Serial Podcast - This is for helping with your academic learning, and to expand your writing PDF

Title Serial Podcast - This is for helping with your academic learning, and to expand your writing
Author Sam Norman
Course Engl. Lit. of Romantic Per. 1
Institution Laurentian University
Pages 1
File Size 66.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 35
Total Views 144


This is for helping with your academic learning, and to expand your writing...


Questions for “Serial” the podcast 1. The first episode begins with information about the podcast's sponsor. Like many types of media, podcast creators make money by selling advertising space. Podcast creators have to think carefully about who they sell advertising space—or in this case, time—to because it can affect the way the listener responds to the rest of the text. Who were the sponsors mentioned at the beginning of the podcast and what are they selling? (You may have to do a bit of research in order to find out who the sponsors are and what they do) What predictions can you make about the nature of the podcast based on the advertisers? The sponsor they mention that the beginning of the podcast was Audible. Based on the advertiser, I had assumed the podcast would be about something History or English Literature related. It could be argued that this audiobook is truly about history, but the

idea of an audiobook seems unlikely to figure out the true murderer of the girl. 2. The episode opens with a recording and music. Describe the recording and the music. Each episode opens with this recording and music. What kind of tone do they set for the podcast? In addition to creating atmosphere, what purpose does the music serve?

A cheerful theme is set when the opening music begins. I believe this is to put people in a more neutral and happy state in order to really get your full attention to the story and to really comprehend what’s really happening with a clear mind. 3. Describe the narrator's style of talking. Is she very formal or informal? Provide an example to support your answer. How does her tone affect the way you respond to the content?

I’d say the way she talked made her sound relatable and she sounded like she knew what she was taking about. She used detail and made sure that she understood the topic. 4. The narrator, Sarah Koenig, is not the only person you hear speak in the podcast. When does she include other voices and why do you think she might do this? What affect does it have on the narrative and listener's responses to hear more than one voice?

We hear other people when she is interviewing someone or talking to someone else. I noticed she said "this and this person says so and so" mostly the persons is talking about themselves. I think she does this so we can be more engaged into the story. 5. At the center of this podcast is the question of Adnan Syed's guilt. Does Sarah Koenig reveal any bias for or against Syed in this episode? How can you tell? I think the narrator tries her best not to be bias constantly mentioning both sides of the story. But the end of the day when we can only hear her voice she does more of a bias towards Adnan’s innocence 6. Based on this episode alone, if you had to rule on Syed's guilt or innocence, what would your conclusion be? On what would you base this conclusion? I would say that he is innocent because he didn't seem guilty, and they didn't find any evidence to pin this on him to say he is guilty. 7. How is this medium (the podcast) like other forms of media you've experienced before (e.g., television, movies, blogs, books)? How is it different? This is different from the other forms of media that I have experienced because unlike televisions and movies there is no visual, we cant see anyone or anything, and referring to blogs and books where the paint the visual by words, there wasn't any of that in the podcast. There is only audio where there was more then one speaker keeping us wanting more the hole way through....

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