The women of Troy Quotes, and analysis PDF

Title The women of Troy Quotes, and analysis
Author Flyn Graham
Course english
Institution Trinity Grammar School
Pages 4
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Quotes for the women of Troy that contain light analysis as well for the comparative. Contains about 30 quotes from varying characters and themes....


The Women of Troy Quotes / Light Analysis. Character/example Quotes Poseidon


"So I've always had a particular love Poseidon helped build Troy from the for this city of the Phrygians." ground up and therefore cared deeply for it. To have it destroyed by people who also hold the same beliefs as the Trojans shows a cruel "There is no longer anything worth a irony. God's consideration." Demonstrates how fickle and selfish the gods are. As the temples and people have been destroyed the gods no longer care for anything to "Greek War machine" do with Troy. "Are you so casual of whom you love or hate?"

Portrays the Greeks as a brutally efficient killing machine, remorseless and merciless, doesn't really matter Poseidon said it just a good description. Poseidon demonstrates a bit of awareness showing that Athena, a fellow god is coming off as selfish and shallow. He questions how small a God's loyalty is an whether they truly are as amazing as people say.


"May our old antagonism be forgotten"

Again showing the fickleness of the Gods and how quickly they are to swap sides. Because her temple was desecrated she no longer cares for the Greeks and instead wants to make their journey home a horrible and destructive venture.


"Troy's kings and Queens rule nothing now"

As their home has been destroyed and their people slaughtered, the rulers of Troy have nothing left to live for as they've no one left to lead. Furthermore, this quote exemplifies the loss in terms of infrastructure and the like demonstrating how brutal the Greeks are and the level of pointless destruction.

"Some agonies are beyond telling"

"Throned in the dust"

"Dragged as a slave"

Hecuba illustrates the toll the loss of her city has had. The description of the pain her people are feeling shows how hopeless and powerless the Trojan women feel. It also shows just how much they've lost. The description "beyond telling" demonstrates how there is nothing comparable to losing what these women have lost. Think about

The Women of Troy Quotes / Light Analysis. character arc. "All hope plundered"

"Troy is burning"

"Oh, you Gods"

"I belong in the deepest pit of misery" "Betrayers!" "All that has happened to me… because of one woman and her love affair"

"The lucky ones are dead" "To be dead is to be nothing"

"Vindictive Gods"

Hecuba, once a great and powerful queen, is now sitting in the dust amongst the wreckage of her old kingdom. Her fall from grace is severe and the destruction of her class reflects the destruction of her city. Hecuba, again a powerful woman, is now being treated as a possession, something to be bought and traded, gone are her royal duties, now all she will do is serve to others. There is nothing left to hope for initially, the women have no reason to go on or expect that things will get better. A once great city lies in ruins, reflective of the people that use to inhabit it, thus illustrating that once one loses what's important to them, they are destroyed. Hecuba illustrates how in trying times a lack of faith, even in one's own religion, is likely, Euripides thus illustrates that there is very little to call upon for hope in such horrible times. Hecuba demonstrates how she is struggling to find hope in this trying time, showing that everyone has a breaking point. In reference to the Gods, Hecuba illustrates how poor a choice it is to place your trust in one who is selfish and fickle. Hecuba shows how pointless and needless the pain and suffering that has been caused truly is. She reflects that small problems shouldn't have massive reprocussions. Hecuba illustrates that fate is unkind, and sometimes it is better to not have to suffer than it is to go through something horrible. Hecuba contradicts herself and

The Women of Troy Quotes / Light Analysis. describes that a person needs to live to be. To be dead is to be nonexistent, and even a life as a slave is better than no life at all. Gods are selfish and can't be trusted, not there to help you but instead satisfy their own needs. The Chorus

"I'm shaking with terror"

"Gods curse such a night"

"for the Trojans, destruction"

The Chorus are terrified of their future and what it holds. Their Greek captors have shown no mercy and seem to simply want them dead or to use their bodies. Euripides thus shows how cruel men are in war. The chorus demonstrate how in some extreme situations, people will call upon the Gods to help one with a problem of their creating, thus illustrating that sometimes, in extreme circumstances, instead of acting on one's own behalf, people expect the Gods to help them. The chorus illustrates how it may have been fated that Troy would be destroyed and there is nothing they could have done to prevent it, furthermore, they describe what has happened to their city, and how far it has fallen.


"Agamemnon made a special note of her"

"There is no way to say such an indecent thing"

Agamemnon show again what is wrong with a leader's greed. By taking Cassandra to be his bed slave, he illustrates how a rulers greed is a toxic thing that can make one think unclearly and ignore the inevitable repercussions. Euripides thus illustrates that when one is given to much power they will abuse it and ignore social boundaries.

"Believe me, we are capable of dealing with a single woman"

In reference to Astyanax's execution, Talthybias shows some humanity, indicating Euripides belief that not every enemy is truly a monster.

"Take him, someone tough" (Talthybias asking for someone to kill Astyanax"

Talthybias demonstrates that there are no true friends in war, the brutality and merciless manner in which he conducts himself is both cruel and unfair. Shows that even if they don't have a conscious, enemies can have a moral compass. Talthybias

The Women of Troy Quotes / Light Analysis. demonstrates he believes that what they aredoing is cruel and wrong but is too weak to fight it. Cassandra

Cassandra demonstrates the belief "The really shameful thing is to die dishonorable, ignobly, without pride" that the truly worse thing a person can do is to die without doing what's right, whether that is fighting for one's country or something else entirely "Any sensible man must hate war" Cassandra illustrates the pointlessness and stupidity of war, especially the Trojan war, which was fought over one woman.


"Wheeled in atop a pile of loot"

The Trojan women are being treated the same as inanimate objects before their fall to slavery.

"We are loot, my son and I" Same as above "To die is better than a life of agony" "To dangerous to live" (in reference Astyanax's death)

[You have dreamed up such cruelties even barbarians would flinch at [them]"

Andromache illustrates that a painful and bleak life is not worth living. Demonstrates how backwards and cruel the Greeks are, through no fault of his own he is to be killed simply for his blood. It is further pointless as there is no way a single child can rise an entire city from the ashes to crush Greece, and again highlights how un-sophrosyne the Greeks truly are. Again illustrates how backwards and stupid the Greeks are.


"Yes, I am the man, Menelaus"

Demonstrates he's a bit of a knob and kings/Gods/Rulers are selfish people. Referring to himself in third person, egocentric.


"When he failed to strangle his brat at birth"

Helen illustrates her belief that she is not at fault for the destruction of Troy but it is instead Priam. Shows how easy it is to blame your problems on others and use fate as a scapegoat....

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