Tissues Review Guide-Filled out PDF

Title Tissues Review Guide-Filled out
Author Amy Llusco
Course Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 8
File Size 56.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Dr. Kojich...


1. List the four tissues of the human body. a. Epithileal b. Muscle c. Nervous d. Connective 2. List the functions of epithelial tissue. a. Provide physical protection b. Control permeability c. Provide sensation d. Produce specialized secretions 3. List AND describe the characteristics of epithelial tissue. a. Cells fit closely together b. Polarity c. Attatchement of the lower surface which is bound by a structure called the basement layer d. Avascularity e. Regenerates if well nourished 4. What exactly is polarity? Make sure to discuss the difference between apical and basolateral surfaces. a. Organelles not evenly distributed 5. What two specialized structures increase a cell’s surface area? Give examples of where in the human body you might find cells containing these structures. a. Cilia and microvilli 6. Sketch AND label the regions of the basal lamina. a. Lamina lucida i. Thin layer, secreted by epithelia, barrier to proteins b. Limina densa i. Thick fibers, produced by connective tissue, strength and filtration 7. Draw AND label the major types intercellular junctions. You may want to use your book to make sure you are thorough. Then, provide example of where you might find these junctions and more importantly WHY you would ffind ind them there. a. Tight junctions i. Btwn 2 membranes ii. Prevents passage of water and solutes iii. CAMs(cell adhesion molecules) – transmembrane proteins iv. Intercellular cement- proteoglycans b. Gap Junctions i. Allow rapid communications ii. Held together by channel proteins (Junctional proteins, connexons iii. Allow ions to pass 1. Coordinated contractions in heart muscle- beating cell vid c. Desmosomes i. Ties cells together ii. Allow bending and twisting 8. What region of epithelial tissue would you find regenerative cells? Why? a. Division of germinative cells (stem) b. Near basal lamina 9. What are the two major ways that epithelial tissue is classified? a. Simple v. Stratified b. Squamous v. Cuboidal v. Columnar 10. Draw AL ALL L of the types of epithelia discussed in class. a.

11. Provide examples of where in the human body you would find each of the different types of epithelia discussed in class. Make sure to include how th their eir structure relates to their fu function. nction. For example, pseudostatified ciliated columnar epithelium would be found lining the trachea in order to clear debris from the upper airway. a. Simple Squamous i. Forms membranes ii. Lines body cavities 1. Lines lung, heart, blood vessels, and cappilaries a. Gas exchange, thin, able to pass things through easily b. Simple cuboidal i. Common in glands and their ducts ii. Forms walls of kidney tubules iii. Covers the ovaries 1. secretion c. Simple columnar i. Goblet cells which produce mucus ii. Lines digestive tract d. Pseudostratified i. Sometimes ciliated (respiratory tract) ii. Absorbtion or secretion e. Metaplasia i. Changing of one differentiated cell type to another f. Stratified squamous 1. Any place there is passage of something. ii. Skin, mouth, esophagus, anus, vagina g. Stratified Cuboidal i. Rarre ii. Mammary glands, and sweat glands h. Stratified Columnar i. Salivary gland duct 1. protection 12. Compare and contrast endocrine and exocrine glands. a. Endocrine i. Ductless ii. Secretions are hormones iii. Released into interstitial fluid-> bloodstream b. Exocrine gland i. Empty through ducts to the epithelial surface through ducts ii. Include sweat tears and oil glands 13. Compare and contrast apocrine, merocrine, and holocrine glands. a. Apocrine i. Secrete products by shedding cytoplasm 1. Mammary glands ii. Merocrine glands 1. Secrete products by exocytosis in vesicles a. Pancrease, most sweat glands and alivary glands iii. Holocrine glands 1. Not made in golgi apparatus a. Fill up and rupture and die b. Oil glands 14. List AND describe the major functions of connective tissue? a. Binding of organs b. Support



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c. Movement d. Physical protection e. Immune defense f. Energy storage g. Mineral storage h. Heat production i. transport What are some of the general characteristics of connective tissue? a. Variations in blood supply i. Tissues well, some are bad b. Extracellular matrix i. Non-living material that surround living cells ii. Majority of cell volume What is the function of the extracellular matrix? a. Ground substance i. Mostly water with adhesion proteins and polysaccharide molecules ii. Fibers 1. Produced by the cells a. Collagen b. Elastic c. Reticular List and describe the two main components of the extracellular matrix. a. Identify which type of fiber of the extracellular matrix: a. Is the most common fiber a. Collagen i. Long straight unbranched ii. Strong and flexible iii. Resists force in one direction b. Returns to its original length after being stretched a. Elastic fibers i. Contains elastin ii. Branched and wavy 1. Elastic ligaments c. Resists force in many directions a. Reticular Fibers i. Network of interwoven fibers ii. Strong and flexible iii. Stabilizes functional cells and structures 1. Sheaths around organs d. Forms sheaths around organs a. Reticular fibers e. Resists force in one direction a. Collagen f. Is branched and wavy a. Elastic g. Is referred to as a network of interwoven fibers a. Elastic h. Is long, straight and unbranched a. Collagen i. Contains elastin a. Elastic Discuss the pathophysiology of scurvy.

a. Lack of vitamin c or collagen fibers 20. What is another name for bone tissue? a. 21. What exactly are lacunae? a. 22. Which type of fibers does bone contain large amounts of? a. collagen 23. _?_ is the major ion found in osseous tissue. a. salt 24. List AND give the characteristics of the three types of cartilage. a. Hyaline b. Elastic c. Fibrous 25. Provide several examples of where in the human body you would find each of the three types of cartilage. Make sure you includ include e WHY you would find tthem hem there. a. Hyaline i. Trachea and larynx ii. Cushions joints (covers the end of bone) b. Elastic i. External ear, wall of arteries, and bronchi, epiglottis, Eustachian tube. c. Fibrocartilage i. Cushion like discs 1. Vertebrae, pubic symphysis and knee joint 2. Type 1 collagen 26. Compare and contrast the location, structure, and most importantly funct function ion of dense regular, dense irregular, and elastic connective tissue. a. Dense regular connective tissue i. Tendons, most ligaments ii. Primarily parallel collagen giers; a few elastic fibers iii. Major cells type is fibroblast b. Dense irregular connective tissue i. Primarily irregularly arranged collagen givers; some elastic fibers, major cell type is fibroblast ii. Able to withstand tension exerted in many directions, and structural strength iii. Dermis of the skin, submucosa of digestive tract, and fibrous capsules of organs and of joints. c. Dense elastic connective tissue i. High proportion of elastic fibers ii. Allows recoil of tissue following stretching iii. Aorta 27 27.. _?_ attach muscle to bone. a. Dense connective tissue Regular 28. _?_ attach bone to bone. a. Dense connective tissue Regular 29. Provide some characteristics of areolar connective tissue. How does the structure of this type of connective tissue relate to its function? a. Areolar loose connective tissue i. Least specialized ii. Most widely distributed connective tissue iii. Soft pliable tissue iv. Contains all fiber types v. Can soak up excess fluid vi. Holds blood vessels and capillary beds

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1. Subcutaneous layer(under the skin) –shots given in this area b. 8 cell types of areolar connective tissue i. Fibroblast 1. Most abundant, in all connective tissue 2. Secret proteins and hyaluronan (cellular cement) ii. Macrophages 1. Large amoeba like cells of the immune system 2. Eat pathogens and damaged cells 3. Fixed a. Stays in tissue 4. Free a. Travel iii. Adipocytes 1. Fat cells a. Stores a single large fat droplet iv. Mesenchymal Cells 1. Stem cells that respond to injury or infection 2. Differentiate into fibroblast macrophages v. Melanocytes 1. Synthesize and store the brown pigment melanin vi. Mast cells 1. Stimulate inflammation after injury or infection a. Release histamine and heparin 2. Basophils are mast cells carried by blood vii. Lymphocytes 1. Immune cells in lymphatic system 2. Plasma cells which produce antibodies viii. Neutrophils 1. Respond during acute inflammation (bacteria), cancer environmental stimulus 2. Respond to signals from macrophages and mast cells a. Neutrophils and eosinophils Why is the subcutaneous tissue a good place to give a shot? a. Label the major components of areolar connective tissue on a diagram. a. Construct flashcards containing information about the eight cell types of areolar connective tissue. a. What is another name for fat? a. adipocytes What is another name for tissue containing large amounts of fat? a. Adipose tissue What is another name for cells containing fat? a. Adipose cells What are the functions of adipose tissue? a. Insulates body b. Protects some organs c. Serves as site for fuel storage Compare and contrast the functions of brown and white fat. a. White i. Stores fat ii. Absorbs shocks



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iii. Slows heat loss b. Brown i. More vascularized ii. Adipocytes have many mitochondria iii. Breaks down fat iv. Produces heat Give the major function of reticular tissue. a. Delicate networks of intervwoven fibers b. Forms stroma(internal supporting network) of lymphoid organs Specifically, where in the human body would you expect to find reticular tissue? a. Lymph nodes b. Spleen c. Liver d. Bone marrow The organs where you might find reticular tissue are often referred to as _?_ organs. a. Lymphoid organs What is the major fluid connective tissue? a. List AND describe the characteristics of blood. a. Blood cells surrounded by fluid matrix i. Fibers are visible during clotting ii. Functions as the transport vehicle for materials Be able to answer the following questions about membranes in the human body: a. Precisely where would you find mucus membranes? Wh Why? y? a. Line body cavities open to the exterior respiratory and digestive tract b. Urinary and reproductive tracts c. Epithelial surfaces must be moist i. Reduce friction ii. Facilitate absorption and excretion b. Precisely, where would you expect to find: i. Visceral pleura? a. Directly touching outside of lung Parietal pleura? ii. a. Outside of cavity around lung iii. Visceral peritoneum a. Touching digestive tract iv. Parietal peritoneum a. Outside of digestive tract cavity c. What is the major function of serosae? What type of problems could arise with any of these serosal layers? a. In a closed ventral body b. Line avities not open to the outside c. Thin but strong d. Secretes serous fluid to reduce friction d. What is a potential space in terms of serosae? a. e. If you are still a little confused on the arrangement of the serosa, draw AN AND D label a picture!  a. f. What are the functions of synovial membranes? a. Line articulating (moving) joint cavities b. Synovial fluid c. Ends of bones

d. Lack a true epithelium g. What are the functions of cutaneous membranes? a. Skin, surface of the body b. Thick waterproof and dry 44. Compare and contrast the three types of muscle tissue making sure to include the following in your comparison: a. Does it have one nucleus or is it multinucleated? i. Skeletal 1. Multi ii. Cardiac 1. One iii. Smooth 1. One b. What is the location of nucleus (central vs. peripheral)? i. Skeletal 1. Peripheral ii. Cardiac 1. Center iii. Smooth 1. central c. Striated or non-striated? i. Skeletal 1. Striated ii. Cardiac 1. Striated iii. Smooth 1. Non striated d. Voluntary or involuntary? i. Skeletal 1. Voluntary ii. Cardiac 1. Involuntary iii. Smooth 1. involuntary e. Can it divide? i. Skeletal 1. No ii. Cardaic 1. No iii. Smooth 1. yes f. Intercalated discs? i. Skeletal 1. No ii. Cardiac 1. Yes iii. Smooth 1. no g. Major function? i. h. Where in the human body is it found? i. Skeletal 1. Bones

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ii. Cardia 1. Heart iii. Smooth 1. Surrounds organs Define neurotransmitter. a. Ionsfrom one part of the body to another to cause a reaction In which direction does an axon carry an electrical impulse? a. In which direction does a dendrite carry an electrical impulse? a. Compare and contrast a nerve cell (neuron) with neuroglia. a. Nerve cell b. neruogila...

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