This Interactive Learning Activity will help you to build on your ability to communicate effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people PDF

Title This Interactive Learning Activity will help you to build on your ability to communicate effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Course Communication Skills for Nurses and Midwives
Institution Edith Cowan University
Pages 3
File Size 141.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 10
Total Views 126


Communicate effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.docx...


This Interactve Learning Actvity will help you to build on your ability to communicate effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Fill this worksheet in as you listen to the lecture to help keep you on track and also to help you learn as you listen. Remember you can always pause the PP or rewind to a previous slide if you need to. It will be a good basis for your exam preparaton. Within Western Australia what term has been adopted when referring to the original inhabitants of Australia?


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (ASTI)

Briefly outline why the historical background of Western culture’s arrival in Australia is important to culturally sensitve communicaton with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.


It is important as it highlights the importance of heritage and values that ASTI’s have and the ways that we as healthcare workers can support them in culturally appropriate and culturally sensitive ways.

3. List and summarize the five elements of reconciliaton as outlined by Reconciliaton Australia. -

Race relations – all Australians understand and value ASTI’s culture, rights, and experiences as well as those of non-ASTI. Equality and equity – ASTI peoples partcipate equally in a range of life opportunites Institutional integrity – actve support of reconciliaton by the natons politcal, business and community structures Historical acceptance – all Australian understand and accept the wrongs of the past and the impact of these wrongs. Unity

4. What aspects/ organizing ideas did Reconciliaton Australia use to guide their educaton plan? They set to close the gap by using three interconnected aspects - Country/place - Culture - People

5. List 5 strategies for increasing cultural safety and culturally effective interactons in your nursing communication with patents who are Aboriginal. -

Reflecting on one’s own culture, attitudes and beliefs about "others" Clear, value, free, open and respectful communication Developing trust Recognising and avoiding stereotypical barriers Being prepared to engage with others in a two-way dialogue where knowledge is shared

6. The factors listed below need to be considered when developing culturally safe health care with Indigenous persons. Explain the implication for each. Feature Eye contact


Direct Questioning

Story Telling

Notion of family

Concept of spirituality

Kinship obligations

Diferences in life

Reactions to health care Language

Diferent attitude to illness


Communicating with Indigenous Persons – worksheet

7. List and explain where necessary 5 ways that you can modify your communication to be culturally congruent within the Aboriginal context.     

Avoid assumptions Open communication Ask questions Observe and validate non-verbal cues Expect and incorporate silences...

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