certified Public Accountant. When you wear that pin and write LPT after your name, you are announcing to the world you are a professional teacher. Professional teacher, what does this mean? Answer: Romeo Jr. S. Sagun, LPT. Professional teacher means that I went through long years of preparation to earn a education degree recognized by the Commission on Higher Education after I hurdle the LET. And ready to take off in abiding the code of ethics,, possess dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and vocational competence and adheres to observes and practices good morals, values standard, principle and other set of ethics. 4. For the millennial learners: Is the professional teacher aptly described as PETMALU LODI and WERPA? Explain your answer. Answer: Yes, because professional teacher is someone who possesses high standard principle, well mannered, trained and fully equipped in touching the heart and mind of the students in a long term process which can make them a true human for true society. PETMALU which means malupet and LODI and WERPA means idol and power because teachers are said to be IDOL with power, especially in terms of changing someone, touching and handling different set of characteristics and lead them on right road and a superb one.

5. There are six (6) teachers’ obligations enumerated in Section 16 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 known as the Education Act of 1982 Are these teachers’ obligations exactly the same as the seven domains of the PPST? SHARE your answer.

Answer: It is somewhat different but somehow related because the PPST defines teacher quality in the Philippines. It contains the qualities or characteristics a teacher in the Philippines should possess to become effective in the 21st century in the Philippines and this qualities and characteristics can be use by the teacher in order to attain and ensure the obligations she/he needs to have/do. And it both adhere to promote the locality, the love for native like having the mother tongue as on of subjects which will surely help to enrich everyone to love what and where they came from.

Learning Activity 2 1.With the qualities of a professional in mind, cite some Filipino traits that work against the making of a true Filipino professional teacher. Answer: Procrastination, Bahala na Habit, Ningas Cogon, Crab Mentality and Filipino time. 2. Realizing society’s demands from teachers, do you agree with at least four-year academic preparation of professional teachers? Do you agree with the components of that academic preparation – general education, professional education and specialization? Answer: Yes because it will surely help a aspiring professional teacher to mold and enhance everything that is need to become professional. It will serve as way of acquiring adequate skills and knowledge and to become well prepared in opening the doors for teaching. This would probably prepare them to face the challenges wholeheartedly and bring the best out of them especially in possessing their chosen profession. 3. Develop an evaluation tool for teacher teaching performance based on the four (4) frameworks of good teaching and those of the PPST. Answer: ‘STEVO MODEL”, STEVO model or Standardized Teacher Evaluation and Value added observation model, focuses more on; 1.opinions of students or feedback how teacher acts and possesses teaching with good character and value. 2.the teaching strategies and teaching materials implemented during class discussions, how effective the said strategies and materials provided by the teacher is. teachers evaluate students base on their ability, skills and knowledge in adapting intelligence 4.Supervisors and administrators observing teacher while teaching and giving some ratings. Name of Teacher:. _______________ Designated Subject:_______________ Evaluator:________________ Rating:________________




Approaching Proficient






Implementation of instructional materials with proper directions and ask feedbacks from students. The ability to encourage the students to love learning, enhance their ability skills and knowledge and how the teacher evaluate his/her students Promotion of positive interaction with colleagues, students and parents Initiative in participating school activities /school initiatives Usage of technology, the presentation of lessons and well as discussion

4. It is a professional obligation of Filipino teachers to contribute to the formation of “Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.” (DepEd Vision). It is also a professional obligation of teachers to help DepEd in its mission given below: DepEd Mission: “To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based and complete basic education” where: - Students learn in a child-friendly, gender sensitive, safe and motivating environment - Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.

If the future teacher is prepared in accordance with the 4 models of teacher effectiveness and in accordance with the domains of the PPST, will he/she able to cope with the demands of DepEd’s vision and mission statements? Answer: Definitely yes, because 4 models of teacher effectiveness with the domains of the PPST, contains the required quality or characteristics that an effective 21 st century teacher must possess, and I can assure that it is a big help to prepare the teacher to become stronger and catalysts of various changes in education, community and country. To give the best quality and equitable facilitation and nurturing the learners. 5. Study the basic education curricular reforms in the Philippines. Research on how teachers were prepared for these various basic education reforms. Answer: Teachers underwent several training, seminars and even workshops on how are they going to implement new rules, new teaching strategies and new way of teaching or distinctive attribute way of teaching. Reflection At this point in time, reflect in how you can acquire these professional standards Answer: “If I want something I should always aim for excellence and love for my calling”. Acquiring professional standards takes time, takes patience and all I need to do is focus on what I need and what should I learn and possess. And avoiding pro...

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