The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Simplified Version) PDF

Title The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Simplified Version)
Course Human Rights, Peace and Development
Institution Western Sydney University
Pages 3
File Size 90.8 KB
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Simplified version of the declaration of human rights...


A Simplified Version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) 1. All human beings are born free and equal. We are all the same in dignity and rights and have the same rights as anyone else. This is because we are all born with the ability to think and to know right from wrong, and so we should act toward others in a spirit of friendliness. 2. Everyone should have the same rights and freedoms, no matter what race, sex, or colour he or she may be. It shouldn’t matter where we were born, what language we speak or what religion or political opinions we have, or whether we are rich or poor. 3. Everyone has the right to live, to be free and to feel safe. 4. The buying and selling of people is wrong and slavery should be prevented at all times. 5. No one should be put through torture, or any other treatment or punishment that is cruel or makes the person feel less than human. 6. Everyone has the right to be accepted everywhere as a person, according to law. 7. You are entitled to be treated equally by the law, and to have equal protection of the laws. 8. If your rights under the law are violated, you have the right to seek legal help. 9. You should not be arrested, held in jail or thrown out of your own country for no good reason. 10. In case you have to go to court, you the right to a fair and public hearing. 11. If you are blamed for a crime, you should be thought of as innocent until you have been proven guilty. You shouldn’t be punished for something you did which was not illegal when it happened. 12. No one should butt in to your privacy, family, home or mail, or attack your honesty and self-respect for no good reason. 13. Within any country you have the right to go and live where you want. You have the right to leave any country, including your own, and return to when you want.

14. You have the right to seek asylum in another country if you are being persecuted in your own country. 15. Everyone has the right to a nationality. 16. All adults have the right to marriage and to raise a family. Both have to agree to marriage and both have equal rights in getting married, during marriage, and if and when they decide to end it. 17. Everyone has the right to own property. 18. Everyone has the right to belong to a religion. You may believe what you want to believe, have ideas about right and wrong, and you may change your religion if you want to without interference. 19. You have the right to free thought and to voice your opinions to others. 20. You have the right to gather peacefully with people, and to be with anyone you want, but on one can force you to join or belong to any group. 21. You have the right to help choose and to take part in governing your country, either directly or by electing a representative. 22. You have the right to have your basic needs met so you can live with pride and become the person you want to be; and are therefore entitled to economic, social and cultural help from your government. 23. Every adult has the right to work, choose your job, join a union, have safe working conditions, have a fair wage, and be protected against not having work. 24. You have the right to leisure and rest from work. This includes limiting the number of hours required to work and allowing for a holiday with pay once in a while. 25. You have the right to an adequate standard of living. This includes having food, clothes, a home and adequate medical care. You have the right to get help if you are unable to work, are sick, are old, or if in any other way you can’t work through no fault of your own. 26. You have the right to an education. At a minimum, primary education should be free and required for all.

27. You have the right to participate in and/or enjoy the arts and sciences and share in the advantages that come from new discoveries in the sciences. If you have written, made or discovered something, you should get credit for it and get earnings from it. 28. You have the right to a world where rights and freedoms are respected and made to happen. 29. You have a responsibility to respect the rights of others. To enjoy freedom, we need laws and limited that respect everyone’s rights, meet our sense of right and wrong, keep peace in the world, and support the United Nations. 30. No one can take away any of your rights....

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